Seems like they are adding LOADS of stuff, like Tiki in battle (but is she fully playable?) and even a new story. Will you give it a chance this time?
Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore
Other urls found in this thread:
Well is it censored?
Nobody knows.
I hope this game inspires more Tiki and Mamori porn
this game is going to sell 400k, again
>Will you give it a chance this time?
I can't see this as anything more than a failed SMTxFE crossover. Plus I have no Switch
i will never forgive atlus for deceiving me
Yeah, I never bought the original.
>Will you give it a chance this time?
Will Tsubasa paizuri me?
I pirated it on Wii U to play it uncensored. I'll right my wrong this time and buy it on Switch if they right theirs and release it uncensored, otherwise I'll just ignore it.
no it's censored
If they walk back the dumb censorship I'll buy it.
>Will you give it a chance this time?
>Will you give it a chance this time
No, I don't care for idolshit so I'll be passing on this game again.
I still call this game SMTxFE. I cared so little about it after that Kowashitai reveal trailer and saw the reviews that I don't even know any of the chracter's names, what the story's about, or even what gameplay is like. I'm not even one of those "HURR GOTTA BE GRIMDARK EDGY" people when it comes to SMT, but for fucks sake way to totally alienate the fans of both franchises.
Ask the question later when we DO know, then. Because the answer will depend on that.
Just a reminder that even if it gets "uncensored" the Kiria zipper panty change is pretty much permanent.
I hope they add more emphasis on the delay system. The game having delay mechanics near endgame was awesome I hope they add more, they really can save your ass especially on harder difficulties.
That being said I thought it was a great game with good gameplay as typical of an Atlus RPG and I liked the characters and overall feeling of the game so I’ll be buying it again
If its not censored sure.
That's a stupid hill to die on since it's something that was changed during development and was present in the Japanese Wii U release. The annoying censorship was all the shit that got changed for the English release.
Oh no I'm not saying it as if I myself am bothered by it. I'm saying it for those who might be expecting it when they shouldn't because as you said was a change present even in Japanese.
Zipper panties still are there. Just behind a semi transparent pantyhose both for art and ingame.
Won't buy without zipper panties. They are exactly what made me hyped for this game back then. I say it's false advertising to remove them
Well then, you'll never buy this game no matter how many times and in which territories they release it.
Fuck no. I'm tired of games with copious otaku shit and the stupid weirdfags who buy them.
That's OK. Ill just pirate it :)
Fuck off.
Switch version is build on the censored version.
You can see it on the trailer
But we also have uncensored screenshots of Tsubasa in the Feel video
>they still kept zipper panties on one of Kiria’s videos in the intro & all of her in-game merchandise
>it’s covered up in the full game with this ugly pastel purple
It was a legitimately aesthetic design that contrasted her pretty porcelain skin too, such a goddamn shame. Wish some madman would texture edit it to at least make the censored costume a leotard or something.
It's 6 months away from release. Maybe they still can figure it out
Why do you people value a lack of censorship over the actual quality of the game design, story, character, music, et cetera? Or do you just not care about that stuff in these kinds of games?
Its releasing in January.
awakening was a mistake
What? user, she is from the original FE.
I'm emulating it right now. It's pretty fun. Will probably grab the switch version, especially if we get more party members.
So better than your average mainline SMT? cool.
I wrote this game off the moment they revealed it was SMT x FE and am never looking back.
Will give it a chance for the additional C
Tiki was an adult in Awakening, this is the child version from FE1 and 3.
I hope they add romance option
Damn, Awakening looked like that?
Part of me wants one, but the other part of me doesn't cause Itsuki being dense actually made him pretty based at times.
If they don't show anything or talk about it my guess is YES.
Sex is bad.
I hope Tiki's playable, but all shots of the new characters were only in session attacks, so she's probably not
I didn't play the Wii U release because it didn't have off tv play, but I will buy it this time
Sadly there's nothing to talk about this at this point, other than censorship wars.
is this game popular in japan
Because the censorship censored the game design, story and characters. As easy as that. And as such will have an impact on the quality of the game.
I hate idolshit so damn much
lol, not at all.
talk about a false dichotomy.
Pretty much everything on Wii U bombed, so no. It has a real chance now, particularpy in the west, Persona and FE are very popular now
Doesn't seem like that to me. I've seen plenty of people look at some mediocre anime game and go "well, if it's not censored I'll buy it!" despite the fact that it's probably not good.
>games no one cares about
No. She’s another Awakening character polluting this series. If only this game featured non-Awakening characters then I would buy it.
They hated it.. but loved the music CD and concert tickets.
leave this board and talk to actual people, moron.
>unironically shilling this garbage
Just stop posting and get a real job
last i read it sold like than 30k copies in Japan.
>Will you give it a chance this time?
No because it looks GAY AS FUCK
In a rare turn of events Japan actually ignored this game as it was so offensive to living beings
It's not just this board, it's all over the fucking place.
Only a retard would associate loli Tiki to Awakening.
this game is nothing like persona you faggot
>b-but look at sales
It bombed you delusional drone
Because fuck the cunts responsible, their work deserves to be burned.
I never got a chance to play this before I got rid of my wii u, so I might pick it up.
Only 2 awakening characters play an important role.
>this is what SMTxFE could’ve been
What the fuck went wrong?
It's merchandize and events sold beyond expectations. The game itself under performed. It reviewed well though.
They better not censor it though. I wonder how Japan would react if their version of Encore has the western censorship.
>shilling this hard with reverse shitposting
I bet you’ll reply and say you’ll never buy the game
... that's what i said you wheezing neanderthal. 30k copies is fucking terrible even by japan standards. i was supporting your stance.
Stop posting. I hear that enough from DMCucks
I didn't say it was. I'm saying those series are popular and this game will appeal to their fans.
