Fuck, I'm done with Nintendo and their censorship policy

Fuck, I'm done with Nintendo and their censorship policy

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it's funny because this time even SJWs are mad about the censorship, since it obscures an abusive man's actions.
you reap what you sow, pedoera.

It matched what the Japanese text was. Some user in a past thread posted it. Treehouse just sucks at their job.

Did they patch this text out or something`?

Of all the censorship bitching that goes on around here, this is the first time I'm genuinely confused by the backlash

Most people are already aware the new text is closer to the original, its just shitposting at this point

>literally the same thing just with less words
To what end?

In the original japanese none of that flavor text existed, the new line is literally making it more accurate to the japanese. you fucking duncecaps

It's closer to the original line. It's a change for the better for once.

This is closer to what it's supposed to be. The original was some sjw playing soapbox with yet another game adding content that's not real because muh feefees.

based stamper

true but why did they bother changing it?
there's plenty of lines that are way less accurate, especially during tea time most characters say something completely different than what's in the text box.

Now that the dust has settled, let us all talk about the cutest girl in all of Fodlan, who also happens to be the perfect wife!

Attached: Bernie17.jpg (1447x2047, 339K)

because it came off as unnecessarily lewd and they didnt want people saying "zomg implied rape in FE!"

Remember when the TORTanic happened and everyone was getting such a rush from mocking the game because the playerbase were 100% in the right and it was the mods and devs being retarded?

Now remember how after Tortanic, there were so many threads trying desperately to spin any signs of failure as proof the "ship" was sinking, even if it was not sinking at all?

That's all of social media now. People want to shitpost about sinking ships, some want to LARP that they are on the sinking ship, some people want to be the folks on the lifeboats watching it happen from afar (schaudenfreude), and some people want to think they are the 'iceberg' that sunk a big ship.

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Can you read? The japanese explicitly mentioned discipline. This is "lol, my dad tied me to a chair" in comparison. You sound like a parrot.

Reminder to get a physical copy asap before the apply the changes to future releases, that is if you care about this sort of thing.

So why was it ok for the three decades before just now?

it was vaguer in japanese and in english it got specific, presumably

what people should shitpost about instead is them changing a line mocking a character for kissing a man in drag to "kissing a scarecrow"

It's much closer, but still not accurate. Just shows that Treehouse sucks at their job, and now they're willing to change the text they already wrote at any given moment.

>implied rape in FE
what's wrong with that, it's pretty much a series staple just like incest

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it's so specific i can't imagine this was something they changed on their own volition

Bernie is offensive and has to be censored!

>damaged goods
it's like you want to date someone from tumblr

no joke. but such a heavy-handed localizing team having the power to patch in dialogue changes at any time makes me leery.

This straight up isn't true
The old translation was closer

>I once had a friend who was a boy a long time ago...

I swear, sometimes I’m sure muslims are browsing here.

Yes it is you dumb chode.


Attached: translation.png (516x709, 32K)

>thinks a person who isn't bothered by abusively being tied to a chair isn't mentally damaged

imagine being pathetic enough to care about this

meant for

I'm assuming you meant to reply to this guy:
But I was about to say the same thing so I'll forgive you. The line about daring her to stay quiet isn't present in the Japanese text.

Hey Yea Forums does anyone know if the linhardt/leonie paralogue is doable from edelgard route, siding against the church?

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>let us all talk about the cutest girl in all of Fodlan, who also happens to be the perfect wife!
what do you like most about hilda?

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should be possible

Attached: paralogues.png (2150x1360, 875K)

Can't you see that the original translation is closer? The second one removes detail and length of time that she's tied up

nothing, but the point is that it was not there to begin with

I agree with you there. It goes too far correcting itself, removing correct information that was present and makes it sterile and uncertain. Neither translation is accurate enough for me. Treehouse just sucks.

No its not, the original says nothing about submissiveness or "challenging" her to stay quiet

>Censoring your game post release
>After you have my money

>"dad shibari'd me" is more accurate

Wrong. Neither is completely accurate to the original, but the old one at least tried.

just dont update bro

you are literally wrong just shut the fuck up jesus christ

Submissiveness is inherently a desired quality in a wife in the medieval society FE aims for

But the original dialogue didnt say that. You are complaining because they made a shitty translation more accurate, even if its still shitty.

>original english
>hits the same notes as japanese, just a bit more flowery
>cuts down on detail for the sake of comedy
They are clearly trying to de-creep the line.
"Submissive" just gives clarification for what "good wife" means. And in no universe is it less accurate than the new version.

>all these EOPs
You guys are fucking retarded.

Attached: same thread-1.jpg (390x376, 27K)

Oh neat thanks

Her Ultimate Gigachad Maximus of a bro.