This wasnt supposed to happen, sonybros

This wasnt supposed to happen, sonybros...

Attached: control vs astral chain.png (1929x739, 1.3M)

lol the ugly girl got fucked.

talent won

Nintenchads just cant lose huh?

it's almos like, people buy videogames to play them, who could have tell?

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What the fuck happened at Remedy? MP1 and 2 are legendary and everything after is mediocre or worse.

What the fuck is an "NPD"?

Wny Nincels are so obsessed with Sony? This is PC game too.

Nigger Poop Diarrhea.

No it isnt, i cant find it on steam

This wasnt supposed to happen, nintenbros...

Attached: GAMEOFTHEYEAR2018 (1).jpg (1280x720, 236K)

New York Police Department

I know you are Nintendo fanboy, but buy a better PC, that can even launch steam.

Are you fucking retarded?

why did I laugh at this

that's because it's on Epic Games that's why.

Why Nintenbros are ESL spics?

>my wife's son cinematic push x to win simulator
We already know you snoytards will eat literal poop, no need to remind us.

still not out, idiots

Attached: control pc release.png (961x515, 272K)

It makes me happy to know my silly joke made someone smile if only for a second.

Because you're 12


you sure?? im pretty sure Nintendo's shit is super expensive in Latin America

>scores, sales and awards suddenly don't matter because of memes
Stick to your autistic bing bing wahoos for retarded manchildren.

Control didn't look that good until the word of mouth began to spread. Literally no one was excited for that game to my knowledge.

Stick to consoles, kids. We don't need you retarding up the pc culture.

>implying it's not already retarded

The two hour wait to play a 15 minute demo 3 years ago (and 2 and 1 year ago) at PAX says otherwise. Two hours with 40-50 demo units is too long.

>Epic Store
>PC culture

sure chink

We're all 12.

Ive not even fucking heard of Control until the other today maby they should advertise there fucking game prior to it coming out.

Control's graphics are incredible
Seethe harder Nintencels

Attached: hallway.jpg (400x522, 16K)

Fuck off niggers I played Control on actual console the Xbox One X, faggot.
The one system that can actually run the damn game.

>control thread died
>another one made right away
Literally on a payroll

So this is the power of ray tracing...

Attached: RAY TRACED.png (3000x3000, 408K)

Not even a Nintendo fan but cry more plz

Microsoft happened.

Isn't this on PS4 and Bone?

Imagine being poor and not having a switch, a ps4, and a pc with the newest graphics card lmao

I would've bought Control if it wasn't Epic exclusive.


But enough about your mother....

Kinda tired of waiting for Death Stranding to come out

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It seems like they've just fallen behind budget wise and have never been able to catch up to become a true AAA developer. Their games always seem to be lacking in some capacity

you should move the "are" to before the first noun, senor jiren

Nintendo literally did not have a compelling game come out in 2018.

So how's that PS4 drought?

> This is a PC game too
> too
The PC version is the only playable version of the game. The PS4 version literally runs at 10fps.

Yeah but it's ep*c so it's looking like a day 1 pirate to me. If I like it, I'll buy it on Steam when it comes out.

same this year, nothing even close to GoW4

We got Smash

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ah yes im sure the console kids will fuck up the greatness that is the weeaboo reddit master race

Attached: astralchain.original.jpg (3042x2420, 2.18M)

>you gotta carry that boar

watch out or you'll die from asscancer like your le pc masterrace reddit e-celeb

>Bitchford lies about sales
>NPD makes an actual professional statement with industry data

>fire sjw staff
>Platinum finally find success

Attached: 1549758749897.jpg (227x200, 22K)

>every other white square

They're incredible on a 1000$ graphic card.
Otherwise it's an empty, blurry game that still burn your midrange graphic card or your console by just rendering a hallway.
It's ridiculous.

I was interested in Control but they didn't want me to play it.
>EGS exclusive on PC
>Console versions suck apparently
>Astral Chain and MHW:Iceborne come out near the same time and I wanted to play both

Why would you sabotage your own game like that?

They continuously try, time after time, to make a game that is sort of like Max Payne but is not Max Payne.

I cannot understand it. Just fucking make Max Payne 1 remake already. Jesus fuck, retards

sony victim complex

Control looks neat but I literally had no idea what it was or when it was even coming out, I literally never saw any advertisements for it anywhere. Not surprising, don't know how much was allocated for marketing but whoever was in charge did a terrible job. Should've done a better job of shilling it.

>he has to make up lies
Ok you haven't played it

It not a terrible or offensive game and the in game lore ties into Alan Wake and even the character himself makes a cameo in the vault with altered items. One of his infamous manuscript pages is there and you can see a vision of him if you find it.

>Playing Alan Wake
>Run through a forest until you hit light
>Little bit of story plays

I can't do it.
I keep seeing people say how good this game is, but it's fucking boring me.
What am I missing?

I fell for the Control meme and have been playing it on a 2080 for like 8 hours now
I feel like I can write a 1500 word essay on the things that I don't like about it and I don't know why. Having played quantum break this feels like a rehash but the combat is somehow worse. I don't understand how we went from writing a whole vst into a music for time dilation effects during superpower battles and the OST being carefully crafted to sound good outside and inside of time slowdowns to the absolutely forgettable Control ost, ambient somethings and snoozefest shootouts
I'm gtfoing out of this because the only thing that can save this game for me is aliens or mental ward everything was a dream twist ending but it's probably some Reddit shit like 'ooOooOoo spooky ghost and nothing is explained make up your own ending :)))'

why is every girl character so attractive? that not real life is

Pope from Control is an absolute qtpi, but I guess they just had a hard on for main casting Beth Wilder bitch from quantum break (she was ugly there too)