You fat fucks ready to work up a sweat watching your favorite gamer girls bounce around on twitch?

You fat fucks ready to work up a sweat watching your favorite gamer girls bounce around on twitch?

Also, Ring Fit Adventures thread!

Attached: tree-pose-1568235713.jpg (980x976, 106K)

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whats with americans and wearing shoes inside the house?

wouldn't want to step on a nail with your bare feet!

We also have legos and staples and paperclips and shit lurking everywhere.

Attached: THATSHATESPEECH.jpg (992x744, 87K)

Boy they really do want that Wii audience back.

They don't still have that wii audience?
What are you talking about?

I'm actually looking forward to this, feels weird that Wii fit never really had a sequel

>what are flip-flops

yeh literally shit because you bring it from outside. learn to take your shoes off like we do in Japan. Uncultivated swine.

is the rpg fun tho? ill get my fat ass up if it is

>implying you're japanese
nice try weeb.

Why not?

call me a shill but this game actually looks like a better attempt at a fitness video game than the usual shit nintendo does

being friends with grills and buying them wii fit for birthday present was like buying a present for myself, hours of watching asses in yoga pants

10/5 would do again

I bet they were gross, fat, and like 10 years old

russians take off their shoes too btw

>what's wrong with dirtying your home?
Let me guess, washing your hands after restroom breaks is "more of a guideline."

old proverb: it's more productive to give wii fit to fit girls than wii fit to fat girls

besides what's wrong with young girls?

I always go barefoot in my house. Other people's houses not so much unless I really know them.

This video is 11 years old. Feel dead inside yet?

Nah, just want a girlfriend

ever step on a gun barefoot?