WoW classic

Classic PVP discussion

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Why are all mages going frost? Is there merit to a fire mage when it comes to pvp?

Why is fire considered a meme spec, other than not being able to get into some boring raid

>level 39
>15silver after repairing
Sure does suck leveling alone


I worry this will become me, is herbalism a good money making profession? I don't want to be a faggy miner

Rogues are easy to play but have the highest skill ceiling along with mages in pvp.

fight me.

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In vanilla ice block is a frost talent.
So not only do non-frost mages not have ice barrier, they don't even have ice block.

In addition to that, Molten Core has a ton of fire resist so fire is also useless in PvE for that.

>low hp horde fighting mob
>kill horde and steal mob

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But dps wise fire mages are the most powerful, right?

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lotr is for faggots

i picked a cool name so allience don't fuck w/ me ^^

DPS maybe, but in PvP burst matters more than sustained damage, and frost mages with shatter and ice shards can deal quite a lot of damage.

I forgive you, I'm sure you must get bored spamming LF2M NEED TANK AND HEAL so I don't blame you for killing my Warriorchad

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asmonbiggay is coming for you

>people still trying to level in STV when they know what it was like before
What exactly is it that STV has that draws people to die over and over? I only go STV when I want to kill people, never to quest

>I don't want to be a faggy miner

>Picking at the earth at full force is faggy.
>Picking flowers in a grassy meadow isn't.

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>that feel when shameless swiftness potion vs rogues

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juggling cooldowns is the hardest part about being a rogue. that and trying to recover after fumbling a stunlock.

Because Vietnam, user. We don't know what we're fighting for, we just quest because its what we know

>kill alliance cuck
>10min later there's 3 or 4 after me
And they call us the horde lmao

>not wanting to pick up dank kush for that spiritual ancestory blazing.

It's like you dont wanna make lots of gold from rogue fags by selling fadeleaf.

herbalism is great money making. it's also super good for raiding, if not one of the best professions for it. it's also good for pvp.

It's because everyone is a miner, that makes it faggy. It's one big sausage fest. I've yet to see a herbalist but every fucking where I go I hear that cling cling cling of people mining everything. And then when they finish mining they ask for layering. It's quite faggy behavior, while herbalists are probably chads that don't bother anyone else with their bullshit

Thats right nigger, you step up to my ghost mushroom and its lights out.

unbalanced nonsense

knowing one fuck up can end your life as a rogue is a nice adrenaline rush.
Nothing more satisfying then pulling off a perfect gank.

just wait until i get my daggers you faggot mages, then ill remove 80% of your hp instead of 40% before you blink away and kill me
i will fuck you gently

>Disc priest
>higher level players know to leave me the fuck alone

Damn it feels good to be a gangster.

>tfw a rogue approaches to gank me while i'm resting
>I see him and frost nova before he can open
>he gives up and just stands there

Dabbing on roguecucks is the best feeling in the world.

Well if it's Vietnam you should bring your fuckin buddies to shoot at the gooks! No soldier should fight alone

Is it? I started with Herbalism but literally nobody was interested in buying anything. I'm looking to drop Skinning because it looks like the financial gain is pretty slim no matter what level I am

>felhound devours your gay little bubble

enjoy your walk

>Shaman herbalist opens trade window
>Elixir of Giant Growth x1
>Healing Potion x3
>Elixir of Lions Strength x1
>greens trade
That was a fun WC. I'm the Shaman

Frost is basically unkillable if you play optimally and also has a fuck ton more control options than most other classes.

Fire's a meme spec in pvp because of PoM-pyro one shotting people, almost guarrenteed kill if you pre-cast a regular pyro first so it's two giant fireballs of death screaming towards your target.

It's fun

Frost can PVE and PVP.
The only thing fire can do is be worthless in PVP and PVE until AQ40+Naxx

never understood why people pyro into instant fire ball and not the other way around. Just because your enemy is a sheep doesn't mean you should sit on your hands hardcasting pyro blast.

skinning is great litrally free money on the ground. just sell it in quest hubs dont even bother going to the AH with it will earn you your first mount and then the 100%

Frost is not unkillable. Mages get dabbed on pretty hard by warlocks, druids and spriests

That a thing? locks on my servermust be shit never even noticed I killed one.

some herbs are used for pvp potions and some rogue pvp spells.

As the game goes on the price on these plants will increase. If you're a low level get swiftthistle.
They make speed potions which are super brillaint and rogues can make them for teas that turn them into bursting gods.

If ya around 40-ish grab fadeleaf in STV if ya brave enough or swamps of sorrow.
The potions needed with the herbs are super vital for raiding so 60s will want the end game potions, especially fire protection potions for molten core raiding.

