Why yes I play Japanese character action games how did you know?

Why yes I play Japanese character action games how did you know?

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Is that what a typical Gravity Rush player looks like?

Attached: 1547140635763.jpg (1920x1080, 926K)

>Yea Forumstards would fuck this

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but more important question, where is the dick?

Attached: really makes you think...png (316x382, 128K)

is this sue’s latest?

goddamn id turn gay for some of that

>Calling them character action games
>Not stylish action
How to spot a pleb.

what a disgusting tranny

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have gay sex incel

Your average Gravity Rush fan

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>The best trap makes based CapGod videos now
Fucking based sue

Thats a girl right?

>character action game
that's the most retarded way of calling a genre i've ever heard of

Always that same picture user, damn. You're a faggot if you wouldn't fuck him though. I don't make the rules, sorry.

is this a real girl?
it's way too conspicuous to be a trap

Why do men look like this now?

>converse and ankle socks
I will now fuck your ass.

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>a new thicc character whos rivals with Kat
I'm getting hard thingken about it, shame how the game died

That is pretty bigoted of you user.

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Isn't he Jewish?

your average street fighter fan

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Bisexual master race. Of course I would.

Sue Lighting, now known as The Sphere Hunter, is a transgirl who makes videos about Resident Evil

so you have access to the whole store and choose from the broken items section?

Got more pictures of them?

OH EM GEE you like Nintendo games too?!

Attached: xbqufhi3xk531.jpg (960x716, 106K)

Go on her Instagram and Twitter

I hate when people use lipstick to give them lips they dont actually have.

who's this semen demon

Mental illness can be hot, schizos are fun to talk to. BPD folks are generally hot garbage though.

You mean his?


I want a gf


I didn't know suzi did porn


Attached: ywn_have_a_gf_like_this.jpg (918x918, 202K)

>See OP with Nami and Robin licking a guys dick
>instantly diamonds
>Scroll down
>See james
>My dick shrivels instantly
Kill yourself you ruined my boner you monster

>hiding chin and adam's apple

it’s cute that she plays games with her little brother

Attached: spl1198907_001_120436776.jpg (2880x3600, 766K)

that's male, right?

Unironically looks like a Christian homeschool mom in the second pic

tfw no one will ever love you
Life is hard.

Shut up esl, the natives are speaking.

Based and redpilled

If you wanna be a cunt about it, sure. His social media.

i was kinda hoping it would be a girl because it looks so much like a boy

>fat and can barely reach far enough to wipe her own ass
Thanks but no thanks.

Just look up sue lightning and you can see the porn they made back then.

it's awful and weird

>that feel when grills do hit on you at the bar but you're too fucking retarded to know how to feel any intimate connection
Last time she straight up invited me to her hotel room and I said I just wanted to sit at the bar and drink.

I’m married and play vidya every day, ask me anything

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Never said they were good

The man's face after he found out, geez poor guy

that's a dude isn't it....

ever made your wife cosplay and then fuck her in costume?

Why are your knuckles so red? Is it because you beat your husband?

Sue is the only boy who has ever made me question what im all about. OP's image gives me butterflies, its fucking bizzare. I have to remind my body he's a guy.

Nudes when. I need some feminine penis.

why yes the tranny janny just tried to ban me for replying to a porn thread how did you know

shabby ring

he's a guy, he knows what guys want
if you can't spot a tranny from his physiology, you can still spot them from the way they dress
a roastie would never figure out that an outfit like this makes the average man harder than whatever is currently in fashion

so he was mr gay after all, huh?

You think women don't wear tank tops and shorts?

What the fuck are you on about, lad?

yeah I would why woul-

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this please

I want to marry Sue and make her forget about her prostitution days!!!!11

trannies pander to male notions of femininity and cuteness, which is how many of them are able to sell themselves despite being easily identifiable as dudes in wigs

I showed this post to my wife and she just agreed. She’s 95lbs god I cannot wait, not thatvother user btw

Yes, Velma
It’s cold where I work
Thanks I picked it out

Yikes at being gay

>lady gaga was shilling bayoneta
Bayo 3 is gonna sell fucking gangbusters isn't it

>knows sue
>doesn't know sue did porn

this is the most retarded way to beg for sauce

Why are these stupid fucking threads allowed? No one is talking about video games

Both terms are for retards, but stylish action sounds much gayer.

You new? Half the threads on Yea Forums devolve into off-topic or are made specifically for off-topic threads.

Yea Forums when there's a tranny in a game:
Yea Forums when they see an actual tranny:
>I want her to be my wife I'd go gay for her too good.

We want cute trannies to fuck stupid not make video games.

This. Nothing wrong with gagging on a feminine penis so long as they're not making video games.