And saying it's "nothing" like a Persona game is dumb, it's similar in tone and Persona ganes before 3 aren't time limited dating sims
I believe you're not trying to bait here, you're a bonafide retard
You must be deluded if this is what you’re presenting to try to get others to buy this. Face it, it’s falsely advertised trash heap
Normalfags ruined Persona
The game itself, no.
Everything else surrounding the game did extremely well though. People fucking bought the merch and the concert tickets.
It could've been a... drawing with characters from old games?
>more Awakening drones enter to beg for paid dlc
As if people will buy the base game
>I’m running out of excuses for this game so I’ll say some collectible stickers made it successful
Game bombed though.
tickets sold well on the other hand.
You ever play Sengoku Basara? Fujos never bought the game but they ate up the merchandise.
i have no idea what is going on in this thread right now.
Seriously, who the fuck is this retard who keeps replying with completely false or even unrelated shit? Not even bots fail this hard
>I like ice cream
>no, neat is not healthy
inb4 they don't remove the censorship and the game flops again
Do I buy this if I like Atlus games but don't give a shit about FE or know the characters?
Depends. Did they undone all the retarded shit they did for the localized version?
Sure, it's barely FE to begin with and the only SMT is in the spells and demon cameos in the environment.
You don't fight them. They are like the shadows in Persona 3 and 4.
Is this getting a physical release or digital only?
This. I want to romance Mamori and Tiki.
>no one cares about the actual game despite its apparent quality
>expecting a console with a mainstream user base to eat this up
>but for fucks sake way to totally alienate the fans of both franchises.
Wasn't it some NoA intern who made that trailer and that NoJ knew nothing about it?
Did you like DDS and Strange Journey? If yes, buy it.
>Will you give it a chance this time?
Put it like this. I've already not bought it once. Why would some extra shit convince me to buy it this time when the things that made me boycott it the first time are unchanged?
It might be uncensored. I'm not saying to pre-order the damn game but to wait and see.
It's trending on twitter when the switch version announced just below Xenoblade DE
No. I am not interested in this sort of thing here:
Tsubasa's 3D model always looks so ugly to me for some reason. I can't put my finger on why. I like the other 3D models and I like Tsubasa's arts just fine.
People who play games like this are the videogame equivalent of pic related
Why are they telling us all this useless information and not the one thing everyone wants to know?
Which do you mean, her in-game model or the big budget MV model? Or both? If you mean in-game I get you, she looks so off from the way she looks in art. The other characters are closer but it's like something just went wrong translating her into 3D.
if they dance around it. expect the worst
I've been following this industry for 30 years.
I expect the worst unconditionally.
Kiria looks like a noodle person here
is the wedding dress back to normal standards?
I noticed they never show Maiko, Barry, and Tiki as active party members in battle, only in session chains. I'm starting to think they're not actually new party members, just new sessions...
it will still be censored so I will not buy it.
Fuck no, keep that shit in persona. Also, Itsuki became President of the company in the end, why choose one girl if he can get them all?
Play Majin Tensei
>muh censorship
look, Nintendo could make the girls completely naked and I still wouldn't buy this cringe shit
They have party icon on those session chain, they are all playable.
Then why do they keep only showing screenshots with them as session partners? Show some actual playable screenshots to get people hyped.
Remove the idolshit and I might consider getting it.
i'll buy it if it's not censored
Still not the crossover I wanted, so I still won't play it.
>another fucking TMS thread where no one has any fucking clue what they're talking about but they act like they do
We literally don't know if the game was a financial failure or not; IS/Nintendo/Atlus doesn't give us numbers. Yes it didn't sell gangbusters but no one talks shit about W101 or Devils Third selling like crap. And we all know the Wii U itself was a bomb so talking about sales is such a stupid thing to do. We do know however that both showings of the live concert sold out, and they also had the official artbook and music CD that could have sold well.
Yes the game was "censored" but it wasn't nearly as bad as people say, it definitely wasn't as bad as the shitshow that was Fates localization, yet everyone seems to only complain about #FE. We literally don't know the degree of "censorship" this port will have if any. Yes Aversa was shown covered up but right in the beginning of the trailer it says "game footage not final" so that could still get changed, that type of thing happens all the time. Plus we see Tsubasas Feel outfit intact on the JP website, so there's conflicting arguments and we just have to wait.
The whole "Japan hates the game as well" is retarded, there's a difference between hate and just ignoring. Japan definitely seems to love the game more than the west does at any rate since there's a lot more fanartists who do stuff of it, I've seen cosplay group photo shoots, and a fair amount of fanbooks/doujins, even one at the latest Comiket.
Also the "durr this game is all idolshit" is clearly being said by retards who haven't played the game and think this is Idolmaster. The idol shit is mostly kept to the side stories and special moves, the overarching plot of the game becomes generic JRPG shit pretty early on.
Keep seething
Technically it wasn't a flop due to all the parties involved getting money from another means: atlus and Nintendo got paid by Avex to make this game and the latter got profit from merchandise.
They've been showing the same screenshots of everything since the news first broke. The site says they participate in battle so it's likely they're playable, or at least Barry or Maiko. Tiki is questionable but why would they give Barry and Maiko carnage forms if they weren't actually participating in battle? They could just do the whole inexplicably shows up for an attack thing like the duo arts.
>Yes the game was "censored" but it wasn't nearly as bad as people say
What? It's one of the worst cases of censorship in recent years. Just because Fates was even worse (and plenty of people complained about it), doesn't mean this game is fine.
If Fates would be re-released people would complain about it too.
Something can do well and still fail to live up to it's potential.
We do know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this censored mess wasn't all it could have been.
Even if they made their money back, they left weebbucks on the table by ignoring what people want and giving them a butchered product instead.
I'll buy it as many times as they release it, I loved it and besides that I owe it for getting me into two of my favorite series.
I'm not even sure why people are complaining about it being censored when from what I heard, the nips had actually preferred the censored version more since it makes their idol look less like sluts.
Depends on how much/what stuff they add since i already played it
>not sluts
Pick one,
that's why.
>nips had actually preferred the censored version more since it makes their idol look less like sluts.
source??? because even in their twitter they were worried about the censorship.
