I made a meme


Attached: the absolute state of v.webm (400x224, 1.4M)


Fucking hell OP

Why do white people do this ?

please kill yourself 14 year old newfag

This is gonna be half of Yea Forums. There are so many faggots on this board that I have no doubt half of you are excited to be either of these dudes, probably the one on the left

Cause they are dying off. And they are the most degenerate race.

what's a "white" person and how do you define one?

Should be hung for their public faggotry. Think of the children.

You know they're joking, right?

Stop playing dumb cracker

I'm not american, we have no history of whipping people

Because they are low IQ, and have no culture.

>whites have no culuture
Blacks south americans and chinese have no culuture

this was made as a joke, newfriends

that guy on his knees seems a bit too familiar with fellation techniques

Stay seething, whitey

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Aren't they the guys from Funhaus?

Driving dodge and smoking weed isnt culture, jamal. Nor are the retarded malcom x names you come up with.

What about all the things white people impersonate on a daily? While you say we have no culture your son and daughter are pretending to be me on Twitter and Instagram this very minute.

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White girls will never sleep with you

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