>Your average Borderlands fan
Your average Borderlands fan
What language is this?
Jesus fucking Christ.
Someone for the love of god take him out back and blow his fucking brains out with a shotgun and put him out of his misery.
Why the fuck aren't twitter screencaps a bannable offense yet?
>no blue checkmark
It's like you want me to waste my time, OP
Fine I'll see what I get
The same reason /pol/shit isn't. Hiro hates Yea Forums
These types of people are generally pretty joyful due to ignorance
Unless they're legit ghetto niggas who get shot at regularly
yiff in hell furfag
yes please rape the english language in the name of "culture and identity" more you fucking dumb nigger monkeys
06 6 or 07 or bust
roll me
lol did u guys find the big chungus reference ingame. it's great lol
Based happy black Twitter guy making whitoids on Yea Forums seethe to death
Bix nood.
fuck your thread, OP
Where the human wimmen at?
>genius writing
Is this real?
yeah I forgot where it was but it's there
Rolling for kemoshota
>these are the kind of people that are easily manipulated by companies and makes things worse for everyone else.
daddy needs a new pair of shoes
>Crack groups
>Using discord
Fucking lol get the fuck out of here.
Hit me
sure why not
Tranny OP BTFO
genius tier procedural generation
46 please
You are disgusting but anything is better than this thread so let's fucking do this
Dude doesn't ecen have a single like, how deep on twitter did you have to search to find such a creature
Imma need that krystal
I refuse to believe people like this twitter specimen actually exist
rollan for 70
something no gay
>BL3 is 10/10 because I can do a crit build
brb gotta send my 120dollar check to china right now to buy the FUCKING GOATY
I don't want to be a faggot please
I wish Pickle Rick was a secret weapon in Borderlands. Gun Rick doesn't do it for me.
rolling for 79
Bat cunt yes
>I only teared up once so I still have some real nigga points left.
I should've read more than two words of the title first
How many Twitter accounts do you think there are in the world where people just talk to themselves? I dont use Twitter, but every now and then I check my coworkers Twitter and half of them just tweet random thoughts, with 0 replies, 0 views, and basically no interaction whatsoever. What the fuck compels someone to do that? Is it basically just a journal people look back on or something? I'm asking genuinely cuz I'm a boomer that doesn't use this stuff.
This is silly
You ever hear someone talk and talk, really not caring if anyone is listening or even letting others reply? It's like that. They just need somewhere to throw out their inane thoughts.
Mods are legit awful
not a furry just covering all bases
rollin here we go
im gonna fap to this
I want to cum in Coco so bad.
check my 80
Why is Mewtwo there
That's gay
Ehh, roll
They aren't but "Replying to offtopic bullshit" is a bannable offense. This website is quite unironically worse than red*it at this point.
Final reroll: Electric Boogaloo
Rolling for the cute frog
>pre sequel
remove Sal and the grog nozzle and people still stay mad at the better game
Lets try
Reeeeee stop giving me gay shit
They increase board activity and contain the shit into specific threads. Mods would rather just let them get around 200 replies before deleting them instead of literally becoming Reddit
roll.no gay stuff please
whatever I get I'll fap to it
A racist white kid saying nigga is to be expected
rollan' no gay shit please
This ones for you Randy
Better than reading retards on twitter.
fuck it better, than this thread.
no underage
nasty people
rolling for harriet, mario is fucking up chasing after peach
Here we go
I'm no faggot, give me 80 nigger
>amazing ways to kill thing
You can SHOOT or you can GRENADE or you can just press your special kill everything on the screen button. That's right folks, it has all THREE murder methods. This shit here makes Hitman look like a point and click adventure game for toddlers.
rollerino famerino.
I want a boy wife
>tfw you are not Anthony Burch
For the same reason obvious tourists retarded fags from neotranny, tumblr, reddit, fagbook etc and /pol/ aren't banned. The site has just gone to shit.
>I'm not a pussy
>but I cried once in a mcshooty game
This is a satire article.
But that doesn't change the fact that Borderlands writing has been very trash for a while.
why cant gaming journos be like this
What about a twitter screencap is bannable? Because it reminds you of your zero friends? If you want everything censored because you don't like it, I hear they let you bury comments on reddit with downvotes.
based, steam drones seething
The judaised negro is quite the abomination to behold. Shame the kikes let them off their plantations.