Hell no Idol shit is gay
Is this the mental gymnastics Americans now use to live with themselves?
This is the level I stopped playing
>atlus and Nintendo got paid by Avex to make this game
I keep seeing you say this with no source to back it up.
Fates was worse and people did complain about it, but not anymore, yet somehow #FE threads keep getting made only to complain about the censorship. And at least with #FE the changes didn't affect the story. Tsubasa Feel/Fly outfits got slightly changed but not removed, Aversa was censored in a cutscene yet in battle she's not. Chapter 2 was left entirely the same in the way it plays out it just changed from swimsuit/gravure modeling to street fashion. If you complain about that you better be complaining about Awakenings changing of bento to rhubarb pie.
The JP version was basically all it wanted to be, and now the port is going to give the same thing to America+extras.
I love Kiria!
Good for you user
No one has ever said this. No one has ever even tried to make this up.
>The JP version was basically all it wanted to be, and now the port is going to give the same thing to America+extras.
[citation needed]
I've finished it on the Wii U it's way better than all Persona games all together. You are all retarded if you don't buy it
You would have had an aneurysm later if you couldn't handle that simple puzzle.
It is was Persona X FE no one would’ve batted an eye.
Who’s the retard here?
Give yourself a shotgun blast to the head
It's up for preload. It's done.
I really wanna fuck Maiko
People somehow got fooled into thinking the original version is a fucked up story denouncing how dark and perverted the idol industry is, which is silly because it runs on a number of assumptions like the idea that the whole game is about idols or that the famous chapter about gravure does in fact denounce that culture, when in reality Tsubasa is basically told to man up and that wearing bikinis is empowering and shit
They also ignore things like Kiria's outfit being censored in Japan aswell because of cero
But at the same time it's absolutely true the western localization took a few steps too far. Tsubasa's wedding-catsuit looks fucking ridiculous
It's ok. 3 out of 5 persona games is better than #FE but doesnt hold a candle to SMT mainline
No. Not buying anything Fatlus shits out unless it's a new Raidou.
God I wanna fuck Tiki
i'll replay it if they fix the shitty long dungeons
Yeah I'll buy it, especially if they are righting their wrongs on the censorship front
I found them mostly ok but the TV studio one was a freaking nightmare
> Chapter 2 was left entirely the same in the way it plays out it just changed from swimsuit/gravure modeling to street fashion.
That's not the same thing at all and not comparable to a shitty food analogy. Having to model in a swimsuit is something fundamental different to most people than having to wear hip-hop fashion
>Fates was worse and people did complain about it, but not anymore
Lol, did you ever visit a Fates thread? People love to complain about every single time. Besides, people complain currently over #FE because it's getting a re-release and now it's their chance to get a unfucked game.
This art still confuses me, the Chaika mwee face is a turn off but her fat juicy thighs draw me back in.
Japan knows that idols are sex symbols and they just don't give a fuck. BUT UNDERAGE young girls are cute and funny deal with it.
This game was not some artsy indieshit denouncing and criticizing Japanese unhealthy obsession with idols or whatever the fuck resetERA told you. Its about cute girls doing cute things like getting your penis erect.
>Three young Tiki alts within months
>all with distinctly different art but that one and Legendary versions have those delicious legs
>Lastly "fallen" Tiki is a skinny version that sticks out sourly in comparison but face at least looks better
I'm all for more young Tiki in my life but they should've stuck to 1 artist for her.
God is does tiki have to be so erotic.
There’s a primal urge that awakens when she’s on screen
The fact there’s so little doujins(most garbage) of her makes the urges worse
The only dungeon that was bad was the one where you fight Draug cause all the "puzzles" were was just going around talking to people which sucks
The entire thing is just Tsubasa being nervous and not able to proudly model, she even says she has anxiety in her first side story so it's all in character. Whether it be swimsuits or street fashion the point is the same
And the complaining about this game happened even before Encore was announced. All the shitty "why didn't you buy Tsubasas game" threads that were likely made by the same few people just to continue their hate circle jerk
Meant summer, and 2 alts within months, summer alt was last year.
>It's one of the worst cases of censorship in recent years
Not really, the worst case in recent years is Omega Labyrinth Z.
> the Chaika mwee face is a turn off
Dragons her age are canonically in their sexual prime and actively looking for their first true love to have a dozens children. Tragically Tiki had a million things to deal with in Archanea, her favorite guy already had a lover and afterwards she had to sleep for centuries so she missed her prime.
Yes, same for Fate. We literally just had yesterday a thread to shit on its translation.
Why would it be any different for this game? What do you even expect from this site? It's a potentially good game many people never tried, because of its censorship so of course we're going to hate on it over and over again.
>Whether it be swimsuits or street fashion the point is the same
Being uncomfortable with modeling in swimsuits is understandable. Being uncomfortable with modeling in street fashion is retarded.
Still in the top 3. "One of the worst", not the worst.
>What do you even expect from this site
For them to grow up and do something called "getting over it". Especially if something like that is enough to put you off a game. Boycotting a shitty lazy company like Game Freak over the newest Pokemon games being so poorly handled is one thing, but this takes it to another level.
Also I literally said it's canon that Tsubasa is a nervous wreck, have you ever heard of a shy model? To be a model you have to sell it, if you're cowering in front of the camera you're no good, and that's the whole point of it, outfit doesn't matter.
I'd rather fuck her
>Still in the top 3.
2nd and 3rd would be Senran Re:newal and Dead or Alive X3S on ps4.
4th would be FE Fates
5th maybe Xenoblade X
watch them make a loli dragon idol group banner
The original wasn't.
Yes, censorship ruins a game. No point in arguing.
jesus christ
>Being uncomfortable with modeling in swimsuits is understandable. Being uncomfortable with modeling in street fashion is retarded.
Not him but are you retarded or do you think people only get uncomfortable or nervous while showing some skin?
