Why did Overwatch fail?
Why did Overwatch fail?
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Probably one of the worst communities I ever played in. Full of cunts who will kick you if you haven't spent enough hours on a certain character. God forbid you just want to have fun.
Focused on competitive instead of just being fun
Can you kick people in Overwatch now?
how do you fuck up saving an image so badly
>made millions in profit
You can't, he's either lying or he's retarded.
did it on purpose, I thought it was fitting
Not when the round is going on but during the queue when the players start entering. Leader will look at your stats before the game starts and decide to kick you or not you fucking mongloid.
Compare it with TF2 going strong for over a decade, TF2 make several times more than Overwatch for sure, and even though we can't see the player count I am certain there is more TF2 players playing right now than Overwatch
Great sources.
Here's all the source he needs.
Blizzard making it an artificial esports game.
Blizzard being blizzard when it comes to 'balance'
>The game that 'started' the entire lootbox cosmetics thing in the west
Because it attempted to try and be as soulful as a game from 2007 for some reason
cheese and rice
overwatch has more viewers than tf2 has players during owl dumbass
I want some action
someone post the tf2 cast using domination lines against the ow cast
how did they got away with it
>Going strong
What game are you talking about?
Too much focus on people saying "naughty" words rather than the game itself.
He's talking about TF2
always 30k+ players 12 years after launch
what the fuck are you talking about?
>30k players is "going strong"
>That one time on 9/11 where someone did one of these with Osama Bin Laden giving an airplane to the Twin Towers
they don't have hats
Judging from OW queue times there's less than 1k players at any given time.
>F2P game
>don't have 15% of Overwatch player numbers
>need a dispensa heyah...
>need a dispensa heyah...
>need a dispensa heyah...
>need a dispensa heyah...
>need a dispensa heyah...
No matter how many times you say it's dead won't make it actually die. Tf2tards STILL angry that Overwatch won and keeps winning. The only question is how many hours till the next thread?
>30k players is "going strong"
here's a few steam games that have a lower player count than tf2, yet are generally considered to still be going strong:
and finally, tf2 for reference:
They tried too hard to control the experience, and to turn it into exactly what they wanted it to be. Valve ended up doing this with TF2 as well, but only after it had years to build up a community to work around it and do what they wanted anyway. Overwatch has nothing. It's a soulless corporate cash cow for e-sports bux, nothing more. Every other issue with it, balancing fuckups, political agenda, overzealous moderation, stems from their desire to make the game as appealing as possible for esports. It's pure corporatism
You know I'm surprised they never rereleased TF2 for modern consoles with all the update maps and weapons added in
Seems low effort enough that Valve would do it to make some cash
>30k players is "going strong"
I agree with everything you said.
I need to get back to shitposting with my austtralium knife and calling people niggers.
no community created content
marketing towards adhd ridden normalfags
>consistently in the top ten most played games on steam for a decade
>No argument.
Spam would be no problem if you could mute voice lines. Since you can't I report everyone for spam.
>Try to make a game that was never designed to be competitive competitive
>Shitty maps reliant on brainless, unstoppable "kill enemy team" buttons to get past chokepoints
>Every single character does incredibly similar amounts of damage
>Somehow manages to make every weapon feel weightless and weak while making every non-tank feel like they can be instantly killed by anything
>Overreliance on abilities
>Making shit no one cares about
Didn't they upped the cooldown timer so you can't spam POOTIS?
>overwatch only has 1000 players
you're so fucking delusional holy shit
Lemme explain some things to this retard
1. there are currently 50,000 people playing this game not 30,000 (the lowest point was 43,000)
2. There are still communities that are tf2 related and they are pretty much alive even in the most dead websites
3. A Game is dead when the playerbase is declining and it has inconsistent flow of players
TF2 is literally the only game in steam that has a consistent flow of players
>ur dum haha
Is the power of blizzard
overwatch is by far a more popular game than tf2, but overwatch has been declining and dying as well
overwatch atleast gets updates while tf2 doesn't get anything and has been neglected by valve for years
if you don't have a cheater's lament or proof of purchase, stop posting, thanks!
