Friend removes and blocks you because you decided to play a co-op game with someone else other than him while he was...

>friend removes and blocks you because you decided to play a co-op game with someone else other than him while he was busy

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>friend asks you to tell them if you want to play game X, can play together
>"Yeah sure"
>decide to play game X a week later
>just open it up and intend to play for 10 minutes
>'Oh okay, you didn't invite me? I get it'

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>tfw you remove and block you friend because you're tired of speaking to him

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Bet they bought the game for you too. Faggot.

Why yes, I am an anti-social freak. How could you tell?

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>friend asks if you want to play [game]
>you play with him
>later ask him if he wants to play anything else other than [game]
>gives a lame excuse as to why not and asks if you want to play [game] instead
every time

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>tfw haven't spoken to 98% of my FL in ~6 years

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what's an fl

>friend buys a shitty game for both of you and expect you to play through the entire thing

the final boss of remnant was boring as shit too, and then there was a boss that was just a floating fucking triangle

>playing games with friends
>having friends

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Fighters Legion, it's my larp club

any kimetsu no yaiba pepes?

Ive done that. AMA

literally not my fault when
>want to play coop game with friend
>friend says no every time because he "doesn't feel like it"
>a month passes
>play alone because i'm sick of waiting
>gets mad at me for progressing without him and doesn't want to play anymore because i'm better now
god damn

>friend has awful taste in games so you can't play together

iktf, he's been playing nothing but WoW classic nonstop since it launched

>have brother
>comes over and plays co-op with me
>gonna play more gears 5 splitscreen soon after i get drunk

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>adding people from Yea Forums
>playing video games with randoms

>meeting the same guys on different servers from your region but never adding them so everyone gets to appreciate meeting each other over and over again without being forced into a friendship

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>enjoy talking about vidya, shitposting and some general chit chat about stuff
>whenever I end up with some twat who publicly displays that he browses Yea Forums he's either either some baby who wants to use his steam friends as armchair psychologists or some retard with a weird obsession for american politics despite living in the other side of the world

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Hi Cat Phuckers, how yo doin?

>group of friends that's known each other and played vidya together since second grade
>always played shit as a group
>now each friend constantly rotates between their favorite flavor of the month game
they're never willing to buy a game to play together because they spent money on stupid add on bullshit for their fotm multiplayer game that they play alone
>can't even get co-op sessions with specific friends going because they're either too busy grinding skins ranked matches or whatever
>even talking to them is becoming harder because each one only ever partakes in their own game and has nothing to really talk about
>too shy to look for new friends and job keeps me isolated
At least the threads I usually like joining around here are pretty friendly and pretty low on shit posting relatively speaking.

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what games and what platform(s) do you play, fag