ITT unpopular game opinions
>I liked FFXIII
>I loved Halo 4
>Banjo-Kazooie can fuck right off
ITT unpopular game opinions
gtfo commie
Celeste is unironically a great realtime puzzle game.
I like Smash Bros Melee more than the newer smash bros games
Halo 4 was a good game just not a good halo game. Don’t listen to the contrarian autists on this board
Square Enix is only capable of making good games on Nintendo consoles, because graphical limitations prevents them from making movie games & actually forces them to put effort into the story, gameplay & characters. This is why TWEWY was incredible & every other SE game since the merger has been complete shit
Smash Bros is a party game
Here's a popular opinion: commies are subhuman
>I liked FFXIII
So did I user.
I don't understand the hate it gets
If Ashe was the protagonist, FF12 would have been the best game in the series
Based centristposter
This, it's like Metroid Fusion to me, I didn't like it as much as the first three games but I still liked it, same with Halo 5.
The combat was actually pretty good if you didn't play on auto. The paradigm system was an actual joy.
I enjoyed SM and USUM but will be skipping SnS.
Same, I'm officially burned out on Pokemon. X/Y was the last mainline title I actually enjoyed.
I wouldn't say planning on skipping SnS is an unpopular opinion.
Communist is above green you fucking retard.
Yeah, desu I didn't ever really hate Pokemon games, even the ones that got a lot of flak in the past like the 3DS gens, but I'm just throwing in the towel for SnS, I can't be fucked to bother with it now that they removed my only incentive to spend time on it over other similar games that are higher quality.
Fair enough
Persona 5 was garbage & i have no hope in the franchise getting better
Final Fantasy should have ended after FFX
Majora's Mask is the most overrated Nintendo game ever
Bioware is the only company that has ever made a good WRPG
Any PC game from the 90s besides Point/Clicks are completely outdated garbage
>green square
go back
Idk age of mythology was bretty good
Minecraft is the biggest form of cancer in vidya history.
>2 game modes for $20: MS Paint with cubes and Alpha- version of Terraria with a Z axis
>multiplayer where every server is the exact same hunger games, bedwars, build it, etc.
>eye sore graphics, i know the blocky style is essential, but fuck at least make the textures higher resolution than Atari
>mods that require 5 master's degrees in Java to install
>autistic community ranging from 10 year old screaming little kids to zoomer redditfags claiming its the best thing ever, to shitty parodies of already terrible pop songs (heuhe, creeeper, AWWWW MAN XDXDXD)
>it being the best selling game of all time means other games with soul fail
>better sandbox games like gmod exist for cheaper
very based
I liked FF15, FF13, and Banjo Kazooe Nuts & Bolts.
smash fans are worse than bronies
toby fox is not a good composer
there was never a good halo; you are just 25 years old
the political compass is run by retards
>mods that require 5 master's degrees in Java to install
please tell me youre joking
Kh3 easily will be the best in the series after dlc
biggest retard in the thread
most boring and tasteless user in the thread
>christcucks and women who get abortions should be killed on sight
>hah, would you look at that, ebin centrist again!
sounds like revolutionary leftism
Being a reactionary schizophrenic crank isn't centrism, horsehoe theory, etc.
the directory was centrist