Borderlands 3

"An absolute masterpiece - 9/10" - Shacknews
"An arsenal of fun - 9/10" - IGN
"A hallmark of excellence - 9/10" - Destructoid

Can't wait for this clown society to burn.

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>epic redditfrog
>triggered by mainstream popularity
Holy fucking shit.

Nice thumbnail faggot

Thanks for the epic exclusive randy. Thanks for the CPU-destroying DRM randy.

dialate seething copecel

Why do trannies and leftists love Borderlands?

>absolute masterpiece

I'm doing the best cope which is just not buying this garbage and other garbage. What's your cope? Or did you actually buy it?

Post another frog.

Turns out developers or their community managers keep their eyes out for 4chin's opinion on releases like this (think Ion Fury), so if you want to tell them to go fuck themselves and KYS then now you got the chance i guess.

it will be faster than you think, when Islam takes over the world, there won't be any more games, user.

Thank Allah

It's filled with epic references to shit they saw somewhere else.
No jokes about any of it so they can feel the closest thing to humor they are allowed to enjoy without guilt.
They can go "Hey I recognize that!" every few minutes like an excitable dog without having to hunt for wrongthink.
And don't forget the QUIRKY dialogue where characters say something silly and immediately reiterate it so you understand it was funny.

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Have you played it?


Does Freud even matter in the modern day? Hasn't most of his shit been disregarded for decades? I'm not sure I'd consider him a smart man if all his theories are rejected today.

He is irrelevant I just think the picture is funny.

Shocking truth, retarded coastal liberal journalists like games that pander to their dumbass sensibilities. Take your le epic pepe clown meme bãck to reddit.

>"game I don't like got good score!?!?!"
>proceeds to post a memefrog and goes "muh clown world"

frognigger site ban when?

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Borderlands is basedfun, the same kind of "fun" that makes clicker games addictive. You feel more skilled as enemies you previous had a hard time with just gets trounced by your newer shiny weapons. It's a facade, you're not getting more skilled (it's impossible to get skilled in these games) you're getting an unearned endorphin rush.

It'd be the equivalent to working out, having no upper body strength and then suddenly being capable of easily bench pressing 300 pounds. But then you find out your buddy has just been cleverly pulling the weight up and down to make you think you're that strong.

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Shut the fuck up /fit/ you gay ass fuck.

>fucking garbage dialog and SJW tier 1-liners
>bullet sponge enemies
>shit loot
>FFYL time reduced to almost nothing, so even if your shotgun has 6 rounds and you dump them into a guy's head at point blank, you'll die reloading because bullet sponge

All of the characters who get a borderlands introduction are all women. This game was made pretty much because soiboys will buy it and fawn over it, and so women would have more options for cosplaying. It's absolute dogshit

Is this sweeny?

Attached: Borderlands3_TigerFractalRat.jpg (1920x1080, 321K)

we need to rise up

considering psychology isn't a real science, you can say whatever you want on the topic as long as you dress it up as a credible idea.
many of older theories get trashed or are unable to be replicated because nearly all of it is pseudoscience schlock and bad conjecture. the current ideas on psychology will be similarly thrown out in 10 years or less

go complain about republicans on twitter again

Maybe, just maybe, it's a good game?

>"An arsenal of fun - 9/10" - IGN
That sounds like a quote Randy Pitchford personally paid for.

hello r*ddit

This place would improve overnight if all Wojak and frog posters were banned

not that game sites amount to much these days but fwiw, I thought RPS gave it a pretty accurate rating and for good reasons. 63 or something? It helps not to use IGN to decide what to buy


The game is a lot of fun for what it is. That said it is easy to see people not like it. I don't expect anything from the writing so whatever. It is fun for what it is and nothing is bad enough about it to get the amount of butthurt this game generates on Yea Forums.

is there a more reddit meme than this le clownworld shit?

Attached: dog.png (158x156, 71K)

>Anons create bad meme
>Anons blame reddit when bad meme is bad
>Blaming reddit itself becomes a bad meme
Looking into the mirror can be painful, user. But know that you are part of the problem.

its not le japanese anime waifu simulator
of course v hates it

Just finished my first session with BL3. Holy fuck it's funny reading you guys seethe at people having fun. The gunplay is heavier and more Impactful than in BL2, sound design on weapons is god tier. Character builds are differentiated better than in BL2 thanks to different actions skills for each tree. Character mobility is better in every way from BL2.

The writing is shit for the story. But the gameplay, the part I bought if for, is amazing.

To attempt to sidestep the bait you led with, I agree from videos/streams that the gameplay probably is much better, but for me the cringe factor of BL2 actually had a detrimental effect of the game as a whole.

Since you have played it though, can you answer a question? BL2 (and 1) both had some of the laziest, most slapdash maps I have ever seen in an FPS. Most of the time you just floated 3 feet above the random blurry trash terrain, and you could go on from there for a while.

Did they improve this much in 3? The stream of Promethea made things look better but then again they wouldn't show off the game's ugliest parts in a demo

how is clownworld shit when it unironically applies