Hell in the nip version Tsubasa doesn't even show any concern over going in a swimsuit but being in the public eye.
Poor Tiki. Awakening might have butchered her character but the design itself isn't bad and the fact they made light of all her struggles only makes me feel worse for her.
The sequel needs to come out and include more Nintendo series. Splatoon and ARMS both have idol characters.
I might, but only if they remove the censorship.
>gameplay is 100% unchanged
Way to be a retard
I hope they touch up the writing so it isn't nonsensical garbage, and stop waifu-baiting in the not!S. Links if there are no character-specific endings.
Ah yeah, because neither character design or story matters in a JRPG.
It's time to give the game the 4kids treatment.
Characters need to have English names.
The game needs to take place in LA.
All Japanese elements need to be stripped away in order to appeal to the primary audience. America!
Die weeb. You don’t belong in this thread.
Splatoon idols would overshadow the rest
she's not actually that small in the mainline games... is she?
At least this hame has something better than three houses: the artstyle.
Also, fix the main character's character model. His face is too fucking thin in contrast with his huge head.
No, no it doesn't. The only game that matters in is Persona 3 and onwards because it became 80% story and 20% gameplay.
Every other JRPG focuses on gameplay and exploration before story and character designs, hell most of them are still first person rpgs so you don't even see what your party looks like outside of the few cutscenes that exist.
>story wasn't censored, like I said all of chapter 2 plays out exactly the same
>character designs are all the game aside from two of Tsubasas outfits being slightly changed
>the chapter 2 outfits aren't modified you get entirely new designs which are cute in their own way
Just go back to Resetera.
Endings are dropped in similar fashion to FE games, whats wrong?
Says the person who prefers story over gameplay.
I hate those types of people just as much as anyone else, but I also hate the whiny bitches on the other side of the spectrum.
She’s a literal child
Uhm actually she's a dragon
That's the only failing of her idol outfit. It's cute and flashy but you're missing that dangerous short skirt and nopan combo.
>responding to tripfags
>responding to fehfags
You deserve a ban.
Finished the original version on emulator a while ago, didn't enjoy it enough to care about a port.
110cm is still fucking tiny though. imagine
There's a new dragon in town who's the same size and has some nice features as well. Sadly she's dead so you can't impregnate her, at least until the DLC route where you revive her.
Do you want a real answer? Because I can 100% explain it in a way anybody should be able to empathize with.
Cut content in general is distracting when you know it's cut. You can't go through the swimsuit chapter in #FE without being constantly reminded of what you're missing out on, and the (stupid) reasons you're missing out on it. That sours the mood when playing something like this. It's the equivalent of when they add a bunch of dumb out of place topical political stuff into a game. (And before you say some shit like "every game is political", EVERYONE is annoyed when something they're trying to have fun with has politics they disagree with in it) It's the kind of thing that takes your smile away while playing and replaces it with a deadpan eye roll. You can enjoy other parts of the game, but the more overt and egregious whatever's annoying you is, the harder that becomes. For some people, censorship is that. For some, a game being nazi propaganda or something might be what gives that effect. It's anything that forces you to confront and think about the world's stupidity during an activity that's supposed to be an escape from all of that.
Some people just don't consider it worth playing if they have to deal with a fun killer like that.
This is why I have a hard time getting excited for FF7R because I can see every single little thing they've changed and it's not hard to figure out the reason for why they're making some of these changes.
So tl;dr you don't give a shit about video games.
>the JP Wii U box set
>the artbook
>the music CD
I just wish they made a fucking DVD of the concert they did so I could own that too
romance shit doesn't add anything to the game.
Sums it up pretty well.
>cut content
The only thing that was well and truly cut out of #FE was the swimsuit DLC, but at least that was only costumes and it was paid on top of that. Tsubasas Feel/Fly outfits weren't "cut", chapter 2 damn sure wasn't cut, it was replaced.
Fates had actual cut content with the fucking rubbing minigame being removed.
>Fates had actual cut content with the fucking rubbing minigame being removed.
I don't think you're going to convince him with that given he doesn't value the games themselves.
so tl;dr you're into poorly drawn deviantart inflation porn?
we're just making up wild conclusions that have nothing to do with people's posts, right? Am I doing it right?
Doesn't matter. Any change made for stupid reasons forces you to be reminded of those reasons, which is a fun killer.
Yes Fates had a lot more that was cut. The more correct word for describing #FE is "altered"
Isn't the Switch region free? Just get the uncensored jap version.
>It's not cut bro. Just replaced by sloppily thrown together replacements. It's totally different.
I didn't remove your cars engine bro, I just altered it into a Flintstones car.
Yeah sure bud, good post except for the fact that it's in FUCKING JAPANESE
The real answer is just wait for it to be fixed via mod, and pirate it. Same with Wii U.
The switch version has a 100% chance of having the same content in every region anyway, pretty sure it even has multiple language subtitle options in the JP release
>we're just making up wild conclusions
user, you're placing graphics over everything else as if they change the core of the game itself. If you're letting that ruin your time then clearly you don't give a shit about the game.
Most video game censorship doesn't involve cutting content, though. It involves altering what's already there, and usually what's altered is so minor that you'd really only notice and/or care about it if someone went out of their way to point it out to you. And that's thing here - people only give a shit about this stuff because some random bozos on Twitter compile this stuff and bitch about it incessantly. Meanwhile a good chunk of old video games had tons of censorship and are still considered classics regardless.
All you faggots who want Persona on Switch, well, here's the closest thing you're getting. If this was called Persona x Fire Emblem you fucks would be lapping it up.
I haven't seen a single image.
>I didn't remove your cars engine bro, I just altered it into a Flintstones car.
The sad part is that you thought this was a good comeback.
>you'd really only notice and/or care about it if someone went out of their way to point it out to you.
If you're here, someone has pointed it out to you. That's not even a real argument. Anyone complaining about censorship definitely knows about it. Plenty of old games have gotten restoration patches or retranslations, too. People have always cared about this shit.