Game is designed for casual play but Blizzard insists on treating it like a no fun allowed super serious esport.
where's the partyvan thread
No I still spam pootis all the time
>me pull fact from ass
>me game statsman
>me rite u rong
>overwatch is by far a more popular game
Only with "gamer" "girls" and fags.
They didn't give out all their most expensive cosmetics for free lol...
>me say game average 100k viewers during tournies only gets 1k players
>me epic valvecuck
i fucking hate overwatch but valve is worse than blizz by far
have fun with your dead neglected game
>100k viewers
>this fag cares about that shit
we are talking about popularity you dumb retard, i don't watch overwatch """esports"""
still more popular than tf2 which is a dead game and a husk of its former self
cope and seethe
Are you so retarded you don't know the difference between concurrent players and twitch viewers?
Where were you during the Hat Crash of 2019?
>muh viewers
Mostly bots, TF2 has more people actually playing the game, i bet theres only
DPS queues in fucking gold and plat (where most players are) are 10+ minutes.
So stronk, such e-sport.
there are far more concurrent players playing overwatch due to it being incredibly popular in korea and actually being advertised, tf2 has lost tens of thousands of concurrent since 2013
Except the average playercount is literally the exact same as it was 7 years ago
>gold and plat (where most players are)
what the fuck kind of ranking system is blizzard on, if most of the players are in gold and plat?
Do they even have silver?
It didn't fail.
It made Blizzard a huge profit, and it defiantly still has just as many if not more average players than TF2. Only reason it's slowing down is because it still hasn't gone F2P. Moment it goes F2P it will stick around forever until Blizzard stops updating it or if OW2 replaces it.
Tf2 is literally the most popular fps ever made
cod hasn't even gotten close to its numbers
>Source: My stinky ass
fuck off retard
I used to be a silver player for a long time.
>tf2babs still satly about overwatch and posting "overwatch ded gaem" threads multiple times a day
how sad
Because most people que for DPS causing you to wait longer. If they removed the whole 2/2/2 thing you would be getting into games way faster.
It doesn't matter how many 3rd world children and autists inflate a game's stats when nobody actually cares about it anymore
Only trannies hate tf2... MAGA
where the fuck is it
>Moment it goes F2P
Do you really think Blizzard would risk upsetting OWfags? The kind of people that throws a tantrum because someone is spamming a voice line? Think about it.
tf2 has had over 4 million players
artifact was a successful games (only trannies hated it)
dota 2 is the most popular esport
>people play it
>no one cares about it
It goes down to bronze, but only little kids who can barely read and/or console players who leave their controller sensitivity on the extremely low default setting are down THAT low.
>hey there!
>[this user has been banned]
>implying 3rd worlders are people
That's the point dumbass
I can see them doing it as a last resort when their average player count starts to get to low for their liking.
Crossfire is the most popular FPS, actually. Runs of PCs so shitty even Kenyans can play it.
>play Spy
>disguise as Heavy with fist out
>spam emotes, call everyone a spy
>no one bothers spy checking me
>in all chat enemy team is complaining about a worthless Heavy
TF2 is shit posting in video game form.
Commerical success=/=critical success. Not to mention TF2 has undoubtedly made more $ than Overwatch
>overtards hand out free (you) at the slightest opportunity
>so assmad he starts being xenophobic
LOL what a fag
Silver is the same, if not longer. Dps q if fucked all around, with extreme cases (like top players) sitting for 20-30 minutes even when they duo with a tank or a healslut. Solo q for top dps can easily go for 40-60 min, it's fucking insane.
>50,000 avg playercount
>no one cares
>playing blizzshit or valveshit past 2009
>i-if I keep repeating it, maybe I'll be right!
Cope and dilate. Overwatch is dying. TF2 is thriving.
TF2 is more popular than dota 2 its just steam lying about it
This. Don't trust Steam.
TF2 isn't thriving. Alive, but not thriving.
Because they started making random characters gay.
>playing video games at all
>you're a centrist if you don't play two of the worst game devs trash
>th-those people don't count because I said so
hahahahaha holy shit.
can you play this again?
last time i played tf2 i couldnt find this mode anymore, was very disappointed. would happily reinstall if there was people playing arena again
by far my favorite mode to play in tf2
Blizzard won't pay for the servers, release new content and babysit for free.
eSports is pretty big on Overwatch tho
now you're just contrarian.
