Valve's Kerry Davis is at digipen right now doing a talk and he's going to discuss the flagship VR game which is HLVR

Valve's Kerry Davis is at digipen right now doing a talk and he's going to discuss the flagship VR game which is HLVR.

We're finally coming home bros...

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Other urls found in this thread:

nice cope tylerfag


never happening

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

>it will be artifact, or underlords vr

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reminder to call tyler a fat kike with #davistalk on twitter

Where's the guarantee that a new half life would be remotely good?
This is the company that brought about loot boxes
This is the company that chased VR because Oculus kickstarter made gorillions
This is the company that made DotA2 because LoL revived assfaggots
This is the company that made some random card game out of nowhere because Hearthstone did so well
They even made some token effort to update TF2 when OW was relevant
Trendchasing niggers high on their marketplace money, not a games company worth paying attention to


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>KD: "I will not be making any product announcements, or sharing new details about projects currently in development"


p-please s-s-subscribe to vnn


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I dont know why I even got excited about this or even thought they'd announce HL VR here.

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Valve’s VR game is CSVR, Valve has’t (And never will) made HL3 yet because they only want to make live service multiplayer titles now.

I look forward to Tyler's next meltdown video when the flagship Index title is pushed back to 2020
how does this guy manage to be in THIS level of denial jesus christ

Stop it. It's not gonna happen.

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> VR
Wow, it's literally nothing.
Nah, that's too generous. It's worse than nothing. They're digging up the corpse only to desecrate it by using the IP to sell their shitty gimmick, just like Konami does with pachinko machines and Sony did to Ape Escape with PS move

They're not doing that though. They're doing nothing.

kerry just confirmed doors in hlvr

At some point at last year's E3 Tyler had a complete mental break down on stream and said he would not cover only Valve news anymore. He went on to rant about Valve not making any games for days. Tyler was really mad because Bethesda had done the equivalent of everything he ever wanted valve to do at E3 that year and before the conference he was talking about E3 having secret guests and stuff like that. But on the big day someone told him that Gabe was literally sleeping so Valve would not be there. Tyler started covering alot of Bethesda news and then Fallout 76 came out with completely broke his mind forever...

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They're making a huge deal out of doors, what about anything else?

Why would you want to talk about other things?

>valve playtesters

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I mean there's more to games than doors right?

fucking hell

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oh god

This is just an example of physics interaction, you dunce.

wait, since when does anyone give a fuck about bethesda?

post the gif

Alright this is something I've noticed, people go full fucking retard when they first try VR
At first I was just worried my family were a bit off but then friends and their family try it and it's like a deer in headlights, they freeze up, especially the very moment they first put it on even if they were very excited to get in just a moment before
Then pretty much every person I've let use it has had to be reminded to either turn around or to use their actual hands to interact with things
There's some interesting phenomenon going on here but I have no idea what

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>Sometimes you end up getting angry with the playtesters
Well maybe don't invite special ed kids to test your games then

>turn around it's behind you
>what button do I press to turn around?

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I suspect it will not land well. VRfags will eat that shit up, but seeing as VR is a niche hobby most HL fans will be pissed.

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>KD says that they were forced to return to the handle which auto-retracts the latch whenever you grab it. They had to eat their progress for the good of the game. Now, the player does not move their hand to unlatch, but a brief animation can still play.
HLVR is fucking ruined they casualised the doors

This is truly "you are holding it wrong" levels of steve jobsness. Valve needs to purge itself in order to remain relvant, they are not Apple.

>KD: "I'd love to go more in-depth about certain things, but I have a game to ship, and I'm sure you all want us to ship it as well."
its coming bois

Playtesting is a profession, not a hobby.
If the game makes something so unclear that the majority of testers fail to see it, then it is a bad design.

>a conference about doors
i'm officially done with valve

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ITS A FUCKING DOOOOOOOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name any non-VR game where you turn door knobs.
VR is still a niche hobby, so if they want people to know how to play it then they need to show what transitions into the VR world.

Are these people you're talking about technologically illiterate? I couldn't imagine myself right now, never having used vr, suddenly forgetting how to open a door.

