Shameless vidya faps
Shameless vidya faps
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I don't feel shame for my faps. Am I a twink to you?
Gina's kinda fugly. Haley's prettier but she's a REEEEEing feminist
They should have made more of these games, they were fucking great. Nice soundtrack, good environments, fun cutscenes.
You mean Android 18?
Midnight Club 2 was kino simply for the gameplay and the characters being up in your face before and after every race.
People jerk off about Midnight Club 3 because "muh licensed cars" and "muh customization" but you never see rival racer's faces, they barely talk to you and the gameplay is much slower-paced
Not to mention the game' environments look worse. MC2's cities still look soulful as ever.
>the tokyo map they literally just ported over to midnight club 3 dub edition remix without any changes whatsoever
Gina's great.
shame the game has to run at a FPS cap or else it gets all fucked up
this girl drives a literal civic and she's trying to talk shit
There was a particularly unfortunate summer where I was exclusively using a shared computer, so in an era before private browsing sessions, regular porn was unavailable to me.
It's a heavily modified Civic. Don't talk shit about that BEAUTIFUL DAMN CAR.
Is MC2 worth playing today?
It's on Steam. It's cheap. Play it. It's a good racing game.
Absolutely. Entire soundtrack is fucking godlike.
Well, doesn't support Win7
It does. I played this game back in windows 7 and I play it in Windows 10.
any coomers?
There's not even a buy button I can click, lmao. I could pick it up for PS2 though. Dirt cheap on ebay.
What? Did they take it off the steam store while I wasn't looking? Still, buy a key for it on some site, or sure, just play it on an old console. The game runs fucking great on modern PCs though.
Yeah, but you should really try to buy it for PC or Xbox. 60fps is really nice for these games, specifically.
I just really like the idea of Parasites latching onto people's faces/crotches and having their way with them
I think the PS2 and Xbox ran midnight club 2 at 60.
Loli from a hat in time
Remember R Racing Evolution, the simcade with a full fledged story mode? It was a weird time for racers.
Same but for RE4
Did they? Well, you should get the PC version anyways, because widescreen support and HD. The game POPS beautifully.
I remember playing MC3 and getting so immensely bored with it. You pretty much nailed it though. They took away the arcade feel of the game and tried to be Need For Speed
Licensed vehicles and customization WAS a major improvement. The real problem with 3 is that it runs at 30fps even on Xbox, while 2 runs at 60 on every platform.
>widescreen support and HD
Can be solved with emulation.
Agree 100%. 3 has no flavor at all compared to 2. 2 sort-of having a story and all the racers getting their own dialogue and theme music was great.
>ywn have an old has been supermodel street racer as your waifu
There actually are some changes in the MC3 version of the map. Most notably, the jump across the river is shorter because some of the D class vehicles literally can't go fast enough to make it across the original jump.
Not to mention screenshake. I hate that shit in racing games.
1- Should be called Parfaite;
2- Nobody aside from cliché french speaking african people would name their child "Perfect". (you know, the type of parents who use adjectives & names from the Bible, like Trésor, Bienvenu,Innocent,etc)
dilate, mon ami
used console commands to get through the void and get all the girls fully naked. good faps were had
Good shit right there.
I wish someone makes a compilation of all their de clothing scenes.
So are these games(mainly Pathologic) 2deep4me post modern art shit or do they have some actual merit?
I wish more videos existed of this game period.
I just edited the xml files to fully remove the particles from start, and to give me super-easy modo.
you're a real angel max
totally had a save file on the part where they fuck
You could just buy real russian hookers you kno
i would say this first pathologic is a borderline walking sim but the void and pathologic 2 are both really great games. the void is almost like a farming game with a bunch of magic to learn and pathologic 2 is a amazing survival game that where you have to make real decisions with your time and resources
Moses was a total bro. Wish we would've heard more from him later in the game.
He should've stayed along with Gina. They were both cool people to have backing you up.
Peach or Andy? Or the map?
Why does she have such a sexual voice?
turbo Eldritch slut bitch brain fluid whore tentacle gobbling gaping cunt of a eye semen doctor
I want Mileena to kill me and fuck my corpse
MK11 would get rid of all of this.
>remembers how this boss worker
Oh gods no.
Mods banned c00ming
>tfw no fat asian gangster best friend and qt dj asian gf
>Moses is gonna go get some more Broccoli, yo.
What a cool friend to have.