Just torrented this game because it looks cool but I dont wanna support anti-Christian devs. What am I in for?
Just torrented this game because it looks cool but I dont wanna support anti-Christian devs. What am I in for?
Other urls found in this thread:
>anti-Christian devs
I don't get the anti-Christian meme. Isn't the protagonist wearing a Catholic Spanish attire and killing demons
>dont wanna support anti-Christian devs.
You shouldn't play that trash either. Satanic propaganda just like all the trash pushing gays, race mixing and abortion (looking at you Celeste)
Why even play it if you feel that way?
>I'm a Christian but I will play this satanic game
Why are Christians putting in so little effort in being religious?
Was it autism?
A man on a purge of all secondary worshiping.
>anti christian
who cares
You posted this exact thread yesterday.
as long as you're posting bait, I have a question. Why do evangelicals get so worked up about depictions of magic? They DO know magic isn't real, right?
God you people on this board are such obnoxious cock suckers
>Why are Christians allowed to have fun and separate art and their beliefs
This thread has been reposted over and over and over, actually fuck off and never come back.
Don't reply to this thread, it's shitty bait that's been recycled and regurgitated. Fuck off.
>I dont wanna support anti-Christian devs
Stupid *nglo.
real thread
let this one die
i see r/fedoras invaded the thread
>anti Christian
Never been to Reddit limp dick
>What am I in for?
Boring proto-SNES gameplay
Huge missteps with elements of games like this that modern developers seemingly always miss, like hit puffs, enemies flashing to display certain behaviors, etc
So that's how this place shill games nowadays?
a game with boring combat
a shit game
Actual questions here.
The red mountain pass that leads to Jondo. Why is a giant mountain range under a city? Is it the devs playing with impossible space or is it just a bad oversight?
Secondly, I died to that flying lightning demon thing and it wasn't there when I returned to fight it. Did I fuck up?
Why the fuck do you keep spamming this exact same fucking thread?
What's anti-christian about it?
>fictional religion that has superficial resemblance to Catholicism.
for real, my dude?
I bought two copies because of you.
How many times do we have to sage this thread, retard?
Actual thread here OP's a spammer shitposter.
A waste of actual time.
a meme game
Literal retard here.
I wanted to try out the game, but when I try to click on new game, nothing happens. Additionally, once I click pilgrimage, I cannot return to the main menu, so I'm stuck looking at three empty files. Is there something I can do to fix this?
Is this the worst area yet created in videogame history?
Because christians dont actually care about the religion and just want a reason to feel like theyre oppressed but righteous so that they can pretend they have weight behind their complaints when they complain about everything they dont like.
Get a load of this faggot
Post the wojaks and get it over with
This copypasta is wrong, it made me want to sign up for my local church and become a pastor
religion is literally a meme
>an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
*tip fedora at the speed of light*
>anti-Christian devs
Who the fuck actually buys indie games? They are developed by a single person in a month and sell millions anyway
They're not. Have you read the bible?
it's fucking crazy that after all these years this website has so many fucking christfags, considering its history
Based mods
This is a marketer thread. They've made dozens with the same title and picture. It sucks. The trite anti-christian message we've all been forcefed for decades isn't particularly interesting either.
>devs from Seville
I'll never understand this forced pasta
they're not really really christians, they're directionless teenagers that look like who /pol/ has convinced to larp as DEUS VULT crusaders on the internet
what did he mean by this
You should pirate the game because it's pretty fucking bad.
>upgrades barely do anything
>powerups barely do anything
>insane amounts of backtracking to get pickups in each area
>poorly thought out connectivity between areas
>carbon copy dark souls clone bosses with none of their charm due to lacking combat mechanics
>poor mobility options, even late-game
Most American christians treat jesus like Santa Clause and have little understanding of their "faith", their faith itself being a flimsy thing as noted by their blunt refusal to question it. A faith is only as strong as someone is willing to push it.
It's only as anti-crhistian as all those games using imagery from greco-roman myth are anti-greek/roman
This is far more concerning, regardless.
>i am christian but i will steal this man's work because it is against my christian beliefs
it really makes you think...
Game will make you a satanist if you pirated, care
>get gog version
>cant get my shit 5 dollar usb controller to work
Wtf bros
yes. severe autism.
add it on steam, and check in steam big picture mode if your gamepad is there, then you can configure it and play
for real game tries to be dark souls 2d but failed
Is there anything more pathetic than being a contrarian?
It's a fucking metroidvania you retard.
Shit I didnt think about that
Steam finds a way
again, the media shits on christianity, "intellectuals" shit on christianity, all non-whites and kikes shit on christianity
your opinion isn't bold or impressive, nobody will upvote you here
Funny how he is still one of the better representation of Christianity in vidya world.
