Memelands 3: Cringe Edition

Post Borderlands 3 cringe. Let's laugh at this most recent trainwreck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How do you do fellow gamers. Don't you want to get CRAZY and WACKY. How about them memes?

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Zoomers love me.

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Jesus Christ is this is all the game is gonna boil down to, hard pass. I guess 1 was the fluke, and hoping for them to course correct back to it was foolish.

Reddit: The Game

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>when burch somehow wrote a better game than this shit
I'm sickened and surprised.
You're still a pathetic faggot for making a thread about this, though.

Isn't there cuck porn you should be writing right now Anthony?

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Literally said 3 looks like dogshit writing and that burch's writing was abysmal, but somehow better than this.
Get some reading comprehension you shitposting retard.

Anthony I know you're sad that your wife left you for a bigger dick but don't take it out on me.

>Borderlands: Women edition


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Memes. The DNA of the soul.

I don't know how I managed to keep playing bl2 for two fully leveled characters, but I can't stand this writing anymore. I'm never going to play 3

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Turns out Burch wasn't the only reason the writing was god awful. Both of them are just as bad as each other.
>Post yfw you aren't Anthony Burch, Randy Pitchford or Andrew Dobson

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am I supposed to be surprised?
it's been called memelands since the first for a reason

I've never played borderlands for good writing, the best story to come out of the series was tales (presequel wasnt too bad after you stopped hearing so many australians). so I don't really care if it's bad because I play to shoot guns and get more guns.

>you will never kill all the vault hunters for her
>you will never be rewarded with a place at her side as her enthralled pet, mind controlled and brainwashed into a blissful happy slave, obediant to her forever
>she will never call you a good boy as you stare up lovingly at your God-Queen who now rules the universe

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That's a hobgoblin

I still don’t get the fucking story

>Angel that died
>Steele that died
>Twins Tyrese and Troy
>Ogro of the Amaricas
Even when Angel and Steele died they were 8 at the same fucking time, and that’s not counting the goblin of Ava

she is our one true rightful God-Queen.
you will beg to be her slave.

Gods dont need to follow the rules

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To anyone who has actually played BL3, how's the gameplay overall? The skill trees? And finally, is it all enough to overcome the vomit-inducing "plot" and "humor"? Was considering a buy because it was looking so much better than 2 to me, but I have heard it's really insufferable this time (which is saying something)

Extremely boring, anything fun is always a bug that will get fixed

>not loving mommy

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Oh good, now maybe Yea Forums will stop spamming these memes that were never funny in the first place and think up something original

Nah. That'll never happen.

Someone post in game caps of amaras pits and abs


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>Big Dock Energy
Imagine looking at Reddits front page every single day for months thinking "Yeah, this website is an accurate representation of what the average player finds funny!" without realizing that Reddit culture is actually cringy as fuck to everyone outside of it.

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well i think she is a pretty goblin

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Just play the old ones.

I actually find it fun the new skill trees are prwtt yintresting since you can get 3 different acrion skills

What would they get here? Wojaks,pepes and muh fukking blacks?

What's this a reference to

I know people don't actually play games here and the ones that do are Chinese shirrs but can someone post ONE (1) image?

Alright, I'm not gonna lie. Big dock energy is a little funny.

>I'm not gonna lie
Go back to Reseddit

They wouldn't get anything but at least they wouldn't be under some false pretense

I'm sorry for your shit taste

I sorta feel like I got all the mileage there was to get from them, you know? I suppose I was hoping that BL3 would be an improvement in both gameplay and overall aesthetics (it does look better by all accounts and the gun looks are a huge improvement over 2's literally-not-trying approach), but it sounds like the annoying characters/writing/humor/bad mission/quest design is all just as bad if not worse, from what people are saying, and that's what made 2 so unappealing in the end for me (plus being a not great game, obviously)

This we only laugh when someone screams nigger 20 times

She looks like she got a stern beating from the ugly stick.

that sidequest was the shit

Tannis got the powers from an existing siren, same with troy.
Lilith stopped being a siren when troy became one.
Therefore removing 2 from the total count to give us 6.


This but unironically.

jokes on you, ill be getting pegged for my good behaviour

Go sit in the corner while I fuck your waifu, cuck.

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You BL3 guys are like little babbies...

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Yea Forums

i laughed.

>is it all enough to overcome the vomit-inducing "plot" and "humor"?
sadly no
it's more borderlands, plays almost exactly like 2
i was bored within a few hours

thats amateur, id rather suck your dick

Do you know where you are? Memes are glorified while the place that made them a thing is villainous yet they continue to raid our meme farms.

You know, its things like this that make me glad I'm not anthony b*rch

Yea Forums is shit, but at least most of us dont pretend that it isnt.
Reddit is unfunny and full of morons, but they pretend they're the peak of comedy and intellect.

>games for zoomers have zoomer humour

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I think this might be why I find borderlands funny sometimes. There might be a good joke or two in it, but I really get a kick out of how cheesy the humor is. It tries so hard to be funny but ends up just being absurd.

hot af not gonna lie

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>sub 20 fps

good boy. your mommy’s favourite pet arent you?

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>you will never be this mad

Goblin Slayer is cringe.

i hope i am!

Just bought the game. Downloading it now while I jerk off to futa hentai. Pic related.

