Yea Forumsros tell me he's getting buffed on tuesday I can't stand him being this shit
Risk of wet thread
i hope skills 2.0 makes him interesting
hopefully its actual custom skillsets instead of 1 singular skill change
it'd be such shit if they just gave him a grenade and called it a day
hahahahahahahaha how the fuck is lacking aoe real like just stack ukeleles find a tesla haha
I don't think, at least I hope, hopoo isn't stupid enough to constantly tease this skills 2.0 shit only to change the M2.
haha based
>hopoo isn't stupid enough
Reminder that bandit got btfo'd after being pretty much finished
Hopoo makes really bad choices a lot of the time
hopoo is also not stupid enough to tease bandit only to completely drop him when he's 90% done
To be fair they never really teased bandit, but i'm still mad.
>makes something up
>to be fair i made this up
Please neck yourself
Wat. Very early images and footage of RoR2 showed the bandit. But noo, not fun enough.
I've never seen them, mind showing them?
None of them showed Bandit
>sniper gif at the bottom
banditfags eternally btfo
Clearly fake
do we even know what "Skills 2.0" means yet? Like is it an overhaul of the skillsets of every survivor, or just another ability added on top, or something else?
Current speculation is that it's a system for making specific skill loadouts with unlockable skills for each character. We really don't know anything though.
we still don't, but most people think it's custom skillsets, complete overhauls or fuck it maybe a goddamn skill tree why the fuck not
I've kept watching some of these and
>N'kuhana's was green rarity
>Monster teeth actually healed on kills instead of shitty orbs
>Beetles were all black
>A completely different font
>no shitty button quest
>chat kept being spammed by increasing difficulty
what the fuck
so is this actually a fun way to play this game or is v just retarded and bad as usual
hopefully skills 2 isn't custom skillsets, that would be so fucking gay
it's the sort of thing that's fun for people who have been playing same the game for 6 years. So in a way, yes it is retarded and bad
what do you have in mind instead?
What else would it be? All other speculations would cause to much rage
maybe it's just an extra skillset per character, so each character can toggle between two ways of playing
>not a single mention of loader in the entire devlog
>he's still the only one in
fuck you hopoo. this hurts me. where did it all go so wrong?
i guess a better question to ask would be if playing command breaks the game in a way that's less fun than without it. having some agency over your build sounds more fun than vanilla, but also like it breaks the game in half once items start flowing in, despite glass funballs elites and all that shit. i'm going to try it anyways, but was just curious what anons think about it
host when
We could have 10 characters right now instead of 8 (Including HAN-D even though he and loader might be incompatible in ror2)
>bandit would be in
>sniper would be in
>acrid would be in
>han-d would be in
>they're never ever coming back unless hopoo decides to put them in after launch which they most likely wont
this is actually worse than being a chef or enforcer fag
They confirmed post-launch support, right? I'm sure they'll get in eventually.
How do you think loader's skills are gonna get changed?
Grapple and m1 are almost guaranteed to stay the same, but invincibility shield and tesla towers are getting cut or reworked.
What about skills 2.0? if they're custom skillsets, what would you like to see on him?
iirc they said they wanted to do it, but also wanted to focus on early access for the time being
You can't have post-launch content without a fully launched game.
>Grappling hook is now a tether
>Tethered area has a shock AoE like tesla coil
>Using the ability again retracts the tether
>If loader is on the ground the enemy(non boss) gets dragged to loader
>If loader is in the air or attaches to the ground he gets dragged
grappling hook is replaced with just a really long reaching punch with a shit ton of knock back
I can't wait for skills 2.0 but i know that most shit is going to be broken for any class that isn't engineer or huntress because Gearbox QA testers are shit.
His combat loop was shit and put him into a bad position imo, I think if anything they'll probably bring him back up with a revamped kit
>Spam a somewhat lackluster m1, but fire as fast as you can click
>Rely on M2 to refresh
>what was supposed to be the dynamite throw needed a damage buff, otherwise also lackluster and was at most good for helping lower for M2 execute
His translation to 3d needed work, and hopoo has other things to work on rather than focus on doing a completely new kit to make bandit attractive and fun to play
Grapple for shift
M1 is old faithful combo
I think tesla towers are fine, function similarly to unstable coil, just don't connect to each other. duration-based placement, perhaps launched to function as grapple points for walls n shit
M2 is a stunning shockwave or something
Forgot to mention
>M1 was charge based. But the CD reloaded ALL charges.
risky rain never die
have they actually said what skills 2.0 comprises or the release date?
no info on 2.0, release date on tuesday 17th
release date is tuesday and we know next to nothing about skills 2.0
release date is tuesday
the rest is a m y s t e r y
well shiiiiet, guess I got something to look forward to at least, thanks
>patch notes hit patch day
>probably won't release update at the stroke of midnight and we have to wait like 10 hours more
Degenerate hours suck
Anyone interested in some risk of rain 1?
why the fuck would you need even more speed as merc, you're already a turbojew holy shit
I'd be up to trying it out
I hope this works.