That's it
So what did we learn
At least single monitor got smashed during testing

>they make a presentation about doors
>none of this
Valve is dead

Is the pc games drought really that bad that you faggots still talk about the meme that is HL?

he's going to die

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>technologically illiterate
It's VR, most people don't use VR.
If play testers are fucking up with it, then it is clearly a design flaw if they don't make it clear how to interact with the world.
There are norms in gaming, and if VR is changing them then it must be made clear.

The door thing does seem a bit extreme
They probably purposely tried to bring in people who barely even play games to see if it has mass compatibility, like how all trailers have shitty ~epic~ popular song remixes because studios don't ask film critics how to market their movies, they ask Joe Public

is this the birth of an epic new meme?

Most people probably assume that the headset is just two small monitors to9 give a 3d effect, like watching a movie at a theatre with those plastic glasses. It takes a moment before they realize that it also does positional and rotational tracking, especially if you go into it blind.

Play testing is a job. If the design doesn't make it clear you can open doors, that is a development failure.

based dumbing down poster

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>This is the company that brought about loot boxes
Retarded chink.

Did you know that all wojaks violate the rules? If the post text is technically on-topic, it can still be construed as avatar use! Or if it's the flavor of the month wojak, you can report it for spam! As a last resort, consider "This post is extremely low quality."

With YOUR help, we can ban wojaks from Yea Forums!

The guy must be insane, how can he still have hope for anything Valve related?

Hat Fortress? Counter Knife?

Thank you for the input, fellow redditor! I just upvoted your post for usefulness!!! ^w^

Because his gf is a cutie

tyler i know you lurk here
did you..............
expect valve to announce the next HL game at fucking digipen?

wtf where are the emotes in chat?

Loot boxes existed in mmos in the early 2000s. Gooks invented lootboxes.

>hating wojaks


No see, you don't understand. Hundreds of thousands - nay millions - of consumers are going to purchase $1,000 video game helmets and $1,500 gaming PCs to play a Source engine shooter.
The draw distance fog will be so crisp in VR, it will be as though you can reach out and touch it. The constant loading screens will serve to pace the narrative. Teleporting around and shooting waves of enemies will be wondrous; mind-blowing; revolutionary. Did I mention doors? Doors! Can you even fathom how amazing it will be to use your $300 meme controllers that fall apart after a day of using them to...turn a door handle? Incredible!

Follow Tyler McVicker for the latest news.

And Valve brought them into fps

At least we know it's not sci fi game.

lol what

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That's cool and all, but loot boxes did not exist in the west until Valve popularized them with TF2.

yeah and they failed to become mainstream lol
no one cares about some obscure korean grindcore

>moving the goalpost
Chang pls

Valve is the originator of loot boxes in the west, is solely responsible for the current sorry state of gaming, and their entire business model is based on loot box economies. This is a fact and you can't deny it, drone.

Right now he's reading twitter

Valve and basically anything from China is shit stay cucked to Gaben's band of steam welfare "game devs"

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Why does """she""" have Scout's face?

because it's a shitpost off topic coooooombrain pic posted to turn focus away from
proving epic is sending your data to china to judge in which order you'll be shot when the takeover happens

>no one cares about some obscure korean grindcore
But what if I can mention it on 4 channel dot org to try and deflect away from Valve's role in lootboxifying the entire industry?
Joking aside, doesn't the fact that not only did Valve get its idea from a Korean MMO - but went full-court press on it, injecting those shitty gook mechanics into every single game they made - make Valve's actions one million times fucking worse?

valve is so creatively bankrupt, that they even stole the very concept of loot boxes from other devs

Valve drones are always annoying but then there's retards like you who think Valve is the devil incarnate for the gaming industry. Keep crying.

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>user puts out hand near door
>pic related pops up telling them to turn it
>literal nonissue
so youre telling me david cage is a better game designer than valve?

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Well it's true. If any other game "dev" had introduced loot box gambling, replete with a trading system that mimics a day trading platform, the pitchforks would have flown. Picture EA or Ubisoft pulling a Valve back in 2010. Can you guess what the reaction would be from gaymers?
But see, they didn't. It was Good Guy Valve who did it. And drones being drones, they said with one collective voice "This is fine". And here were are, nearly a decade later, with every single game publisher and developer trying to get a piece of the Valve pie.

Valve IS responsible for the current state of gaming. They leveraged the goodwill they fostered in the mid aughts into gross manipulation of their fanbase.

