/vp/ is currently shitting on this concept art and saying Pokémon shouldn't change and remain the same formula
What do you think?
/vp/ is currently shitting on this concept art and saying Pokémon shouldn't change and remain the same formula
What do you think?
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Needs vibrant colours like BOTW, i like the atmosphere alot though. This is something Monolith could easily develop if Nintedno gave them a proper budget
i'd welcome any change to pokemon at this point, it's a complete mess right now
As for this concept, while i do like it, i dont think it would work properly
let pokemon die already
Shadow of the Colossus Pokemon would be pretty sick, I just don't think it's up to gamefreak to implement anything other than the bare minimum of a game, and gachashit.
You say this like it's supposed to be demanding from the biggest money maker franchise in the world when budget franchises do a much better job
bethesda should make the next pokemon game
>you wake up in a prison only to find out you are a trainer and need to capture pokemen to something something
False, shills aren't /vp/
>games perform well because of their modest budget
why the fuck do people want every game to be MUH EMPTY OPEN WORLD? how many identical games with sparse filler content do you need to play before you get sick of it?
but user my brain makes me feel good when I check something off a list
that Lugia is way too big
If this looked good, it might be interesting. I can't see shit.
Now imagine
>pokemon visible in overworld
>traditional battles now also take place in the overworld with no loading screen
>the pokemon you are battling can SOS to draw in nearby pokemon
>but still with interactions like e.g. Seviper slithering up to fuck up a Zangoose that you're fighting
No that image is cool as fuck.
Pokemon has been stagnant for decades, something should happen, but I dont' care too much anymore.
Real life is open world user :v)
I don't mind waiting for a good game. Stop strawmanning.
why should it? i play pokemon games for a certain style, i can get whatever that image is elsewhere.
/vp/ is for kiddos faggots
looks like a digimon game
>I WANT the same shovelware crap we've been getting for the last decade
I like the aesthetic. Though I feel it would be too divisive of a title if it came out today, perhaps something like it could've happened two-tree gens ago.
Looks like shit. Pokémon is bright and cheerful, not fucking Nier Automata. Even Gates to Infinity, THE most grim and miserable Pokémon to date knew that much.
Those are some nice ideas but you need to express yourself better. You'd probably get more responses if you used punctuation and turned off caps lock.
>games perform well
looks like someone never got into a double battle in Sun/Moon
>cel shaded grafix
>botw overworld
>tales of battle system without the sponge hp
>every genereration of pokemans gets released yearly on the base game like hitman missions
>active stats balancing
is that so hard you fucking bastards?
I think it looks fantastic and is closer to what we should be getting instead of the bullshit we were shown.
all I'm seeing here is disregarding canon sizes for a FFXV clone
Yes to the scale.
Yes to the UI
NO to the visuals.
Semi realism works only in some specific cases, but not here, either go FULL realism, or full cartoony.
Lads, there's more.
pokemons gay
Weren't people crying and begging for this type of pokemon game like a decade ago?
Why cant I be an adult trainer.
Why do I always have to be some "bad guys"
Why cant I just catch, raise, breed, and battle pokemon for competition.
Why is pokemon still turn based, it could be an action RPG with pokken style combat.
I'm on a roll
>targeting system for challenging trainers via "eye contact"
>allow the targeting of 2-3 trainers for an impromptu double or triple battle
They were
Now they got SwSh waiting for them on in the horizon
Turns out big open worlds always, ALWAYS result in fucking shit games
if this exact game was announced today they'd be wetting their pants in anticipation and hype
it's just brand loyalty bullshit
are those new death stranding screens?
I like it, would actually give it a go if it was realized properly.
>big open world
Fuck off, furfag pedo
>concept art
This is fanart. Who are you trying to trick here?
