Press F

Press F

Attached: Shad.jpg (1024x1024, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:


it's real.

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what now

Arrested for being a shitty artist.

What happened?

Yea Forums - Shitty Porn Artists


Got swatted and shot


did he really get arrested
is there an image of him? i've always wanted to know what he looks like



>shadman cosplayer

this is a joke right?

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he went to the store to buy some smokes


He’s not fucking dead faggot. If is dead, shot, arrested, etc. Give me a goddamn source

>no sources
fake news

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do you all not know how to use a searh engine?

>all those fucking brainlets
holy shit


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Me in the middle

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God fucking damn it, he died too young.

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Anthro or feral

"""""my shad"""""



No. Just. No.

now post the rest of it

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Shit artist, shit thread.

He’s not dead dumbass. Your being baited.

Yeah, but maybe some of us can't be fucked to look shit up anytime someone cries wolf, so post sources or this thread's getting the boot

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>tfw unironically get off to girls shitting
>tfw shadman's art is still really gross to me
I don't even know what it is. Something about the way he draws and shades is hideous.

Attached: >Shadman.webm (640x640, 2.94M)

Ok B U T. Do you get off to girls shitting on their slaves and having them eat it. Or just girls shitting?

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Attached: I draw super good.png (1048x1250, 168K)

I don't really care for his art, I'm more interested in him as a person desu

Can't get off to his stuff for shit

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He said he went to buy smokes, retard. He's not coming back.

Just shitting. I have a pretty "vanilla" scat fetish. Just girls shitting. Bonus if they get off on being watched and do it in various positions.

Fuck denji

How do I learn to dance like this? This is sick


>/ll/ and some meme fetish
this could have been better

My fuckin man. I also have the exact same fetish. To me having a girl shit into somebodys mouth or having somebody eat shit is fucking GROSS. But if its just a girl shitting, my dick becomes a fucking diamond.

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>man flossing in the background at 27 seconds

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i won't post any sources because there are none, op is fucking with you
of course if you tried to look it up you would know this, but i guess everyone in this board becomes so worked up over the possibility someone is fucking with them to the point where they'd rather not know the truth right away and keep asking if it's real or not
fucking sad

Quit getting my hopes up.

youtube tutorials
it's called shuffle

I've passed by this place while in Jersey City, as a Pakistani it's actually pronounced "shudmahn"


Attached: shad.jpg (1440x2052, 1.75M)

Thank you

get eliminator kaede it has brought me a great many nuts

haha holy shit i thought id never see the day

So the nonanswer to sauce is the same

>as a Pakistani

Attached: Surprise.png (1942x1572, 2.37M)

>that faggot flossing at the end

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Pedofags on suicide watch

He draws super good on his Cintiq.

>duh i cant read

I hope this is true.

hang on, isn't this webm a few years old? How old is flossing?

Dunno about the webm but I can remember flossing as far back as 2012, could be older

Not vidya

fortnite has been a thing for around 2-3 years now
I don't know where time goes either

I play my dick every day.

holy fucking cringe

>person is genuinely good at something
>le cringe xD
Have sex.

last thing i rememberd was that 2 asian guys from japan kicked him in the nuts multiple times to see who can make him scream the loudess


>screaming when your nuts get hit
Does anyone actually do that? I remember getting hit in the nuts during high school by a football and while it "hurt" it wasn't exactly worth crying or yelping over either.


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Anyone who doesn't know
a few days ago he made a post saying "Going out for smokes" and hasn't posted since
Not too long ago he was gettin in hot legal water for drawing loli porn of a child actress. Her agents threatened action so it's safe to assume he's dealing with that now.

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>Dr. Shadman
What are his appointments like?

he rolled back a post and then changed the description on the front page one to 'going out to get smokes'

If this won't get him in jail, nothing will.

based afghanistan

What actress was it?

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>Dr. Shadman

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We got the best experts on the case.

>overload released over a year ago
>quake champions is 2 years old
>doom 4 is 3 years old
>diabotical has been in development hell since doom 4
>toxikk is 4 years old
>unreal tournament 4 is 5 years old
>warsow is 7 years old
>xonotic is 8 years old
>quake 3 is 30 years old


Bergjuden raus

i'm gonna miss him bros

he's as good as dead as he has vowed never to do any more edgy art, only gay porn from now on.

It hits in all the right spots and it's getting a steam release.

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This would explain why he's been light on loli content since then.

The little girl that played X-23 in LOGAN.

If he quit or whatever I'm glad, I hate seeing people lead more successful lives than me.

