Do we actually have any games with good spear fighting mechanics?

Do we actually have any games with good spear fighting mechanics?

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Why do degenerates love spears so much? Ever since Oblivion the autistic fan base for that weapon has grown exponentially

>swordfag seethes
have sex

I do. On top. Of spearfags. Because they’re gay.

I guess Mordhau has a few types of spears. I am one of those guys who does short spear + shield for maximum nuisance

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>haha you're gay I'm going to fuck you to prove how gay you are

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dark souls 3 has a javelin that you can throw


I like the spears in Phantasy Star Online 2, though they aren't exactly a realistic depiction of the weapon by any weapons.

Acceptable. Have a nice day.

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I meant I fuck women on top of beds comprised of spearfags bodies

Bushido Blade is fun

Outward is a broken mess of a game

>Little Caesars
>S tier


Where the fuck is DiGiorno


the way he's holding the spear is all wrong

>Little Caesars
>Papa Johns
>S tier
is this your idea of a joke

mordhau did and it sucked for everyone else playing

I'm not counting frozen pizza trash. delivery and carryout only

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is funny because spears don't even work like proper polearms in most games people sperg about

what's the point of a tier list that only has shit on it

Spears beat every other melee weapon IRL even a sword and shield

Is there any logical basis in Fire Emblem's weapon wheel? I had figured spears would let the user stay out of a sword's reach, but an axe's blade would break a spear's pole. Meanwhile a sword was agile enough to maneuver around a cumbersome axe.

far cry primal

not actual spear fighting mechanics, but spear builds were pretty cool in this

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Nioh's spears are top tier.

It also has a very good melee system.

No, the weapon wheel is nonsense

I like variety, user.

I was thinking it might have been, I was trying to make sense of it in my head.

Spears non-presence in gaming is peculiar. Considering how common the weapon was (and all its variations) you think it would show up more.

You are retarded
Dual shields that are spiked tipped cuck spears into oblivion
Offensive turtle

Its much more dramatic and dynamic to see someone get in close and skash a sword, risking their life in order to to do damage then to see someone sit back and POKE POKE POKE until they land a hit. God forbid they have a spear AND a shield.

Fuck off.

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Mark of Kri

>Anata shi-o!

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How do you fight correctly with a spear? Is there a group for spear LARPers?

Bothered me too.

Spears require their own animation set for combat, so they just scrap them.

I always wondered this too, there are so many variations of spear fighting I see. I see the turtle behind the shield, the rambo no fear with the spear where the person is max dexterity, and the slow methodical wait for them to make a wrong move and impale them approach and I can never tell which was the most realistic

Spears are for faggots who like to thrust sticks up their asses and you know it

My own experience is from Eastern martial arts, so I don't know about how it is with HEMA, but I was always told if you're in a formation, you stick with thrusts and such, but if you're a lone spearman, you basically use it as a quarter staff with a business end.

I liked the spears in the God of War games.
Arms of Sparta were pretty good.

Not if I thrust my stick up your ass first

There is no axe in the world that would be able to break a spear in combat. You would just swing and while you are swinging they impale your chest and you die, if you do happen to hit the spear it probably chips into the weapon and then they stab you. Or you try to split a horseback lance and if you somehow hit it then they trample you anyways and the horse kicks your face off. Axes also cant redirect a lance the same way a sword can because the axe doesnt have any balanced weight so the spear would be able to overpower it at any point besides the head of the axe. Axe vs sword is actually pretty normal match up because an axe doesnt have to do any fencing and can break any guard from a sword. However they get outranged and they have no guards so a sword being stopped by an axe handle would just result in the sword being lead into your hands and chop off your fingers. If anything it should just be lance and shield > lance > sword and shield + axe and shield > sword + axe> meme halberds and javelins