>doesn't update game, ignores fans, pretends they don't exist
>garbage game and sjw shit
fucking off yourself
It would be great to have on Switch. Also because it would mean TF2 in Smash
arena community servers are alive and well
>valve not updating the game means tf2 is unplayable
are you born retarded, or did you get dropped on your head?
valve and blizzard are fucking trash though retard
i have 1k hours in tf2 and 4k in dota and those games were ruined
where did i say unplayable
its just fucking boring and stale
I've never heard of anyone banned for spamming voicelines in Overwatch. Ever.
Reminder steam charts doesn't show a accurate player count due to it just counting how many people have the game on and not being able to tell actual accounts apart from bot accounts.
This website has a more accurate count based off of people actively playing atm.
>its just fucking boring and stale
and whys that?
>boring and stale
People would still play it even if it was just stock and the original maps.
>doesnt say how they were ruined
Cope seethe dilate have sex
good to know, not sure why last time i played i couldnt find any
time to reinstall
I stopped playing when they decided they were going to start banning people for not playing the meta.
>this entire post
>seething this hard
nice try overtard
Don't be homophobic, please.
Just proving Yea Forums has never played the game, holy fuck you're stupid.
Why can't we ever just have a regular TF2 thread that doesn't talk about Overwatch?
Holy shit imagine actually thinking this. Pathetic.
Other way around, tf2 threads can reach post limit without mentioning it once.
party van threads
>make a shooter game
>hide k/d/a
>force people to play non-shooter characters or wait half an hour
it is a mystery
Yes, imagine. lol fag
We've had plenty of TF2 threads where Overwatch isn't even mentioned. This thread was doomed to be full of mudslinging because of OP's image. There won't be any genuine discussion here.
Both games can go without talking about the other just fine.
It turns to shit once people start to false flag.
fag=insult directed at idiots/people who act like giant assholes
gay=men who want to suck dick
I remember that! Everyone I was in the server with laughed their asses off. I still can't believe they had that item attached to a global announcement system. Some of the messages were hilarious.
Yes, thanks for expanding on my post
can you guys please speaking English when you're playing, I'm sick of the chat being filled with Cyrillic characters and hearing gibberish in the mic
My problem with Overwatch was never Blizzard or the community (not that they aren't problems for various reasons) but the fact that the game itself was just not that interesting or compelling, always felt like it lacked some kind of depth that would make the formula more interesting.
>why yes I am a corporate cuck which estimates product value based on how much profit it makes instead of how good product is
have you tried playing on community servers
if you voted republican you cant complain about corporations
Remember OWL? The league they spent billions on, viewbotted both with paid bots on twitch and blizzdrones with promise of ingame drops? Which despite all dirty tricks barely achieved 200k viewers compared to Dotas international 1.5k+ million viewers?
Now thats a failure of unprecedented scale.
I am not even american, you mutts should really stop bringing politics into everything
dota's ti didnt reach 1 million this year
That seems to be a lot of people's problem with it.
They made a moba-FPS. But it doesn't have the customization and build depth of a MOBA, and it doesn't have the mobility depth of similar FPS. Then pair that up with being able to pick any character whenever you want with no limitation outside of being only able to have one per team, and lack of counter play to healing, CC, and barriers(which also makes it borderline impossible to carry) and you get the shit show that is OW.
Paladins came close to being the perfect moba-FPS but they ruined it by watering down base kits and customization options, and removing most of the hyper-mobility from the game. It's still my preferred FPS atm, but it's a husk of what it once was.
and yet owl is making mad profit
>meanwhile league of legends chads btfo'ing dota ti every year
TF2 has been on a skeleton crew for close to ten years
The guy that checks if the item server is still running, the furfag that handpicks new hats to add, and a plant. Yet people still play it.
