Witcher 3

>Witcher 3
>Divinity OS 2
>Wasteland 2
>The Outer Worlds
>Dragons Dogma
>Dark Souls
>Pillars of Eternity
Isn't it amazing that you can literally play complete RPGs on a handheld bros?

Attached: divinity.jpg (4032x3024, 3.06M)

Other urls found in this thread:


> Western RPGs & Souls garbage
I would rather play nothing then those pieces of shit

>some faggot jap took western RPGs
>took out the character interaction
>took out character building
>made the game linear
aah, yes, the enlightened JRPG gamer
neck yourself weeb

Attached: e273cde6a97ddda79a1a17622fc1d72e46fbb51ab08fb94ddcf1b20d02b654de.jpg (3000x3000, 863K)

> Another Beeporz thread
Kill yourself

If he hates JRPGs he is based

It kind of is. Handhelds were never and will never be good at action and FPS games, but having slower, more methodical RPG games available to play any time you have a minute is really comfy.
Really is a shame we only had garbage RPGs like octopussy travelers and xenoblade waifus 2 until recently, and even now all the good RPGs on switch are just ports
Wonder if switch will ever get a decent RPG that's built for it.

>Isn't it amazing that you can literally play complete RPGs on a handheld bros?
Is this your first handheld?

>CRPG on a console
Do you hate yourself?

Handheld gaming is literally the definition of quantity over quality. Intentionally lowering your experience with a game just so you can squeeze in a couple extra hours of it instead of doing literally anything else with your life.

Hard pass on that plebeian shit.

This goes for Switch exclusives, which run at a lower quality in handheld mode than they do in docked...But it also goes for their X-platforms as well, which have to basically be ruined to run on the Switch

Witcher 3 on the Switch is a joke.

The controls for Divinity are pretty intuitive user. Anything turn based should be alright. I heard Pillars is a mess tho

>Rpgs un a tiny as fuck screen
Peak comfy

Im buying a switch lite for divinity os 2 and hotline miami portable alone.

Dark souls and jedi knight will be perks.


Attached: barber[1].jpg (1600x1068, 123K)

>This goes for Switch exclusives, which run at a lower quality in handheld mode than they do in docked...But it also goes for their X-platforms as well, which have to basically be ruined to run on the Switch
You are kind of a moron.
If you are playing in handheld mode the pixel density is higher
720p on a 6 inch screen
1080p on a 40 inch screen

Where is SMT V?

Attached: 1567180208307.png (495x406, 334K)

absolutely based
weebz in that thread seething

Attached: 2A1D7E37-58A1-4783-9EB5-6743BCF7E8B1.png (500x495, 468K)

Yeah dude. Just glad to see the Switch is getting some love.

I agree with you but that's generally a retarded comparison. What matters is perceived pixel density based on field of view. It's likely that a handheld will take up a larger percentage of your FOV than a television

>720p on a 6 inch screen
A lot of switch games don't run at native res.

Why the fuck would I want to play those games on a switch of all things?

You're talking about PC RPGs, you're the retarded one for bringing up televisions. Handhelds have a way smaller percentage of your FOV than sitting at a desk in front of a monitor.

I’d kill for underrail on switch with touch screen support. God damn it would be weird to get it working on a controller but it would be worth it

yeah but these games looking and playing like shit kind of removes the comfy feeling you get from handheld. I'd rather just lazily play on the couch with a pc or a different console than plow through the shit performance desu.

have sex

Is dwarf fortress mobile yet?

Actually it's the opposite for gaiden games(not mobile ports). They are usually pure, concentrated vidya without unnecessary padding. I'd even say they are a continuation of the arcade tradition, for better and worse.

Compare Megaman Zero with Megaman X7-8, FFTA/2 with the original FFT, AoS with SotN, GTA CW with GTA4 etc.