Best Three Houses Husbando
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who the fuck plays this shit
Lonely men, and depressed landwhales. Presumably.
Goddamnit, someone found Dimitri
>literally all twink shit
>not one bara guy
M-maybe one of them is like Bernie and she'll be my wife irl
I want daddy Seteth to read me stories to sleep.
Byleth is the best husband. He’s only for El though.
Ferdinand, Sylvain, Nemesis
Dimitri is the best husbando, the fucker asks YOU to come to the goddess tower with him pretimeskip.
Ferdinand von Aegir is second best husbando.
sorry but im getting bleached by Dimitri, and theres nothing u can do about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
For me, it's Seteth.
You kniw, I was kind of disappointed that the enlightened one outfit never appeared in cutscenes or CGs. you'd have thought during the tomb at least they'd have had Byleth all doll'd up like that since they planned to personality death you into Sothis.
Next poll will be for best couple
It won't be that pair the spares couple you just posted.
Who the fuck voted for Ionius IX?
Marianne x Byleth will win.
Dimitri literally TOWERS over female Byleth
>I'm the only person who voted for Rodrigue
fuck you guys
Pretty sure we get to see her impaled on his spear ingame already...
Well some other fag made a thread and didn't even include him so you can thank me for that at least.
Glad to know everyone doesn't share your shit taste
Shut the FUCK up, Felix
Shut the fuck up dad, I'm taking the shield and beating the boar over the head with it
Come on Ferdie, show the Dimitri fags what a real noble can do!
Dimitri fag here and why would I be upset over based as fuck second best boy Ferdinand von Aegir winning best husbando side?
Fuck off with your gay shit, Felix is for cunny only
You needn't be upset. Just giving in to the competitive spirit. I feared that the Husbandos would go the way of the waifu poll.
Felix is for Sylvain
It appears in the ending mosaics for the BL and church route.
I'm not gay but this gave me a chub, is something wrong with me?
Yeah, it's called the big gay.
There's nothing gay about dying on the same day as your homie because you cannot live without each other
Felix abandons Sylvian and would rather go die alone if Dimitri isn't there. Pairing sucks.
Will I fall here, without even a fight!?
Nothing gay about friendship
Since we're arguing over pairings already. It appears that both Lysithea and Deathknight-kun are firmly in third for their respective polls.
I'll ship it
Lys is doing the penetrating tho.
Hubert seems to be having the most amazing comeback, going from forgotten and nowhere to top 4.
Why were the characters in 3H so good? They feel more memorable then previous games. I love my wife Bernadetta!
They were actually quite fleshed out and not just 1-note archetypes like in Fates.
The localization wasn't totally abysmal either. I will never not be fucking mad about Effie.
Winners of each house from last poll:
BE: Edelgard
GD: Marianne
BL: Annette
Because now they have more than one defining character trait compared to Awakening or Fates
And the competition for my thread is officially dead! hail!
Because they're not overshadowed by some titty monster.
I found Marianne, Hubert, Dedue, Leonie and Ignatz to be worse than most Fates characters.
How come?
What said.
And something that is often not mentioned (but is honestly one of the most important aspects) is the fully voiced dialog. The dub and sub are both fantastic.
I can understand Leonie and Ingatz, but why the other three? Especially Marianne.
It seems silly when all the characters group up before each mission but it does help to give them the constant exposure as opposed to previous entries where they joined and lost all relevance to the plot after.
Marianne is just the same support repeated over and over again. She is sad, the other asks why, she refuses to explain and runs away/they get mad and leave, they see her again and come to the wrong conclusion and she says they are wrong again and runs away or they get mad, in the final one she explains it a little or they tell her she doesn't need to explain it.
I just saved you the time of doing any of her supports.
Dedue is just Benny with a loyalty and much Duscur tagged in. And Hubert is just much Edelgard and look how spooky I pretend to be because that is fun.
>but it does help to give them the constant exposure as opposed to previous entries where they joined and lost all relevance to the plot after.
Thiiiis, jesus christ
Shit like Sacred Stones and such was fucking silly. You'd recruit someone new in a mission and that was that. Their story significance refused to exist afterward.
