Remake is still the best Resident Evil game, right?

Remake is still the best Resident Evil game, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:!u0IAgaRS!EMfZrlzUHGPkc4lAbs6YGVkSz6oDg43VipYTBLWKb4o

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My wife Jill is very cute

It's on my list of top 10 games of all time so of course

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Yes, also eternal reminder that the Gamecube original (and Wii port) are superior to the HD version. Bonus points for playing on a CRT

It would be cool if the RE3make includes some flashbacks to the Spencer Mansion.

Resident Evil 4 has been the best RE game since it came out.

Jill and my wife Claire are the best RE girls

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The best game with a RE title on the box, maybe, but the best" Resident Evil" game is REmake.


It's just a fucking looter shooter.

apples to oranges, and can't really be compared. RE4 and REmake are both up there in the rankings of best games of all time though

Best Leon so far. I want a time travel spin off where Re4 Leon teams with Re1 Jill and Frank West during the Raccoon City outbreak.

best looking game

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>you may not like it but its how peak female body looks like

i bet you like borderlands

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Leon's half the reason why Resident Evil 4 is so damn good. He's an incredibly likeable and memorable protagonist, and honestly he's the only RE protagonist worth a shit.

Curious how Re has always been one of the best in every genre. Remake in horror, 4 in action and 7 in fps.

Because Capcom cares when it matters

True. No other character is so charismatic. Sure the girls are hot, but that's it. I wish they bring back 4's voice actor for a future game.

Too much backtracking, RE4 is the king

The best RE is 7.
1-3 are shit camera angle wanna be horror before horror in vidya was possible
4 is a decent 3rd person shooter with horror elements
5 is fun for a co OP shooter but is over all not great.
6 was a fun action packed adventure with a buddy but a terrible resident evil game.
7 and remake2 are the only true horror re games and 2 comes I'm second for being in 3rd person n horror games should never be in 3rd person

He just does really bland one liners.

Yeah, RE4 straddles that perfect line of campy action that makes it feel like the embodiment of an 80s action flick in the form of a game. It's somehow done with perfect balance, never taking itself too seriously, but also not feeling some some cringey wink-wink-nudge-nudge shit. I don't know how they pulled it off, but every single thing about it just works.

RE4 is not a campy action, I'm getting tired of these RE-tards

Name another game that was able to successfully replace the original as a full blown remake.
Sounds easy, but you won't, because remakes always tend to fuck something up that makes you go back to the original. REmake did not.
Both stand in history in their own right, RE1 1996 is not forgotten in the slightest, but whenever someone asks "should I play RE1 or go straight for REmake" it's the only time people have mixed feelings and many suggest "go straight for the remake".

I agree. 2 would have been better if it followed 7 formula and had Leon voiced by Paul Mercer.

Fuck off, yes it is. It has a protagonist making arnold-style one-liners and doing ridiculous stuff like running away from a giant salazar robot

If RE1 in 1996 was first person, the series would've died right then and there.

REmake is just an incredible game.

Remake is one of those few "perfect" games. It accomplishes everything it was trying to do and does it extremely well.

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There's three different kinds of resident evil

Survival Horror RE (the best being REmake1)

Joe Action Movie RE (the best being 4)

Nurse (first and best (so far) being REmake2)

Metroid Fusion and Pokemon FR/LG and HG/SS. And I know this is far more divisive, but I also prefer Twin Snakes to the original MGS1, and I think most of the criticisms of that game are unwarranted in the greater scope of the franchise.

And that's exactly what's so great about him.
No matter how unrealistic may seem, I prefer an action hero attitude with boomer dad level one-liners instead of a "realistic" concerned normal guy.

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>metroid fusion
meant to say zero mission

>lets you roundhouse kick zombies
>press x to backflip over lasers
>not campy

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Where does 7 fall?

It didn't fix the backtracking

Resident Evil 2 vanilla is one of the best games I've ever played. It's not nostalgia talking either because I only recently played it. Tank controls are hard to get used to but really do heighten tension a lot between rooms.
I dunno why but I never really liked REmake. I should enjoy it but I don't really like it. Maybe I'm just retarded.

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The backtracking is necessary to throw the hunter/crimson curveball at you in case you thought you could stock up on ammo and be a badass.

>7 and remake2 are the only true horror re games
And that's why they're bad actual RE games. Notice how nobody talks about 7 anymore and all the RE2make threads are just lewd mod pic posting?

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Still the king of remakes

i would play it again if I had component cables
it looks awful with composite

backtracking is not a bad thing, faggot

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I do like it for what it is, but I never could get into prerendered backgrounds too much. I admit they can be beautiful works of art but I can't help but feel I'm trapped in a painting and I can't get out.

Honestly, I forgot 7 existed. That definitely falls under NuRE. As good as it was, REmake2 is better in my opinion.

>obligatory backflip and slide through lazers scene
>run from a giant french midget robot
>roundhouse kick and suplex zombies
>"Salazar... YOU'RE small time!"
>cultists literally yell "BRAINS... BRAINS..." in spanish
Resident Evil 4 is so campy it hurts, and that's one of the best things about it. Quit lying to yourself, man.

You can use cheap component cables on a wii. Or use a decent s-video cable on the gamecube. Game still looks beautiful on my CRT and I regularly replay the gamecube games

>>"Luis! LUUUUUUIS!"

You mean to say LEWIS!!!

I prefer the original because it's the one I fell in love with

REmake is pretty god damn top tier though

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Tonally RE4 feels like someone mashed up Big Trouble in Little China and The Thing. So yeah its fucking campy as hell.

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I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square"

Is there any remake in general that does as well as REmake? I can't think of any that both respect the game they're remaking and expand on it as well as REmake does.

I've tried to play it and i just get uninterested or I fuck up and get lost or lose too many items. Should I just use a walkthrough to beat it?

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It's boring

you're boring and have awful taste.

>Kenichi Sonoda doing Resident Evil art
Please tell me he did more.

theres only 1 reason to play as chris

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>Raging Bull
I didn't know Rebecca likes Scorsese movies.

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>get this for steam
>back in the saddle
>spend 5 mins remembering how to juke zombos
>end game with 18 grenade rounds, 54 shotgun shells.

>"Salazar... YOU'RE small time!"
I think he said that to Saddler

That's kinda why I really wanted REmake2 to have been made while Mikami was still there. I enjoyed what we got, but wondered how it would've been under Mikami.

Shit, yeah, you're right. God damn it, looks like I need to play Resident Evil 4 again.

Enjoy wasting time

Whose hotter Jill or Claire.

If original Claire ever got a proper HD treatment it would be her, but Jill as is.