Can't join
I'm in
Two people already joined, so make sure you typed the ip correctly. Mexico is banned.
it should be noted that there's a good fucking reason mexico is banned
Yeah, I know the tripfag situation. still sucks tho
seems like risky 2 is safe, at least
Anyone wants to play RoR2 on Switch?
risk of crash
action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 1
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Variable objServer.damage(100009, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_proc_client
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I swear to god if Skills 2.0 does some moba shit like adding in a mana bar and making you level up your skills individually and it ruins the game I will pissed.
>hopoo's face when
Where's my fucking Akrid?
>pick up RoR1 for console because it's only $5
>game is stuck in 1x Zoom Scale
>2/3rds of the Settings don't exist for no fucking reason
Can we personal army Hopoo into adding the rest of the fucking settings into console RoR1, or at LEAST making it 2x Zoom Scale by default?
I think chucklefish was behind the console port.
Why would chuckfuck not only remove all the settings, but force the shittiest ones too?
if you're playing on PS4 or vita it was code mystics who did the port idk who did the xbone port.
Chucklefuck works in really mysterious ways, like removing all the interesting shit from starbound on the full release of the game.
Bro I bought the switch port
I’m fucking livid, why the fuck did they not take advantage of the fucking Gyro controls, holy fucking shit it’s nigh unplayable man, I really can’t comprehend the FUCK Hotpoo is thinking. How the fuck am I supposed to peck off wisps with these shit controls? My god, I’m gonna call Nintendo and say “my child used the shop without permission” just so I can fucking forget this blunder of a purchase. Thirty dollars, gad-fuckin-zooks. This may just be autism but please if anyone else in the thread has bought the switch version, am I wrong? Is the game shit with analog aiming?
probably just gearbox being shitters
newfag here, why do my Gunner Drones randomly die in RoR2?
I expect grapple to have its cooldown refresh when you punch/kill stuff. A melee character needs more mobility in this game to keep up with ranged ones.
Shield I expect will no longer give invincibility and instead will last longer.
Tesla may just be replaced, or changed to something simpler. I'd like it if you shot out the towers.
because they're shit in this game and fly off to get killed
Hopoo didn't port it, the port job for risk of rain 2 is handled by play every ware.
drones in RoR2 are hilariously shit don't bother with them
Like others have said they suck. Maybe get one healing drone early game to help you until you get higher movespeed, but consider them temporary investments. RoR1 had items that synergized with drones, and allowed you to pay to revive them, so maybe they'll be better after the patch.
They're all pretty much guaranteed to die the first time a Vagrant shows up after you loop once.
Why is it so bad? Is there any hope? Do we have any reason to believe in some benevolent god to grant the switch port gyro controls?
But why are they dying after I've cleared all the enemies?
I have no clue, it's honestly unlikely that the switch port is going to get gyro aiming for whatever reason.
What’s even more fucked is the fact that people using Pro Controllers with Steam have the gyro controls available to them, in-game. The support is already. Fucking. There.
risk of rain 2 ten man?
usual host's playing on the ror1 server, you could join, even though i fucking suck its fun
risk of beer
Maybe after this.
i wanna see him actually pick up explosive barrel and chuck'em
It's probably too late at this point. If I get some wantings maybe.
im up for it
risk of sleep
A good time was had by all
Quick late night ten man Risky 2
CTRL+alt+~ connect
>still shilling risk of rain
dead game dead community dead general
>117 posts
>27 IPs
he is already the best character...
what is you fucking pronlem?
You know what would've been dope for RoR2? Swappable skills prior to run start, similar to how Diablo 3s skills can be changed. Though they'd need balancing so one isn't outright objectively better than the rest or one isn't compete dogshit in comparison to the others. I know every run is different because items, but imagine a 4 player game where everyone has vastly different skills to use and item management that leans towards more diverse builds because of those skills
FUCK I want it
Even just doing like Smash does with clone characters, and make a palette swapped version of each character that has slight differences with maybe one or two skills replaced.