Of course they're shit.
If you ever see a warlock that uses his felhunter to eat debuffs on himself/buffs on the enemy, run away, that nig knows what he's doing.

There are not much options on 30-40 lvl to up levels, mate.

Unkillable by melee.
Even then mages still have a chance against all of that.

I can't believe no one is complaining about the lack of BGs
how the fuck did they get away without having them available at launch

I knew I made a good choice

Might just take Herbalism later then. Playing as Shaman so my endgame professions are likely to be Herb and Alchemy anyway

I was the same way initially bit now I'm glad, they would distract me

go back go /vg/

We were finally rid of you faggots for years, you're not welcome on v

Herbalism and Alchemy are memes, literally no one is spending much gold on consumables this early in and won't be for a long time when you can pug MC without many consumables

I am 35 haven't even been to STV beside to drop of a package. I also have the entirety of Desolace and plent if Hillsbrad I can still do.

people are retarded

>oh no i can't have my 30 off topic e celeb threads and 80 smash speculation retardactories now, reeeeee

it's just one thread you pile of trash

Really depends what pet they have out, its usually dependent on who killed the warlock last. Devour is an 8 sec CD and you cant pick what it devours, so in a longer fight after your stam buff is gone it will start eating your bubble.

I personally like to drain mana priests and fight them for several minutes until they are empty. Trying to get a fast win vs a priest is just gimping yourself.

Imagine joining a random thread about a vidya you dont like and telling people not to talk about it.

This is literally the most ugly looking and boring location of all time. And you can't up 40 in Hilsbrad.

every warlock i face unironically pops a voidwalker bubble as soon as I engage, i'm a fucking priest

Everyone needs potions, its good for pve, pvp, money making and battlegrounds.

if you plan to raid then yes take it up, because you are gonna need mana potions. Also its good to use health potions in wpvp.
If you're focusing on leveling with a shield + dagger, rogues will not have fun trying to gank you while you remove their poisons and slowing them forever while you pop a health pot.

We have mana burn aswell.

>shield + dagger
This a thing? I thought Shamans were meant to go for slow 2h weapons

yeah but suck mana gives me your mana and i have life tap. If it gets to wand wars im up a fel hound

what level are you all?
be honest

I'll never understand the mindset of somebody who calls in a friend during a fair 1v1 fight, what fucking appeal is there in that?

rogue is 32, warrior is 30.

this is all of course theory, 100% of my preist fights have ended with a priest charging me and screaming before walking the opposite way

>Go to create character
>Pick alliance

>fair 1v1 fight
No such thing in world pvp.
The chances you have a 1v1 fight with everyone fresh and with all of their cooldowns is near zero, so stop perpetuating this retarded meme.

World PvP is gank central, it's not about honor or fairness but griefing the other faction.

27 warrior

I dont know what to say I have never had a problem with fighting locks litrally dot you and renew myself and i can wand you down.

on my server at least, stv is shockingly peaceful. It's like there's an unspoken armistice, it's in everyone's best interest

>during a fair 1v1 fight
You're a dumb dumb if you think wpvp is fair

Dropped my warrior at 36 because I hate vanilla tanking. Either going to reroll lock and deal with being the summoncuck or just quit.

60 trying to get this Ony attunement done

>leveling 2 characters instead of hitting 60 and then making an alt to funnel gold/gear

i've been all week on 40/41
reached 40, bought my mount and got burned at the game, still don't know if i'm gonna keep playing after the month ends.

Man I was having a shitty time on my rogue, but now I'm leveling a warlock and everything is just so easy. I can press 1 button and alt tab to level, fear people endlessly and wand spam every PvP encounter, get invited to all the instances because I can summon and AoE spam, and for all my hard work I get a FREE MOUNT. Why did I waste all that time before?

im going shadow priest for levelling and eventually endgame what should I talent into?

Many a times i've had a fight with people who stand there waiting for me to kill a mob regain mana then start fighting. often /bow before we do

Burden of knowledge is on the warlock in that match up yeah.

>End game priest
It's straight to heal botting for you if you intend to raid

Get a load of this retard lmao

>Dropped my warrior at 36 because I hate vanilla tanking
I'm really glad that bad players are already being culled. Being a level 60 tank that already has a reputation for being good is so satisfying.


What is the name of your unofficial reddit server so that I can avoid it

There are like no tanks currently so if you aren't retarded people will know about it. I'm not playing Warrior until I have some spare gold though. They are awful unless you can update your weapons every few levels

>and eventually endgame
i guess you can do this for pvp and 5mans, but planning to raid as a spriest is a bad idea

straight up no dawg, im going shadow priest or ill fucken pvp grind and get the pvp armour instead when its out

These guys dont have fun testing themselves against other classes. lol

55 Mage, hoping to get to 60 this weekend
I've enjoyed my time so far.

PVP it is is for you then unless you go holy

I never had any complaints or caused wipes, just not a fan of the playstyle, but do feel free to jerk yourself off over NEETing a 15 year old game some more.

