/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

Ahem, post your stinking setups please.

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I’m riding down the street with my GAMER PHONE so yeah I guess you could call it my battle station hehe XD

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Nice Gamer shoe

sometimes i feel like i should move to a place where basements are a thing. it would me nice to build a comfy gaming space.

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Just do it in your living room?

kinda cramped but comfy

nice, what TV?

thats how i currently have it but it would just be nice to just have a private space specifically for games. that way i can display more things without having to worry about guests thrashing everything.

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>these setups people constantly post here with all the little cubby holes with old consoles in them

zoomer china hutch

What kinda people do you invite over that don't respect your space and personal things?

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black friends

New desk/monitor mount/keyboard/huge pad

Love this corsair board more than any keyboard I've ever used and it still may go back under best buy paid warranty for the new logitech low profile wireless mechanical...

software has issues with losing connection to the keyboard and it resets to rainbow like 90% of the time instead of being understated barely glowing green like I set it

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It's so damn hot and sunny lately.
I wonder if I should move from Florida...

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oh look another zoomer china hutch

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Longer I look at it, the more detail I see in it. The more detail I see, the better it gets. Great one user.

you go boy.

Florida is based as long as you live in a beach town. Fuck living inland though.

comfy but not a fan of using keyboard + mouse on the sofa


anime statues are a waste of the space

I think I have the same fritzbox router

r8 mine

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The snowboard is an obvious favorite part but I'm gonna go with that office phone.

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should I clean my room then take a shower, or shower then clean my room?

that box of controllers is really comfy to me.

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roommates friends and even family members that come to visit, they just pick shit up because everything looks so "fascinating" to them.

>no one recognizes melonpan
nu-Yea Forums

no one cares about your embarrasing weeb shit fag

Don't be friends with shitty people or you just give off a vibe that invites people to fuck you you. People who disrespect your house don't respect you either.


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I live in the beach, but city area.

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Yeah move. My town doesn't allow buildings more than three stories high [anymore]. There's a few but not many. Also Gulf > Atlantic

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What's with that rock?

Why would you keep that monitor on a fucking dinner tray?
One wrong bump and that shit is hitting the floor.

>monitor on dinner tray
>36 slices of pizza on one paper plate

this dude got his priorities all wrong

salt lamp.

zoomer china hutch

Why use a dinner tray when I have a perfectly good computer desk for eating my food on?

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i need to upgrade my setup at some point but im lazy and work 55+ hours a week so theres no real point

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what the fuck my image posted upsidedown
atleast australians can see it

Bro I have hair down to my nipples and still don't use a hair dryer.

you're that obnoxious tranny that posts food all the time


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Poorfag reporting in.

Lost everything so I'm literally starting over with hand me downs.

But onward and upwards!

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good luck user, don't give up

I have that black knight. I want a samus figma too but can't decide which.

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>Berserker Guts
>Yotsuba and Danbo
Good shit user, hope you got the notice about the replacement swords for Guts though

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what happened?

looks like a nice place

>Poorfag reporting in.
same, I hate being a poorfag.

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>that monitor for the date/time

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Soulless weeb

Thanks, senpaitachi.

Relationship ended badly, she kicked me out, sold all my stuff and then I moved across the country.

My place is super comfy, I just miss my PC, PS4 and TV. I'll replace them in due time though.

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finally got a proper PC and i don't know how i used to live without

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You clearly have a PC, why the XBone?

Recognized his room from the thumbnail. Can't forget cringeman.

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door stuck

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>can't decide which
Are you serious?

Obviously Prime.

It's one of the only figures I'd give a 10/10, it's amazing, and not based off Other M.

Yeah I've got my replacement on its way. The Dragonslayer I got didn't actually turn out awful, so I'll have a second bloody one for dual-wielding shenanigans.
I definitely recommend the Prime 3 figma.

>ha ha I'm so poor look at my lovely home lol I'm poor ha ha

Because my PC is primarily for emulation, PC ports of PS4/Vita games fuck Sony censorship, and whenever an updated port of something comes out like Killer 7. The Xbone on the other hand is genuinely excellent for back compat and not having to deal with the potential of a port being completely fucked for the most part.

what does that mean?

>That extra cute Pearl background
I need it.

8/10 Where did you get those shelves for the equipment?
8/10 Cramped but cozy
Please bully!

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>rated me under poormode people and anime shit

suck my dick bitch, 1 quality monitor not having ass.

Which one was yours?


> (You)

I am sorry, my mistake 1/10

Its very bland. A nice even 5/10

better not happen again peasant

Nice .hack and Anchorman wallpapers faggot

10/10 cat, 9/10 space

Thank you.

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I always see setups with screens that are WAY too small. Golden rule Yea Forums, measure the distance you are going to be sitting away from a TV, take the full reclined, as far as you could get distance you could imagine, don't short change yourself. Now divide that by 2 and you have the SMALLEST diagonal measurement of the TV you should be purchasing. Anything smaller is a mistake.

get some glasses grandpa

its "bland" because its in the living room of a fucking adult lol