I always laugh when i see anons claiming they are Christians when they post Cunny and racists jokes the 24h. Ahh never change Yea Forums
>every christian is a faggot loving pedo fucking catholic
Because Christianity is literally garbage. It breeds anti-intellectual thought. Unless they reform and kick all the racists and homophobes out, it's an antiquated and dangerous ideology that deserves no respect.
And neither do you for only supporting it to "protect white culture from ((them))" or some other conspiratorial garbage.
Ok rosenberg
They aren't even suppose to eat pork or touch pigs in general, but here we are, bacon becoming a giant staple and football is replacing their religion to a whole new level.
What does it take for a game to not be 'anti-Christian' while putting the main character as a clear zealot? He's a demon killer for fuck's sake, do you want a game where you can only purge demons by walking around with a Bible? It wouldn't be fun
Just wait for the wind to blow in the right direction :)
Pro-tip there is intellectualism or culture. Only one can be dominate.
Intellectualism = Globalism, Atheist, Globohomo
Culture = Religion, Morals, Homogeneous Society
Weimar Germany was the height of "Intellectualism."
Well replace bible with gun and you pretty much got DOOM.
>racism not part of catholicism
hello modern zoomer that has never read the good book.
Lol no. He kills Catholic saints and clergy
Are they like mega fedora tier or something? What makes them anti-christian?
The devs are Spanish millennials. Spaniards born in post-Franco Spain are all leftist atheist cucks
Bible only you say? Beware deer.
Doom is the best Christian game
You posted this yesterday
>Unless they reform and kick all the racists and homophobes out
The villains are Catholic saints and clergy
Anyone know where to get the third elevator mask?
The Doom series is anti-Christian now
You're already outing yourself as another braindead right-wing drone. Immigrants benefit the economy and integrate within 1-2 generations.
512 replies. Kill yourself btw.
t. supporter of belief systems that argue condoms are immoral and that vaccines go against the will of god
Incorrect. And second generation immigrants identify more strongly with their original culture than the one they're living in. Diverse societies are also low trust.
Stop pretending homogenity is a sin. It's natural and healthy for all creatures to want to live around others like themselves. Society is healthy when people trust their neighbors and everyone has a shared vision.
pretty much every disease outbreak in the first world comes from the third world hordes allowed in
like 90% of STD cases are also nonwhites because they think condoms are evil voodoo white devil magic and not because of christianity
That's a whole lot of strawmanning and projection, faggot. I support condoms, but fags and niggers don't use them.
To be fair, Christians around that time weren't exactly the best people, burning heretics at the stake and stuff.
to be fair some people need to be burned at the stake even today
Entirely spready by gay men having unprotected anal sex. That chance of spreading HIV through Vaginal sex is less than 2%.
>Just torrented this game
>but I dont wanna support anti-Christian devs
That rather sounds like kikes.
No, that would go to Blightown in Dark Souls
Why isn't routine shitposting a permabannable offense yet?
You still seem to be under the assumption that I'm Catholic. Blacks are the second highest carriers of HIV after gay men.
"Dont wanna support anti christian devs" the forehead engravers, enslavers of men and women, including members of clergy that RULE on you through relegion, so strip your kids to the nude and tell'em god will forgive'em.
What archive is that?
What fantasy universe are you talking about? Sounds interesting.
Even the Cato Institute says that immigration is a net benefit economically.
I bet you get all your political views from fucking JPEGs on /pol/.
There is but one god, Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet
You seem to misunderstand that I'm not saying this about all Abrahamic religion. Notice the antivax shit targets Muzzies, Kikes, and other brands of Christcuck.
Not shitposting. It's marketing plain and simple.
You're so bluepilled you became a gay smurf
It is. It's called spamming/flooding.
>DUDE importing a brown pseudo-slave caste that prices natural-born workers out of the job market is h*cking awesome!!
>just think about how beneficial it will be to have a brown mass of consumers growing exponentially and creating more and more stress on infrastructure!
>btw you've stop eating meat right you fucking wh*te oppressor? it's bad for the environment
>tfw playing it with a Sega Saturn pad
>I posted it again!
>importing a brown pseudo-slave caste
why would you import americans though
i dont think any god would approve of wasting your time playing video games
No it's not anti-Christian. It's pro-Protestant (true Christianity) and anti-Catholic (paganism)
It's not something good that's the point
/R9k/ rules should be in effect on Yea Forums.
Lol im a puppet of from the current relegion that is just an.amalagation of older relgions and basically copied the Egpytian book of the dead and the story of Mithra from.Greece. Lol
>MFW I have no PC to play this.
Gameplay however...