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No, it never was. 2 was always the best in the series.

It's your playthrough. Do what makes you feel comfortable. Once you know everything, it gets easier with each replay.

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You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

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2 isn't even better than it's predecessor.
1 had puzzles beyond bring items from point a to b and block pushing, more open level design, and wasn't overly generous with resources like 2.

But it's a pretty fun one, don't you think?

I love Claire.

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yea, but saying its the best a major fail

Claire is wonderful

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Claire is just peak

Should I mod X out of REmake 2?

>cheesy chink alone in the dark clone

I liked both of them
RE4 is much more forgiving with mistakes but it is a much longer game.
I can beat REmake in almost under 2 hours even though you can lose a lot of progress after dying.

You will never be with her. May just off yourself now

imagine the smell

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>Eyes aren't blue
Fuck this gay art

I think it's a tie between 4, Remake and 7. They all have balanced pros and cons. What lacks in one has it the other.

Jill is as timeless as the REmake.

Can't wait for her to get the RE7 treatment and become a fucking goblin.

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Jill is sexier, Claire is hotter.

She was already a mutt in REvelations and ORC. Instead of going for a Jap-Eur hapa like the original was meant to be, they will go for some southamericanxfilipino creatura.

Both of their REmake versions are about equal and are the 2 hottest girls in the series.
I didn't think Jill was as hot in RE5 though

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mods are super interesting

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What are mods for, my dude

You are demented

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Who is the next Tokyo-based model to be used to model an RE girl? Who will they use for Jill?

REmake mansion was the best area of any RE game.

RE2 police HQ was kinda meh and the sewer part just sucked ass.

Who will have the biggest meltdown? Jillfags, if she turns out crap or Clairefags, if Jill turns out hotter?

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Call me a retard but I think the game with most beautiful areas was Re0.

Comfy train, beautiful mansion and in my opinion the Marshalling Yard is one of the most KINO locations in the saga. Shame they didn't keep it in the Re2make.

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Me and my hatred for RE7 and the continual ruination of my autistic love for these poorly written characters.

God damn 3 was a good game
Remake when?


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Clairefags hand down. They will spam Yea Forums with their shitty posts about how Claire is actually better. Just like they're spamming every RE thread with her

>tfw too much of an adhd faggot to properly enjoy the older resident evil games, get bored quickly and cant stand the controls
>have only played re4 and 7
I've tried so many times to get into the older games and I just can't. At least I have RE4.

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I have to admit I fucking suck at these games. As a kid I was terrifired of them and only ever really beat RE0 and RE2, both on their lowest, or in 0's case next to lowest, difficulty settings. I put off playing REmake 2 for months now because the prospect of Mr. X following me around like Nemesis on speed made me an anxious fuck. I gave in eventually though and played the game on Assisted. Only died once, during the Super X fight in Leon B and I know it's nothing to boast about but I really loved the game and I'm gonna try playing through again soon on Standard.

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I'm a Clairefag and I want nuJill to be super hot. Nobody's gonna be mad if she's beautiful. Waifu wars are just retarded; I think Ada is hot too

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>heels instead of barefoot
absolute disgusting

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I said RE7 not REmake 2.

Lets play a game and choose what fits her better

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voth....shes just as young and hot as those other models...right?

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RE4 the Goat

Claire is such a sweet girl

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Yes. I still hate CAPCOM for having lost the assets and the source code.

Maybe if you consider Brits breeding with Frenchies (or other Western European mixtures) to be mutts, but hey that's not actually a mutt you're just being a retard

>Can't wait for her to get the RE7 treatment and become a fucking goblin.

I hate how true this is. I hate this realism shit for gaming, it just means make women ugly.

Maybe you're just so used to sexy fake girls that when they look like real girls, they look ugly to you?

As mentioned by Jill has already suffered a less desirable face model change already. If anything Capcom would surprise most people by actually using Voth's face again.

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fuck man... sherry looks like she fucking died. They did a good job on making the sick look fucking sick.

If you can beat 0, you can beat any RE game. So no, you don't suck. You got the basics so play on normal to get better.

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>nuClaire niggers

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I kinda liked re5 jill
Is that wierd

Sherry swimsuit #1

The best Resident Evil game is Dead Space.

RE3R can't come soon enough

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Fuckin moron


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Probably because of the RE Engine that makes them look "off". DMCV's characters looked alright. Although, Vergil looked a bit weird in some cutscenes imo.

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better for stepping on your balls

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If they ever do it, I want them to expand the Live Selection system of choices and make it have long lasting consequences in the game.

I want to be able to save Brad in the game but Carlos dies instead, so he becomes your partner and redeems himself becoming brave while saving Jill when she's infected.
>Jill is laying in the church
>"Sorry for not being there for you, Jill... I'm such a coward. I should have never left you alone."
>Jill touches his cheek gently.
>"You are... the bravest man I ever met, Brad." and passes out.
>Brad has now a decisive look on his eyes and says "I'll be for you this time, I promise" while reloading his gun and heading for the hospital.
In short, I just want some good ol' character development.

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>or I fuck up and get lost or lose too many items
How do you even get lost when the game literally has a map with loads of useful info on it? It sounds like you're just a cuck who gives up too fast. The game is intentionally designed to make you feel like you're in a dire situation by repeatedly putting you in situations where end up low on resources and aren't sure on the best way to proceed. It's called tension, and tension is fun. If you can embrace that then you should have a great time.

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I was a little sad when I didn't see Zombie Brad in the RPD tunnel but finding that poster with his dopey look made me laugh. That's a man in way over his head.

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Jill has the most perfect face in video games.

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>posting Rev1 Jill
this is bait

Yeah. But the story and the lack of chest ruined the game.
And that fucking monkeys. Originally it wad a very different game. It wasnt metaphysical.

>sexy fake girls
Before they took already existing good looking women, polished them and made them perfect.
Now they take good looking women, add imperfections and combined with the shit engine they turn them into ugly trannies.

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But that she wasn't that thick.

RE7 had the worst faces, everyone in that game looked like they were dancing with uncanny valley

Nearly every image of Jill itt was linked to.

Her ass there is great and face is not bad

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Voth and 3 Jill are the best Jill. By Voth, I mean every Jill she face modeled for.