That sounds fucking retarded.
I can and will shit on you while you are low fighting mobs, and you should show the same respect honorfag.

Based Rogue Chads

Thoughts on this 2H Fury build lads?

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But i dont get low fighting mobs.

You can right click other players portraits and go "duel" to do just this without having to /tip your fedora before every autism-dripping encouter in hillsbrad

This is art

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casuals will take you in their raids, don't worry

but they will start raiding in a month or two

It's funner to win than lose, it's also fun for the friend and if you get mad that just adds to it.
I used to do that shit all the time in eve, i'd call my corpmates to all attack fucking mining barges and shit i had no trouble with.

>Honor isn't until phase 2
>BGs are phase 3
What the fuck were they thinking?

Good for you, I'll still attack you while I have an advantage.

you will want 5 points into shadow then 5 points into disc for the wand for the spirit tap mana regen and good wand damage then continue into shadow.

this build was just a lazy planned out mix of WPVP and leveling up for shadow priest.
Once you reach enough talent points for shadow form, you can respec and grab it asap and use mindflay instead of wands if you like.

kill yourself

>Think people are joking when they say warrior is shit at pvp
>Try it out for a while to see it myself
>Only real chance at getting rage before dying is from charge or bloodrage
>Most spells have very little use since they either do little or don't really have an effect when the opponent isn't running/attacking something
>Moves still have a chance to miss
>Meanwhile anything that isn't warrior gets easy access to their moves and have multiple spells that hinder warriors badly
I hope people weren't lying about them becoming beasts at 60 because this is just saddening to try and do still outside of a partner

please someone do uldaman with me for the love of christ

Even then a good rogue can give a mage some trouble. What mages excel at is group pvp

>be level 40 hunter
>get ganked by 4 horde members in north STV in the bloodscalp troll area
>get my revenge vietcong style by popping out of the hills and tree and globalling them with aimed shot 1 by 1

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What realm

>be grinding in tanaris
please leave me alone

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>that one warrior trying to be "a hero"


cheers kid

Fire is almost completely worthless it does more damage than frost but frost does a fuck ton anyway. It can pvp for shit and cant level for shit its also can really only be used in one raid since the first 2 resist or are immune to fire and the third has a boss the requires ice damage

If the rogue doesnt instagib a mage on the opener it really cant.
This isnt TBC, rogues dont have CoS or Shadowstep.

how do you pvp with this

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>BGs are phase 3


your fair chance at pvp starts at level 40.
Or 30 if you get whirlwind axe.

get yourself a big meaty 2hander and mortal strike fuckers. Your class is highly gear dependent also. So by the time you are 40 you can try and full gear yourself in scarlet monastary and you should be a good fighter.
If you want a better time go into alchemy and get freedom action potions so nothing can CC you.

without mortal strike you will have a harder time.

Kek, this shit is why I love making people SEETH as a hunter.

I wish they'd cut BGs. Fucking stupid things

>not spending all weekend in AV

Ask me how i know your a faggot.

Do you have a "realm rival", Yea Forums? A guy that you see all the time, who has leveled about the same pace as you, and you just run at him like an attack dog every time you see him regardless of his intent?


Fuck this cave. One person on the other side whines about the enemy faction camping it and then it turns into a huge war for the next hour.

Also I want to mention, get yourself a slow melee staff, if you use a wand and hit an enemy twice, swap into melee and you will strike out together with your melee weapon and wand.

Then go back to wanding them twice, you can actually be pretty threatning at low level if you skill up your stave. its a good way to dish out dps without using mana.

But that's pve spec

based and peacebloompilled

Grobbulus is the only server worth playing on.

Yeti Cave is a casual filter

There's no one to PVP against, the game's dead already. I can't believe nobody is playing anymore and it's only been one month.

nice try retail player

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>hunter pet looks exactly like the feral druid

World PvP > your organised pvp grind

This is how I know you didn't actually play Classic. Classic slid off a fucking cliff with dumb decisions like battlegrounds. They aren't fun and they kill the fun part of the PvP outside

Is paladin even remotely good in pvp?

>Hunter, pet, and drood running down path opposite me
>not sure who to buff
>kill some random critter instead

The troubles of being a priest

I just spent all day in a server organised world pvp event, fuck yourself faggot.