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I'd gladly take endless niggerbashing, ironically or otherwise

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Ok fine I admit i laughed but usually it's not funny

Is masturbating to futa a homosexual thing? I like it but I'm scared

Well at least you're honest with yourself

Got a scientist here, with a lot pictures of girls with DICKS

Depends on what's going on.
If it's like this where it's just a girl with a dick, it's 50% homosexual.
If it's futa girl on futa girl, it's 50% homosexual.
If it's futa girl on normal girl, it's 25% homosexual.
If it's futa girl on guy, it's 75% homosexual.

Okay Yea Forums which of these makes you a big faggot?
>fapping to futa
>buying Borderlands 3

Remember there's only one right answer.


The futa. There's no such thing as a girl with a dick, only a man with tits.

>It's ok when Japan does it
I better see you fucks shitting all over Neptunia and Val-hall-a cause it does the same fucking thing

>the 1 in the final one
Audibly laughed

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Wrong answer.

mommys gonna fuck you till you scream her name

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>implying 3d matters
Off yourself, bro. You're not really my bro.

Well actually this one is specifically a girl who was given a dick. She never used to have one, and I can't really get off to it otherwise.
Just doesn't feel as exciting.
Borderlands 3 should help though.

>>Is masturbating to futa a homosexual thing?
Yes, also the more you deny being gay the closer you come to becoming ultra gay

But they know how to write and can blend in cringe meme humor and make it into 10/10 joke.
While Americans are just "LOL MEME"

shame i have to wait a year to play her game

>50 fps

I laughed when maya died lol

You guys comfy in that closet? Want a snack or something?

Running it on 4 super computers.


mommy still loves you

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Some pizza would be nice.

>not corrupting her and gang-raping her with a bunch of psychos and bandits

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>most successful Borderlands to date
>let's laugh at the t-trainwreck guys! It's another t-t-t-tortanic!
Sad incel

I watched a big streamer that got early access to this game for a little bit just so I could see what it's like.

What's weird though is he was saying badass a lot. Can't help but wonder if they paid him extra to slip in a badass every now and then. Talk about shameless.

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Jesus user. It was just a little funny. It just got a "heh" out of me.

>source: my ass



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Whoa, really makes you think

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submission is the path to true bliss

notice the asterisks though, niggers clearly lying

>trusting Randy
>trusting Tim

There's a reason why they don't have an actual API to reveal the player numbers user.

Then again why should you care, you're here to shill for Epic so nothing I say would change your opinion.

sounds a bit exclusive
how are females supposed to have big dock energy

That's because there's significantly more people playing PC games today than there was in 2012.

I’d rather kill that mouse faced bitch and then go to town on Maya’s apprentice’s cute asshole


Almost there fellas. Finished jerking off and put some tempura battered chicken burgers in the oven.
What job should I play?
Is there anything anyone would like to see from in-game?

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get your seth mcfarlane jokes out of here

Yeah, because a closed-source API can totally be trusted with playercounts LMAO


Those are for emphasis you dunce.

There is one thing I like about this game
Krieg is now partially sane and is confirmed to be Tina’s dad. She goes to visit him on the weekends

Yeah, I know
I'm trying to make her submit and realize that

you’ll be broken in like any other bitch.
you are going to crave her control
she will make you like it

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>45 fps in vehicles
Oh no


>He doesn't know what a hermaphrodite is
A man can dream.

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jesus fuck

is there anything even remotely original in this game

arent you adorable

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Not really surprised. That was hinted at in 2 and has been my headcanon.

It's for added emphasis you mongoloid

The funniest thing to me is that you can tell most of you actually want to play it but you're too poor to buy it and it won't be pirateable for 6+ months due to this new iteration of Denuvo. So you keep grasping onto minor things like the writing or the epic store to convince yourself it's shit.

You niggas are like this with every new popular release.

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>troy is a tranny
The straw that broke the camel's back.
Gearbox is dead to me.

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No thanks. I don’t orbit e-thots

Are we sure this post wasn't made by one of the Borderlands writers anonymously venting their frustrations over the kind of stuff they had to write?

Finally some actual facts.

hah check it out guys, I bought this totally cringe game, and now i'm advertising this totally cringe game

>ps4 pro dipping into 40 fps on PERFORMANCE MODE

you will

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>So you keep grasping onto minor things like the writing
>minor things like half the game

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Clearly for emphasis you dingbat

i could buy the game 17 times if i wanted to right now
ill play it if someone makes a patch that strips out almost all of the text and voices

You wish. You magical juice loving fuck.

Enjoy your 40fps with stutter shit.

Okay aside from the cringe humor, is the gameplay any worse than borderlands 2's? All i hear is bad optimization aside from that

Not that I'm saying the borderlands line is good (it isn't), but 'normal line' is so robotic and devoid of any sense of urgency that it's just as bad as the borderlands delivery.

Christ that’s ugly

explain pls

I miss playing as Krieg

You wouldn't flush $60 down the toilet just because you could afford to, would you? I know I fell for the bait but anyone who's played a Borderlands game knows they're not $60 material

Looks more like Yea Forums garbage

I'll try to. I don't intend on playing on max graphics settings so it might not be so bad, but we'll see.

im bored now. im going to go suck dick

I'm still buying it, but i'm sort of bummed the humor is not more cerebral in the vein of Monty python or something.