For the first time in the series fire emblem has actual characters. Not the shitty "characters" in FE1-FE12 who you would only see speak like 10 lines of dialogue in the whole game (aside from the lords and the other 2-3 relevant characters) and not the gimmicky one-note shit in FE13-15.
I think beyond the quality, there's three things that really make them more memorable:
1. Fully voice acted for all dialogue they have.
2. Actually having something new to say outside of their supports at least every single month, so they never just fully fade away like a GBA character that got their 5 supports and never were heard from again.
3. Timeskip design changes make characters stand out more because it gives them some sort of sense of progression and more visuals to stand out. Like Ferdinand going from posh student to a Braveheart-looking Eldigan is going to flavor how I remember him for sure.
I love this dumb dragonboomer
Dedue is a lot more stoic than Benny, though.
Benny was only mean looking. Dedue is genuinely hardened, embraces tragedy, and by the end of it (in a good couple of endings, anyway) he realizes his absurd loyalty to Dimitri is unnecessary. His design is also better, fite me
>there are people voting for Ionius IX
Am I missing something here? Who'd think some guy on his deathbed is good husbando, we barely even see the guy.
>BL bro that marries Bernie
Are you me? I always recruit her and Marianne for BL for Byleth and Dimitri to marry. I try to save a few other favorites but those two are the focus.
He brings his throne into battle, the absolute lad
I'll admit it is a pretty nice chair
Speaking of Ionius, just how fucking bad was his situation that Arundel thought the best course of action was to take Edelgard and flee to Faerghus?
Didn't Patrica flee to the Kingdom during the Insurrection on the Seven? So while he was getting stripped of all power
No Patricia left much sooner since Dimitri was just a wee babby when Lambert married her.
Jesus, how fucking corrupt and shitty was the Adrestrian empire if the royal family has to flee for their own safety? I mean, in the end it didn't really work as planned but still.
It would have been kino if he pulled a "I was only pretending to be retarded" and joined you for a battle.
Very, not only was it full of corrupt nobles like Ferdinand and Bernie's parents but you have the dubsteppers in the shadows. Empire was pretty fucked up.
I want to see how he and his daughter look like in their dragon forms, they might even look pettable
I never really got the impression he's retarded so much as he's just in a fucking shit position and gave up.
That's a fair interpretation, though honestly how anyone can endure that kind of shit treatment for so long is beyond me.
Top 5 Husbandos, two of which were meme options and not possible ingame, one of which is top 3. What the hell.
Found this on KYM
Well just look at Ionius, he looks like the only reason he doesn't just fucking kill himself is because his daughter is still 'okay'.
I think people are voting for Ionius because the thread is talking about him, funnily enough because people were voting for him.
and still no one has voted for caspar
Why are their supports so gay?
Best husbando is Edelgard
tfw no gifs or webms of ferdinand dodging every single hit
That's because his crest activated so there was no attack to dodge
yeah you're super gay
Know that I will try my best and probably fail to overrule you.
ferdie has a crest?
yes, its the same one seteth has
Ferdinand/Hubert is the Best couple!!
How was Ferdinand so based? On first impressions he struck me as the stereotypical prep/school council asshole with a huge ego.
He has the minor cichol crest which means he can meme it up as a flier with the spear of asshole.
Which means Ferdie doesn't need speed because you're going to use swift strikes all the time, so Ferdie always doubles, sometimes negates a counter, and dodges all of enemy phase. He's amazing.
Because he's the noble standard
Where the fuck is Lord Lonato
He doesn't *need* speed, but speed is nice to have for enemy phase doubling and stacking avoid, which I think is one of his best strengths.
Don't forget his good strength and decent defense growths, as well as axe/armor proficiency early which means he can cert armor knight for a huge defense boost.
Blame strawpoll for not giving me more spaces.
>best felix ship caps at B
Which is that?
anybody got a link to the new update?
>the Bee is winning
Holy Shit, is this the start of the Ionius IX redemption arc?