The queues in dead by daylight can be upwards of 10 minutes for killer but that game has like 20k active players
1. It was a whale trap from the get go, no, not a game, a whale trap.
2. It fundamentally doesn't understand why so many people like TF2 and why TF2 STILL hasn't died. (Hint: You're not going to realize why if you started playing in 2013 or play comp)
Beta presented a game that you could have casual fun with. Within a few months, this was gone from live and you were pushed HARD to play in a very competitive way and would be punished for not. They also removed most avenues for casual fun. The most fun I had in beta was fucking around with full groups of torbs and reindharts. You can't do that shit anymore because ESPOOOOOOOOOOOORTS!!!!!!!
Lmao at this projection
A game is dead whenever a faggot wants to shit on it. TF2 has been dying by the normal definition.
Can someone post OW's numbers? Or in absence of that, explain why you get to guess numbers and pass it as fact?
just play Deathmatch, it's by far the best mode and the only thing that keeps me at this game.
It's satisfying to win that shit as support
>anything resembling strong for the past ten years
please dont be a hydrophobe
I have around 2.7k hours in Tf2. I have no memories of being annoyed by voice lines so much that I quit the game. I have many such memories with overwatch with like 1/10 of the time played. Can't really explain why but I am glad it's a reportable offense. Since you can't mute voice lines to my knowledge.
Despite intentionally crippling the one thing that kept it alive, it still maintained a playerbase for THREE YEARS.
And that's with them actively making the core game worse for a whole year
Because it's not a fun game
>TF2 going strong for over a decade
user, the only people who still play TF2 are third-worlders, poorfags, and retards who don't know any better. The game went to shit in 2009 and only got worse.
>TF2 is literally the only game in steam that has a consistent flow of players
Do you want to actually claim that point or are you going to dance around it by having a sped fit, because actually acknowledging the update that did fuck up tf2 is a direct argument against shit like overwatch
I didn't say anything about Overwatch, you clown.
God what clusterfucks
It's like equipping Pyrovision goggles but with more useless effects
after 12 years, damn right it is
If you're claiming updates ruined tf2, you'd have to be talking about the Competitive "Balancing" updates, or Matchmaking demonstrably making the game worse.
Saying otherwise is essentially an admission you aren't aware of the status of the full community from back then.
Are vanilla servers a thing?
I played a lot from beta to Medic update, but once they started adding weapons it started to lose me.
I just want to play where there is no cosmetics, and every character is the same loadout, or at least the same 2 loadouts to choose from.
At some point they added the same weapons with different stats, I dont even recognize the game anymore, let alone all the hat stuff.
I just want my tf2 back
basically failed because poor balancing and the mere fact you can get banned for shittalking or spamming emotes.
tf2 is fun because you can go hogwild and spam as much as you please, true freedom
2007-2009 TF2 was the best multiplayer experience of my life
I love TF2 but are people really this blinded by nostalgia?
Just got a $20 Blizzard gift card and I'm planning to get into overwatch. Do they really ban you when you spam voice lines? I'm a bit of a trash talker too so I'll probably won't last long in this game.
There always have been, some of them let you run reskins of stock weapons, but it is vanilla tf2.
>le brings politics where it isn't needed
typical Overwatch coomer junkie
>you'd have to be talking about the Competitive "Balancing" updates, or Matchmaking demonstrably making the game worse.
You're a retard. TF2 wen't to shit LOOOOOOONG before those. Hats were the first sign of trouble, the Mannconomy fucked everything over and put Valve into the position they find themselves today where they can release half-baked shit like CS:GO and Dota 2 and they'll be successes as long as you give people cosmetics they can purchase chances for, and then finally the F2P update killed the game for good because it meant that VAC bans were meaningless and there was zero incentive to actually care about playing the game properly since you can just make a new account.
The F2P update also brought a bunch of fucking third-worlders into the game that shit up the servers and would have otherwise been kept out if the game still cost money.
e-sports just like e-girls are cringe
Congrats on being casual in matchmaking era.
Pic related.
Its moments like this that make the game worth playing still
I bet you think the Wii won the 7th gen war too, faggot
>The F2P update also brought a bunch of fucking third-worlders into the game that shit up the servers and
Nigger tf2 wasn't a game with matchmaking you can't be "Forced to play with thirdworlders"
game design tip: if you appeal to everyone you appeal to no one - Genghis Khan
No, I used to play Overwatch. That's true. People would ask you to make your profile public just so they can check your stats and see if you're worth keeping around before searching for a game.
