Games you are waiting for but are never evers

pic related... I backed this shit on kickstarter, too

Attached: knuckle.jpg (460x215, 46K)

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Where the fuck is it?

holy shit I forgot about this game

Attached: Routine.png (1200x546, 919K)

might be coming ''soon''

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noita has a release date on steam, though, it's the 24th

ya, pre alpha. still not the complete game.

Finally coming out Spring 2019 :^)

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wtf? I saw it was early access but I figured it would be further along than pre-alpha

Mother 4

It's behind bars like where black people usually are

inventing a game in your head is not the same thing as an announced game being a never ever, fren

Oh shit, this was that punch out/FPS game right? What happened to it?

>dev says they'll be more vocal about what's going on with the game
>never mind

Cube World
Oh wait.

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Planned Release Date: TBA

Does that say never ever? No it doesn't. It's coming and you can't stop it.

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FUCK Fatlus

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Skate 4 and Midnight Club 4

Attached: cerebrawl_thunderclap.png (1005x559, 654K)

Haven't backed it, but fucking Radio the Universe. Hurry the FUCK UP.

Kickstarter vaporware thread?

Attached: omori.png (400x400, 67K)

comes out this year according to steam

Did they keep the money from the kickstarter or no?