Hey you! Why aren't you talking about Kodaka's new game that's coming out?

Hey you! Why aren't you talking about Kodaka's new game that's coming out?

You don't want to make the future federation disappointed, do you user?

Attached: Makoto_Naegi_Danganronpa_Another_Episode_Sidebar.png (350x350, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


sorry but after V3, i'm done buying your shit

Attached: 1564429203441.png (632x521, 675K)

I hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and nose.
I hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and noseI hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and noseI hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and nose

What game?



I hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and nose.
I hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and noseI hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and noseI hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and nose
I hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and nose.
I hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and noseI hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and noseI hate this fucking bored and I hope you get a heart attack soon you fucking asshole I'll eb your shit and coming in your coffee you're gonna taste my tasty cum up your throat and nose

Death March Club
New trailer released
Looks pretty promising, I'm surprised not a lot of people are talking about it.

Attached: ogp_sumb.png (1200x630, 937K)

stop buying games because they showed you a cute character

You're shit.

The whole world has seen you naked Makoto

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Oh that one, I thought you were
I'm interested, though I'm not sure how well the aesthetic and younger characters will mesh with a death game.

I thought you were talking about something that was just announced.*

Made in abyss worked pretty well so I don't know why people aren't jiving with the art style. I personally love it.

I don't think they're the real protagonists anyway. The people in the beginning are.


Attached: who could it be.png (1874x765, 1.1M)

Would you Yea Forums?

There are better DR boys though.

>pushing boxes and walking around

their new game isn't dr4 thank god

At least they're not just ripping off Ace Attorney again.

>Uchikoshi and Kodaka
Based, I hope they complement each other's weaknesses

It's looking good so far. I'm liking it a lot.

Or they might accentuate each other's weaknesses.
Uchikoshi's descent into further wackiness is probably because of Kodaka. Even had the not-Monokuma rabbit in VLR.
In any event I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Kodaka is just there to prevent Uchikoshi from recycling the ever17 plot twist

>Kodaka is just there to prevent Uchikoshi from recycling the ever17 plot twist
I'm already seeing the two universes colliding and information being sent through them twist.

So no murder trials in this one?

I vastly prefer Uchi's twists to Kodaka's. The former actually writes them organically. Even if you don't like some of Zero Escape's twists, you can't deny they were foreshadowed everywhere. Whereas Kohacka puts a couple hints at the start (since it's the easiest to rewrite), practically nothing for most of the game, then dumps it all at the end. V3 is the biggest culprit of this.

So theres no fapbait in this game? Guaranteed flop honestly

Fuck off faggot.

Do Makoto and Komaru really have baths together?

Looks to be more Battle Royale like where everyone will "work together" for their assignment but everyone will have to fend for themselves.

This was done before in killer queen.
I'm sure it's going to be something like
Persona A has to kill Person B in 24 hours.
Person C's assignment is only completed if Persona B survives 24 hours.

Maybe if you're into cgi high school girls.

In typical Kodaka and Uchikoshi fashion, I have no idea what the hell is going on or what the story is going to be about. Surprisingly this comes out next year.

Well, it is their first game, so there's a good possiblity it'll be a dud before they hit their stride later. Still badass that the two are working together.

call me back if it isn't censored on release because anime titty bad and muh unrealistic beauty standards.

I thought their new game was the A.I. Somnium one uchikoshi keeps tweeting about

I'm excited for this just because it will have the Virtue's Last Reward flowchart, love that shit

That's uchikoshi's game. This is Kodaka's.

bnegame looks boring and shitty, i just want more class debates

weren't they making one together?

The fuck are you talking about?

Uchikoshi is also assisting on Death March Club, but it's Kodaka's game.

I would rather Ishimaru. Better ass and toned body.

Attached: bluray DR cover 4.jpg (1000x1359, 321K)

Uchikoshi + Kodaka = Death March Club
Uchikoshi + Nakazawa = A.I

I'm honestly more excited for DMC

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His other new game, that one survival game with the shitting got censored by the anti-fun brigade. I forget what it's called.