I just want to game with my besties, man. I don't really care about the game as long as me and my friends are playing it together.

Make sure it’s clean first
Don’t need genital warts in your mouth

This is Yea Forums shit you idiot. All these borderlands memes are

yes daddy

Borderlands is shit tier, I can't believe people even play them

pic unrelated

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>No crack

Pirates BTFO forever

The poor performance ruins everything. A shooter feels good when bullets pop out of your gun with no latency at high framerate so you can shoot where you're aiming and have good visual and audio feedback synced together to give the illusion of good weapons.
This is an absolute mess.

>needing a crack
I already watched my favourite streamers play it


i dont want to replay BL2 now cuz of this shit. BL1 is so much better.

Here's a meme for ya : the only OG Vault hunters left are Brick and Mordy.

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>posts lame old memes
Pot, kettle, black.

It’s literally better on Xbone. It doesn’t even look better than 2 or 1 which both run beautifully.

>acting like the writing has ever severely impacted your enjoyment of a game

Whatever helps you cope user.

No, sorry for you but I was talking about very low setting on 1080p.

>What would they get here?

Attached: cooming.jpg (733x297, 59K)

Hope you like 40fps boi cuz this game is cpu capped hard

Completely agree, 642 hours in BL2 here

the fact that this site's meme quality has tunneled through the bottom of the trash can and is now somewhere deep in the Earth's crust does not somehow justify other things being bad

What do you do in the game for so many hours? Isn't it just a single/coop campaign?

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people was saying that with Octopath Traveler , now it got cracked and there is zero threads discussing the game.

skidrowreloaded (doot) com / borderlands-3-full-unlocked

Embarassing it took only a day for Denuvo to fall and them to crack it.

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Good concept and wordplay, but its another Wojak edit so, I'm being generous with a 3/10 here, user.

I can't even be bothered to be up in arms about it, after borderlands 1 and 2 you really ought to know what you're buying and don't get to cringe anymore. They are bad shooters with bad physics and mmo type mechanics, which, in a weird way, have one single original quality - and that's how there's an (entirely unoriginal) reddit- / internet- /meme humor joke every 5 words, and for some reason that seems enough to make people buy them. If you feel the need to play the game and scour it for every piece of reddit humor only to act shocked, you're part of the problem

>Good concept and wordplay
low standards

i want to kiss boys

it's pretty fun

>missing the point
You’re going to look back on this in the next year or so, like any other meme and think “wow this is incredibly awful. This game really aged poorly.”
Even Saints Row 3 and 4’s writing wasn’t this bad.

If they did this because of the reference and not because of narrative I'm gonna fucking kill randy

>Looks more like Yea Forums garbage
>This is Yea Forums shit you idiot. All these borderlands memes are
Found the writer of Memelands 3. No it isn't Yea Forums shit. I don't see any traps, people getting gored, get rich quick schemes or cock rate stuff. No copy pasta either.

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Played co-op mainly. For me, co-op in any game really pads out game time because you can sink so many hours into just doing dumb shit with people. Playing it with newcomers to the game is fun, too. Some of their excitement about playing a new game rubs off.

Also, I leave games idle a lot so maybe a hundred or so of those hours (I hope) are just bloat. But yeah, as someone who did put a surprising amount of time into it, it's really not a great game and now I wish I'd have just moved onto something different even if I knew people still playing it

Probably because Yea Forumsintendo already played it on switch over a year ago

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Patch to fix the shitty splitscreen when

>fixing things

No matter what, if you have a penis you are a male. Even if you have both sets, masculinity is always stronger and naturally supercedes the lesser gender.

What if you have two vaginas and a pair of balls?

But isn't this exactly what you are doing in this thread


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>Even if you have both sets, masculinity is always stronger and naturally supercedes the lesser gender.

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>that tall faggot's design
Literally Kela de Thaym from Warframe, stupid collar included.

[ Futa being destroyed ]

Then you're some sort of weird conjoined triplet

I would hope they stay away from here as well. I would rather they focus on writing dialogue that didn't force me to mute my fucking game. I'm a mindless retard who can have fun with the repetitive shooting and looting, but I can't stand what passes for "humor" in these goddamn games. Borderlands is the the gaming equivalent to Juno where the dialogue is so horrendously shit that I would rather stick my ear into a gloryhole than hear another "witty" piece of dialogue.

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seething bugman knows randy is lying again

So I actually want a futa Bf to rail me, not a Gf?

Neptunia used to have a dedicated and very effective shitposter back in 2011-2013.
Val-hall-a is also legit trash but it's not japanese.

It's the best Borderlands...


If even those meant to protect us don't understand that futas can be heterosexual, then we truly are doomed....

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>expecting newfags to truly understand their irony
you're talking to a wall at this point m8yroo

based on those numbers, guy on girl is also 50% homosexual

>Reddit: The Game
That type of shit is exactly how most idiots talk on Yea Forums now.

How are you so sure that they didn't make the narrative to fit the reference?
>Hey Randy, you watch Rick and Morty last night?
>Yo my BADASS, you know how Rick and Morty sounds like Brick and Mordy? Let's have Borderlands 3 end with only having Brick and Mordy as the remaining ones from the OG4.