If we could go back in time, and instead of Valve introducing loot boxes, somehow alter hostory so that EA introduced them, gaymers would have rejected them on their face. Valve is at fault.

Seems like a flop on the dev's behalf.
Almost no games make you turn a knob, and the few that do give you prompts.
There will be much more seemingly """obvious""" real world interactions that don't translate to VR.

Fuck yeah bro just put more shit on the screen

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you dont make a distinct hand-turning motion when you open a door
you just kind of pull back and down, your hand rides down the mechanical limits to make the rotation then swing
vr has no mechanical limits, so your hand just pulls back and down. you can't expect players to do anything else.

>vr has no mechanical limits
Games like B&S or Boneworks show you can just simulate them by making your avatar slow down if necessary, so if you try to lift an immovable object your arms stay in place, or if you try to waggle a massive warhammer you just play an ineffectual game of catch up

so you only need it on the door once as a tutorial
or have options for UI elements in settings, since its a PC game
stop being obtuse retard

What's wrong with digipen? They gave us Portal.

It's a talk for game dev students, about Valves work in VR, focusing on doors as an example.

>destroys episode 3

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IIRC at that point everyone was fed up with people locking content behind DLC, so when TF2 got hats the response, which you still hear today, was, "Well I guess lootboxes are fine because they are only locking cosmetic content". Basically valve did a play that was less toxic than whatever everyone else was doing.

Little did they know, that doing that meant that would eventually lead to devs no longer develop actual content like map packs for their games in favor of skins.

>They gave us Portal.
Which Valve then moneyhatted, made a Steam exclusive, and attempted to inject microtransactions into don't forget.

2007: The Orange Box ships. Gabe declares the "Directed Design Experiments," turning all of Valve into a creative playground to reward everyone for shipping the Orange Box and to spur innovation. Work on Episode Three put on hold as a result.

2008: "Directed Design Experiments" ends with a "science fair" of the results, one of which is the F-stop mechanic, which Gabe wants to turn into a Portal 2. Valve buys out Turtle Rock for L4D. Work on Episode Three resumes, but the team loses people who decide to instead work on finishing L4D or on Portal 2.

2009: Fed up with Valve, Turtle Rock splits off on their own again, causing Valve to rush out L4D2 to cement ownership of the IP. The F-stop version of Portal 2 dies and a new portal-based Portal 2 begins. Gabe gets interested in Dota and hires Icefrog. Episode Three continues to lose people who decide to instead work on L4D2 or on Portal 2 or on Dota 2.

2010: Episode Three continues to lose people to Portal 2 and Gabe’s new favorite pets like Dota 2, hardware, etc.

2011: Portal 2 ships. Some members of the Episode Three team worry that it’s been too long to just release an Episode and split off to try to make a full HL3.

2012: The last guys still on Episode Three give up, but the new HL3 team working in earnest. Gabe teases “these things, they take time.”

2013: Mass lay-offs at Valve. HL3 falls apart due to internal disagreement and the loss of personnel. However, a new HL3 project is started.

2014: Former employee Minh Le sees some of their work and casually mentions it in an interview.

2015: HL3 fails again due to internal disagreements. Disgruntled employees leak some of the work to VNN and others.

2016: Marc Laidlaw, lead writer of Half-Life, retires.

2017: Erik Wolpaw, lead writer of Portal 2, contributing writer to Half-Life 2 Episodes One and Two, Laidlaw's de facto successor, leaves Valve. Laidlaw publishes Epistle Three, outlining his vision of the plot for Half-Life 2 Episode Three.

One of these things is not like the other.

what did he mean by this

and TF2 as well.
TF2 classic was kino. Even some of the earlier milestone updates were okay.
Mann Co. killed TF2, Orange Box, and Valve.

is that you valve

the recurring example of the talk was VR doors, so no. it's fucking half-life.

Hi Tyler

Tyler is such a faggot.

I know right? He's fucking great


Good timeline, but Turtle Rock (known as Valve South at the time) didn't make the decision to leave the parent company. It was the board's decision to sever them from Valve.

Also, Valve engages in mass layoffs pretty much yearly. Gabe Newell is on record as saying aggressive firing is an integral part of Valve's company culture. So if you don't enjoy that invisible hand support of the board and the CEO, you're outta there.

