I miss it bros...
I miss it bros
Other urls found in this thread:
>Pre-class update TF2
What a blast that game was
I miss 2011
I miss this splash screen, the only one you ever see is the medic one
Game is still up cunt
I miss ad-hoc valve pubs where you can just play one map straight for 3 hours with a full team
>Game is still up
Non class-update TF2 is long gone
How come Dota 2 can have different loading screens but TF2 can’t
i still have team fortress 2008 files
we just need servers
how did you even got so much dolphin porn?
I miss the old Shortstop
What was it that ruined TF2? Was it trading that started it all?
No other video game music is as effective in invoking nostalgia from me as Rocket Jump Waltz. What is it about it that's so powerful?
dota 2 doesent even have loading screens anymore
People need to chill out with this shit, the game is largely the same as it was back then with a few added weapons/ugly hats
Valve stopped caring when other projects were making them more money
>he prefers launch TF2
>with Soldier with 36 spare rocket ammo
>with Pyro not having airblast and being useless
>with Demoman being fucking broken and stickies not being able to be removed
>with Engineers that can't move buildings
>with slow-as-molasses dispensers/teleporters that can't be upgraded
>with Uber pausing on weapon switching, leading to Medics that can exploit their Uber
>with Spy being slower than Medic and needing a wind-up for stabs
>with 6 maps
I can give you the performance changes ruining some of the game's graphical fidelity in order to keep up with all the cosmetic bloat and some of the botched matchmaking implementation but the game has overall improved mechanics-wise
MvM was peak TF2
i need the full of this immediately, you can't just post half an image like that
I think the one thing I miss was Sentry Guns actually being formidable because they had a lot of health. Now literally anyone can strafe and kill them.
Yes it does but they don't show when loading into the normal game for some reason, only custom games or hero demoing