You can get Seteth? I just beat hard classic black eagles today. The second to last map is complete bullshit.
This needs to be a thing because he is the god damn dodge tank king. I just found out about newgame+ and am using him to level all the dudes I would never use ever. This game is fucking sick.
can someone do this but with ferdinand
Time skip Dimitri is like the Duke of dodge tanking with his new personal skill.
he's an auto recruit on the other paths
why do you think he's playable in flayns paralodge
>the golden route is Ionius send El to her room and grounding her before setting up peace talks with Rhea
Yes, he will join you on all routes beside BE. Seteth is actually one of the best units in the enite game, he has amazing bases and growths. and comes as a wyvern lord.
>You can get Seteth? I just beat hard classic black eagles today. The second to last map is complete bullshit.
If you headcap the first demonic beast soldier before he transforms, then it willstop the others from transforming
if you have full uses of Edelgard's personal weapon, you can use it to kill Dedue in turn one, oneshotting each soldier along the way
You can warp Byleth next to the Gremory, kill her in one round and dodgetan the warlocks
Sylvain and the knights wont move unless you enter their aggro range
Kill Rhea and all the knights of Seiros will flee leaving only the golems.
Move your units north and you can kill mercedes the turn she appears and stop the reinforcement spawns.
Wow so Caspar is literally worst boy in the entire game?
except you can't there are units that normally don't transform that will end up transforming.
t. spent 2+ hours on that mission last weekend trying not to lose my best units
>notice that Ionius have some votes on the poll
>ask why
>actually get some interesting discussion about him
>he's now in the top three most voted
Did I do this?
How fucking old is Ionius, did he fuck Patricia in his 60s or something?
>explicitly asks you if you want to spend your life together with someone before confirming
Can you not fucking read? Are you as illiterate as your waifu?
I think you mean:
Top 2
Pretty old, though he's been being slowly poisoned for years by the other nobles and the agarthans at this point, he's about near death
Stress aging mostly, I honestly thought he had some blood experiments done to him as well.
>Ionius surpassing Dimitri
What the fuck did I do?
4/5 top Husbandos are from the empire. The others truly are but a shadow of the Glorious Hraesvelg Legacy..
people have changed dads, from wanting to fuck annettes to wanting to fuck edelgards, it happens
Well, it looks like you're going to get Nemesis next up as husbando because he just surpassed Jeralt and is moving on to Hubert's turf.
user, I don't have that much power, right?
Byleth is the best husbando for Byleth
Imagine how autistic the child would be
about as autistic as their child with dimitri/edelgard honestly
boner yes
Hey now, El and Dimitri aren't autistic, just psychotic.
It's too bad femByleth's leggings don't look like this in game.
I just realized isn't this double selfcest since they're both also Sothis?
Why couldn't we cuck Alois from his wife bros...
Because Intelligent Systems didn't write them.
To be succinct
its incest/twincest since Byleth/Byleth
Its incest since Sothis is their grandma
and its Selfcest with F/F Sothis/Sothis
So it is both gay and straight
and VERY incestuous
So very fire Emblem.
Stop wanting to fuck my father
Agreed except both M
Fujo begone.
You don't want to be called El onee-chan?
Also you're kinda fucking your mom because she was also Sothis.
Great more gay pregnancy. Do people not realize how utterly retarded the concept is?
>Dimitri x Marianne
Well Deathknight-kun has overtaken Dimitri, goodbye punished spagetti
>One day, I hope you'll give this ring to someone I love as much as I love her.
>(Someone I love... NO HOMO)
I'm glad his family made it out alive but this just makes the whole scene incredibly silly.
and Caspar finally has a vote, so he doesn't have to return to the farm, go him.
>gay pregnancy.
its not, pic implies that it Byleth and Hubert's kid with Edelgard seeing the baby for the 1st time
GD maddening earlygame feels so fucking shit, all your units are squishy as fuck
feels like this would be so much easier on BL
GD is built for turtling with range
Blue Lions is the best for maddening though
Try BE. You have 3 squishy mages and for the first few chapters Dorothea will waste all her spells and becomes absolutely useless and even while having her spells she's not even that good.
