>play on PC
>use a controller
Play on PC
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Controllers are the best for open world games, rpgs, fighting, tps and some fps games(like destiny 2)
i use controller to play for honor for example, it's way more intiutive and easier to play.
Couldn’t play DMC5 with a keyboard and mouse
controller: soul
KB+M: soulless
>try to drive a car on KBM
>no way to feather the throttle/brake, steering is either all the way left or all the way right
B-b-but at least it's not on console
if the developers designed the game to be played with a controller like for example rebel galaxy outlaw then I'm going to play it with a controller, fight me about it
i basically only use kb m for fps and rts. if i can use controller, i will, because its fucking comfy and i can keep my hands under a blanket
God why are chooks so cute
>you on the left
>gauntlet, dark legacy.
KB+M is pretty ass for 90% of games tbqh.
I've got 10+ Victory Royales on PC using a controller in duos
>not just tapping the keys
keyboards are for writing
>not using the best control alternative
>play emulator on PC
>use the keyboard
keyboard is literally better than the awful DPAD modern consoles have if you're playing a 2D game
depends on the genre. fighting, platforming, JRPG, or third person action games that don't involve a lot of aiming controller works better.
>PC's mobo is dying
>thinking of a ryzen 3600 build
>read around and it seems win 7 and x570 aren't a good mix, people report not being able to use some USB slots with win 7
>absolutely despise win 10
>think of trying linux a bit
>install manjaro in an old PC
>seems smooth to browse the web
>try to mess with WINE to run Hitman BM
>shit crashes
>upon a forced reboot manjaro gets me to a black screen and trying anything the forums say to type in the console doesn't help to get the UI to show up
i find games like control easier to play on a controller than m+kb.
do americans actually eat this?
do american ...?
I only use it for fighting and racing games. My brother prefers the controller for gears 4 and 5
what kind of shitty country is texas anyway
>use left side of controller for movement and some functions with one hand
>use mouse for aiming and other mouse buttons with other hand
This works surprisingly well for a few shooters
>he fell for the 360 controller is GOAT meme
The PS4 and newest Xbone dpads are pretty decent, better than a fucking keyboard anyways.
typical archtard gaming stuff, had to ditch mine for the same reason
unironically install gentoo, a sabayon build is miles better
you will still come back to windows eventually
>My brother prefers the controller for gears 4 and 5
Literally looks he's rolling away the cheese that's already grilled onto the burger with cheese that's just falling off and not sticking to it.
controller support should be compulsory for new release these days.
look at these 95 pages of tears for Titan Quest:
>tps and some fps games(like destiny 2)
Objectively wrong, especially about the FPS. Destiny 2 plays better with a mouse and you cannot deny this at all.
>want to play Crystar
>pirated version doesn't work with controller because faggotry
>have to use kb+m
>don't play Crystar
It's really gone too far, but games like that I can't play without a controller.
It's like playing SNES games on a keyboard or something. Doesn't fly.
>Open world games
Pretty vague, things like Bethesda games play much better with a keyboard & mouse.
Also depends, most RPGs designed around the PC play much better with mouse.
>Fighting games
The only TPS I would agree with you on this is Gears of War.
That's just wrong, just about every FPS game is better with a mouse.
joy2key is the solution for anything with trash controller support. I use it for DOSbox.
>he doesn't play character action games
Yeah I know, I use joy2key for a bunch of other stuff. I just can't be fucked to figure out all the controls and also map all the mouse movement to the right stick.
Maybe I'll do that later tonight.
I play everything on controller. Outside competitive PC only shooters and rts like Wargame. I even buy shooters on consoles because I enjoy playing on gamepad for immersion,
couch + 50"+TV is best
people who designed XIV are genius because you can play MMO on fucking gamepad without any downsides
are you actually retarded op
Fuck off zoomer, controllers are superior for literally every genre that isn't fps/strategy
Controller is better for vehicle control, mouse/keyboard for character control. Change my mind, niggers
>Game is exclusively about controlling a vehicle with little to no camera control
>Game is exclusively about controlling a character with little to no camera control i.e. platformer
>Game has heavy menu usage and has mouse driven menus
>Game relies on ANY camera control for aiming whether it be melee or firing weapons
Mouse + Keyboard
>Game is 2D and only uses digital inputs