And it's cool
Things that would make me buy a Pokemon game again.
change up the combat. make it play like how the anime/movies show fights. maybe something like Pokken fighter? Maybe make the animations more than what they are.
have multiple regions with all the pokemon in the dex. they might not all be available nut allow for them to be transfered/traded in to them.
take a long break to make the next one. 5+ years, shorter after the first one because they can reuse assets from the first one.
dont need to add a bunch of new pokemon. dont do gimmicks for the generation. no megas/Kaiju mode.
rebalance some of the forgotten pokemon(Primeape)
>game freak makes fucking shit games
But it's a concept. Of a game that will never exist.
death stranding
Background pic of that without the pokemon stuff?
>1100 pokemon
>30 attack animations
>5 to 10 normal animation ie walk, run, jump
>total animations 44,000
>divide that up to 50 animators and they each have to make only 880 animations.
>880 animations divided by 2 years is 440 animations a year.
That is not bad at all. A decent artist could probably make 10 to 20 in a week. Given a 40 hour work week.
I think the artwork is completely original, user. This is the artist: twitter.com
Except when you call something "concept art" it can be official concept art for game. By calling it just concept art without proper context you can derail thread unless this was your entire point from the beginning.
Here's a crazy idea - instead of leaning on an established franchise as a crutch, why not maybe, I don't know, create a new IP?
We're never going to get the dream game we wanted for a console pokemon game,which is a shame. However that's not the issue with Swsh. It's that game freak doesn't care. There is a difference between not being what I want, and not even something the creators want. I'll never have the game I've dreamt of since I got a Gameboy and red for Christmas at 7 or 8 (1990 kid) and I xns accept that even though I don't want to. The issue is they don't even care about the series at. Handed it off to B team to focus on Town, which no one gives a fuck about. Have outright lied as to excuse the laziness. They don't want to make them game, so I don't want to play it even though pokemon is like the most iconic thing in my life, along with desgonball, as far as defining my xhikdhood3
Also, fuck Hoenn. Cheap ass fakemon too much water shit fest. Remember action replays and the fake kyogre and groudon on them the entire gba Gen? That's the pure true feel of RS
That's the reason Swsh looks so bad though retard, because they're focusing on their new IP instead of the most popular series on the planet, and gave it to literally nobodies on a B team within the small company rather than letting any one of hundreds of major devs that would nuke half the world for a chance to be in charge of the first console pokemon game
The current base formula is fine, they just need to fix literally everything else.
This would make a cool spinoff though.
Ah yes this billion dollar company at the helm of the single largest and most profitable franchise on the planet should continue to release the same low budget low effort rehashes that exist solely to advertise merchandise
if I can get a 3d open world pokemon game I don't care what style they go with. Like skyrim but pokemons. Each city has its own gym and so on.
Yes? I still am.
Yes, Star Wars has done this for decades.
What exactly is wrong with wanting any of that?
But they can do it, faggot.
Pokemon is the most profitable IP in all of human history.
Asking for less than Xenoblade level of quality (without shitty gameplay and otaku masturbation, of course) is being a criterialess and standardless drone.
Star Wars has at least invested money into higher budget projects. The Sequel trilogy movies have budgets in the hundreds of millions
Pokémon doesn’t do shit
Not the worst I've ever seen, but we have to understand that something like Pokemon with its hundreds of creatures won't ever get the kind of love and attention to detail it deserves because it's a lot of work and GF hate work. You're probably going to be happier just watching the anime or something, or live with the simplicity these games are known for.
Kinda edgy
Like a weird SotC / Pokemon mix
I'm all for a good looking Pokemon game but this atmosphere contrasts a lot with the toy-like designs of the characters
This artist is sure big fan of Nihei and megastructures.
>there still no Blame game
that is true, if you only know Disney.
Holiday Special
Ewoks show/movie
the endless shitty EU comics/books.
that's basically what SwSh is, get over it. they aren't even trying anymore, and you're still gobbling it up
more like a fucking silent hills game come on this is childs game
So? All this does is demonstrate that both are corporate sellout franchises, but Pokémon is even worse because they can’t even be bothered to take a risk to fund a high budget game while the Star Wars franchise has at least tried to do so with newer movies, and is overall less profitable than Pokémon
Pokémon is the ultimate corporate franchise, zero ambition or creative drive, it solely exists to make money.