But I'm a guy.
>Try BE. You have 3 squishy mages and for the first few chapters Dorothea will waste all her spells and becomes absolutely useless and even while having her spells she's not even that good.
and yet you'll need her to save up on Lindhart's heals until you get him a real class.
Is it really that bad to make someone a cavalier -> paladin?
I want Leonie to end as a bow knight but would like a horse in the meantime, and I don't want her to be the flyer since Hilda and Claude will be the flyers.
You don’t want cavaliers in general. They will debuff the shit out of your speed and basically kill the character
f we're being honest, you basically want everyone as a wyvern lord or bow knight, but that's pretty fucking boring.
Why do you want to make the speed character slow? Just make Hilda a normal Warrior or even a knight so she can use her battalion, Leonie can't use hers anyways unless you recruited Lindhart
It's sad how shafted cavaliers are in this game. I usually love the horse classes.
I just did my meme run making everyone flyers and wanted something less cheesy for my GD run.
It's all over now, Ionius reigns supreme. Redemption arc is complete, 5th route unlocked. I'll inform Nintendo.
GD is honestly good at early game Maddening. You have Claude, Ignatz, and Leonie with early curved shot for chipping, and Lysithea is still a monster. Raphael works as a half-decent frontline since everyone is getting doubled anyways.
>It's sad how shafted cavaliers are in this game. I usually love the horse classes.
With super canto they needed to be, they'd actually still be worth it if flyers didn't exist.
You think that's bad, try having hero as your favorite class
So it's less that they're bad and more that flyers are too strong?
I think they would have been fine if they had meager, but not negative growths, while wyvern and pegasus had some lowered growths.
But user, hero is my favorite class alongside soldier/halberdier. Cavaliers/rangers are a close 2nd or 3rd.
I accepted my death long ago in Awakening when ISIS decided that heroes/mercs were the designated generic weak enemy units and myrm/swordmaster was the definitive sword class.
Basically, flyers get the assassin bonus of not being inhibited by terran, the infantry bonus of decent stat growths, and the absurdity of canto all in one package plus avoid +10 and they can dismount whenever they wish to remove their flyer weakness and gain terrain bonuses.
Remove the negative growths and maybe add a little then Dark Knight and Great Knight (assuming it's growths are now pure upgrade from Fortress Knight) would be good. Also they shafted Bow Knight but that's a greater class than Wyvern Lord once we hit cap stats though that's silly right now.
Dismount after moving is such a silly option to have.
>now neither of us will be virgins
>Also they shafted Bow Knight
Bow knight has canto and Bow range plus 2, by the time you're getting master classes (30+) you're at the end of the character's growth curve and are looking a class for them to retire in. Bows are 1-2 range lances in this game with close counter (why wouldn't you use this) and allow you to utterly abuse the game to drop enemy hit rates to zero while ensuring your own. bow knight is the second most overpowered class, its shitty growths are the only thing that ensures it isn't the best class.
The best class is barbarossa btw since its the cancer of wyvern lords crossbred with bowknights. Thank god its Claude only.
What's wrong with Hero in 3H? I keep my Byleth as hero for that kino armor in all my runs.
Cavaliers are pretty shit though, what a shame.
5 Mov in wyvern emblem, and Sol got axed for some crummy low HP skill.
Ashe is for kisses
Ashe is for gaysex
>nearly identical growths to swordmaster
>swordmaster gets +str for some reason
>stackable +10 crit and astra are better than defiant str and redundant vantage
>wyvern riders are OP so axe users want to go for that instead
Really the only thing they have going for them is the cool armor. If they had better bases/growths and proper sol instead of vantage they'd probably be worthwhile.
Sol really should have been a combat art
might even have healed for full damage like how Lance vengeance deals damage for full missing hp (no 1/2 modifier there!) if it wasn't nerfed into the ground like Astra.
Pillow princess
This looks like half of an instant-loss image
That would be Dimitri, but mostly because he would be afraid he was going to hurt you.
But he's too busy smashing Petra with his own order of Brigid knights.
