Why don't people who play "Dead or Alive" just play a proper porn game?

Why don't people who play "Dead or Alive" just play a proper porn game?

It's obvious they don't play it for gameplay or story, let's be serious here.

Nowadays there's so many porn games. Why settle for this softcore crap?

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Because theres no AAA porn games in 3d.
The peak porn game is Rance X but is more like a LN with lot of combat and plot.

Because people want softcore crap

but why?

I like the softcore stuff more.

Everything isn't black or white. Some people like the tease and let their imagination run wild.

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Straight nudity and penetration is boring sometimes.

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Because porn games are for actual degenerates. Except VNs

Same reason you post softcore on a video games board. It's more fun

>Why don't people who play "Dead or Alive" just play a proper porn game?
meanwhile taimanin fags are looking forward to the video game

DoA is the best 3d fighter, makes Tekken and Soul Calibur look like shit. Get over yourself.

Coomers like to fool themselves into thinking they're not porn addicted because "it's not porn, it's softcore/ecchi/"

>It's obvious they don't play it for gameplay
They do, since it is great.

The imgaination is more powerful than just tits. You'll learn once you get older

Played DoA on 360 bavk when there was no other fightan game for 360. Don't think I ever touched it after SCIV came out.

Most porn games don't have nearly the polish, especially on 3D models. Also often extremely overpriced for a few minutes of beat material.

Porn is extremely unsatisfying because you enjoy yourself for half an hour then you ejaculate and literally all the happiness you just had is immediately gone.

This is also true.
Get to look at ass and titties way longer and also enjoy the gameplay.

Sauce pls

Use the built in reverse image search

Yandex and reverse image search aren't bringing up anything for me

What this user said. Sometimes the tease or knowing that if a piece of clothing moved just a couple centimeters it’d show everything is hotter than just seeing straight nips or vagoo

Use saucenao, dummy

>becomes canon in tha Taimanin Asagi universe
Taimanin is just expanding all over the place these days.

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Still nothing

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Saucenao pulled up the source of the pic homie. How’d you fuck up searching for it that hard?

Gotta be lying because I used that to get the source

i remember years ago when yurifags got upset at the artist for drawing straight porn with her or someone who looked like her
top kek

I remember when Gunma took his leave from porn because vanillafag extremists threw a fit whenever he deviated from doing large vanilla tanks.

based vanillabros

I dunno nothing's showing up for me

So you'd rather have an artist you like quit all together than let him do the occasional rape or gang-bang doujins that he actually wants to do?

Someone's gotta hold the line or else the entire landscape becomes chaos.


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>epic "if you like tiddies then you don't care about anything else" zoom zoom meme

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What do you expect from such entitled self insert niggers? Their fake deluded sex life is at risk.

if boobs scare you so much play the male characters

>What do you expect from such entitled self insert niggers?
if it has a nigger in it then it is not vanilla bro

I feel the same way about Senran Kagura. I mean who would actually play those games if they didn't have big titty "ninjas" in them? I use quote marks because an actual ninja tries to stay unnoticed, which the girls in Senran Kagura would fail horribly at. One of them walks in the room, ain't nobody not lookin' at them. Point is shit like Peach Ball sells on pure sex appeal alone.

Nutaku's localization of Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena has shown how bad it can get. There's retards asking that the rape or darker scenes involving their waifus get completely removed from the game, because they believe other western fans don't want it and that Nutaku should remove it.

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are you saving the thumbnail or something?

I forgot about this, must have either been prior to 2010 or definitely during the Tokoharusou days.

Most 3D porn "games" are either overblown movie loop viewers or model posers. At least DOA gives you something to do with your half naked ladies.

>Mai Favorite has random NTR scene that turns out to be a dream
>original draft of Mai Favorite uploaded to panda shows that same nightmare being an original part of the story
>pic related

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ntrfags need to be gassed

It's a variant of the logic of
>Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile
They'll take that mile, but where they go is up to them. You just need to tease the fuck out of them

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