The problem with Triss is that her model is not even hot, look at that 2nd pic from the left. And in all those cherrypicked shots you posted to show how she supposedly looks good, she is posing for a modelling headshot and is caked in makeup / photoshop filters

level design
>remake>remake 2>re7>re2>re3>re1>re5>re4>re6
combat system
>remake 2>re5>re4>re6>re7>remake>re3>re2>re1
enemy design
>re2>remake>re1>re4>re5>remake 2>re3>re7>re6
>remake 2>remake>re7>re3>re1>re2>>re4=re5=re6
>re7>remake>remake 2=re2>re1>re3>re5>re4>re6
>re7>re2>re5>re4>remake 2>re3>remake>re1>re6

>you tell me

There is a chance they'll still use Voth for RE3make, right anons?

... RIGHT?

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Not bad

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I think they nailed the looks of Brad in that poster. That awkward look says it everything. Even for photos he's nervous.
If they do it right, they can make of him one hell of a character. If they do it wrong he could end up being an annoying Jar Jar Binks clown like character.

But I hope they do it right and he's actually a really cool guy that happens to be anxious and nervous, and now that he's on a zombie outbreak, has to deal with it on top.

I don't even like Resident Evil, but I'll buy their game and play it if Jill keeps Voth's face.

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I truly doubt it desu. They'll probably go for someone younger unfortunately.

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"Coon' city, September, 1998. Now that was a real BOW outbreak"


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She was 15 when they used her for REmake to play a 23 year old, now she is in her 30's and would still need to play a 23 year old Jill.

They are all horrible first person shooters. Stop being dumb and be smart instead.

Don't use "she's not even that hot argument" because I can debunk it easily.
They turned this in a near 10/10 in RE6. She looks good, nowhere near Sherry.

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Cool except for referencing a forced meme

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So beautiful

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>hollywood de-ages real life actors all the time
>hollywood just de-aged a bunch of kids from IT that were still kids when they filmed scenes for IT2
>oh no we cannot de-age a 3D computer character that is blatantly fake, no

I don't even see much of a resemblance for some reason. Both are strikingly attractive, but Jill is more attractive and I can't even tell you what the difference is.

Voth will be the one most likely considering that she is pretty famous for being Jill around cons and even the Raiden actor for the 90s Mortal Kombat who is now an old fart got scanned and made digitally younger in the game.
If the fans want it badly enough, they'll just give it to them what they want.

what did he mean by this.

Thank you user. It's been at least a decade since I played RE0 but I can never forget accidentally leaving my Magnum behind and having to face the queen leech with nothing but a handgun and a few shotgun shells. I managed to get through 2 without any major fuck ups like that so I feel like I'm learning at least.

>Want those airsissy RE guns for my RE collection
>They're like a grand on eBay

>Don't use "she's not even that hot argument" because I can debunk it easily.
uh huh sure. You go ahead and try, she's really not that hot even in her most Zoolander modeling poses

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>I don't even see much of a resemblance for some reason.
That's because Jill never smiles. Ever

You have to be high test to enjoy FPS.
3rd person is for drinking s.o.y. while taking selfies with your switch.
1st is for chewing gum and kick ass.

That's getting closer.

That's probably it. I also love her tired eyes. It's like she is a joyless, caffeined up workaholic.

This is your Jill Valentine now

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No, that would be Resident Evil 4

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Raiden or are you referring to Shang Tsung? I mean I would love for her to do Jill again, but look what happened to Claire and Court. Hopefully Capcom will give her chance at least.

>That manjaw.
Literal transsexual

Based I loved 7

I don't have to try, I already won, and it wasn't even hard.

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Buy a real beretta and put some STARS on it.

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I want her to tell me how pathetic I am as a man over and over again

REmake is the best fixed camera game, with OG RE slightly behind it.

RE4 is the best OTS game, with RE2make a few meters behind it.

Based virgin weeb and/or pedophile.

Asking here too because the other thread is dead, but how is RE0?
I bought it on sale the other day, but the mixed reviews have me a bit concerned.
So far I've only played REmake and RE2 (original) and enjoy the tank controls if that matters.

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Enjoy the train, after you hop off it's nothing but shit.

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you are hugely overrating RE6 Sherry. There is a reason why you are the only one obsessed with her


You already fucking bought it. It's a weaker REmake. Pretty to look at but you will feel whats wrong when you play it. Its still up there for me though.

I'll always feel bad for her because she was really excited to be playing Jill. Played the games, got her manerisms and even her walking animation down because she wanted to play her as faithfully as possible. And then the movie itself was fucking trash and they sidelined her for half the damn thing to wank off Alice some more.

And then she came back later just to die off screen with almost every other actual RE character.

I own two M9's, one I used when I consulted overseas, the other I got just to have a new one on my safe.

I don't want to muck either of them up with Vidya shit.

>started playing Resident Evil this year starting with REmake 2, RE2, RE3 and then RE1 in that order
>RE1 ironically ends up being my favorite despite the others being objectively better mechanically

It’s weird. RE1 just has a certain “charm” that the others don’t. I also think it has the best music. (The original soundtrack, of course.)

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Is he actually though?

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That sounds fucking gay but i felt the same exact way when i saw the webm

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Yeah you're right, Shang Tsung is the one, but I was just thinking how cool would be if they cast Christopher Lambert for Raiden in a next game.

But Court was just her voice actor, she was never the model. If they cast Voth, I don't think they'll make her do the voice too. Maybe they do, who knows, but it's not what's important.
It would be pretty stupid if they cast Voth for the voice and other actress for Jill's looks.

>not willingly making your own samurai's edge
What are you doing

Sherry and Jake were one of the few bright spots in that garbage fire.

Christ those movies fucking suck.

She looks great, like any main girl up to RE6. Even random capcom games like Dead Rising had gorgeous women. Isabela now would be a literal brazilian transvestite and Jessie would weigh 350 lbs.
She is actually very reminiscing of Fiona from Haunting Ground. Fiona was the best capcom girl ever though.

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>And then she came back later just to die off screen
Oh shit now I remember, the "novelization death" by Wesker. Anderson movies were truly something else

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6 is better

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What incomprehensible faggotry.

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There's always steam refunds, but true.
Sounds like it's worth trying at least, thanks

Half the time she looks like this. Excella, Sheva, and REmake Jill all easily look better.
I get the "little girl character all grown up" appeal, but you are overrating her

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she doesnt look much different now

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Paul Anderson should have straight up made Jovovich play Jill. Why invent this Alice character in the first place is incomprehensible to me. Oded Fehr as Carlos, Kevin Durand as Barry adn Shawn Roberts as Wesker were top tier kino, thoguh.

>re6 engine is the same as RE engine

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Low effort b8

Thanks for answering.

its good. the firs 2/3 is awesome
train is really good

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modded Claire is one of the hottest in-game AAA vidya characters ever

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Imagining a new Resident Evil movie thats a retelling of RE1 with her recasted in it getting a 2nd chance

I dunno man, I'm pretty glad we got to see Guillory Jill instead of Jovovich Jill. It's one of the few things I remember fondly of the RE live action flicks.