To anyone who's been paying attention to Valve the past decade, the things that earn you mass purge immunity are the projects that Gabe and the board like. Linux gaming, loot box economies, and VR. Focus on those, and you can stay employed. Actual gamedev is something that earns you a pink slip, so it's no surprise what Valve has morphed into.

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have sex

The Orange Box was such a good deal. Name a video game launch that has had MORE value than the Orange Box, since the Orange Box.

based, you cant.

i think he meant to say that memeworks is not a game

enpragnant a real woman, man can't have babe

Turtle Rock has also publicly claimed they wanted out, so either someone is lying or it was a mutual deal.


does moba become "assfaggots" if so that's one based wordfilter
mo, ba

Orange Box was also the last time Valve shipped a single-player game without microtransactions. 12 years ago.

wow, you had one job m00t

Yeah I realized that but I didn't think someone would say something so dumb so, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and urged him to elaborate.

Valve is done making any big project, you'll get a small cash shop driven MP game like Artifact/Donta2, or maybe a little playground thing like The Lab.

Why did they not want to release Source 2 to the public? Cause they don't really need it to make the games of a small scope they're focused. Source 2 would be a good fit for a new L4D game or Half-Life but that ship has sailed, lots of people who worked on HL games have left the company.

They halted development of Source 2 because you won't see big projects from them again, what you'll get are those people who wanna make a quick buck off their IPs like that godawful Hunt the Freeman turd, and Valve will agree cause they'll get a cut of the revenue.

>tfw you thought The Orange Box was the start of a series of video game bundles of Valve game
>The Green Box: Opposing Force 2, Portal 2, Counter Strike 2
>The Blue Box: HL2: EP3, Portal Expansion, TF3.


>mfw valve will literally start a new line in their franchise than make anything three

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>so either someone is lying or it was a mutual deal.
Possibly. I have difficulty seeing a small dev studio like Turtle Rock willingly surrendering their one and only IP to a multi-billion dollar publisher just to get out from under their rule, but maybe Valve's culture was so stifling that they got fed up.
But I guess it's not all bad. Valve could have done way, way worse. Like, instead of snatching a small dev studio's IP and then forcing them out the door, they could have made it timed exclusive on Steam or something equally as evil.

Do they pay you shills in communist China?

>Why did they not want to release Source 2 to the public?
Because "Source 2" is an update to the content creation tools (so that making items for Valve to sell in loot boxes is easier) and an engine update that moves it away from legacy support of DX8. Nothing more.
Drones heard the phrase "Source 2" and thought it was some revolutionary game engine, when it was just an effort to ease hat creation and drop support for Windows XP.

Source 2, as the Internet imagines it, does not exist.

Every single Valve IP was purchased from an independent studio and made into a Steam exclusive in an effort to lock you into their launcher and loot box microeconomies.
Except for Half-Life (2), which was actually made by Valve and was only used to force people into installing Valve's launcher, as loot box microeconomies did not exist at the time.

Valve's history and business practices cannot be disputed, no matter how much you hate the fact that other companies not named Valve engage in them, my little zoom-zoom. Dare I say, "cope"?

Everybody seems to forget that Gabe used to be a ruthless Microsoft executive that regularly exploited and then crushed small timers with underhanded business tactics before he left to found Valve because he saw even more potential to make money there: as the famous story goes, he commissioned a survey that reported that Windows only came in at #2 as most installed software; #1 was Doom.

There is a very easy solution to this.
>Draw attention to players 'hands', give them a moment to familirise themselves with the in-game appendages and how they move based on real world input.
>Request the player perform an extremely basic action that requires no button presses, like waving to an NPC
>Next, have them reach out and press an in-game switch, again pressing no buttons on the controller.
>Finally, give them the task of opening the fucking door by grabbing it like damn door.
>Hologram of the players 'hand' performing the action, coupled with a visual prompt of the real world controller and the button required.

Making the player see their hands makes them aware of their obvious point of interaction with the world and adds immersion.
Making the player wave at an NPC makes them realise that even basic movement is noteworthy and immerses them in the world a bit more.
Making the player press an in-game button continues the theme of increasing action complexity and immersion, adding the concept of moving in real space to affect game space.
The final task combines all the previous lessons into a single action, that of opening the fucking door.