>quake 3 is 30 years old

Dr. Shadman

Attached: 7635423.png (858x633, 467K)

I've jerked off to shadman's art before. THERE I SAID IT.

hate how relatable this statement is

wut manga?

X-23 girl I think

>Since becoming an attorney in 2013, Mr. Cunny’s practice has been focused upon litigating every aspect of childhood sexual abuse cases

Lmao what are the fucking odds

>Buttpile on face
oh hell ye--

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Chainsaw Man

>cutesexyrobutts lost his hand in that accident
>shadman gets sued into oblivion

Thank god. Hopefully Diives is next and gets crushed by a falling piano or something.

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>not accepting your limits and focusing on being the best you can be
Envy is such an ugly emotion.

Shadman is Lyle.

>Dr. Shadman
Watch that be his dad

Didn't Diives get cucked out of drawing Pokemon at all by ninty or is that made up bullshit?


>cutesexyrobutts lost his hand in that accident
excuse me?



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you really want the last person left to be fucking MarmaladeMum?

>>cutesexyrobutts lost his hand in that accident
Holyfuck what.

Post em

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Did they hurt you personally or something? Weird to have hatred against porn artists

If you didn't fap to the hit or miss comics you're probably a asexual weirdo.

that comic was kind of hit or miss to be honest.

Really? that's a shame, my dick will never forget her sylveon, the chinese characters don't have the same charm

>Dr. Shadman

Attached: cia.jpg (3840x2160, 1.29M)

The only thing it missed was an ending.

Shadman got fucked?
Based as fuck
Underage kiddies raging

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I just guesed they never missed, huh

>cutesexyrobutts lost his hand in that accident
we can rebuild him, we have the technology

It's so irritating when I'm asked for the source of a claim. I don't have it written down specifically for you nor can I find it easily. Given how much information I consume daily recalling where I read said claim is likely an insurmountable task. Why don't you try looking it up yourself like I do whenever someone makes a claim I want to check? Christ. I'm not a computer man, my brain can only remember so much at any given moment. Or am I really the only one who has a problem with keeping track of sources?

He will be mist..

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Yikes... isn't she a little girl? Kind of fucked up to say that.

you wish

>Calling her a spic
if he wasn't fucked before, he is now.

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The real reason to open shadbase, Jlullaby, has been dead for even longer anyway.

Based and scatpilled. I don't care about consuming and playing with shit but efro is the hottest thing ever

>ywn be shadmangs friend
>ywn get to hang out with him at cons
>ywn get art of your oc from him on your birthday
if you disagree, back to Yea Forums

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he is the embodiment of a edgelord

How is he fucked? Thought Shadman was a burger, where being a racist only makes you lose your job, he's self employed.

Oh my god, just say no, whiny bitch

i dont know if this is pasta or not but if you make a claim you are supposed to prove it. otherwise you cant be surprised if people refuse to believe it because it simply isn't their jobs to research it, you are the one who decided it was important enough to claim so it means more to you whether or not it is considered true

>A burger

>Thought Shadman was a burger

He is Swiss

>Thought Shadman was a burger
He moved to america, but was originally from switzerland

Cancel Culture will fuck him up real hard, sooner or later.

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I'm fine with that stuff in 2d, personally (an anime girl diving face first into a toilet to eat out of it is hot as fuck), but I agree in general.

Disgusting hags, not my platelets

What Fucking happened

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He literally moved to get away from the law.

>If I don't like something it shouldn't exist.
What are you, a woman?

So he's living in America, so American laws apply to him.


>tfw you used to unironically like shadman's art
To this day I still don't know what possessed me.

Shadman isn't white though

sex deprivation is thing and your dick was trying to compensate with anything to get off

>Not knowing about this for literal years now
>Twitter screencap

I like his content, his art is meh.
Can still fap to it based on content alone.

you fell for the meme so you now see it as bad

>an anime girl diving face first into a toilet to eat out of it is hot as fuck

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Wheres the version of this with Varg?

Kinosaw-man game fucking WHEN

what is happening ?

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who actually cares a shadman and actually gives a fuck about cancel culture?

was it good tho

metoo, cancel culture in action

How would a Chainsawman game even work?


Absolutely nothing, I have no idea what is going on

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absolutely nothing has happened to shadman. this is a viral marketing thread created by a firm he hired to promote himself.

Female shadman is better.

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>Taller women facesitting smaller individual

Attached: seethe.png (600x300, 14K)

I thought the devs abandoned the game?

honestly I'm glad ita back in development

Yes, and now he has shitty OC's as replacement.