Fuck its bad
Why the hell is their contact damage? it makes fighting any enemy extremely finicky and slow. Also hitboxes are completely broken with a lot of the bosses, yet they are still waaay to easy. its a great concept. And i don't really care that their anti christian. But for fucks sake the game play makes me so angry.
For some reason, the visuals, and some of the gameplay elements really remind me of that H-game, night of revenge, can anyone relate?
that pic shows he's probably been banned at least twice. Shitposters gonna shitpost.
Sure, buddy
The fact that there are always two threads about this game one of which all about the actual game while the other is full of /pol/ bullshit that always degenerates into a pile of shit really activates those almonds.
Game's good though. If you have any interest in art, get the artbook - it has some neat tidbits about the creative process.
Paying your employees less is a net benefit for big businesses, yeah.
>night of revenge
>he thinks they copied each other
>he doesn't know that it's all derived from a common source
Did you know the Maya had a funeral ceremony identical to an ancient Egyptian one, down to the tools involved and even the name? Educate yourself you underaged retard.
>conservatives say anti-immigrant/racist shit supported by fucking /pol/ JPEGs
>i post a real source that BTFOs them
That's a big yikes from me bro
the pope is evil and you have to battle him
>Catholic art EVIL
>look, this institute owned by the same people forcing mass immigration say it's healthy! why don't you trust it?? you're not a r*cist or something right...
Opposing the jew god is the morally just thing to do.
Because most “Christians” barely even qualify as Christians, they just go “hurr durr I believe in god imma go to heven” and they never actually bother reading the Bible or commentaries about it or think seriously about their faith
>net benefit economically
Even if it were, is that worth sacrificing your culture? Is it worth having your children demonized in increasingly racialized politics? It’s only a benefit to corporations.
Oh, it's this thread again
Christians are the biggest persecuted group of people worldwide (ok, it's basically in islamic countries)
Nope jesus said pork and pigs are ok
Christ fulfilled the old law.
What are you a fucking commie
>Gameplay however...
>Fuck its bad
it hurts so much to read but it's true.
I was enjoying the game for everything else but it's a fucking chore to play.
if the gameplay was tighter i would complete this game i love the art and setting but its just not what im looking for. Can anyone recommend me a game similar to this
The platforming is the fucking worst and the insta-death spikes make it a nightmare.
>"muh christianity!"
>browses Yea Forums
Name a single website thaht's more christian than Yea Forums
aw fuck that reminds me
I had a like 60% save file and it got corrupted or something
This reminds me. BUGS The bugs in this game are fucking horrible. that guilt ghost, and how it always seems to wanna spawn on spikes, or enemies just not spawning, the crashes and the freezes, all of it. just make the game unplayable, ESPECIALLY around the 50% mark.
The imagery in this game was quite interesting but it looks like the story is not exactly that strong.
Yeah because the church isnt an organisation wielding tons of secular power while supporting the largest pedophile and degenerate network at all, right? And it snot like the current pope is soorounding himself with satanic symbolism or anything...
Played it for about an hour and it just wasn't for me.
The level design I found to be quite boring and the the boss was easy. The rest of the enemies it seemed like you could just wait at a distance and strike them all day.
It didn't really make me feel like it was fun or challenging really.
In short, I wouldn't bother buying it.
How do you guys cope with the idea that god doesn't exist but church had the right idea with keeping the masses under the thumb?
That the demiurge or a abylonian one does exist and fuck their asses
White people have no culture. It's an arbitrary group that identifies itself by NOT being another race.
When a black and a Mexican have a kid, neither goes "OH NO MY HERITAGE". But if a white breeds with anyone other than another white person, you all shit yourselves and call it genocide.
Nope, wait until you get to the Painting Area. I hope you like being pushed into spike traps.
Kys, christfag.
Culture doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's constantly evolving. You're paranoid and stupid if you think we should stay forever in the 1950's. That's regression.
>blasphemous threads starts fine
>"ITT: seething christians"
>thread goes to shit
>makes bait thread at how unchristian the game is
>posters makes fun of OP
>ip count doesnt change
Why do atheists seeth about this game? Why do they shit up threads? I just want to talk about videogames.
Of course I knew that pleb. You are the one who needs educating, if you.are not aware that the Popes actual position in the occult organization is "Leader of the Knights of Malta" an occult organization that is at the center of the "Catholic church" which is really just an occult fraternity
Because that's their basis for their whole identity.
Hollow Knight
unironically autism
Jesus christ you people are so far gone into this /pol/ fantasy world
How do I get to this fucking heart?
also tfw you only need one last cherub but you have no fucking idea where it is. All I know is that it was one that required the throne bridges but other than that I just have to fucking walk all over the map one last time