Evil Within 3 when?

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Next Spooktober, will possibly even be a ps5 launchy

isn't Ghostwire Tokyo coming out first?

protect Leslie at all costs

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After Ghostwire Tokyo. Or never. Sales from 2 weren’t that stellar. A shame since it’s a great series.

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Post your favorite bosses

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First game was the clunkiest piece of shit since RE4 that I've played. Holy fuck I hate this game.

Fucking 30 degrees fov that gets even narrower when you aim + floaty mouse aiming with some kind of acceleration faggotry. Shitty short sprint. You can miss even if you aim at a standing dude's head at close distance.
Never once was I scared by anything in this game even though I'm easily scared. I was annoyed the whole time fighting shitty controls/camera and one-shot mechanics on bosses/enemies.

Story also didn't hook me and was flat as fuck and "just there" to move you through the game.
I don't get why the fuck is this game praised? Is that RE4 fandom jizzing all over it or what?

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definitely Blacky in the second game even if it's just a boss rush of the first game

Warms my heart to see plebs still seething over TEW 1 after all these years

THE you know who from the second game. First time I got legitimately spooked by a vidya. Having a damn car between us and finding out she can just phase through it fucked me up.

I am indeed seething that I've wasted my time on a shitty game.
Guess your shit-eating skills are better than mine.

I really loved TEW1 first I don't get the hate for it.

Initially it was hated for the mandatory letter-boxing, framerate issues, clunkiness, and lots of one hit kills. The letter boxing was addressed and subsequent patches after launch addressed some of the technical issues. Brainlets that couldn’t be bothered to read files or pay attention like found the story to be nonsensical but it’s pretty straightforward in reality. AKUMU is also one of the peak action horror experiences.

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Also the match mechanic was kino

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Indeed it was. A shame they took it out in 2. I’ll always remember the time I killed 10+ enemies with one match on my first AKUMU run.

People that beat Akumu mode know true despair. i never died more times in any other game.

But the feeling you get when you finally beat it makes it worth it. Knowing that you pushed yourself through all that bullshit just to say you did it. It’s also great since AKUMU really forces you take advantage of the game’s mechanics to fullest extent i.e. resource management, strategically picking your upgrades, knowing when to fight or flee etc

I understand your hate, it's not a game for everyone. I know it's a pretty janky game gameplay wise but it feels very rewarding when you play it right.

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Im so glad i saved those magnum rounds for the duo keeper fight

There's something about the Keeper that just sticks out for me

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I thought 1 wasn't very good but 2 was great.

Its dead Jim. Creative producer leaving that early into development is not good.

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It’s certainly not a good thing but it doesn’t mean the project is dead. Ikumi likely left due to either getting a much better offer somewhere else or because of Bethesda’s meddling. Either way, we’ll be lucky if we ever get another TEW.

Yeah, basically this. I hated it when it came out but really appreciate the game now.

This franchise has a lot of potential
The second ones gameplay was just great
All it needs is to have a focus on more like the early stage area but throughout other levels as well instead of going lazy
More sand boxy open worlds with a focus on exploration and item finding inside buildings and such
Those early stages were comfy as fuck
And yeah the infected zombie what have you need a bit of ai work
That’s pretty much it

You make it sound like akumu is hard. It's not, it really isn't.

The evil within 1 and 2 can compete with the likes of RE4, RE2 remake, and crushes RE7 in terms of game play and mechanics and story.

Scorn looks like a good unique survival horror. I hope it does' well.

Not that guy but yeah it was. I know you want your pro gamer points though so have my (you)

Pro gamer points? Dude just use the crossbow and flashbolts.

One flash bolt maxed can stun like 10 enemies and you can just kill them with the knife, no ammo is really wasted.

2 bombed so they considered the series a flop


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Threevil Within or Evil Withreen?

When you combine 1 and 2

The 3vil Within

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