You retards still bought the game.
Bitch about this all you want but you posting pictures you paid for the fucking game.


Jannies are faggies

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POST SPOILERS IMAGES. I have discordniggers to ruin.

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Tbh i dont get ppl complaining xD, i bought it today runs really well and its fun, not like much changed from bl2 soo, i think its yikes that people expected the game to be 20 euros or what not lol

Where the fuck have you been for the last 7 years?


>want to play it
Nah I started back with Borderlands 1 a long time ago the the humor was just as bad. Nothing about this game looks fun.

Lilith isn't a siren anymore.

I have no interest in this cringefest, I’ve been playing nothing but Iceborne for the last week.

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>The two I played survive

Enjoy your shitty DRM eating away at your upload

>I’ve been playing nothing but Iceborne for the last week.
That's even worse

Imagine unironically crying because you're a third worlder who suddently can't run 2019 games because they require more than some 2008 russian toaster, holy fuck Yea Forums

didn't this shitty "meme" singlehandedly make everyone hate that shitty show

Imagine actually finding Borderlands 3 funny.

Sure is a lot of samefagging in this thread. I bet Anthony Burch made this thread to spite them firing him.


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Did you have a stroke or what?

I think the Szechuan Sauce debacle was the turning point but pickle rick sure as hell didn't help

Are you retarded?

Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.

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Go back to le plebbit please

Is she supposed to look like an anime version of Rihanna? Can we Chris Brown this bitch in game?

more like borederlands. what a hunk of shit

Sow why borderlands 3 cringe tbut then 2 but cringe not?

Sauce me nigga

>20 fps on ps4

Umm, she's suppose to be black sweetie, can you stop posting this whitewashed racist bullshit? Thanks.


i didnt really care about the meme shit
but the one line with the black cowboy tryin to hard to be funny really fucking annoyed me.
it went something like this

>watch my ass
>no not really, i mean shoot people who want to hurt me
>see, words arn't as precise as bullets but can do more damage

yes gearbox we get it. saying nigger is bad but you didn't have to shoehorn in it a random conversation to the point of it not making sense in context

Who let this dirty cracker cosplay as our black queen? This wh*te cunt needs to check her privilege and step aside for poc cosplayers.

Cringe xDDDD

based chris poster

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bad taste desu

>N-no don't call my jokes written for 12 year olds cringe p-please!

i love her in her final form

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she. is. beautiful.

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that's the most retarded shit

BL1 was made by devs that love gaming and loved the game they were creating.
Those devs no longer exist.

Actually, you're just a straight up cock sucking faggot that should be thrown off a bridge.

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Yikes bro

Game runs fine on my 2070, 180+frames at medium settings

I gues you guys are just poorfags


why did they make an entire game around sirens
nobody fucking cares, and its annoying every other sentence in the story invovles a siren

also i liked the "rhys will remember that" and a few bandit quips like "my chili recipe will die with me"
thats like 5 jokes tops of 20000, not a good ratio

>medium settings

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Reminder if you don't support this game you are literally supporting white oppression and black genocide.

except it's not?

i hope she castrates me so i can be her pet eunuch

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Yas queen, slay!

Is this a riff on Tyler the Creator

Actually this is nu-Yea Forums humour, it's cringy but it is what it is. This site is no better than Reddit anymore

>Post YFW you're a boomer whose loving how cringey this game is cause it's not indicative of your generation's culture, leading you to not giving a shit, and instead, just love getting stupid guns and blowing shit up.

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I want to watch her step on tiny whi*toid cocks with her beautiful brown feet.

Wait what? What's Dobbo the Gobbo got to do with BL3?

I want to play it if its like BL1
But its not, so I am a sad

>cooms to Yea Forums to complain about cringe
>literal thread above this is le bezt grill xDD animu /trash/post no.1873224343

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Are Gaige or Krieg mentioned at all? They were pretty much the only good parts of BL2 and I'll be sad if they were casualties of this horrible train wreck of a game.


you say that. but i mean what i saw unironically. i hope mommy cuts my balls off

Nigga I was 18 when Borderlands 1 released and even then I thought the jokes were godawful and Claptrap was an obnoxious character.

i bought bl3 but its constant supply of feminism and literal shit humor gets tiring
im not asking for good writing
just not this

We're just supporting our new black queen yas queen'ing her way across the stars to destroy the white patriarchal oppression that exists today.


post nudes

Couldn't they have used another name than Destroyer...again?

You think I'm being facetious? I'm serious, Tyreen is the new face of beautiful blackness, it's about time we had less fucking white people in a video game.

>troy is probably a cunt boy
Just food for thought

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I'd believe it, or that user deconstructed their writing perfectly

What's wrong wh*teboi, can't stand a powerful black female in your male power fantasy?

I miss when this wasn't a reply you'd get.

He’s a Siamese twin so he might not have anything
Could just be grafted flesh down there

Aww, that's sweet. Too bad Tina looks like she was passed through a wood chipper and then hastily glued back together.

do people only like gaige because shes a teenage white girl and thats what everyone wants to be secertly?
honestly her action skill was a shit fire and forgot
her anarchy tree was annoying
her voice grates on the nerves
theres like 1 viable way to play her past true

axton, kreig and sal were way more enjoyable charterer and gameplay wise

I'm not going to miss the days of cookie cutter white men protagonists in video games.