>which is a fun killer.
user is right, your priorities are way out of wac. Fucking shit man the outfits people throw the biggest fuss over are just 2/3 out of the like 8 she has total, just swap it out
Thank you, that's a great way to put it
More like I swapped your red card for a blue car.
I played the uncensored version on Wii U and I hope the Switch version has the "censored" outfit. It's better than the boring swimsuit Tsubasa gets.
>More like I swapped your red card for a blue car.
This is a good example, if you suppose that all red cars in the game were swapped with blue cars, with the reasoning being that red cars are morally bad. That would be fucking stupid. Anybody who likes red cars would be upset, and even many people who don't would think "wow that's fucking stupid" and it would be hard to think about anything else every time you see a blue car in the game.
I put as much thought into it as Atlus and the Treehouse did into changing the script.
>and it would be hard to think about anything else every time you see a blue car in the game.
Yeah, no one is that obsessed other than you.
How are those kowashit sales looking?
>and it would be hard to think about anything else every time you see a blue car in the game
Yeah because someone poisoned the well for them and turned a mole hill into a mountain. That's what all this anti-censorship sperginess mostly amounts to.
How should I know? I'm not obsessed with it.
They only changed outfits user, but I guess that does technically mean they didn't think about it.
You should read the script.
>handles exactly the same, gets the same mileage, etc
No, literally nobody reasonable would give two fucking shits. You think racecar drivers give a damn what sponsors logos are plastered all over their cars? Gameplay is unchanged and that's what matters.
Old games get restoration patches after the fact after the whole censorship debacle started. When you were a kid playing it originally you loved it without a care in the world, only now that you know things were changed you go back and delude yourself into thinking "now I can actually enjoy it, all the happiness I had as a kid didn't count"
I doubt Maiko, Barry and Tiki are full party members because they would have to make new song attacks for them to be on par with the rest of the cast.
>It's fine as long as you're not aware of it.
Like smoking.
Daemon X Machina had a gameplay mechanic removed.
This happens all the time with Nintendo.
They censored Pokemon out of Sword and Shield.
They censored Portrait Ghosts out of Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon.
They censored the classic Paper Mario Battle system.
Nintendo is the epidemic, and our outrage is the cure.
These threads always stun me, the way people will actually defend censorship. Even if my favorite game in the world had censorship, I could love the game, but still shit on the changes.
>Not even 1200
What kind of fucking version of that picture did you save?
Then find the part they changed.
absolute garbage game, all im hoping for is that someone rips Tiki's model and uses it for SFM porn
Sothis is like 130cm.
And then Flayn is 150cm. Still loli territory all things considered, but Tiki in this game is like the height of a 5 year old.
I'm not one of those idiots who do that but if you inspect element on the pixiv page it does match the resolution that retard saved it in, it's just pixiv
What the fuck kind of equivalence is that?
>Pretty much everything on Wii U bombed, so no. It has a real chance now, particularpy in the west, Persona and FE are very popular now
That's only if Tokyo Mirage Sessions gets an English dub
>I could love the game, but still shit on the changes.
Great you're defending censorship according to most of the anons here. If the game is censored then you absolutely can't like anything about it no matter how minor the change is or if you dislike said changes but not the game.
But the real question is why Loli Tiki is so tremendously popular against all the other manaketes and obviously, her adult form?
Why? Didn't you guys say that YTiki is for the pedos? Why does she sell more than Adult then?
goes for every loli who has an adult counterpart as well
Why the fuck would anyone ever want that?
Nope. That's not what anyone is saying at all. If someone doesn't want to buy my favorite game due to censorship, then I won't start shilling like a fucktard over it. But I guess I can't expect a Treehouse Defender to understand that.
because lolis are cute and sexy, both loli lovers and "must protect" guys will love it, and girls will find them cute, nobody cares about a titty hag except for those who are horny, which covers up only a few groups
also helps that for Tiki specifically, she comes from a better game than her adult form
>the way people will actually defend censorship.
Are you retarded by any chance?
Do you work for NoA by any chance?
"Oh, God! I can't read while I'm also trying to see things."
>That's not what anyone is saying at all.
user that's literally what's happening, look around you. Not a soul is defending the changes, at best they're just saying the game is alright regardless.
No one says that. People who like the game have the most reason to be annoyed by the changes.
>People who like the game
The people who are angry the most are the people who didn't even play the game uncensored or not. Just look at this user
This post is so devoid of meaning that I find it hard to believe it was made by a human. Do you have a point?
Censorship defending doesn't have to be "These changes are actually good." It can also be "These changes are meaningless, buy the game anyway!" which this thread is full of.
I don't care about the game but I hope encore causes it to get more doujins.
Of course!
But first they have to uncensor the game.
Surprisingly lots of people who love weeb shit don't like games having subs, it's ridiculous. These fucking characters are native Japanese why would they not speak Japanese.
Hell, a dub would literally ruin the joke of Barrys character since he's supposed to be a foreigner and he speaks Japanese with an accent.
They aren't meaningless. They make everyone in the second chapter seem like a dribbling idiot, drooling over street clothes and average-length dresses. It makes no sense. You can still enjoy it regardless if you have to, but that's not "meaningless".
Oh hi Tharja-kun ily buddy
I love to pay money to have my experience altered from the original intent because it was deemed inappropriate for me. I'm not even on the same continent as the faggots that decided that I'm not allowed to have the same experience.
Sup whoever you are
Yes, because weeb shit attracts a lot of retards. And those can't focus on watching and reading.
Will Nintendo censor this?
>These changes are meaningless
Which is the exact opposite of what people are saying.
First things first what was said was that no one knows if the new game was censored.
Then there was a correction as to what was censored because there are a lot of people who believe the script was changed and that it was darker in the nip version when that was far from the case.
No one has said that the changes were meaningless.
>Do you have a point?
Do you?
Because you came into a thread where no one is defending censorship complaining about people defending censorship.
What even is the purpose behind that?