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right now its claire. but we gotta see how jill looks in the new re1 and re3 remakes

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I wasn't even a big fan of the games back then but even I remember being frustrated with how blatantly in name only the movies had become by Extinction.

Romero's script definitely needed work, but it was an early, rough draft that showed clear affection for the source material and could have been ironed out. We could have had something fun and memorable at least if Constantin Film hadn't been a bunch of fucks.

I disagree I think 6 is very good, but REmake is most likely better.

Lot of people shit on it but it's my favorite Re.

Yeah I struggled against Queen Leech as well and had a magnum and handgun with little ammo on hard. The game has one of the strictest item management. At least you're giving the games a chance and not immediately blowing them off. Some think RE is a chore to play but one can breeze through these games once memorized. Just take your time and learn enemy movements, best routes to take, when to run or engage and which weapons works best.

That's 7 or Remake2.

REmake, remake 2, 2, 4 are the best. Anyone who says otherwise can fuck off. All games are great except for 0 and 6, and maybe CV since I try to give it credit but can never get myself to finish anymore, and anyone who says otherwise can fuck off. 1 is kino. REmake is astonishing. 2 is astonishing. REmake 2 is astonishing. 3 is great. 4 is my second favorite game of all time behind OoT. 5 is great, but went the wrong direction. 6 is shit but has fun game play in a terrible game surrounding it,and awful story. 7 is probably the best experience I've had with a game since OoT in VR, honestly, but the second half of the game keeps it from being my favorite. Both Revs were good. 0 is shit. CV is basically shit and hasn't aged well.

Well I agree she did an awesome job as Jill, but having Alice as always the main character made the other actors look like sidekicks.
I suspect it was only because Anderson married Jovovich but in that position, I'd probably have made the same thing, I can't blame him in the end for fucking up the movies. Lucky bastard.

I still dont understand this board. Nu-claire doesnt even look that good, she looks derpy as fuck the whole time. Her body is also the most average of any video game character ever created

Attached: source.gif (500x281, 937K)

patrician taste

Now you can fuck off the internet my good sir

I agree mostly but absolutely love 0. It may have a shitty gameplay but the story, music and ambience is god-tier comfy.

>>cultists literally yell "BRAINS... BRAINS..." in spanish
They don't say that.

I guess you aren't wrong

Attached: 89097856-FF4E-439F-871C-BD0B725AC289.jpg (750x967, 354K)

Yes they do, he is correct.

re0 and remake 1 looks better.
way more detail and soul

Attached: re0_bg_cabin.webm (1588x1392, 1.05M)

It fully was nepotism. There's really no denying it at this point, considering Anderson's doing the exact same thing now with Monster Hunter.

Attached: Monster_Hunter_Movie_Cover_1.jpg (1400x1050, 213K)

hate to break it to ya but RE games have sucked ever since re3 came out, it should've ended there.
they went to soulless shit with no atmosphere after that. they tried but couldn't recapture that what they did before. i give some bonus "at least you tried" points for making us revisit those old areas. 0 was cool with being able to go to that umbrella lab train elevator place which is seen in 2, which btw is my favorite one of them all. it has superior ost and just general atmosphere of all RE games.
RE5 mansion DLC is best RE experience after the og trilogy

>says the guy posting her most shit redesign next to ReV2

Fucking awful, on rails faggots need to end.

Jesus fuck how do people look like this at such an early age?

yea only difference is her eyebags are slightly bigger now

Attached: jillremake_walkie2.jpg (707x512, 52K)

>way more detail
They have at least as much detail while having much better texture quality.

nice meme

Still better than your floppy face lol

DSC Claire is perfection imo. I think it's the shape of NuClaire's face that some don't like. I blame the RE Engine.

Attached: 1512020978981.gif (245x160, 527K)

dumb goblina spamming autist

God thats so fucking hot

Best girl

Attached: 876764.webm (490x276, 2.61M)

Her body is above average. She is young, athletic, healthy and has wide hips + nice teen skin. This board is obsessed with her because she has all this with such ultra lifelike realistic graphics

Attached: nuClaire.webm (608x560, 2.99M)


The main villain always cracks me up. He's like some Sephiroth David Bowie Michael Jackson wannabe who has an army of leeches he commands by singing.
Most say it's out of place even for Re but I think it's so weird and campy that it actually works.

Attached: James Marcus.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

Holy fuck based


Attached: 97201934947.jpg (1920x1080, 254K)

Nah she really isn't. Almost nothing tops CV Claire. DSC is just more action garbage

Guess ReV2 version is just adult version of this

Athletic is a stretch. Ive seen more muscle from girls who barely work out

According to the artbooks apparently he's not actually controlling them with the singing but through some kind of pheromone control. The singing is just a creepy personality quirk.

Attached: re licker.webm (1280x720, 436K)

Looks like that one Jackass Special in where Danger Ehren is supposed to prank a cab driver by pretending to be a muslim terrorism, and they made his beard out of everyone's pubic hair glued to his face.

i agree with him, you can see all the muscle definition in her arms. This is a physical girl.

Attached: 0423BB7D-5624-485D-9C67-61E7CF9BFE45.jpg (1920x1080, 697K)


Attached: He makes a good point.jpg (801x296, 73K)

But does she have a cute tight tummy?

oh my yes and ahairy pussy


Hey, remember the boxes that made shit easier in all the classic RE games? It's not here, you have to leave your items at the floor and if you need them you have to go back to where you left them. Fuck you.
Also enjoy the stupid fucking monkey zombies.

>muh dependence on a magic box

More like Capcom trying to replicate Alyson Courts' likeness and made her look off in the process.

Attached: Rev2 Claire.gif (245x153, 487K)

>This is a physical girl.
yes. She is also very strong and can left-hook a big man zombie in the temple so hard that he goes flying off her. Also she can carry around a 12 year old like it's nothing

Attached: injured.webm (628x720, 2.98M)

I feel that atmosphere was kept in the Outbreak games and also in 4. If you think about it all the areas in 4 could perfectly fit if the setting was the Arklay Mountains instead of Spain.

I agree with the Re0 train section. It would have been cool to explore more of the Re2 lab with the remade backgrounds.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

>Also enjoy the stupid fucking monkey zombies.
Those little bastards and G-mutants from REmake2 are my most hated enemies

Attached: Disgusted.gif (350x250, 3.07M)

Where's the Sherrybros

I really want to buy a ps4 pro just for remake2 is it worth it? A few other games I want to play too, but mostly re2.