Back when niggers had to be quality characters to make it into media?

The issue is that her face is too small

castrate me mommy

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Nigga, are you really not able to read sentences more than 5 words long?

So whats the class teir list

Watch you fucking mouth wh*teboi, this is a safe space.

I lost interest halfway thru BL2

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Literally Yea Forums

The issue is she looks like she's got dwarfism


For a while, up until people started screaming "WHAT!!?? HATE WOMEN WRITER!?!? IDIOT BITCH!?!?" and tried to spin it as a healthy critique on psychiatry

Who knows lad

I can't wait for all of the beautiful black fan art of her destroying wh*teness and taking power away from these cookie cutter cracker female protags.

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>Zoom-zoom getting triggered.

Make another mlp tier animle thread and then cut your dicks off queers. Hopefully you die from sepsis so no one else has to suffer you.

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Yas queen, kill that wh*te cunt!

Troy is a parasitic twin

It’s because they designed her as a child and then tried to scale her up but the artstyle kind of fucks with that working

zane is the best late and shit early
moze is good early and shit late
fl4k pets are shit but his critical damage means hes right below zane late
did anyone even play amara?

nothing it's just always good to not be him

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I was watching some footage of Borderlands 3 and it's astonishing how often they have a normal, sensible line followed by something completely inane just to remind the player that it's WACKY and FUNNY

>Player character gets shot out of a cannon or something
>"Are you okay? That looked like a rough landing"
>"That was the worst thing I've done in my entire life. LET'S DO IT AGAINNNN"

It's okay to do this occasionally for laughs but it happens every. single. time.

Gameplay isn't extremely different, but the new under barrel attachments, gun types , and even the new playable characters make the game feel fresh. The game feels upgraded in every way from the previous except minor performance issues, and worse humor, but you can always turn dialogue off if you find it that unbearable.
Also the stuttering and fps really aren't bad, I have 7 hours played and haven't dipped below 60 fps more than a couple times with rarely any stuttering. (I may be lucky)
gtx 1080
i7 6700k

Hate to break it to you, bu some of the best people on this website hate niggers.

Seethe, wh*teboi. What's wrong, did mommy come home with another black bull last night?

please tell me lilith is fucking dead

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Aww moze is bad? But she’s so cute

Lol my and my friends have been having a blast playing the game, while you virgin neckbeards sit here, complain like women, and wallow in your own misery. Get fucked lmao.

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Nah they've all got dwarf face

No, they kiled that cookie cutter cracker cunt, Maya.

How old are you?

Literally not even attractive

She dies a hero
and gets her powers stolen and humiliated by the bad guys and then left in a swarm of their “fans” at the very beginning of the game in a sequence that screams “please draw her being raped by a gang of ugly motherfuckers”


Fucking racist ass cracker.

People like Gaige because, despite being fucking annoying, she was still more interesting and more enjoyable that the entire fucking cast with the exception of Krieg.

>axton, kreig and sal were way more enjoyable charterer and gameplay wise

Axton and Sal were easily the two most boring pieces of shit in the game from a play perspective, though admittedly Sal had better character than Axton.

>not hard ER niggers
go fucking back plebbitor

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the only thing cringier than this game is making this thread and then samefagging it instantly

They kill both

It's okay, fucking wh*teboi probably doesn't even have friends.

I said it when they first got revealed and I'll say it again, she looks like fucking Frieza.

>People like Gaige because, despite being fucking annoying, she was still more interesting and more enjoyable that the entire fucking cast with the exception of Krieg.
It's almost like there was no extensive character lore or development until the dlcs

Literally me playing Borderlands 3 lol

Yeah I guess it is a product of its time. I liked Borderlands 1 a lot because of how different it was when it came out to other shooters. From the art style to the loot grind and being open world. Pretty neato. The character intros were dope, kinda like a comic book. But they really went off the rails with 2 and apparently now 3. I don't know. I liked 2 but only because I was playing with friends. And almost anything is fun that way.

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Good, good on gearbox for thinning the wh*te herd. Make room for more beautiful poc characters.

anarchy is annoying and deathtrap was more fire and forgot than axton turrents
your just a tranny that wants to be a small girl irl

black isn’t a color it’s a shade

The only good thing Lillith ever did was spread her legs for a black bull.

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There wasn't any even then, unless you count Tiny Tina's development in her dlc.

Yeah, how dare they come prepared with content to discuss the topic. What kind of faggy shit is that?

This is Yea Forums. We complain about videogames here nigger.

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I have a rx 590 and I have 120fps on medium, no stuttering and also there is no constant 2mb/s upload in the background.

Also the AI is stupid as shit, it's almost funny

Meat bicycle is the pinnacle of development but it's still development.

what are you even doing in Yea Forums if you have friends
i'm calling you out on your bullshit user

>Remember that one joke about Vaughn's Abs and that scene where Fiona makes fun of Rhys and Vaughn bro moment that happened only once during the game
>Lets make his entire character revolve around those two things and NOTHING elss
Holy shit, the fucking butchered him. So far, Rhys isnt too bad outside the voice change, but the shit they did to Vaughn is truly disgusting.