>It's just cosmetic, gameplay didn't change so you don't get to complain!
Find the post that said you couldn't complain. I'll wait.
Knowing you faggots, you'll make 50 bait posts defending it after I say this.
how do you feel about Flayn?
lmao, what a retard.
Did you expect anything less from people who thought the game was about the dark underbelly of idols?
Flayn sucks, I'd rather fuck Sothis.
Just give me a yes or no on censorship and I will decide. Yes I will buy your game, no, pre-order cancel go fuck yourself fatlus and treehouse
I love her and would do anything to get her to transform into a dragon because im dead curious to see what she looks like
but since she wont I might as well marry her
Black Eagle fags want to kill this.
Literally nobody knows if the new game is censored.
What? You only buy censored games? That's a new one.
who wants to bet that Sothis only looks like that because she is low on power? No way Rhea came out of someone that petite.
hey now, they're both great
Wait and see. If it's still censored then you should make NoA and Atlus aware that they're losing sales directly because of the Treehouse's decisions.
The only reason I can understand why some would want a dub is that the characters do say a lot of stuff back and forth in battle and during serious boss fight scenes. You can argue it's just battle dialogue but it does add a lot of character and some of it's pretty good, like Tsubasa thinking about how soft Caeda's lips look when she's charmed or Yashiro being a smug asshole when you swap him in and shocked when you swap him out.
Nope. Might as well get a real Fire Emblem game if that's my reason to get a Switch.
>because of the Treehouse's decisions.
I think they're still under strict house arrest. Plus they didn't really have anything to do with the game in the first place.
>buying this shit game when there's an actual Fire Emblem out
>3 houses
>actual Fire Emblem
Granted this game looks worse, but you still have shit taste
More of a Fire Emblem than this piece of shit with its even worse cast
I like both.
Now please leave.
No, fuck you, I'm staying and shitting on your dumb waifu games.
It's your life you are wasting.
>tiki doujin
I'll double dip for sure. This is the most soulful Atlus game.
>Persona reject the game
I want Tsubusa instead of Joker and Byleth in Smash
it would be cool if dlc gives her a manakete class
>those tiki, nowi, and nah flash animations
I wonder if Seteth and Flayn can even change into dragons. Three Houses wasn't very clear on it.
I'm hoping the DLC is about Sothis and Sothis is a manakete (and then in the end regains her full dragon form and is xbawks huge)
If its a persona reject and Persona 3, 4 and 5 has no souls then that would mean TMS has it.
Here is your new mysterious girl.
I don't fap to those, but i know what you're talking about. Too bad flash is dead in 2020.
toi8 should have done the character designs for Three Houses
I would have actually played it.
So they could all look even worse?
For your average Jrpg thats pretty alright
Isn't that almost exactly what Catherine originally did
Knock off a 0 and you're right
Why won't she pull her skirt up? She has to realize it's falling down.
Because she's a whore
Now etop one second, say whatever you want to #FE but its art direction is MUCH BETTER than the gay shit that is Tree Houses's artstyle. Seriously, why they didn't call Hidari back?!
IS literally said that hidari keeps busy.
Why? The warriors model exists, and someone already made porn with it
You'd think the gigantic belt would help but no
>He expect people make porn with anything but Overwatch or DOA models.
Shit like Xenoblade models are available since forever and nobody touches them.
Unfortunately the FE fandom is garbage when it comes to models and SFM porn.
All that gets made with the Warriors and Wii U #FE models is foot shit or giantess shit. And nobody knows what lighting is so they all look bad even past the awful fetishes.
Surprisingly I've seen Monster Hunter World mods that use the Tharja, Azura, and Camilla models, as well as a SFV mod that replaces Menat with Tharja and they all look pretty nice in that.
Will it be playable on switch mini?
They look like dolls, with flat faces and all. Which is fine for a game, but not for animated porn.
Fuck no. The censorship in the game is 4kids level bad, It's literally embarrassing, unless NoA has the balls to leave it alone, I'm not touching it.
And I don't expect it to be uncensored thanks to retardera and tumblrtwitterfags.
the context is a little too creepy for me if you can read the moonrunes, but not enough for it to be a boner kill
Of course not. It's censored trash and very probably trash in general.
Look up Hipminky on twitter, he made two great webms with Tiki's model. Too bad the high res versions are locked to patreon bullshit
Eat your cheese burger, Apollo.
400k would be gangbusters for this game, user.
No, I solved the puzzle and got to the boss and then just never came back to it. I was with school. I was really just playing it because I was depressed, but I got over it I'm depressed again now though and am tempted to pick up the port
Ironic, considering DMC5 was 1) censored, and 2) trash
Not because the censorship bullshit, but because I'm still salty that it's not an FE game where you fight SMT demons or something along those lines.
>because I'm still salty that it's not an FE game where you fight SMT demons or something along those lines.
I'm glad it isn't that.
Devil Survivor already exists. Play that.
DMC5 was only censored on ps4, and that was only temporary.
That won't stop me from licking her navel
That's not really the same thing, user.
Kiria is best girl
Even Shadow Dragon calls her "Tiki". She was only called "Chiki" because translators were shit at translating names back in the early-2000s.
>and the fact they made light of all her struggles only makes me feel worse for her.
Maiko even has a transformed outfit. SHe's a full character, guaranteed. She was planned to be in as a dancer, but they ended up not going through with it. Well here it is.
You have no idea what "censored" means.
Xenoblade X cenored more outfits than #FE and the bitching is not this prevalent.
>but muh censored Dungeon
BLADE acronym change is worse because you alter the meaning of the organization into nothing and potentially ruins the sequel if Takahashi use BLADE acronym for a checkov gun. And let's not forget about SKELL, why the fuck they change DOLL name. Heck there is a short story dedicated why they name their mechs DOLL.
Like I said, they would have to make new quests, new performances/songs for them to do in battle to be on par with the other party members. They only said there is 1 new song.
It's a false flagging retard, just ignore them.
