What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Rise of the Middle Kingdom?

What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Rise of the Middle Kingdom?

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second best after pharaoh

I wish RTS would just stay 2D

I'll stick with Zeus, thanks

Attached: zeus-master-of-olympus[1].jpg (1024x576, 202K)

My older sister got this game for me when I was a kid.
It introduced me to city builder games. I love it. Special place in my heart. Best one of that series.

Best one.
Too bad the genre died.

hey hey people

Wait, did Sseth do a video on this game?

Yes, it was great.

Did he like the game?

Yeah, I can't quite remember exactly what he said but I think he liked how smooth it was and thought it seemed like the developers had figured out how to make it all work in this one. He also liked the religious system then spent awhile on a futuristic mod about China taking over the planet, as is expected of Sseth lol

Absolutely based.

Is this up anywhere? GOG, Steam etc?

It was the one I never played, because it would never work on our desktop for some reason. I do remember playing the demo though. Pharaoh was the peak of the series.

The only part I dislike is the military system. You need a fuckton of noble housing to have a sizable military and even then, making a ton of shekels and simply buying off invaders is infinitely more effective.

$6 on GOG.

I got it on GOG but there are other sites that sell it here and there.
Sold Out Software makes a disc copy that is a bit easier to work with imo, but either should be fine I think. There's a community site for it

Yes but if you conquer another city you can make them send you animals for your menagerie and hear the lamentations of their women~

Zeus had the superior formula and this game built on it. It is probably the best in the series. I played zeus the most though.

Very solid game that i wish had a proper successor. No, Lethis doesn't count

The only thing that tickles my autism is that the roadblocks designed to steer walkers is an actual sign that blocks the whole road instead of some kind of flag or sign, so all the citizens and walkers and whatever are just walking over/through the damn sign

i can never bring myself to get over seeing that

Try out the first two Stronghold games, if you haven't already.

I played Caesar/Pharaoh and Zeus but never this one. I also suck at these games but one day I might go back and try to understand them better

Watch YT videos and play on the lowest difficulty, when starting out. No shame in that.

>Try to replay Caesar for the first time in fucking years
>Played a bunch of Zeus
>No roadblocks
Oh man.

This. 3D graphics killed so many game genres.

Attached: Pharaoh_image11.jpg (1024x768, 278K)

I'm too much of an elitist to play on easy, but I'll read up on some guides and prepare myself beforehand. thanks

really wish someone would make these type of games again, staying in 2d of course. the art could be so damn good on today's high res displays but i guess these games are just too video gamey.

SupCom though

Is there anything more comfy than a map with lots of agricultural potential?

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An exception to the rule.

Attached: Forged Alliance 2.webm (1244x700, 2.79M)

RTS games just can't keep up with ballooning costs of game development, since they're niche and don't have high projected sales. For something like RotMK to be released today, it'd almost have to be funded through Kickstarter.


Why did they fuck up dawn of war so badly?

Why couldn't they have just made dawn of war 1 with more races, better graphics and kept the core game the same?

fuck this reality

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Pharaoh had the best thing which was monument building, but the sequels made logical and welcome gameplay improvements.
Like Emperor having city gates which work as better looking path blocks

kickstarter is probably the only way it would be done right anyways.i would gladly throw money at a team that knew what they were doing and had good artists.

this is pretty much what China did in ancient times, protecting long as fuck borders was costing loads of money so instead they focused on making their enemies fight eachother

Market Research and Focus Test Groups probably told them that casualisation is the way to go

Good shit. But somehow I never found a real version. Either the music's missing, or the game ends at about map 4 of the second campaign

the full game is on gog isn't it?

It's $6 on GOG.

i cant find my recent zeus screens

Attached: iolcus_02.jpg (1920x1080, 1.56M)

This has so much S O U L.

Sure, but even the gog pirate version is missing over half the OST for some reason. But that's what I get for pirating good games anyhow. Wish my money would go to Sierra. Then I'd actually would just buy

no you don't, sierra is just a husk of itself under actiblizz and impressions is long, long, gone.

Top comfy, goes for whole series too.

Forget the plates, can you juggle?