Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered


Release date has been announced four days ago.
Dust off those Bejeweled Yearbooks lads, we return on January 23rd, 2020.

>Online, cross-platform play
>New items, skins and other cosmetics
>New takes on dungeons, perhaps NG+
>Remastered soundtrack, probably fucked it up
>Voiceovers, definetely fucked it up

Old Trailers: Announcement Trailer TGS 2018 Trailer E3 2019 Trailer

Year old gameplay, likely rehauled:

Your thoughts on what we've seen of FFCC so far?

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>No physical edition in North America

>Remastered soundtrack, probably fucked it up
please say it aint so
what the fuck

>no rings of fate/echoes of time remaster
why live

I don't really care for physical copies much anymore. I'm going to get it on the Switch and I hate the cartridges for it.
My only gripe with it so far was that fucking vocalist for the rendition of Sound of the Wind, she literally butchered that song. Better not be that loose, rhythmic feel for the entire soundtrack, fucking despise how lethargic it sounds.

A weird coincidence about this is on the day I was interested in emulating this game, they make the announcement that they're doing a remaster of the game. Such an underrated title

Look at the new trailer. What the fuck.
I know they can't exactly fuck up the instrumental tracks, but... dear god, no idea what they were thinking for the remastered Sound of the wind

God that game was trash

I wonder if they'll fix the ligma glitch from the original

Fuck you, hope you and your shit video game taste get consumed by a raging fire

>square puts every game on pc except the one with online co-op

This is partly why I think they might be doing couch co-op, I’m just hoping anyway.
You can still get it on iOS or Android if you don’t have a Switch or PC though.

I really, really, REALLY hope they make Mog hold the chalice longer.

>S-E creates all kinds of innovative crossplatform saves
>Doesn't add a single local co-op feature
Are they trying to make it awkward again? I do have a PS4 and a Switch, but there's no way we're buying the game twice just for fucking co-op

Another way to circumvent the chalice-holding downtime is to get friends.

It's coming to PC later

Hopefully my friend that played with me years ago gets that game too so we can play together. It'd be even better making online randos buddies as regulars to journey with.

I want them to make a new My Life As A King. and let me fuck Chime

I doubt there’ll be a matchmaking system with randoms. I think the online co-op is just for friends with different systems as I don’t see how a matchmaking system would work with an RPG like this. The game’s very dependant on characters being together across the entire journey and growing together. We’ll have to see.

So how's the game. Worth emulating the old version? Been wondering for a while.


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What’s the ligma glitch?

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ligma dick faggot

I don’t really know how well it’d work out on emulator since a large amount of the enjoyment I got from the original was playing it locally with my friends using GBA link cables.
It’d still be really enjoyable singleplayer I’d reckon, even if only for the soundtrack. The soundtrack of this fucking game man, it’s impeccable.

Will the Switch version have a LAN play option or will they be lazy?

FFCC is one of my favorite childhood games. I can't wait for this.

Exquisite taste. I'm so jealous of the king. He's going to grow up with a 10/10 onee-san who turns into a 10/10 cake and then he's going to marry her (by force if necessary).

Doesn't look very remastered. I'm interested in the new dungeon content, though - FFCC's main issue was the lack of real "endgame". If it's like a bunch of really difficult missions designed for the online multiplayer, that'd be fun.

>Doesn't look very remastered.
It looks fine.

mlaak was based, I actually bought all of the DLC a few months ago because I liked the game

>Remastered soundtrack, probably fucked it up
oh god, i fucking hope so.
if it renews interest in the original maybe someone will rehost the OST which is PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ONLINE, FUCK YOU SQUEENIX.

>fucking hope so
I presume you mean "fucking hope not", right?
Also, you can find the OST easy on youtube.

Do you think they'll at least include an option for the old soundtrack?

It looks "fine", sure, but it looks like something that came out 8 years ago. They could have done much better.

yeah that's what i want. shitty youtube encodes of the soundtrack.
you fucking moron. you absolute dipshit. you colossal retard. think before you speak.

Dearly hope so. But I mean, it was really just the vocals in that rendition that were... questionable, to say the least. The instrumentation sounded fine. That being said, the instrumentation was perfect in the original game, so there's seriously no need to remaster it in the first place.

I-I'm sorry user I'll do better next time... can always use a youtube to mp3 converter though?

>The only good FF in history

I hope you can turn off voices. Yelling out spells is going to get old real fast.

>no physical
Thanks Square for not letting me buy your games, I love saving money and then giving them to your opponents!
Are they stupid? This is like the second Square game I don't buy in a year because of this.

Now I remember the blatant favoritism CC received in WoFF.

Too much rubato and, I don't know how it's called, pushed singing?

It's the first result when searching on google. Unless you wanted lossless.

Now when are we getting Echoes of Time Remastered?

Never. Next is a new game.

I'll take a sequel, too. Even better.

Not soon enough.

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Reminder it's fucking nothing unless there's couch co op available.

Any game that locks behind the core functionality behind peripherals is cancer. Meanwhile, it would have completely worked without the need of fucking gbas .

One of the few things I wanna do before I die is to play and complete this game with someone
Is it confirmed that it'll be digital only in the west? Will japs get a physical version? I need it

It was funded by the GBA integration

Yeah Japan's getting a physical release. Time to import.

Which is completely retarded, making the game almost worthless to play.

Do you still have to trigger toggle between Attack and Defend?

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Will it be completely in japanese? I wanna play it in the language I originally played it on for nostalgia

t. poorfag that didn't have friends

>that scene where you show up at Tida Village and the narrator describes what happened

"The sun once smiled on this village more than any other. But one day, their crystal's blessing faded. The villagers eagerly awaited their caravan's return; but for them, the crystal would never shine again. It is said that not a single one of them tried to escape. All stood fast waiting for the caravan, hoping to the very end. After hearing that tale, I felt the weight of my burden like never before."

ngl bros, I was mad af. Every single monster caught these hands. including that boss Armstrong

I think Chocobo Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy only had a physical release in Japan as well, but had the option for both English subs and voices. Dunno if the JP version of FF:CC Remaster will do the same.

The lore and world building was so fucking good, man i get nostalgia just by remembering my first playthrough. People may hate the miasma mechanic but it did wonders for the atmosphere in the game.

Defend yes, Attack no. Defend is now the default command while Attack has its own dedicated button.

>dude singing in tempo is for fucking squares

I feel like they have plenty of room to update the controls now that they aren't limited by the GBA.
I hope that attack, defend, and item/spell can be mapped to their own buttons.

I'm just gonna import, say yes to region free!

>the aren't limited by the GBA
It's worse, they're now limited by mobile phones. They have to fit everything onto a phone screen. That's why the bottom half of the screen feels so empty.

I was under the impression that the mobile functionality would serve the purpose the GBAs did, acting like a real-time menu of sorts

>Not on Steam
no thanks

Nope. Crystal Chronicles "Remastered" is a mobile port of a Gamecube game.

is this censored?
i remember the selkies had nice boob physics

>online 4 player advertised
If this doesn't have local co-op I'm going to be absolutely furious. It seems that way, otherwise they would have mentioned it right?

WHY THE FUCK IS COUCH CO-OP GOING AWAY? REEEEEEEEEEEEEE Some of us actually do have real life friends.

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>tfw I have that soundtrack
you still want it?

its really not all that fun playing solo, entire game mechanics change playing in multiplayer and half the fun was fucking around and making eachother carry the chalice

Speaking of solo play, is there any word on if you can take along other members of your caravan as CPU members? Perhaps even swapping control to them like in the DS games?