And new story has been added. And nowhere is it said only 1 song was added.
They mentioned 1 new music videos not 1 new song. Case in point Touma doesn't have his music video but he is playable
Alright, you keep dreaming. I think they are just session attacks and nothing more. Tiki being a party member would mess up the final battle as well.
>Nintendo has a bitch of a time localizing the game and the songs into English
>get regular anime VAs
>get AmaLee to localize the songs and be the singing voice of Kiria
>get other weeb singers from YouTube like Jonathan Young and etc.
There, that wasn’t so hard, Nintendo. Also, Reincarnation, Beastie Game and Give Me are legit bangers/God tier J-Pop
Tiki and Barry joined session attack in wii u but they didn't have their own party icon
Well, we'll see. Enjoy your baseless pessimism.
Too bad the songs are owned by avex. Even fucking smash bros couldn't use english Ring Dong Dang even tho it exist on style savvy 4
Uh, that song is on Ultimate tho
>english Ring Dong Dang
Please pay closer attention
Never played Style Savvy, but the Smash song cycles between and Japanese and English.
The easiest comparison to make is your only option is/was to buy the tv edit version of die hard where they cut the nudity and language when you know the vhs has tits and yippee ki yay mother fucker.
>no normalmaps/normals vertex manipulation on the animu style face
gmod/sfm faggots are fucking subhumans holy shit LEARN TO 3DCG FIRST
Kiria isn't a slut. If you aren't using her cat costume you are playing the game wrong.
More paid DLC, please!
Reminds me of June from 999 for some reason
Nintendo Of America has more money than God though, so I’m sure they can afford buying the rights
>listening to AmaLee
>X censored
>the bitching is not this prevalent
Guess you werent here when the game was release
I just realized that Kiria might not have her concept art outfit that's in the artbook, which would really suck
I wanna have a "quick session" with Tiki
You mean the Wii U one? It was censored to hell and back.
It's a Good SMT spinoff that uses Fire Emblem as its lore. That's it.
The bigger thing is "can you swallow the face story being about the entertainment industry."
The otakus are retarded when it comes to anything that criticizes their dumb idol fantasies
user, no! Tiki is for love and marriage
Kinda interested in this game. If there's a lot of Tiki in her little girl form I'll be more happy to get the game
go to bed
Why is Treehouse still alive?
Nothing in the game criticizes idols or the industry.
>tfw no good tiki doujins
I was interested in Tiki for reasons other than being a lolicon and I'm happy to report she's got tons of screentime and lines. You have to see her every time you want to make weapons/skills/class change, so you spend a good amount of time talking to her. You can also dress her up
Picked up. Hopefully dress her up in lewd stuff like bikinis and pyjamas
>tripfag reveals himself as that obnoxious censorship apologist swearing up and down that chapter 2 isn't censored in every tms thread
Is there a single tripfag that isn't fucking awful?
With her lifespan, your marriage will be a quick session.
I'm so glad they ignored Awakening's Tiki for this game
I was sold already, but this makes it a jo brainer
Don't remind me, please
Nothing lewd, just cute.
You may also be pleased to know she calls the MC oniichan.
I am very pleased
If you have time to cry about cencorship on korean basketweaving forums, you have time to learn japanese and get the japanese version.
What actually got censored?
I never played the game on WiiU and I want to know what got changed
Some DLC where they wore bikinis gave them different clothes and changed the story entirely. There's also other things like characters being aged up and cleavage being covered.
I don't take my trip off for #FE or FE threads on Yea Forums, so you're mistaking me for someone else.
And I'm not saying that it isn't censored, I just think the reaction is overblown
Swimsuits were replaced with some urban streetwear, a dungeon replaced all the posters inside to reflect this change.
Outside of that, a few other outfits got edited to cover cleavage, they did an awful job with the wedding dress. The hot springs dlc wasn't released here, presumably because they used the swimsuits there too
In the official site for the switch version, one of the censored outfits shows up uncensored, so they may change some stuff back. If they can bring back swimsuits then there won't be much censorship, if there's any at all
Pyjamas aren't lewd?
>In the official site for the switch version, one of the censored outfits shows up uncensored
Only on the Japanese site. That screenshot is missing everywhere else.
>Awakening circle jerk over Tiki
>not even discussing the game in the OP
Go to /vg/. This thread should only be for mudslinging .
There's no official site in the US, the screenshots you see on Nintendo's website are from the eShop, the japanese website has different images
And it doesn't matter, there's a single version releasing everywhere, there aren't japanese and western versions, I think Nintendo stopped doing that recently
>not a single image of adult tiki
posts that make you go hmmmmm
Are we going to keep having these threads up till January?
Until it gets confirmed censorship is gone
>loli tiki
Ignore him, he keeps saying the same shit over and over in this thread, next he'll call you a shill
I'll be talking about loli Tiki
I'll buy it again, no matter if it's still the American version we got on the Wii U or the japanese one re-translated.
I even liked the censored costumes more than the originals, fight me. Except the wedding dress, they ruined it.
If it was like white see through stocking it would have been god tier but the way it just looks like they painted her skin is awful.
I really like the colorful boxart. I like it better than the Wii U's boxart, but that one was still nice. Therre's just something about the character artwork I really like, bot as good as Echoes, but then again, nothing is
Try actually listening to the full version of the song. It's a mix of the Japanese and English versions.
The artwork is basically the same as the original just uses Itsukis Fortissimo edition pose instead, and it has Kiria in a new outfit
Yeah, I disliked Itsuki's face on the original boxart, he looks much better in the Switch version, but I kinda miss the green color scheme which is mostly absent now. It contrasted pretty well with P3, P4 and P5.
I wonder why they changed Kiria's outfit. I'm surprised there's no one calling it censorship
They changed her outfit purely for the sake of showing off there's new content. I think I did see some retard saying it's censorship on twitter.
>new story
so more cutscenes to skip and button mash through?