The worst fucking balancing I've ever fucking seen.
NOTHING they've done is good, it's honestly impressive how much they've got wrong.
Not even cute robo girls can fix this trashheap.
It can be worked around though
Often mistaken for it's cousin
If you make the core flexible enough for anyone, you can appeal to everyone.
>half the team goes engi, and tries to leapfrog clusters of turrets and dispensers up to the enemy base, other half of team goes pyro to keep spies away
>this sort of works for a while, and we get kinda close until the other team starts spamming demoman
>everyone in the server giggling
I don't know if modern highschoolers playing match making or super serious COD rank grinding will ever get to experience stuff like that
You cant play the character you want and hardcarry unlike TF2.
Honestly one of the worst parts of OW right here.
>can't go heavy and hold the front line as your team gets their dumbasses in gear
>can't play pyro and be a reflect god
>can't play medic and just have nobody die
>can't be a sneaky engie and spawncamp the enemies so your retarded team can get something done
this is a good chart on why overwatch and many other videogames have "toxic communties"
Litterally saw a game dev ruin his game mid-development because he's trying to appeal to everyone and make the core of the game flexible
it hurts, I almost want to make a game that is what his game used to be
it has no personality
I heard you can't pick a character and have a [insert character] rush like you can in tf2.
Heavy rushes are great and always big fun for me on payload maps,
I saw a dunkey video where the beta allowed you to do that and I would've bought the game if they didn't remove that option
I like how there are 2 sides of this debate on whether this is canon tf2 history or soldier insane delusions.
Nope, it's 1 of a character per team max. It's really retarded, especially now that roles are required as well. You can't just pick a total meme character and fuck around.
god i fucking love tf2
TF2 is shooter kino
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck thats awful
That winston rollout looked so fun too.
>Spend millions on character designs
>For a first person shootee
Not him but the Wii will be remembered in 50 years, the 360 and PS3 won't be, only the generic xbox and ps branda
Sounds like people would rather watch the game than play it.
Such a simple reason why I won't touch that game. Meme rushes aside, if someone's playing a class badly, I can't even pick it up and do it right?
>Servers that remove the cooldown for voice lines
You're complaining that you got kicked from someone's private group that wasn't even in the game yet?
Christ, user.
Im a diamond battlemercy that placed 1600 in low silver because my "mercy stats are bad" even though my winrate is high because I got picks and ult charge. Ive gontten to 2300 in 2 days but its impossible to climb now because everyone is trash in gold and Im just standing around watching them fuck up literally everything possible.
I even switched to zen and my dmg and stats are way beyond the average player but I cant win because everyone else is a fuck up.
On top of that my attacks do like 100dmg a second and they have 2 shields with 2,000 hp and they are up every second which completely nullifies my skill level from being a part of the game and I just end up sitting there contributing nothing because that fuckhuge wall of fuck completely stops me from being able to do anything but sit in my chair and wait like And since its a forced role queue, I cant even dps my way back into my higher rank so that I can then go back to healing and have fun.
Instead im just some sort of baby sitter tard wrangler where I just hold LMB on someone and tell them to walk forward but they dont so they die and I just awkwardly walk back to spawn and its completely ruined all "competitive" aspects of the game.
It didn't fail, it's just stale.
Lack of content, balancing around esports, and Blizzard having to focus on multiple IPs.
At least in TF2's timeframe around 3ish years it was still getting content, mostly because Valve had (and still has) no other IPs to produce content for, so they could focus on one game.
>join server
>pick engineer
>spam z+4
Left 4 dead was the best game for voice line spam, prove me wrong.
>spamming charge as demo while pressing loadout keys in spawn
I tried to do this on my server and it doesn't work anymore
In a ranking system that makes sense, most players would be in bronze and silver. But instead, in overwatch, only the bottom 10% of so are in bronze, and silver is 10-30%. Nearly 60% of the the user base is gold and plat, with gold being a little bigger than plat. Diamond is top 10%, master is
no. no you cannot see you can just sit there and do fuck all and stare at endless shield walls or you wait for 10min dps queue but then you have to play as dps and you can never play tank or support if thats what you like to do since rank and even quickplay forces you into a locked role.