Wrong, Pokken Fighter shows they are willing to take risks.
That's why I just don't understand why they don't hand it over to someone who can actually make the games. They have the money, pokemon company does at least and should step up against gamefreak in this matter. It doesn't make sense, just taints their name more and more.
Star Wars has some fucking fantastic games. They just don't do anything anymore since Disney, but used to.
full 3d pokemon without the random encounters is and will always be the peak potential of pokemon. doubt theyll ever actually do it though. itd be hard to match the atmosphere of the early games trying to go realistic
Imagine if Rockstar continued making games almost exactly like the original GTA, only slightly improving the graphics each time and adding a few new features (then subsequently removing them with the next game) and continued making boatloads of money. That’s Gamefreak
I dont need to imagine. That is exactly what they have done since GTA3.
i played a fan game once that was pretty cool, you controlled the pokemon in 3d and fought in real time and shit. it was dope.
That's literally been happening for years
3d gta is a good formula with a lot of scope for expansion, though. the number of new features and additions in each game is easily enough to warrant a new game. for pokemon, gamefreak just shits out a bunch of dumb art for the new pokemon and calls it a day
Feels like a Pokemon in a Sony console.
So, Folklore?
I want dragons dogma with pokemon
You play as a normal pokemon trainer, and but when you throw out a pokemon you transfer to them and control them. Each one having their four moves and whatever other special effects (like flying, digging, ect) which you use to go around the world and solve issues. Your player stays save during that time.
It would be fucking amazing and its also inevitable, a 3D game with proper combat will happen, either under pokemons flag or something elses.
meanwhile the gun play and driving have not evolved past GTA3. They have added gimmicks here or there but if you know how to play GTA3 you can easily just jump right in to GTA5 and RDR2.
But the first 140 pokemon are the only good designs why would I want any others.
Second gen is also good, but not as great as gen 1.
Gen 3+ is 100% dogshit. The only reason people say otherwise is because they started on gen 3+.
See, a big problem with concept art like this is that if they actually made a game out of it, that would be an empty hallway with a boring boss fight at the end of it, like every single other cinematic JRPG to come out of japan in the last decade.
Pokemon could use a few more spinoffs that do interesting shit, but the main games will never be like that. Look at the latest generation, it's mostly cut content, the excuse being that they've upgraded the graphics from N64-tier to end of lifespan N64 tier.
If they tried to make a cinematic game like you post, OP, it would have 20 pokemon in it, run at 5 fps, have 2 hours of gameplay with no postgame, and would basically be a 60$ tech demo and then they'd brag about the fact it has pokemon bank support.
You realize you can make open world games which are not shit right? Stop thinking ubisoft crap is the only type of open world game.
Is it an adventure game? Point and click? The art looks weird.
>'I want gamefreak to make an overworld the size and scale of BoTW'
>'I also want gamefreak to make that overworld look better than BoTW, I want it to be far superior graphically'
>'I want 800+ Pokemon animated in the overworld which have their own ecosystems and unique behaviors'
>'I want things that can climb to have their own climbing animations, I want things that can swim to have their own swimming animations, I want things that can fly to have their own flying animations, I want running and walking animations for every single Pokemon, I want digging animation for Pokemon, I want eating and drinking animations for Pokemon'
>'I want to be able to ride most Pokemon, I want most Pokemon to be able to walk around with me, I want the majority of those Pokemon to be able to interact with the environment and have animations made to do so'
>'I want every single attack/defense move in the game to be animated even though there's thousands of them, even though each Pokemon would animate radically differently due to their anatomy, I want all of those animations in'
>'I want all 800+ Pokemon to have their own unique idle battle animations and quirks too'
>'I want a seperate post game area that is half the size of the BoTW-sized modern day graphics map'
>'I want gamefreak to make alternative difficulty modes, essentially meaning they have to go through the game twice and tweak every single Pokemon and Teams levels, items abilities, IV's, EV's, movepool while adding more onto it for each difficulty mode they add'
Yeah, no, it's time to grow up and snap back to reality. This isn't feasible, it will never happen, ever (and rightly so). Muh open world BotW is a meme, no one who actually plays these games wants developer resources wasted on an open world instead of what matters (the combat and the Pokemon themselves, new mechanics, abilities, types, etc).
yeah if only they had assloads of money to invest into such a project
I wish managers also didn't think retardedly like you did.