Why are you playing RPGs? Go back to call of duty, fortnite and/or minecraft
based retard
If the story for this role playing game was interesting I wouldn't skip it.
>Cutscenes make an RPG
How about you play an actual video game instead of this moviegame shit?
Only correct answer.
RPGs are videogames. Just because you have ADHD doesn't mean they aren't. There's plenty of other shit you can play
Role-playing as Tiki's big bro
over 300 lines were rewritten/removed and they changed backstory of characters to remove gravure mentions
they rehired the japanese VA just to revoice the lines for the US undub
they rewrote a entire chapter just to remove bikinis from a teen rated game
A reminder that shills are now defending out right 4KIDS level censorship
Holy shit you weren't around when that game was released go back where you came from newfag
still less than what changed in Xenoblade X and FE Fates and nobody bitch about it this much
>FE Fates
there was a huge shit storm when that game came out it was even trending on fucking twitter it was so bad it cause nintendo to leash treehouse
>Resorting to name calling
Aren't you special?
The difference between RPGs and retardbait like this "game" is that whatever cutscenes exist are used for the purpose of RPing, which is a type of gameplay.
Sitting and watching forty hour of a static, linear, generic anime trope story with dialogue more predictable than the direction the sun rises isn't gameplay.
Keep on having no defense, though.
I've got ADHD, though, right? Because I prefer gameplay to watching uninspired tripe shit out but uncreative, suicide prone limpdicks half a world away.
Fuck me you'll consume anything. You can be a weeb, there's nothing wrong with that, I like Japanese culture/vidya too, but have some fucking standards, or at the very least don't breed. Not that there's a huge chance of that anyhow.
They wont be getting a penny from me if its censored
>they put in effort to add new stuff
>but didnt put in the effort to revert the censorship
i honestly hope they didnt do this
I was both in X and #FE thread and yes X and #FE have almost the same reeeee censorship post combined with eric + xv-kun shitposting.
My point is nobody complained about censorship in Xenoblade X and Fates thread a year after the game release, meanwhile in every #FE thread there's always a lot of reeeee censorship shitpost
I honestly think they showed the censored version by accident because it was the same in the JP Direct
Don't play RPGs if you don't want to read or watch cutscenes. Ironic, coming from me, I know
does this pic prove it's uncensored?
It just gives us hope but not complete confirmation.
Aversa was shown censored but "game footage not final" could change that
It just proves that specific outfit is uncensored. I hope we don't have to wait until November's direct to know more
I still can't believe the american boobphobia changed this game so much
She looks dumb
She is dumb
I tave it a chance last time and found it to be a solid game but never finished it. Maybe this time I'll finish it
Can she be easily tricked by a fat faceless old man idol producer?
Probably. But her friend and love interest is her manager so it most likely won't happen
actually was a pretty decent game
i enjoy the mix gameplay from both series
too bad nobody actually want to talk about it since most didn't play it and the rest just come in to shitpost
eh back in medieval times women used to wear a basket around their waist to make their hips seem way more puffy and increase the dress size so sothis might actually not have such a large ass
Tight pussy!
Tsubasa is a tight virgin
Exactly. I ain't paying €70 for a censored JRPG. Why would I? Other games to play.
Developers need to EARN my money they aren't entitled to it.
I was there pretty cool event to be at it was fun as hell
They won’t be getting a penny from me if it’s uncensored either.
What kind of person cries about this shit every single fucking thread? Yes, we all know about it. Thanks. You can leave now. Unless for some sick reason, crying about censorship makes your dick hard, I don't see what you get out of it.
Judging by the costume that one of the characters from the trailer that they showed is wearing: yes it is.
This game sold 400k? Jesus that's quiet a lot.
what kind of person defends censorship?
wanna have a quick session with some prime cunny bros
The sad thing is that censorship is the future. Anyone who lives in America can either get angry and start shooting up a Walmart or learn to cope.
This is why I don't hate censorship apologists. Its not their fault they are just adapting to a shitty situation.
Probably the same exact person crying about it. weird obsessed shitposter.
>Shin Megami IV
>Persona 5
Welp, my favorite games are set in Shibuya/Tokyo so I guess I'm getting this
It was localized retards.
>post from new IP
Not falling for your low effort bait.
This is Yea Forums, what do you think? You'll get CENSORED until we know for sure. If it is censored, you'll keep getting until everyone forgets the game. If it isn't, they'll still shitpost calling it idolshit trash until everyone forgets the game.
>OP asked a simple question
>200+ replies about censorship
That is the main factor? Not gameplay, story, combat...?
If it was the main factor the first time around it would obviously be the main factor the second time around. Why would a few minor additions change that?
yes it is and they are cucking the japanese version too so you can't import
Yes. My ethics come before anything else. You wouldn't ask someone who raped your mother about his qualifications when hiring for a job, would you?
Damn, and I thought that would get a few (You)s.
I mean the censorship takes it from a "maybe I'll buy if it's on sale for cheap", to an "I'm not touching it with a 10 foot pole" for me
(You) really have to learn to be more subtle with your bait
The fucking comparisons people make when talking about censorship is so ridiculous.
I never knew altering an outfit was the same as someone literally raping your mother.
Apparently you are too low IQ to understand what an analogy is supposed to tell you. Nobody said they were the same, it is an extreme example to show you how flawed your logic is. Buying a game is also not equal to hiring people for a job, but apparently that part of the analogy is not bad enough for you to apply the same kind of logic to it.
Haha "anal" ogy
>muh principled stand on a titty waifu musical game
People who don't have this serious mental problem don't need to explain whether or not they'll play it next year.
do female friends really do this?
One can only hope so.
Tiki's clothes look almost transparent haha
400k? Again? Dude, the game sold less than 50k for sure. 400k would mean it's turning into a franchise
next time it's gonna be TMS#ZELDA follow our mute idol climb into the top of the industri
in what way is this fire emblem? just the characters being put in a lukewarm SMT spinoff?
I hope this re-release encourages more Tiki sadpanda content
it's a shadow dragon redux