Chris + Claire = best pairing

Yes, looks and runs like magic.


Attached: 52624498.jpg (1080x608, 18K)

>not getting the PC version

Attached: I turn 360° and walk away.webm (878x720, 3M)

If you have a decent PC, buy it on there. The mods make the game better for replays. If not then yeah get it on PS4.

Wincest is legitimately the best pairing

God i wish i was that air.

not really. look at the difference in these 2 screens

remake 1 has unique grit and detail on every part of the screen stair and part of the wall

while in remake 2, textures and models are all modular and tiled . even the bookcases are copy+pasted.

Attached: compare1.jpg (1104x1240, 327K)

>buying a console for a PC game
how retarded can you be?

Attached: claire_face_happy - Copy.jpg (629x683, 81K)

Attached: hriCAg8.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

She loves her brother the most

Attached: The Redfields.jpg (900x517, 58K)


Attached: bikini.webm (1150x1080, 2.98M)

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Attached: 4tKURgK.jpg (1200x675, 77K)

>Outbreak and also 4
oh no non no no

Kek, even better. It's funny also the fact that rocking the long hair with the fairy tale robes is what Marcus considers to be cool and intimidating. I really wish there was someway to explore his character more. When 5 came out, I had the hope we would have some flashbacks to the progenitor virus being researched by Marcus in Africa.

Re7 is better than both.

Really? I do feel they had it.

>Jill trying to confess to Chris while he comes home after work to Claire squeezing his cock dry making sure he pumps as much cum into her pussy as he can

Why is Claire so ugly?

Attached: XRL8r8o.png (520x574, 571K)

The castle draft of RE4 was actually supposed to go into that stuff along with the history of Umbrella. The final version of RE0 literally existed to set it up but all of that ended up being cut when thet decided to pursue the cult angle instead.

This whole Leon version of the train cutscene had fucked up facial animations for her

This cutscene had some pretty spotty animating too, but not as bad as the train one. Her face looked really hot during certain parts of it

Attached: you dont scare me.jpg (1080x1920, 1006K)

thanks. Probably wait for winter when I'm stuck inside all the time. My pc isn't that great to buy it on that

Capcom hates her, mutt genes

Either she's a babyfaced baby or a literal goblin. Why are developers so inept? Ada looks 100x better and actually looks like a human woman.

Claire is a cutie.

Attached: 1555217051069.jpg (736x736, 33K)

Wow 1 frame.. one frame out of all her moments you chose the one frame where she looks vaguely alright.

sometimes she looks like aeris from ff7

>Teapot calling the kettle black

Attached: 1551417013635.jpg (1920x1080, 584K)

Jesus christ shut the fuck up autist

They could have made both things, though.


Attached: 1563745804308.png (612x677, 799K)

She's not ugly unless you stick her in a thread full of Jills.

Notice how your pictures have very usual angles women use when they want to enhance their "best side."

Fuck off. She is ugly and you can't prove otherwise.

What a queer

Attached: 1550339598929.jpg (1080x1080, 230K)

Jill will run to her Latino heat or her dog.

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (707x1000, 189K)

Claire is a beautiful woman.

Attached: 1567887054092.jpg (1125x2000, 548K)

She's not, and that picture is utterly unremarkable for the purpose of trying to argue that she is ugly

Babyfaced teenage girls are cute

Here's a whole video, then

Attached: caution HP.webm (900x500, 2.99M)


Leon would be Cloud. James Marcus is Sephiroth. Kenneth Sullivan is Barret. Ada Wong is Tifa. Chris is Cid. David King is Vincent Valentine. Billy Coen is Zack.
What the fuck is going on here?

I agree that it's odd how much attention she gets compared to the old Claire model. She's significantly less attractive than the old Claire. However, she isn't ugly.

>Those animations

OH NONONONO CLAIRE ROBOTFIELD "Must Not Forget To Blink Program Activated"

She looks like a bloated toad most of the time. Freaky fucking Gollum eyes to boot.

Are you fucking retarded? Do i also have to prove that a guy called Leon is in the game too becsuse you dont pay attention you fucking doofus? They say "cerebros" at 0:30, it means "brains"

Now fuck off you clueless retard

Which old Claire? She seriously looks different in every single game

Why does she have such a retarded baby face? She looks like a 12 year old.

>She's significantly less attractive than the old Claire.

Attached: AB9F47A1-AF20-48BC-BF4E-BB2D82AF0FCA.jpg (600x338, 54K)

They don't yell

Attached: dilbert.jpg (480x360, 16K)

This is peak Claire, if she just had two-three inches thicker thighs and a cup size or two bigger.

Attached: RnMHYcr.jpg (1681x3458, 722K)

Because she is 19 and only other 19 year olds think 19 year olds look like anything but retarded babyfaces 99.99999% of the time??

>muh blinking
She's wincing in pain moron, can you read the filename?

>Freaky fucking Gollum eyes to boot.
Still fixating on that one pre-release screenshot huh? I can tell you're getting excited now but please curb your autism

ok samefag, what makes a young-looking face inherently "retarded"?

CV and DSC Claire >>>>> subhuman numutt, bootleg Zoey from L4D Claire

>terrible non canon redesign with blue shorts and sticc legs

fuck off

Attached: 251A9D70-C66E-4B49-BFD8-AC164FB14337.jpg (486x747, 38K)

t. boomer

My opinion > Claire derangement syndromefag

Attached: 54800365.jpg (1080x1080, 41K)

Zoey is a bootleg of original Claire

CV is correct but DSC is literally the worst redesign id take REmake Claire any day

Did you shrink her face in photoshop lmao looks like a potato there

sure thing spotty

Looks hotter with shorts and a tank top, though. Only downside are the thighs.

Yeah but Chronicles anything is trash so as far as im concerned it comes flat last place. It probably only just beats ReV2 Claire. Its actionshit garbage.

L4D Zoey > CV Claire > DSC Claire >>>> Re2make

Idk what you talk about nigger but you sound mad. Get a better taste
Also this

The only downside in Chronicles is no free movement. The voice actors are pretty kino.


who are ya
whatta ya doin here

Attached: kendo.jpg (320x320, 15K)

>the only downsides

how about all the fucking awful matrix shit like Claire throwing a knife at a zombies chest like she's a james bond assasin with zero fear of the situation. It was fucking garbage, RE2 through RE4 tinted glassess.

damn this is a good list


ITT one obsessed samefag trashing REmake Claire, getting really worked up and posting once a minute about how ugly he thinks she is. Note how he always says the same shit about her being a "bloated toad" and having "gollum eyes". It's just one gay autist, and you can tell when he enters the thread because right away he posts the same 3 pics every time

Attached: claire.jpg (1161x2048, 233K)

>RE2 through RE4 tinted glassess
Pure campy action kino, It would have been a better remake than the one we got.