And? Why does it matter?

How the hell did this guy die to some out-of-shape fat otaku? He was even powered up and everything.

Attached: Kiyondo_Ishida_Halfbody_Sprite_%283%29.png (522x480, 214K)

Everyones greatest weakness Poor writing

Any theories?

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And I will not buy your game if you give even an inch to that crowd. Kodaka's on my shit list like many other devs that capitulate to those people.

You sound like a fag.
Hint: usually the creators get no say on what's censored here

Makes no difference to me. I will not play games that are censored and I will remember track records. Period.

danganronpa was censored from day 1 due to purple blood

It was a stylish choice. Japan has more censorship rules on blood than we do.

you say it's a stylistic choice and one sentence later so it's censorship

I want Zanki One

I'll further my explanation but just answer me this, are you shitposting or just stupid?

he's just stupid, he responds like this in every thread that censorship is brought up.

Gameplay looks pretty janky and uninteresting, but I want to see where the story goes

>watered down platformer

Nice! :)))

How come you make a VLR and ZTD post, people will discuss about the game.

I make Death March Club thread and all I fucking get is
>Pedo shit
>Shit artstyle
>Shitty gameplay
The fuck? You never played VLR or ZTD for any of this shit. Why are you fucks whining about it now?

It was made purple because of censorship, the stylistic choice explanation is just an excuse the devs made because japs dont like criticizing authority

You my child, are lost.

Im trying to make my own Ace Attorney/ Danganronpa style game. Please tell me things that you would like to see that hasn't been done before in the games. Any gameplay mechanics, plot or case elements, or miscellaneous ideas you'd like to voice?

Lolis, fapbait, loli fapbait

No lolis; only milfs.

>Please tell me things that you would like to see that hasn't been done before in the games
Yeah let me just do the most important part of the game design for you

Ive fot my own ideas, Im just looking for more pure form of fanservice.

I never understood the point of this scene, anime almost never gives females/homos this kind of fan service. Not that I'm opposed to it, though. I fapped to that scene many times.

Lolis AND milfs.

Can we talk about the new game? Any theories?

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Will you have characters with talents like the ultimates in Danganronpa? I've always wanted to see an ultimate graphic designer or digital artist, would be neat to see what sort of execution they would get as well. Besides that, I take it you're making a murder mystery, right? A concept I've had in my head for a wacky murder plan is for the culprit to use a drone in some way to kill their victim. I imagine it could be carrying something heavy on the drone and dropping it so it smashes onto the victim's head, or dropping some kind of poisonous gas, things like that.

I am not looking forward to the gameplay, but I want to FUCK that one-eyed harlequin sprite like there's no tomorrow. Like, godDAMN

Its the voice

Non-murder cases.
I'd say cases where you defend the guilty party, but Aviary Attorney did that.


It's not just the voice. But the voice helps. Not enough to stop my deepthroating urges of course. And she doesn't even -have- a throat! How does that work? I don't know! Penis works in mysterious ways!

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Time travel.
The PS2 cutscene characters are future versions of the kids that are being killed through time. It's all symbolism about how you should keep true to your youthful innocence. The true mastermind is the emperor of Japan.

I want to demphisise arbitrary talents pertained to careers yet still show how the lifestyle choices and career paths that the characters selected shaped them as people, so yes and no. I have some characters who are brilliant in their fields such as a rising country music star, a young comedian, and a genius physicist.
Im playing with a wide range of body types for the cast, but im looking to keep the cast between 18-26.
I wouldn't mind shaking things up in that regard too. I haven't designed every trial yet, perhaps Ill do a thief or attempted murser trial.

I love my gorgeous wife!

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If Monokuma threatened to murder Makoto unless Komaru ate Makoto's shit straight from his asshole, would she do it?

she'd do it even if he didn't tell her to do it

>New DR game gets announced
>all the killers get spoiled 5 days before the japanese version even comes out

I hate the Danganronpa fanbase I hope you fucks all go to hell.

Cute shota