Winnie the pooh.

Or, alternatively, have in an early scene a door swung open wide due to the wind; and then blown off its hinges for good measure. That should be a subtle clue to try opening doors regularly.

>Wave at NPC, he leaves through door by opening it.

It's not an issue of people not knowing how doors work, it is a matter of knowing they manually work in VR.
I'm sure if the doors just pushed open instead of turning a knob and testers were reported to have been trying to twist a knob, then you would be going HURR DURR THEY THINK YOU NEED TO TURN A KNOB.
2/10, made me reply

Ehhhh... we've had NPCs open doors normally in games before, but still had to use the E button ourselves. Maybe the NPC is stuck on the other side of a locked door, and wants you to open it by "jiggling the handle".

>NPC is a mute crash test dummy locked in a room.
>Wave at him, he waves back and points at the door.
>You're told to open the door and let him out.
>He starts miming the action and being excited to leave.
>Excitement turns to confusion if you dont open the door, he points at it more insistantly.
>Confusion turns to frustration and then to anger as he opens the door from his side and walks next to you, angrily points at it's hand, then you, then the door, followed by jiggling the handle a few times for good measure.
>Then finally throws it's hands up in the air, stomps back into the room and slams the door shut before staring at you with a tapping foot.

"Did they not teach door opening at MIT, Doctor Freeman?"

Dooooctor Freeeeeeeeeman, it's time to wake up, wake up and twist the doornobs.

>literally stealing jokes from Tyler
have you no shame

I'll pirate a joke whenever I feel like it

Basically, Valve rewards devs based on how much profit the project they're working on creates. Which is why most of them work on the Steam shop, games with mtx, etc.

The age of Valve releasing experimental or risky technologically advanced games with great atmosphere and narrative are dead. People should just accepot Valve as a cash cow private company and move on and never expect anything on the tier of Half-Life or Portal ever again.

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>Every single Valve IP was purchased from an independent studio
Valve hires indie/amateur talent who demonstrate compelling new game design concepts (things which are generally without any copyright/trademark protection at all), and have them implement them into all new Valve-owned IP.

Do communist shills get paid?

And people joke about the NPC meme.

People on Yea Forums like to hate on playtesters, but honestly most of the guys here would probably end up doing the exact same dumb shit they laugh at playtesters for.

Take the Dishonored example. An experienced gamer might legitimately not explore upstairs because he assumes the guard saying you can't go up there to mean that the game literally does not have an upstairs to explore, because "why would the game makers include that line if not to tell the player they're supposed to do something else."

It's called Vulture Capitalism and its indefensible. Most of the indie/amateur "talent" (which is a completely dehumanizing term) are blacklisted from the industry because Valve refuses to give recommendations after firing employees, pretending like they didn't fit in with corporate culture or some bullshit.

If I didn't explore some place because somebody told me not to, I'd have never finished Dishonored at all.

Translation: they buy small timers for cheap, then gut them for fast profit while screwing over the small timers

Do you not know what happened to Turtle Rock?

>honestly most of the guys here would probably end up doing the exact same dumb shit they laugh at playtesters for.
speak for yourself, brainlet

That's only because Yea Forums, especially Yea Forums, have become infested with NPCs.

Go suck on daddy gabens perfect world dick
Yes you hire them when you purchase the fucking studio/team. Minecraft bought Minecraft and hired Mojang you fucking brainlet. It was pretty cheap for valve and greedy jewben saw the opportunity to buy all these small indie studios and turned them into hats making slaves now cope and kys.

>there are redditors on Yea Forums who still think valve can do no wrong and gaben is a saint
gaben worked for microsoft, that should say enough

>Valves emphasis on releasing experimental or risky technologically advanced software expanded to releasing risky and experimental advanced hardware.
fixed. They did have a good few years lull as they managed the transition, but they've already been pushing interesting software again for a few years now. You just let yourself be fooled by shitposters trying to meme VR into the next tortanic (and unsurprisingly failing).

I'd be totally ok with a VR iteration of CS:GO.

It's called Pavlov.

