Give us your mobile number or we won't let you use your account

>give us your mobile number or we won't let you use your account

Ok now that Discord is becoming more cancerous, any alternatives?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I can't make endless accounts to shitpost with

Text chat: IRC, Image boards, forums, Usenet (depending on desired nature of use)
Voice chat: Mumble

How Discord has become a thing in the first place when better options existed prior is beyond me.

Wow you're just as autistic and full of conspiracies as those autists on /r/discordapp.

You have to go back.

I just logged out of my account and back in to check if it asked for a mobile number. Nope. What did you do to make them place that restriction on you OP?

You join Discord channels via a link. For IRC, adding the right server and joining the right channel is waaaaaaay too hard for your average person.

My account got locked because I changed my email while taking a shit in Burger King toilet.

Who gives a fuck about reddit, retard? If you hate it so much, why are you keeping tabs? kek

Is this you?

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You have to go back.

No. Eat shit, faggot. Redditor wave is coming and you can't stop it.

for me, it's IRC

give them a fake number or something

Not possible. They've obtained a list of valid numbers from providers in first world countries. You also have to sometime contact their support so that they can verify your number and see if it's legitimate.

>too stupid to get a random google voice number
killing yourself is undoubtedly the best alternative

lol that's fucking gay, discord's gonna die

The fuck you talking about, they just send you a confirmation sms, retard

>m-muh phone!

Bitch who cares. Buy a five dollar phone and give them that number.

Are you actually braindead?

He's not wrong, you know.

When is this happening? No one I know has been forced to put their phone numbers in yet

Discord didn't ask for my phone number who the fuck are you kidding?

Because Discord grew in popularity initially not as a forum replacement but as Skype replacement. Also Mumble is trash with a shitty interface.

Discord doesn't ask for phone number, but security settings on some of the servers can require fully confirmed account, which does require you to send your phone number. If you don't use public servers you don't have to worry about it

Awesome. This is information that the OP should have had.

So OP tried to join a server with this restriction and instead of trying to think logically he came to Yea Forums to spew incorrect bullshit, gotcha

>using public servers
You might as well just scope the rope.

I've never used discord and I never will
though I have thought about it for ERP purposes

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I just use f-list for that

Why should i use russia botnet at all?

It's not even Russia, it's silicon valley which is debatably worse.

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Get in faggots:

Furries, tranies and anime pfp are not welcome.

>using anything Google

>a-are you b-briandead??

Ok, faggot. Tell me why that wouldn't work?

glad you still there bud

for text chat: irc
for voice chat: mumble
for both combined/something more similar to discord: matrix/riot
if you just want a community there's always imageboards and forums out there

OP is a lying queer, ignore xer.

OP wants to join one of those sexting rooms and mommy Discord won't let him.

Huh? They literally haven’t asked me this yet. Stop lying.


kill yourself

Signs of a retard.

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okay don't actually kys just stop using discord and fix your life up my friend

Well, i do find discord cringy as well but i just use it to talk with friends and meet new people, that's why i posted that link but yeah, i'm trying to fix my shit, user. Still, i appreciate it.

using it to talk to irl friends is fine but if you're relying on discord servers as a means of socialization it's probably making you more depressed

>your account
Anyway, try matrix/

Attached: mirc_logo_256p.png (256x256, 30K)

Oh no, a wave of cum gargling faggots with cuckold brains. How will this site ever recover?

relying on any app as a means of socialization will make you depressed as fuck, but discord is on another level

>hey join our irc
>ok I joined. But I can't post images.
>oh that's what the forums are for
>*makes an account* alright but I don't get push notifications on my phone
>it doesn't send notifications, it uses email
>Lmao what? well how do I voice chat in Irc or the forums
>oh here's our mumble server
>alright peace, I'm just gonna find someone that uses discord

you sir are a pleb

what I dont have to do this
sounds like you are full of shit

IRC fucking blows.
>dropped by Yea Forums
>dropped by Mozilla
Thank god it's finally dying.

*outlives you*

Attached: Vi sitter här i venten.png (438x91, 39K)

Try suicide, incel

Yes, after you add a mobile number that exists in their whitelist, retard.

You're literally retarded. OP isn't talking about server restrictions.

the bug chasers leaving is an improvement, not a death

Mumble is objectively better but normalfags couldn't handle a minimal gui. They like discord specifically because it's bloated and slow.


We've arrived at the point where people openly discuss their Discord usage on Yea Forums. The thing that is very much against the core values of this website.
And it isn't even Yea Forums related.

But faggots have always been a part of Yea Forums, user.

you are a dunce, that's why it's beyond you

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Only zoomers and shills will defend this for their kike overlords.

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>people get tired of brainless, uncreative, anonymous shitposting

Wow who knew

>cant post images to irc

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fuck off then

>Text Chat
>Only those
What about Riot Matrix? I heard that one's good.

Yeah, if you're retarded. Just give yourself a new #

Or what? You'll REEEEEE about it? Go shoot up a mall, faggot.

And he does all this for free to boot

Attached: mega soy.jpg (504x532, 29K)

For me, it's Hexchat with my custom comfy low contrast dark theme.

phone number isn't good enough, you should have to hand over a current W-2 in order to create an account

Imagine sifting through an account of autistic bullshit for hours just to make that compilation image. Whoever organized this is just as pathetic as that corporate cocksucker is.

>discord is infamous for tolerating pedo/child groomers groups
>many discord mods are creepy pedo zoophile furfags
>now discord wants your phone number
What could possibly go wrong!

Why are alt-white losers so obsessed with Discord?

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>Oh no! Won't someone think of the pedophiles!

They jack off to the tranny servers in their free time, and pretend to hate them for /pol/ points

It's free, runs fine and a great alternative to Skype, if you hop on public servers you're a fucking degenerate anyways, kill yourself user


It's great for ERP. Automatically keeping logs of everything and being able to link images is very convenient.

just use skype bro

Shut up, faggot

>fapping to trannies
You wish!

Attached: faggot.png (812x860, 98K)


Isn't steam voice chat actually good now?

>How Discord has become a thing in the first place when better options existed prior is beyond me.
you just listed alternatives to an app that has all the features of the alternatives.
that's how

You need to go back

I'm fine with that, nobody should be homeless. Not even /pol/acks.

Kinda figured. The right ideology is rooted in self-loathing and hypocrisy at every turn.

I can still use mine, just fine.
And what about normal people relative to the Yea Forums demographic that don't have a phone / don't want to connect their number to an unrelated service? Fuck off, shill.