>proper sol
God it would be great to have Byleth, Edelgard, and Claude heal all the time.
Maybe even Luna because the main archers kinda need it, but that would just help make Wyvern broken unless it was on Great Knight making units have to max out every movement type.
Ojh what the fuck, no hanneman and Jeritza are climbing the polls. I put the Deathknight in twice as a joke, what the fuck anons!?
That's the first I've heard that term
pega pony pillow princess (male)
Hey Yea Forums I'm starting NG+ with a different gender, can you buy supports you did as FemByleth for Male Byleth?
Yea, you can buy an S support if you want, wont get an ending tho. unless its lindhart guess
The ending I don't care about, I just didn't want to farm for supports like I did on my 1st playthrough
Hell of a way to go, ferdinand's long reign will be taken down by the meme options.
Yes, you can even buy skills exclusive to female or male classes.
Does Maddening alter unit's base growths?
I've never gotten so many consecutive trash levels before in a fire emblem game ever. Everyone is level 3 and the only one to get more than 2-3 points in a level was Byleth and Marianne.
Is it bullshit or have the gods forsaken me?
The gods forsaken you, my Caspar gets like 4 stats a level.
2 points isn't so bad as long as one isn't in magic, and 1 of them is at least in attack or speed
Most of them have, ironically, been Luck and one other stat, sometimes something useful.
I feel you, I just finished the canyon chapter and I already want to bench like three characters.
I am seriously starting to think this, my Blyat sucks harder than ever, my Petra has noodle arms and Hanneman gave me my first empty level up so far.
Is maddening as rough as I hear?
I can't decide between doing maddening for my ng+ church run, or trying it ng with blue lions to get the screen.
I can't speak for if it smoothens out later but the early chapters are really obnoxious because you get shit for EXP while fucking everything will double the majority of your units.
At the start everyone will double you except Petra or your faster units using practice weapons, and you won't even have everyone be level 5 by Lord Lonato's map
So far it's rough, but I'm not too far in. Enemies hunt you down and most of them have wild abilities like Pass or Poison Strike, every enemy doubles everyone regardless of anything because enemies in the first levels are level 9, Units deal no damage without using combat arts and gambits don't hit ever. Enemies give less exp in main maps and negligible amounts in extra ones, and as we discussed, it seems growths are limited as well.
It'll probably be OK once all your units have 9 move and canto.
>Beat Edelgard in Golden Deer
>Talk to Dorothea and Caspar afterward
>Apparently Caspar's dad was executed , giving his own life to save his troops
WTF Claude
>two for one husbando deal
>WTF Claude
Not like Claude's actually invested in fodlan's future since he's the only lord that'll fuck off when convenient.
He was the minister of war, and Claude is conquering them at least he says when he fights Edelgard
>thanks bro here take my bow i'm outta this shithole
Given I'd routed the entire Empire army by the time the Glden deer even got to the field, I feel pretty justified in murdering them all with Hilda.
Ferdinand x Hubert
Lindhardt x Caspar
Sylvain x Felix
Ashe x Byleth
Claude x Lorenz
Ignatz x Raphael
I thought he was executed before the timeskip?
He's invested in GD route
shit taste senpai
GD actually has the easiest earlygame with all their archers and Ignatz abusing Rally Speed really quickly.
Hilda can also pick up Seal Spd really fast.
>thanks bro here take my bow
>that we both know will turn you into a monster if someone tries using it without the right crest
>that only i have
>anyway, have fun
I want to fuck this dumb twink
This, BE has the hardest early game since it has more mediocre units compared to the other houses. Petra and maybe Bernie if you get really lucky will be the only competent units for awhile.
It's even worse if you plan to do Church, since using Edelgard or Hubert at all feels fucking terrible and draining your already limited exp.
Agreed, I started a church run about a week ago but the more I thought about it the more I thought of how stupid it was. It's such a shame church is a shitty waste of a route, it could have been a great way to further characterize the BE cast and the church members instead of just being a shittier GD.
Where's JJ on the poll?
Delete this. Now.