One day someone will finally create THE vr game, the one that interfaces with your brain and translates all five senses and lets you do whatever you want in a beautiful fantasy setting, with fuckable waifus whose every vaginal fold you can feel slipping past the head of your virtual cock as you enter her, and playtesters will ruin it.
"I didn't know I had to actually put the food in my mouth to eat."
"I didn't know I had to use a whetstone to sharpen my sword."
"I didn't know I had to close my eyes to sleep."
"I didn't know I had to put my dick in her to start sex."
Immersion will be destroyed because retarded normalfags and numales who can barely handle getting out of bed in the morning and pouring themselves a bowl of cereal literally don't have enough hand-eye coordination to even pretend to do things in VR. When this masterpiece of a game hits the market, it will be reduced to another skinner box where you just poke a virtual button to automatically chew and swallow your food, to instantly sharpen your sword, to induce a coma for sleep, and to simulate an orgasm without actually enjoying the act of fucking your waifu, like how every video game sex scene just fades out as the action gets good, and skips to the part where they're smoking afterwards.

>all that talk
at the end of the day hlvr is going to be average at best because nu-valve

>thinking they will EVER let such a technology reach the masses
and if it does, you can bet it comes with all sorts of convenient side effects.

>made a steam exlusive
portal is on all systems

I hope one of those side effects is making my coom taste like pineapple

Erik Wolpaw is back working at Valve.

As a contractor. He's not an employee.

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>HL3 Is a shitty VR game that 90% of people cant play anyways.

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>honestly most of the guys here would probably end up doing the exact same dumb shit they laugh at playtesters for.
Go fuck yourself. I apply scientific method to every aspect of my life. If something doesn't work, I break it down into variables and change a variable with every new attempt until I succeed. It's what people with three-digit IQs do. Problem solving skills.

The Dishonoured example only works if the playtesters knew nothing about the game beforehand. If that is the case, it is a pretty bad example.

I swear on God and all that is holy if they waste a half life on VR I will never give valve another cent I can buy doom eternal on Bethesda launcher no issue

>tfw talk was literally about applying the scientific method to VR door design

Poor netcode, poor performance, and zero cheat prevention. Plus the buy menu is still ass two years later.

>It's called (meaningless adjective) Capitalism and its indefensible.
>"talent" (which is a completely dehumanizing term)
holy shit you're literally a communist aren't you? LOL

>Do you not know what happened to Turtle Rock?
Valve hired them in as a physically distant independent branch, but it turned out neither side was happy with that arrangement so they mutually agreed to split again. Years later angry contrarians and communist shills will pretend this was some great evil on Valves part.

Valve didn't buy the studios or IP in question. This isn't a matter of debate, and it's not a question of one being morally better than the other, you genuinely are just confused about it all.


because it's actually really fucking cool and fun

It'll be a gimmick until we can move without smashing half the furniture in the house. Until then, its just strapping a tv screen to your face.

Attached: AbsolutelyGay.jpg (200x315, 11K)

Elon Musk's brain chips are coming. Matrix soon. What custom world will you live in and who will you marry?

Why do you care? VR hasn't taken away from any major games yet, aside from arguably RE7, which only benefit pancake viewers on console since it 'had' to target 60fps. Let people enjoy their niche market.

Attached: how_to_shot_web.gif (320x269, 2.94M)

You're a fucking idiot who deserves what you get if you put that shit anywhere near your brain.

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Because it's mechanically engaging, I can't put Take and Hold from H3VR down.

I just want someone to make a SWAT4 clone in VR, with optional voice recognition for AI squad commands, and yelling at terrorists to get on the ground.

never had that issue with my family. Are you sure you guys aren't just retards?

So not much different from cs

Valve has 3 months to announce and release the flagship VR game they promised this year.

What are the chances of this happening?

Aside from Danger Zone fluctuating its FPS hard due to making an ancient game engine do a thing it's not designed for (large open map), I get far, far more frames in CS:GO than I do on the simple community maps of Pavlov.

That and I can numpad mash through buy menu in CS:GO. No alternative for Pavlov.

fucking copout answer

They updated The Lab two weeks ago to support Valve Index. Please enjoy~

I wonder what will happen first, Valve releasing a VR game or me caring enough to buy a VR headset
maybe both will happen at the same time, but considering that Valve hasn't made anything good in 8 years, I have to wonder...