You just sit and watch your two dps teammates swing baseball bats at a bird 200feet in the sky FOR TWENTY FUCKING MINUTES.
and on top of that silvers-plats all queue together.
What the fuck, there's dps/tank/support queues? At that point I think I'd rather play an MMO instead, thanks for reminding me that I dodged a bullet.
People have been saying tf2 is dying for 11 years.
I wouldn't know, I reached diamond in season 2 and master in season 3 and never dropped until I quit in season 6 or 7, because that's what happens when you play mostly tank.
I believe you are confusing the concepts of "Rigid" and "Flexible"
Overwatch, while having elements to try to appeal to everyone, is unbelievably rigid and stiff, both by design and by goal.
This is directly contrary to something like say, Garrysmod the core of garrysmod might be incredibly basic, however. The game is flexible, intentionally. It comes with the expectation that people will want to play in different (often directly contrary) ways, and it gives people playing the game the tools to play how they would want.
it was for hldj spam comboing
Jesus fucking christ does Yea Forums have some shit where it'll randomly edit your post after you hit submit?
Only powerful class type is sniper. Healing is too important. In TF2 dedicated healing is a single character, pretty much every other character has some self-heal option and medpacks are in good spots. Only reason medic is important is uber. Maps are too corridor/linear, you are always fighting in a choke so spam and sniper dominate. Simply isn't fun and Blizzard's nannying of the remaining playerbase stifles everything.
>silver through platinum queue together
That's it, Overwatch is officially "fractally badly designed", or in other words no matter where or how deep you look into it it's badly designed
At least part of it is pandering to females and mentally ill males. There's no way that kind of culture and community doesn't rot a game from the inside out.
>Only reason medic is important is uber
uhhh user? are you suffering from a bout of mental retardation?
tank role close thread
It's still fun. I've got close to 1500 hours logged and I still enjoy it
There are 4 survivors to every killer and killer is very popular to play, not the same thing. OW forces 4/12 people per match to be dps so you are comparing 1/5 to 1/3. Overwatch is dead.
Same, but that's mostly because valve was at least smart enough to make the ambassador nerf a weapon attribute and leave ghost stun in which can be used to fix the awful state of the sandman
Also DBD has more strict matchmaking and mechanics that allow players to influence what map will be chosen, which presumably cause some friction
You don't need medics in pub games. The only thing you need medics for in pub games is breaking engie nests.
Sales numbers speak louder than a Yea Forums anons post, man.
i wonder where overwatch will be in 12 years
they'll probably revive it's corpse again like diablo except this time OW was never good so people won't care
The Wii will be remembered for a casual sports waggle game that literally everyone and their grandma played, and for its library's utter lack of quality control even compared to other Nintendo consoles.
Last gen will be remembered as one of worst gens that almost killed the console industry
>that almost killed the console industry
Dont be a hysterical faggot
Post Overmemes playercount then
Krist that sounds autistic. Even Siege players arent this bad
>flips the on switch
>Hats were the first sign of trouble
Stopped right there
Imagine actually parroting retarded shit from Yea Forums to make yourself sound like you know what you're talking about
>65k 24 hour peak
this is actually pretty good
Well, you know what they say, Get Woke Go Broke.
I miss that thread that had TF2 members with domination lines for the OW characters
>Dominated Hiroshima!
It didn't. Considering a rare game becomes a worldwide meme or gets forgotten in one week, it did pretty well.
>Focus on the gameplay of top 1%
>Don't tell the enemy team to suck your dick or you're banned forever
>Here is our new character this month Poochie!
The second they nerfed Roadhog because fags were complaining of not being good and dying to him, the game went to shit.
>Defending the interdimsional hook
The game is ruined, Hog has to have good positioning and team play now
>you could be actioned
follow this guide if you decide to start playing this shitty game again
Game made by faggots for faggots inevitably succumbs to faggot fatigue as they seek other less fagged up games to complain about and start the process anew
Getting to potato SR honestly seems like a lot more fun than trying to reach diamond.
Try over $1 billion.