/vp/ is a bunch of child molesting faggots, who gives a shit what they think?
The fuck is this shit? Somewhat realistic graphics+not realistic characters? Dumbest shit I've seen. Pokemon games should be done in the style of BOTW and should stay colorful.
Either way the problem with nu-pokemon is not the graphics, it's the content and gameplay.
I like the idea, just not going towards a color style like that. Pokemon definitely needs a graphic overhaul but should somewhat keep the vibrant colors.
>the board that keeps buying the mediocre rehashes
/vp/ was always shit and should have never been a thing in the first place
Maybe not from the most part but "legendary Pokemon quests" became nothing more than a hallway without any trace of care put into them like "here is the creator of time come and get it" that concept art looks perfect for that time of mons
Why are the legendaries thousands of times their actual size?
Pokemon has to be the worst when it comes to treating their older fanbase, all of the related media is completely aim for children, they don't care at all about their og fans
> This isn't feasible
Yeah it is, all you need is more time on the oven, like, 10-20 years of constant development, I'm sure they have enough money to stay afloat for 30 years.
looks interesting, but i doubt its possible to translate that concept into an actual game, also
i guess it would be ok as a spin-off
Lmao, gen 3 is trash
Really, how DO they get away with it? How have they created a franchise where quality doesn't matter at all?
Kys Kantocuck
>that one steath game with character taken straight from Blame
>it sucks
Legendary Pokemon should get deleted as they were a mistake.
Except for the Regis
See Apple for example, you know you can get a superior product for a cheaper price, but people still prefer Apple, they care about the name, not the product, same goes for GF, people purchase Pokemon, but it's called Pokemon, the name is the product itself, these people would purchase a bottle of piss if was officially sold by GF.
Another pokemon ranger game would work in full 3D, with just a handful of biomes and designed something like MHW
Sometimes we like to leave our little basements user.
What about pokemon but it's monster hunter.
Instead of catching the pokemon, you slay them and make a pair of sick looking gauntlets out of them.
God the pokemon in all these pics look so fucking stupid and out of place.
>It's that game freak doesn't care
Dude, they have no talent. It's not that they don't care, they are just incapable.
is this The Witcher 3?
>That is exactly what they have done since GTA3.
Except for the slap on the wrist deaths.
Pokemon that is basically PS1 Final Fantasy game but you can catch the monsters.
Too edgy.
Pokemon isn't edgy.
Artists need to stop trying to make it edgy.
I think that's fucking neat and I don't even like pokemon
Dude I want to play this. This feels so original and refreshing
It's a bit TOO dark (literally) but I like the concept.
Nintendo/The Pokemon Company need to get together and allow another developer to take a stab at the franchise. Atlus, Capcom, Retro, etc. Even in-house Nintendo could work. Anything is better than Gamefreak.
But Pokemon's combat sucks.
Replace edgy with good, and you will see how you look to me.
Man that looks sick af
They have to be the luckiest motherfuckers in the world, any other company would be bankrupt at this point
Plus TPC makes a ton of money off of merchandise.
>This isn't feasible
It is if you cut pokémon. Which game freak is doing regardless.
I would like to see Monolith make a pokémon game
it looks pretty cringe
lots of redditors getting easily impressed ITT
I think that /vp/ is a great quarantine tool for pokemon cultists
everyone keeps saying its edge when he is obviously just trying to invoke a since of mystery and wonder