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Good taste.

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I like her because
>I think I got brain on my shoes...I like it.

Seethe more, wh*teboi.

rhys is on vaugn level of ruin
hes went from a underdog every day man that just wants to stay alive with a big ambition
There killing millions with a death lazer but my froyo

You have to be some kind of stupid to assume things over the internet. Delusional much? lol

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Fuck off zoomer, nobody played the telltale game

>hes still falling for the most obvious bait

Tyreen is a stereotype and I don’t like it

She's just destroying white oppression, what's the matter, can't handle a little black pride?

Maybe you should, so you can learn what good writing in the series looks like.

you subhuman and will die alone like all bl3 player all 5 of you

>Borderlands 3 is the story of a black girl stealing from a white woman which makes things miserable for everyone
I thought Gearbox was woke.

That's the shit they do with every character. Mordecai and Sal are huge stereotypes of Mexicans.

She’s a fucking black crime lord with magic powers where she steals shit and she’s a fucking streamer man that’s a stereotype not cool
Should make one of the guys they make guns black instead. In like a suit and shit. And they aren’t an asshole. That’s good representation

That hip toss though.

Mira is the only defender I need.

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Writing that was so good they cancelled it?

It's a step up from BL2 so I'm happy.

is she a sterotype?
i didnt know she was black desu i just thought some random half mexican mutt or something

people keep saying shes against white and i stopped playing at the halfway point. does she unironically start shouting anti white shit at the end? or that a meme
I wouldnt put it past gearbox at this point

New cunny
Cute and funny
Likes vault hunters
Would suck me for money

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As someone who has no attachment to BL despite playing 1 on release, I jumped into 3 not heavily invested, and it's actually a lot of fun. It feels old-school in a good way. The side quests and exploration is actually well-designed, the characters aren't as cringey as the internet makes it seem, and the guns, as usually, are stupid and fun. It's a good game.

the gameplay is "BIG NUMBERS GO UP" as a core mechanic and it sucks

Fucking wh*teoids coming into a black aligned thread acting like they give a shit about stereotypes and representation in digital media. Fuck off back to twitter.

Her skin is the same color Roland’s was and Tyreen is like girl Tyrone

I’m black tho

This is why I didn't buy this game.

>Her skin is the same color Roland’s
no its not
>Tyreen is like girl Tyrone
no thats laquesha or something. tyreen isnt even a real name

she literally just looks like a tan white girl exepct a little darker

>actually a lot of fun
But seriously I'll probably get it, in 6 months on Steam. My friends are all pretty uppity about the Epic Store so I'll have no one to play with until the exclusivity shit is done.

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you think there going to make people who bought on epic buy it again on steam?

>why is a game created to be fun and entertaining instead of just a soulless checklist of quest objectives

Prove it, you uncle tom sounding motherfucker.

Why did they add her hair at the end of her head?
She has a very large forehead.

hearing a retard blabber about random shit for way too long gets old user

gay in the url

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>Mira and Ash
Yeah, that's the good stuff.

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If she was Mexican her name would be like Miguela or something Borderlands is all stereotypes

I have friends that always would ask why I come here instead of SA or Reddit and this is exactly why. Yea Forums is complete dogshit but at least most people that use it outside of newfags and tourists know that. SA is full of people who are just as disgusting but think they have some kind of moral highground on people, same with reddit.

The objective quality of these sites is honestly pretty close but the userbase is so much worse.

>another borderlands makes incels screech and whine thread
Don't you guys have lives?

>She has a very large forehead.
Typical nigger

>not Zer0

>hes still falling for the most obvious bait

No amount of great writing was gonna save that game from TT's poor business. Still the best game in the series.

Fuck you, you nigger. The only people who call niggas Uncle Tom are niggers that get called out on being niggers

Just finished it and it was pretty fun

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it impacts the game if i cant skip it and it makes every quest take 5 times as long cause you gotta listen to some memery bullshit

reminder that epic game store is sells your data to the Chinese

true but i doubt shes actually black
I mean troy isnt black and their twins
it was prob just a shitty design per the usual

Does Tiny Tina actually come out as a tranny?

I mean, it's a moviegame. So the only thing that matters is the writing

>presequel wasn't too bad

That's because you forgot how bad it was. Remember when you spent 3 chapters making the first AI constructor for Jack's robot army? To retake the hyperion base? Then you just went back there and did it alone? So you actually never had to leave in the first place for any reason?

doesn't Denuvo get cracked on day one normally


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Meanwhile the main series of games are loot and shooters and they can barely do that right.

>That's because you forgot how bad it was.
fucking this
tried replaying recently, lasted about an hour

LOL I Just baited you so hard!
Welcome to the big leagues kid!
You won't last two seconds out here son!

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The main series made it to four games, while the first moviegame was cancelled.


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>the only good writing of the story/character dialog in the game is a side-story about a bunch of faggots
How the fuck do they do it? Also, Wainwright is the best character.

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thats not really fair user
people were just burnt out on telltale far before tales came out while games with loot are almost timeless in addiction rate
sucks cause tales was when they peaked too

So you admit that the telltale borderlands game brought nothing new to the table compared to their other games

>it sales therefore its good.
CoD is reaching its 16th fucking game this year meanwhile something like Timesplitters died at 3.
If you think only good game make money, you are the real zoomer.

different user that jumped in the convo, but does it matter?
it was a really fun story with good charaters
like honestly whats your problem with that?