I have been wanting to play all of them, but they are so spread out, its p. hard to do.
Which ones you think are the MUST play to get the series?

I posted them yesterday and today.

Retard. Stop making up lies. And this is the first time I called her a bloated toad. Yesterday I called her a frog.

Im so glad its finally over for faggots like you.

>can't reply directly
What an insecure pussy lmao.
Anyway there are several people trashing this mutt for a reason. People were shitting on numutt since the first trailer. Take your meds deranged incel.

>not immediately referencing Rev2

Attached: 141016515139.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 63K)

>u-ur samefagging! i swear!

Nice buzzword, go throw a tantrum somewhere else

Attached: 1550340406892.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

>almost exactly one minute apart

>literally solo seethes and defends his "waifu"

Attached: 1507672744256.jpg (887x686, 76K)

Remake, original 2 and 4.

anyone know where I can get clean clips of Jill's damage sound effects? Remake preferably.

Claire is pretty cute but Jill is hot

the way you type makes it super obvious. Also since no new IPs ever come with your Claire trashing posts

I ain't got no clue darlin'

>same retarded ugly images with mods and photoshop over and over
This is so funny honestly :)

If Capcom made another Mercenaries standalone game, who would you put in as a playable merc?

For me, itd have to be my best girls Moira Burton, Sherry Birkin (RE6) and Ashley Graham

If you don't have a problem with tank controls and fixed camera, then play 1-CV. After that, play the remakes and 0. If you're interested after then 4-7.

How fucking pathetic are you kek, go defend her on some cuck forum like Knockout you parasite.

Are you making guro porn?

>posts that are 6 seconds apart

Blind retard


Hell I would put everyone in it. Including the villains.

post claire mods from re2make

It's never over, boomer. We make our own games now.

Attached: he just keeps going.png (723x100, 10K)

that would be less embarrassing so yes...

chainsaw guy from re4

He'd have to have the Red9, right?

>what is posting from your phone\tablet
You claireincels will go any lengths to defend your precious mutt. Including replying to yourself with gosling images and samefagging blatantly. The most obnoxious niggers in RE threads easily. Rebeccatranny comes close tho.
Keep samefagging and replying.

The samefag cries out in pain as it strikes you

Attached: you.png (477x162, 7K)

Forest Speyer, Robert Kendo, Brad Vickers and John Clemens /Ada's boyfriend we never get to see)

yeah I have Yea Forums X too, where you can just check a box next to a post to designate it as yours. Also you can just do that with inspect element, or MS Paint if you're dumb.
You're not smart

and a pack of smokes this time.
He's the type of guy who wears a cig on his ear.

You are a literal schizo. Stop being such a faggot and accept that other people like a face that you don't like

That's enough Carlos.

RE/REmake and RE3 made me appreciate how sexy the beretta is.

Kys retard go coom to your Waifu lmao

He's not the only one. I hate her face too.

Very good falseflag you fucking autist

>everyone is a samefag because it fits my narrative and if they have evidence provign me wrong then it's obvious that they are just super dedicated to prove me wrong specifically and are lying and hate me and I'm the victim and everyone cares about this argument then I do and I don't have to back up by claims but you do and...
Jesus Christ, just stop.

Attached: he just keeps going.png (723x100, 10K)

What was it? It's gone now

>moving goalposts
How about you accept that people don't like what you like. Don't like your shitposting, samefagging, same incel images over and over and your waifufagging.
Fucking subhuman.

you sound so incredibly autistic lmao. I can feel your seething through my monitor, calm the fuck down


Attached: sigh.png (1080x1080, 1.74M)

Anons don't have to like Claire but I love her very much and I will continue to post my love for her. Not the other Claireanon btw.

Attached: 1558893749167.jpg (1920x1080, 295K)


Attached: Best partner.jpg (864x970, 115K)

daily reminder that re0 is a great game, and Becca is a great girl

Attached: becca_face_concerned_2.jpg (500x549, 41K)


Enjoy your gremlin waifu

>keeps claiming everyone around him is the same person
>tells other people to calm down

Attached: Eccentrix-706938-COMMISSION_-_Ashs_Dark_Adventure_05.jpg (1280x720, 259K)

>Jill is repulsed by the cheese dick Rico suave throughout the game
>Tells him off multiple times
>After they escape she leaves immediately to chase after some other guy
Elamayyoh Carlos the Cuck

Get back to checkpoint security you faggot and drop browsing Instagram when you're on duty you dipshit.

I like your attitude

Attached: 1550469955257.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

I got that game on the GameCube as a gift as a kid, but I returned it and got another game because I was a little faggot.

>blue shorts

Attached: image.jpg (243x264, 16K)

>Doug reaction image


Attached: Slap.gif (490x290, 961K)

What happened, did he rape someone?

Attached: 1568414358139.png (1080x1920, 2.14M)

I need another Becca game

Attached: rebeccaeagertoplease.jpg (1600x1500, 575K)

>After they escape she leaves immediately to chase after some other guy
shes gonna make sure her dog is ok

Attached: dog3.jpg (1552x1622, 466K)

Claire is lovely

Attached: 1555561026099.jpg (874x904, 165K)

Claire is for kissing in the rain.

Attached: 1553965321451.png (492x430, 241K)


Attached: ddg6gmt-98cc8d19-2c87-42c8-bc28-43106ae5aeee.jpg (1920x1080, 834K)

See I've got no trouble believing you if only because you don't type like a seething autist like that sperg does in every one of his posts. I can always spot an actual samefag

Then cuddling afterwards

Attached: 97201935614.jpg (1920x1080, 136K)

Attached: A50E86D7-837A-4522-9349-7A7A42D21352.jpg (480x368, 84K)

Where are the screenshots and webms for this and the others

Attached: cnny.png (723x496, 321K)

no webms
only dreams

Attached: 1567635699994.jpg (1080x1920, 570K)

That's not an appropriate swimsuit for a ten year-old

(albeit girls wear shit like that nowadays at her age)
who's gonna be the one to snackrifice 10 bux?

Attached: ddg51ri-21d4e6fd-156d-457c-b545-af93dbf5ac9d.jpg (1920x1080, 1005K)

Attached: becca_freaks.jpg (494x416, 61K)

>1-3 are shit camera angle wanna be horror before horror in vidya was possible
Anybody who pretends that tank controls are a legit thing just wants to score boomer points, fight me motherfuckers, how can you gays play this fucking shit holy god.

