Predict the Metascore & User score
Predict the Metascore & User score
>user score
10/10 on both sides
> metascore
97 like Red Dead Redemption 2
> User Score
78-80 like Red Dead Redemption 2
>user score
75 because nintendork and PCfag review bombing
Rdr2 user reviews are fucking retarded, just a bunch of zoomers complaining about >muh slow pace >muh weight and inertia to movement. Yuck
The game is fucking garbage, people only praised it for the realistic graphics & cinematics, if it didn't have Rockstar on the box nobody would give a shit about it
zoom zoom zoom
It will quite literally be the first game to reach a 101 metacritic score
0/0 shit geam
no ape escape 4/10
my last two digits are the metascore, the post above mine's last two digits are the user score.
Thank for ruining the industry with your nanosecond attention span user I truly hate you
Prove me wrong, oh wait you cannot which is why you have to spam buzzwords. Also Rockstar games are literally Zoomer brainlet core, Restera loves that game.
98 meta, it's obviously one of the most marketed and hyped up games by Sony and the media ever made
80 user, Snoys will give it 10/10, nintenkiddies will give it 0/10, the average Joe will be tricked into believing it's good and give it an 8/10
originally 7.9, 9.0 after the nintendo asshurt wave gets deleted from it winning GotY over BotW2
>hating nu rockstar is zoomer
kill yourself
Critics will all give a 10/10. It'll definitely get a downgrade, AI will still suck, and it will get even more SJW bonus points because this time you'll play as the lesbo most if not the entire game
Where does Naughty Dog go after TLOU2?