Like and I'm just making this up off the top of my head so don't expect it to be good you could have a version of Commando whose R doesn't stun but it shoots more bullets, his M2 is a grenade launcher, and his dodge is slower but has i-frames.
Why do people hate commando's m2 so much? I think its great even without backup mags.
It procs onhits when it touches every single enemy it passes through. If you just herd the enemies and kite properly, you can just throw one well aimed m2, and it will probably kill everything given you have uke or missle launcher
did they update bandits kit when they were working on him or were his skills the exact same?
that's what I was thinking. the piercing shot could be swapped out for a much stronger but no piercing shot, or a short range shotty with wide spread and knock back
I just want diversity and options
Make the piercing shot hitscan
It's not bad it's just kind of boring is my issue. The terrain piercing doesn't come up too often, and it requires some setup for the AoE to actually feel worthwhile. When you do have a cube or something it is fantastic.
This. Give us that long range blasting energy cylinder.
And it'd just be like RoR1, too
I miss the ror1 days when the whiney faggots weren't coming and playing our game complaining about fucking character balance holy shit lmaoooo
Allow the grapple to be aimed and have tesla towers zap nearby enemies periodically in addition to making walls of electricity between each other.
Punching and invincibility+speed boost can stay the same, except punching can be performed while moving.
All drones have issues with getting stuck on walls and getting destroyed because they can't maneuver.
Items>drones in pretty much all situations. If you have money left over and can't find an item to buy, get drones. Equipment drones are basically freebies if you can find spare equipment or better equipment for yourself, and if you give them a healing item, they're good distractions. Healing drones can heal you or other drones; they're decent early game assistance and distractions. Missile drones are the best general-purpose drones. Incinerators do good damage, but they tend to die faster than missile drones because of their low range. Gunner drones are shit. You should almost never buy them.
Vagrant instantly kills all drones that aren't stuck behind a wall if you can't kill the Vagrant before it uses its omnidirectional attack at low health.
good, bandit homos aren't welcome
did the newt kill the game?
anyone have the desolate forest background or know where to get it?
blessed host
this was great, to think there were some fags who dared miss it
thank you as always host, these ror2 sessions actually make my day
Better off going in-game and doing a screenshot.
Closed. Good blessed run after a week of shit runs. Thanks to those who joined.
Why isn't there a red item to let all your followers (drones, turrets, bug buddies, goldmember) have one copy of every unique item you have? Stacking it just adds +1 to everything making your followers completely OP. Obviously some wouldn't work like movement buffs for turrets and the item itself for any follower but just imagine the potential...
synergy with happiest mask as well!
>117 minutes into blessed merc run
>stand still for a second to take a screenshot of a Ukelele printer and start printing some uke
That was absolutely my fault.
black hole diarrhea
What music are you going to listen to while doing your runs on Tuesday, Yea Forums?
For me, it's the Takkoman OST.
i see that you've resigned yourself to updating that picture
I saved the main panel with all the intact layers for easy editing as acridtemplate.csp.
Where the fuck is gameplay? Where's the info about skills 2.0? I fucking bet it's Gearbox forbidding them to show anything to not get in a way of Borderlands 3 launch. If you go to Steam branch page you can clearly see that update is finished and there's even press version available for couple of days now but release in tuesday for whatever reason? What a bullshit.
you fucking whiny baby bitch boy. first world problems
>117 minutes into
Don't really understand what's the point. Game stops being fun after like 60 minues. After that you just effortlessly obliteraly everything and can only die via some stupid mistake. Guess it's fun first couple of times but after that you realise how shallow and boring endgame is. I always obliterate at stage 11 unless I got some extremely unique and fun build.
Shut up, Randy.
Work in progress
Hear me out
If mul-t gets a new R skill with the skill 2.0 update, would it be a set of two new M1 for him?
could Mul-t be the one and only Shotgun character
I really hope skills 2.0 aren't swappable shit. Fuck all of you who want's this shit. There's literally no reason to do this, one skill will always be superior to another and everyone will be playing with meta skill sets. Even worse, if you pick suboptimal skills they'll mock you.
I hope skills 2.0 will introduce skill upgrading or swapping BUT during the run. Like if you get a certain item drop it'll upgrade\alter one of your skills, kinda like scepter but much more varied. It'll make each run even more unique and won't create situation with meta skill sets.
Worst case: Skilltree and you level up your skills during the game
Okay case: Rework of every character
Best case: Skills you can choose. Worst case of this scenario would be that we end up with effectively a rework for every character.
any serbers up?
but what could it all mean
no, that is reserved for my boy
>Two fucking days
My fucking dick