I agree that Fiona is one of the GOAT hottest capcom characters, but to me she has always looked way more like Jill than anyone else. When I first saw her I thought she had Julia Voth's face

Attached: Jill_Valentine___Fiona_Belli__by_mjor.jpg (750x470, 227K)

Attached: 5890173544.png (1920x1080, 3.15M)

playing video games is wasting time

Tank controls were a necessity of the times. I may have conceded that you were somewhat right if not for RE4 being widely considered to be one of the best action games ever made.

Attached: 1313466557132.jpg (517x651, 57K)

7 is good but gets kinda fucking boring after killing jack
>they actually tried to ripoff PT with the whole secret hidden gimmick items in every corner which is very boring unlike in PT
>Spencer's Mansion and Raccoon city are way better than 7''s map the locations remind me of arkham asylum lol
>Too many things that are off putting and don't fit the horror theme like it wants to be survival horror but also wants me to collect coins to get items and shoot bobbleheads for sóy collectibles like in re4
>Ripoffs Texas chainsaw massacre but its kinda fun but still unoriginal



RE6 and 5 are great action games but not good RE

so, are they ever going to do outbreak 3? I feel they keep dropping hints that they're working on it but.... they don't

Tank controls in RE4 are less bad than in 1-3, but still bad. Just see what they did in R2make in terms of third person shooters, it could've easily been done in RE4 and it would've made for a better game.

Playing a game with dogshit fucking controls that constantly feel like you're trying to parallel park a fucking tank is not fun.

>I can always spot an actual samefag
How much time have you been in this site in order to develop such skill

I played RE1-3 for the first time this year and I got used to tank controls in no time. It’s not hard. Yes, they’re archaic but anyone who thinks tank controls are unplayable is just an ultra shitter.

It’s fucking CG

Who knows really. Maybe when they're done experimenting different side games they'll finally give in and do it.

Looking at this mods I'm thinking we need a mod that would make Sherry older, like 16 at least.

>it could've easily been done in RE4
But it wasn't and people still sing the praises of a game that caused the "demise" of RE. Tank controls aren't optimal, but are perfectly fine given you balance the game for it.

Attached: CrWZUALWAAEryQu.jpg (1200x675, 84K)

12 is good, user

that's it, I'm gonna create a mod that makes that fence invisible

Attached: clairefence.jpg (290x340, 17K)

I'm pretty sure he'll be in RE3.

Why does RE controls in general feel so stiff and slow.? I feel like I'm controlling a refrigerator riding a Segway rather than a person.

you wouldn't a sherry, would you?

Attached: 1567718936806.jpg (2400x3200, 632K)

Claire should be hugged

Attached: 5861209563.png (1920x1080, 2.88M)

claire is sherry's wife!

Attached: 1567718501956.jpg (1080x1920, 427K)

You think so? I miss him so much.

oh hey look, it worked!
you want it?

Attached: 20190914222725_1.jpg (1920x1080, 382K)

I have a Sherry before.

start posting uncensored claires

Sherry is for protecting and caring

Attached: Adoptive daddy.jpg (1011x772, 99K)

I always think of this song would fit in the fence scene

Is RE6 a "good bad" game like I've heard or is it just shit? Missed the sale but there'll probably be another one before Halloween.

>RE3make gets revealed a year from now
>it's obviously a new Jill model
>she's hotter than Voth

Voth is my favorite rendition of Jill but I can see it happening.

It's a close second, after the Outbreak games, which really just count as one game.

HD rerelease when?

Attached: outbreaks.jpg (521x427, 96K)

I always think about what could have been
>Leon's buddy cop ends up being Sherry and he becomes the most awkward dorky bumbling father figure
>He gives her one of those badges made for children and she likes it so much, she lets Leon hold onto her pendant.
>Has to choose between trusting in his superior or sticking with his own sense of justice and defying the police chief to protect Sherry
>“Sir, consider this my resignation.”
>Sherry gets infected with G-virus but Leon stays with her
>"Wh-why are you doing this?"
>"Because I... because I'm an officer Sherry, helping people is what we do. Now let’s get you treated, I'm no good without my partner backing me up, right?"
> Annette, who's probably under immense pressure from her husband becoming an abomination, her own daughter almost dying, and all the recent events, finds sweet release in Leon, the idealistic and pure young officer.
> They escape the city together.
> Ex-husband dead as fuck
> Sherry cured > Annette has a passionate, caring, hot, young stud to throw around the bedroom daily and an actual husband
> Sherry gets lots of brothers and sisters in no time at all > It works with the old re2 ending too, the government would be after anything they could salvage from her & william's research and using sherry as leverage just the same.

Attached: Annette-Wallpaper_11.jpg (1920x1080, 367K)

No, it's fucking awful, stay clear of it. Way too dark and terrible combat.

Attached: residentevilpajeetcity.webm (640x360, 1.89M)

Attached: 1568181235842.jpg (1133x1600, 475K)

If that's true, then everyone wins.
But its Capcom so it will be a 2d coop virtual reality online multiplayer moba

It's pretty mediocre imo, but it's mercenaries mode is top tier. If you just want a co-op time waster then one playthrough won't hurt.

Fuck off, Rebeccatard.

You know, I always think Rebecca should have had the role of Hunnigan.

>muh ripoffs
Don't act like RE hasn't been inspired by movies and other game series.

So sweet and hot desu

Attached: Sure, pumpkin.jpg (600x469, 38K)

Attached: becca_pathetic5.jpg (412x812, 169K)

shes too intelligent to be some webcam telecommunication girl like hunnigan

Attached: becca_coffeedrink_long.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

>grabbing a cup of coffee from the top like that

Attached: abigailskeptical.png (300x301, 144K)

RE6 has probably the best TPS system ever created, allowing you all kinds of freedom of movement along with melee options. The problem comes from the environmental design, pacing and boss fights as they're all contribute to the game being a slog to get through.
A lot of the campaign stages are uninspired, dark, low visibility areas and are broken up and slowed down by non-RE gameplay segments (driving, turret aiming, multiple input QTEs, fucking STEALTH). The boss fights tend to have low impact feedback (i.e. sometimes it's hard to tell if you're doing damage or not) and some (coughsimmonscough) drag on entirely too long.
That said, if you can get past the campaign being dull and annoying to play through, the shooting/movement/combat systems should give you all the options you might want and more. also Helena is pretty damn hot and looks amazing when she's wet

Attached: (1024x576, 111K)

Attached: 1509845972004.gif (600x400, 3.54M)

Attached: abigailmilkers.gif (942x1054, 182K)

>Camera is centered somewhere around Leon's elbow
>Have to stop moving to do simple things like switch weapons

Shit sucks.