Amazing gameplay with an uninteresting story. They try to be funny, but just fail most of the time.
Game looks good but got some performance issues.
The worst part is the cutscenes you can't skip and all the shitty dialogue you got to hear from the NPC's before you can progress. Just like the old games.

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It must have since BL3 relies heavily on the events of Tales.

It's time to game

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Those things are irrelevant, it's still easy. The only real thing that can seriously fuck you over is those random mods. Some of them are insane.

>does it matter?
>it was a really fun story
Uh, yeah it matters. Especially if they made the exact same game three times in a row.
>BL3 relies heavily on the events of Tales.
That's why you're the only person since release to bring it up, right?

Is this one like BL2 loot-wise where there's no point to farm for good stuff until you hit mega maximum new game++++?

There are multiple in this thread at has brought it up and in most every borderlands thread, theres are people that bring it up that not only share the same sentiment that Tales is the best game, some thing it is the only good game.
It looks like you're a zoomer, newfag, or both who just started playing Borderlands with 3.

Randy mandated that BL3 as many memes and pop culture references as possible. He basically castrated any creative freedom the writers of the game had. Randy was always coming around telling them to add more "jokes" and "funny" dialog. Randy had interns constantly browsing social media for more memes and references to add to the game.

Least you can kinda get off to a futa buttfucking you, BL3 won't even give you that, just endless Chinese laughter while it happens.

>you're a zoomer
Fuck off kid, and take your cringe with you

>He basically castrated any creative freedom the writers of the game had.
Fucking this. The game is one giant reference to everything that is popular on the Internet. Writing in this game feels more like a one giant Facebook meme.

>too young to remember threads praising a 4 year old game
Yeah, you're a fucking zoomer.

Replace Ash with wild west Twitch and now we're talking.

>can't play Tina
Why does anyone care about this game?

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Bitch looks like the Prophet of Regret

>threads praising tales
You mean the same ones where they were praising Anthony Burch?

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>He wasnt here for "at least I'm not Anthony Burch" posting
Zoomer and a newfag

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the second version is far more souless

holy shit, tiny tina looks like THAT?

That's real sweet

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Why would I circlejerk for not being a cuckold? My life wasn't that empty 4 years ago

I saw the other day that there a game that hasn't been cracked for like 180 days, I think it was one of the Anno ones.

hard pass

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Well fellas. I've been playing it for 2 hours now.
Gotta say, it's a pretty decent game.

The guns are all fun and unique, I'm actually inspecting them to see what each one does. I've found a shotgun that turns in to a sniper when you scope it, a rifle that has a grenade launcher underbarrel, a sniper rifle that can turn in to a shotgun.
There's also sub-modifiers, like headshots ricochet, shooting from behind does bonus damage, infinite clips size, etc.
Movement feels very fluid and responsive, everything has a good amount of weight to it.
Enemies now respond to being shot, makes being a shotgun user much more fun when you can blast things away.

Lord almighty the writing is dreadful. They've turned Vaugn from an okay side character to a typical "HAHA BADASS KILL MY SICKERINO DAB CHIEF, FOR THE WIN!" and it's vile.

Performance wise it's pretty demanding, but it playing at medium settings, 1440p lets me get a very consistently good FPS. It has micro-stutters however, which I imagine is stuff loading in. Dunno if it can be fixed.

Overall 7/10 game so far. Worth playing if you like shooters or Borderlands.


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Is Moze actually bad late? Also what even is Zane's ability? I feel like the characters have a quarter of the personality of the characters from 1 or 2.

As soon as the normies and shitskins figure out they cant run the game above 40 fps the price will tank

>we love memes
>but only the kosher ones that offend nobody except maybe “conservative” white males


She'll probably become a playable character in the next game.

Whether that's 4 or another pre-sequel type dealio who knows.

I think you dropped this:



Definitely, I remember them overusing the word badass in another game made by randy pitchfork or whatever

It is zoomer humor though

the comedy is actually alright in this game imo

All united be advised: Feminism is AWESOME!

Thanks shill, very cool

>Instead of killing Lilith after taking her powers, they just leave her to be killed by some random goons
Shit like that pisses me off, despite Jack spending most of his time being le funny villain, when presented with an opportunity to kill Rolan, he took it.
What the fuck were their reasoning for not just killing her?

>Is Moze actually bad late?
Mine plays alright. This build + legendary class mod that gives more THIN RED LINE, DESPERATE MEASURES and PHALANX DOCTRINE, + very fat shield and Torgue weapons. Currently running at 1 hp and 35k shield on Mayhem 3 and do not experience any problems.

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>no zed (he's apparently getting his medical degree)
>no gaige
>no axton
>no salvador
>no kreig
>no tell tale characters besides rhys and vaughn
>no athena
>no doppleganger besides a small cameo
>no handsome jack besides a one off gag but I haven't seen proof

it bad an you are retarded bahoo

Kreig had some echo logs in the mine area before tannis' lab


When a rich company uses internet memes said meme loses all sense of irony and humor, it's a fact.

