Hey all! Scott here

Hey all! Scott here

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fucking youtube fucking censored his fucking hand fucking sjws

Hey Scott! All here.

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Uhh, you're not Phil Burnell.

>has ONE joke where he mentions a bad/infamous game, pauses, and says "that was a thing."
>only plays Wii shovelware, thinks it was the best system ever made because he grew up with it
>doesn't play non-nintendo games

Why do people like this retard again?


because zoomers like other zoomers

Why do all tendies look like this? Are nintendo consoles designed to sap testosterone from your body?

Because I want to shove my cock down his throat and cum in his eyes

he looks like a gay twink

You do know there is a big chance he watches this thread right now

me with the blue hair and straight-cut bangs.

hi scott

He doesn't own a computer

how does he edit videos and upload them to youtube then?

i know I love it

He could be here



He's cute!


>only plays wii shovel ware

wut that was a series and it's over.

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Hey guys, egoraptor here with a new drawing.

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Pretends his Mac was a good investment and makes his videos with that.

You forgot.

>doesn't bother to obtain the garbage he talks about

Ironically enjoy this kid's content, it's good to see somebody be unapologetically zoomer in the gaymin scene.

I wish he would stop trying to be funny. I like his videos and I think they’re interesting, but he isn’t funny at all.



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Eceleb board when?

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Based autism gang

Beard bros thread

In all seriousness, what makes Scott funny? He's not ha ha funny but he always manages to give me a firm chuckle

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I just don't understand you people.

His entire channel is dedicated to videogames, there is nothing not related to vidya on there. Of all the non vidya threads on this board why spam these?

I hate this zoomer so much.

based chugga

Why? he's harmless

This is a board about discussing video games not for discussing internet celebrities who talk about video games.

What's Yea Forums's obsession with guy?


Me on the left with tea

God, fuck The Completionist. Why anyone takes him seriously when he's so unfunny and openly admits his biases in his every video is beyond me.

Because he's a genuine person and beard bros feels like the last LP channel that still does it for fun


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>Why does a board full of obsessive nintendo zoomers love a nintendo zoomer
truly a mystery indeed

what happens when a girl is cute but not funny?

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He represents all retarded zoomers

lmao i hate you both so much fucking degenerates

anime shovelware and waifu threads = good

e-celebs who actually talk about videogames = bad

Say what you will about Scott but his parody of how a regular """"leak"""" thread goes was pretty spot on

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And by god, do I require immediate cock and ball torture!