Yeah but it had plenty of originality and quality improved every way from alone in the dark and no nobody cares about sweet home

"GOOD" coffee cups have lids that you need to actually apply force to snap them off. There's nothing wrong with grabbing a cup that way if it's secure

Cast her in RE

Attached: 1547856397744.jpg (720x548, 35K)

Attached: 1549678325714.jpg (2449x2449, 1.96M)

Have her be some creature that screeches and destroys your ears

Attached: abigailtongue.png (640x1212, 1.17M)

I dunno man, I had no problems with the camera myself. Then again, I remember my friends having issues playing as Sheva in RE5 because she's left handed so the camera is on the

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The camera doesn't seem positioned abnormally low in that picture to you?

*I remember my friends having issues playing as Sheva in RE5 because she's left handed so the camera is on the opposite side so I ended up playing her instead and had no issues with it.

always loved how she always has that 1,000 mile stare despite the rest of her being calm. jill is perfect, even capcom wouldn't fuck up her redesign.

not really, I wear contacts/glasses though so maybe I'm just used to weird visibility issues

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She's already ugly as hell in RE5.

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Ada is the real gem of REmake 2. She came out perfect.

Here it is if anyone wants!u0IAgaRS!EMfZrlzUHGPkc4lAbs6YGVkSz6oDg43VipYTBLWKb4o

Attached: 20190914225639_1.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

This is real autism.

>Leon's wet dream

Attached: 1516551262617.gif (500x220, 2.97M)

My man!

At least I can make things besides shitposts. I find a random fence door's texture file in the game files and am able to make it transparent all in like 5 minutes

Bless you

It's what creates great mods

Attached: Cindy_bunny_lg.jpg (250x500, 10K)

7 isn't unoriginal either then, Jack's one of if not the best RE villain in recent years.


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>I find a random fence door's texture file in the game files and am able to make it transparent all in like 5 minutes

Whoa shit don't hack me bro I'm sorry I didn't mean to insult the wizard.

Attached: 1565205802685.png (493x402, 8K)

And what can you do you dumb slob? make epic new wojaks? Or do you just repost them because you're a pea brain incapable of creating any form of content at all besides your worthless text shitposts?

*heals your wounds*

Attached: 304240_screenshots_20190611161234_1.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

I've made mods for different games since I got into Arma 2. A lot of the shit I've made could be described as extremely autistic. The fact that you got mad about and then bragged about the simplest shit ever like a 10 year old "fixing the internet" by turning the router off and on is hilarious and you're a big fag who doesn't even know what a wojak is.

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Thanks Becca

Attached: 1490752018987.jpg (1200x900, 128K)

>simplest shit ever
Then explain how I did it, exactly. It *was* easy since I already know how the game files work, which channels do what for which type maps, how to export / import them and hex edit them, and since I suspected where I could find the texture maps for the fence - but that's why it only took me 5 minutes.
Also I've made multiple big published mods for Skyrim, RE2 and GTA5 before this

>It *was* easy since I already know how the game files work, which channels do what for which type maps, how to export / import them and hex edit them, and since I suspected where I could find the texture maps for the fence

Whoa shit don't hack me bro I'm sorry I didn't mean to insult the wizard.

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Seeing how Code Veronica is very mixed in reception here, I seriously wonder what its popularity is like in Japan.

you're just hot air, I don't believe you've ever made a mod in your life faggot. Arma 2 my ass

probably mixed too

Attached: Resident.Evil-code .Veronica.full.1191227.jpg (1500x1200, 809K)

Fuck bro teach me how to do simple tex edits I'll even re-pirate the shitty game so you can walk me through those complex file structures.

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Debatable, but it has atrocious level and enemy design.

Claire bear

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It's literally the exact same facial model.

Kek, that katakana pointing at Alexia says loli.

Attached: Resident.Evil-code .Veronica.full.2176815.jpg (906x1200, 523K)

Poor Steve. Never got to pass on his genes.

Attached: Steve and Claire.jpg (400x400, 50K)

Favorite save room theme, go

but start a new thread with this soon this one will close

CV or Zero, but all the save room themes are great.
My own room is the only place I feel some degree of comfort/safety and everywhere else I feel like it's survival horror. I have developed this autistic thing where I pretend I'm an RE protagonist and my room is a save room and my PC is the typewriter.

Dead Aim

Attached: 58000081.png (1920x1080, 3.34M)

0 and 4

4 or 7.

Wow that is great


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and don't come back

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holy shit what was it

I play with a walkthrough just cause I get lost and I unfortunately don't have too much time to play, so I don't wanna play for an hour just to be in the same room

>he doesn't have 4chanX

>bikini sherry gone
oh no

Attached: blonde.png (1920x1080, 2.68M)

Definitely CV.

This one is so underrated. Hauntingly soothing


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I honestly hope the next RE game after Project Resistance features both Chris and Rebecca. But I'm also terrified of how much they're gonna fuck up her perfect face, given that they turned nearly 50yr old Chris into a early 30s blonde dude.

What's wrong user?

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She isn't real and I'll never get to hold her.

he got lost on his way to /r9k/

Easily the best. Easily

Objectively true Resident Evil ranking

I'm sorry user

Attached: 58105668073.png (1920x1080, 3.3M)

>wanting a real girl

god damn I want to suck on Rebecca's small tits

Don't worry. She'll always be in your dreams at least.

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>tfw no chris and barry buddy cop adventure
>tfw no jill and rebecca girls night out at the spencer estate

Is this guy not in REmake2 like in the original? I know he has a DLC mission or something.

Post more Claire feet with heels on.

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He's there with his daughter

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Attached: heels.png (1080x1920, 2.34M)

What I mean is did they scrap the beginning part of RE2 of the gun store and just instead go right to the police station? I dunno why they would scrap it, that part used to scare me.

>Too much backtracking, RE4 is the king

Attached: Brainlet.jpg (644x500, 39K)

You're a fucking retard if you want wrap your head around "up is forward". I would legitimately beat the holy fucking shit out of you if we ever met, and do your parents' job for them.

Oh. Yeah they did. You now meet him a bit later.

>Where is handsome man?

I would look confused if I was Leon too. Did Sherry have a stroke?

Ah I see, I only played REmake2 a little bit and was bummed about the gun store not being there. I'll have to finish it.

Yeah you can tell the artist isn't great with English

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>not cringey
Pick 2

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Goodnight Claire

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