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Forgot about that but he doesn't even have anything involved with Maya.

>no handsome jack besides a one off gag but I haven't seen proof
There is Handsome Jackie enemy and some lore about Jack and his family. He didn't lie in BL2 when he said that Angel killed her mother - we learn more about this in BL3.

>Forgot about that but he doesn't even have anything involved with Maya.
Didn't they hint a something during one of the later dlcs?

Haven't heard anything about that but I think after hearing these complaints they'll probably make the dlcs based on the old characters. Or at least have them be a big part of it.

Forgot about that too I've been hearing conflicting information though so its a bit annoying figuring out whats actually in or not.

Based beyond belief

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of course, lesbian porn is the only 100% heterosexual porn


Didn't they make her a tranny?

How are the maps and enemy variety? One of the worst fucking parts of 2 was driving around a ton of areas you largely ignore because you're so overlevelled and the games doesn't really reward exploring, so much as it does platforming to annoying locations to reach shitty treasure chests. Getting to sanctuary from the tundra was God awful.

No but Anthony Burch did confirm her to be a lesbian that wanted to eat maya and moxxi's shit at 13.

No one cares what cuckthony thinks.

A decent chunk of the people who preordered this game do

God that's depressing

What does +500% increase in drops do? Are purples dropping all the time or something?

Enjoy your burgers.

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>How are the maps and enemy variety?
5 or 6 planets with several different zones. Each has like 5 to 8 unique type of enemies.
>One of the worst fucking parts of 2 was driving around a ton of areas you largely ignore because you're so overlevelled and the games doesn't really reward exploring
There are some side objectives that require exploring and get you extra EXP, loot and lore + shitty jokes.

Did people buy this because of 13yo lesbian representation?

There's a 90% chance anthony wants to fuck his sister, makes since him being a poo

which is funny because the whole reason it was written was to prove how easy it was to meme

Did you not see the zoomers defending his writing earlier?

So far I've only explored two maps. They seem worth exploring since I've managed to find a lot of chests. But on top of that there's special hidden objectives in different corners of the maps.
For example I went to explore some seemingly empty side area and it turned out there was a mini-boss there that Hammerlock tells you to kill then and there.
Platforming is pretty good now since you can just grab and climb up edges.

I'm only level 8 right now so I can't say how enemies level, but I have encountered enemies up to level 13.

Enemy variety is quite good. Certain enemies have different attacks, I think depending on their strength.
Of human types, I've encountered 5, maybe 6 different varieties on Pandora: Psychos, shooters, midgets, shield guys, and mutated Psychos.
I've encountered 4 types of Skags. Pups, Adults, Vomiters, and Alphas.
I've encountered Varkids which are basically unchanged.
Rakk seem to have different behaviour, and can also spawn badass versions.

So far really it's just typical Pandora fauna.

How many other preteen lesbians are there in video games?

so is there a borderlands 3 rule 34 reddit yet Rangy? Im waiting

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amara is stupid strong, not salvador tier but im not having any lick of a problem in UVHM.

stand by gents, got another jaypegging with autopsy in progress, I'll dig you up shills in a response.

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>liked and retweeted
really hope you didn't take this screenshot

But why would you want that in a game? Isn't it a bit concerning? There's no it way this would be okay if they put her being cock hungry as a selling point.

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Gaige and Axton bounced to another planet to "look" for the vault on another planet. and by look they just wanted to bang each othe the whole way there.

There’s only 4 Moze pics on Paheal, 1 is just a shitty futa version of another, and none are that good and I am sad


Based Axton
Knew there was a reason I picked him until I dropped him for based Krieg

Oh and there’s only one Ava pic and she looks too old in it which is also sad


My monster secret it's a normal anime.

BL3 Lore for ya'all

Amara is Maya's and Brick's kid, but they got separated during a Bandit attack.

Flak is Zero's creation with influence from Mordecai for the animals

Moze is Moxxi and Marcus' third child, Amara protects Moze until she's older and finds out about Gaige's Deathbot notes, she modifes it and makes Iron Bear

Zane is a homo who wants to marry Hammerlock and want the respect from being a Vault Hunter.

Based Marcus being best girl’s dad

I would fucking believe it


you just can't call bullshit, you have to show proof of why i'm wrong.

Yeah, that kinda dialog thing kinda describes why I hated BL2 when I played it. It's that stupid "spork DX random" style is fucking cringey.

literally Yea Forums

>Lilith stopped being a siren when troy became one.
How the fuck did that happen? Why is this shit all so fast and loose?
How the fu

I liked Anarchy. It allowed for absolutely aggressive balls to wall play.
But I had absolutely miserable time when I loaded the game up, until I had built up some stacks.

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So who is the best hero? I'm playing Moze and she is kinda fun I guess.

Source damn it

peak of BL2 was about 125k. so the absolute max would be 250k concurrent which is really not that impressive when you think even jap shite like monster hunter got 350k.

then factor in randy bitchtits using asterisks and the word "about" and you're looking at 200k, which is hugely disappointing when you think of the the hype behind it.

i am erect

Isn't she just a worse Gaige?

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Go on, live your truth!


Don’t know who this is but damn this bitch is ugly. I guess the memes about western devs being unable to make attractive female characters is true

is lan available on pc version?