>I get far, far more frames in CS:GO than I do on the simple community maps of Pavlov

that pic is me laughing at the coping poorfags with no VR

I need to see a legit before and after pic of the offices and staff because who is still on "Valve"'s building. I only know that the L4D guys jumped ship with the AI and programmers and the Portal devs and maybe the writer of "Epistle 3"


Attached: DndpvcaU8AQ5UM-.jpg large.jpg (601x601, 51K)

That's a given, but not to the disparity I get between the two games, especially when Pavlov looks like something from early last-gen (which is understandable given it was a 3-person team for most of its life).

like the movie

Pavlov looks great on ported CSGO maps

Part of me wants an Index controller, but part of me realizes finger tracking is kinda 'eh when it'll always involve having to grip around a controller, so doing web shot as Spidy would basically be like holding a mug using your middle/ring finger, instead of fingers against your palm.

>VRfags will eat that shit up

Attached: Doors are the future of gaming.jpg (827x112, 17K)


VR is the future.
But future future. Not near future.
Change my mind.

Attached: QezOXVj.jpg (1200x1200, 160K)

>It'll be a gimmick until we can move without smashing half the furniture in the house.
You know that's what chaperone/guardian are for, right? You get virtual glowing grids that pop up when you're getting to close to the edge of the area you defined as the play area when you did the initial setup, so you won't punch walls and monitors and shit.

>what you get
Oh please do tell me about how I will become a remote control doll for a fat businessman somewhere like in your cyberpunk novel

Attached: 9oZoDjV.png (417x345, 284K)

I prefer video games in which I don't have to worry about all that nonsense. Enjoy picking up guns from a table, loading them, and shooting them.

I'll enjoy shooting people in the face in fun video games, yes

Attached: chad h gate.png (597x599, 285K)

It's aggravating how bad doors feel in a lot of VR games. Too many devs treat it as absolute regardless of your having physically trailing away from the door, instead of treating the interaction as if you attached a string to the door and pulled at it, which is easier to manipulate in VR given you have no real tactile feedback.

Granted games still can't do basic cape physics without clipping, so how the fuck is VR supposed to solve that for physical item handling.

R should always be upper-left on a shifter.

Janky, barely moving NPCs with rudimentary AI ≠ people

Attached: based chet.png (738x793, 354K)

>This is the company that chased VR because Oculus kickstarter made gorillions

If you think that is bad you should see the ones where you have to push the shifter down and into the 6th position to get reverse.

Did she ever get what's coming to her after all the recent revealed contradictions with her shit, or are people still sucking her toes and looking the other way?

Attached: gamjo.jpg (1057x617, 112K)

I was talking about multiplayer games but okay retard

No, Yea Forums, you are the NPCs.

Why cant we just get the index controllers standalone without having to drop an extra thousand on the actual VR and parts? The controller could easily work on a flatscreen like the wii remote and nunchuk, but good.

Attached: 1657799-wii_ir.jpg (480x322, 21K)

Please tell me the first pic is exaggerating. There is no way someone did that shit for HALF AN HOUR.

Probably exaggerating a bit, but playtesters are retarded kids being paid less than minimum wage.

I wouldn't trust the amount of data VR controllers get polled at over traditional wireless means, instead of to the headset that is never further than three feet from the controllers.

>not wanting to become JC Denton
Get outta here adam jensen

The Sixense STEM/Hydra already do that. How far away is your monitor? I just want to use the controllers in a normal setup

Sounds like Terminus Machina mod for Deus Ex

I might not like Valve anymore but it's still interesting to hear about their autistic thought processes when it comes to this shit.

I personally think the most important part about the presentation was the fact that the Boneworks devs always visited Valve.

VR is the present since 2016. If you haven't experienced modern VR (lighthouse tracked room scale VR) you really just don't know what you're missing.

she's basically untouchable at this point. too many people have defended her too vociferously, she's become a figurehead of the movement. she can only destroy herself by someday somehow accidentally making herself a target by expressing some dissent of her own, and she's too much a completely pragmatic sociopath for that to ever be likely.

The entire presentation definitely seems to have been designed with boneworks in mind. It was basically 'how and why HLVR is not as purely physics driven as boneworks'.

It's going to be a shitty spinoff called Citadel.