>hunter pet is the druid

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drop imp soul drain, that shit only works if you wait 10 sec after combat to reengage with the next mob. Drop IMP life drain, pick up curse of exhaustion and get master summoner before going anywhere past CoH and life siphon.

now you can pvp

Go kill yourself retard.

Better question: Why is half the game mages and more than half the playerbase claiming Vanilla is in any way shape or form good when the game is so completely and utterly unbalanced that no classes other than warriors, rogues, mages, hunters, warlocks and priests are viable?

How can you level as a disc priest?

not with layering no, i see some familiar horde faces though.

And? Sprint and banish break snares friend

low level zone chats are absolute reddit-tier cancer
>tfw leveling is actually a filter

isnt pvp pre-cata incredibly imbalanced? there's no diminishing returns. what prevents rogues from locking you down for 10 seconds or locks from endlessly fearing you?


Dont go to Darkshore

Holy fire > dot > mind blast > smite >wand

I litrally never run out of mana and can clear entire quest hubs quicker than a frost mage drinking after every large pull.

Because vanilla didn't have controlled, small environments like arenas that made the balance flaws of the game obvious and statistically provable, so that led people to believe that the game was in a state remotely resembling okay.

DR were added during vanilla retard.

haha ok

a game where half the playerbase plays mages and tons of classes are completely unplayable is fun haha

Sounds fun. Maybe I'll reroll

what's wrong with darkshore?

>have to kill 30 murlocs for quests
>2 faggot mages keep mass pulling on that spot
fuck you and your retarded meta shitheads

Half are not mages though are they? and many people are playing every class.

what level are you? 30-40?

exactly. just dont play a shit hybrid class and expect to be good.

are there actually priests doing this past level 45+? i went shadow at 42, wanding became unbelievably slow at 40

Gotta upgrade your wand most likely

>level 55
>Can't find any dungeon groups because everyone at my level is in serious raiding guilds doing only guild runs

>LFG channel spammed with low level dungeons

>Thinking about abandoning my character and making an alt to take advantage of all these low level dungeon runs

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Literally half the playerbase is playing mages

Work on professions while the world catches up to you

>can clear entire quest hubs quicker than a frost mage
No one can clear faster than a frost mage, unfortunately.

In the amount of time it takes every other class to kill 2 mobs, a frost mage can kill 20. I literally saw this going on the entire time i was leveling.

That's what I been doing the past few days.
Unfortunately these normies have been "LFM SM" for 2 weeks now.

As a feral druid this is great news. I'm going to be murderhappy when I hit 60
You can still get from 55-60 solo. Rested xp becomes exponentially more useful as you get higher in level.

Because unbalance is fun.

Also, every class has mad shit they can do and you die fast, so it's ok.

You will get kills not matter the class.

Find out what number of mobs they can't handle, then run a group through their Blizzard while they're casting.

>This is literally the most ugly looking and boring location of all time
Lol youll see my friend, you will see

Why havent you joined a guild yet?

>be lvl 35 human warlock
> running to Sm for some graveyard and library runs
> all of the sudden a lvl 41 nigger orc warrior ganks me
> im close to graveyard so whatever
> see the fucker camping on my body
> leaves after 5 minutes, my party arrives shortly
> later see the orc killing mobs at the dungeon entrance
> friend asks if i want to kill him, i say yes, it's payback time
>orc feels this and immediately turns off pvp flag

what a fucking pussy, holy shit

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>horde ganks me, trying to steal elite quest mob friend and I are struggling with
>tag doesn't reset
>their dots end up killing it
>we rez and loot

no upgrades really after that RFD 30 dps wand. grave stone scepter? it feels strong because you get good wands super early at around level 26 but then you need to be level 50 to see a 40 dps wand unless you do that mage quest.

people talking big about wands is a big tell that they are low level.

>barely high level enough to do ZF as a tank so I have a tendency to miss a little more
>one dps 6 levels higher than me starts to do as much damage as possible to as many mobs as possible as soon as I run in while also running away whenever they get aggro so I can't taunt
>calls me shit and leaves the group
I've only had good dungeon experiences up to this point but the whole you need ravager to tank dungeons post SM thing sucks.

60 priest attunements and most BIS done
halfway to epic mount
about to start a lock which I will blitz in two weeks to 60 mainly by using my gold and buying all BIS for leveling plus maxed enchants, before the rank grinding shitfest commences and questing becomes impossible

speaking about the last part, and no one seems to mention this, but I really recommend you to level your 60s and potential alts NOW, you really do not want to level in the environment that's full of roaming raids farming every single thing that moves in every area, especially the 40+ ones, which is the environment that will happen in the very next phase

Pvp flags take 5 minutes to fall off so it was just coincidence

>lvl 35
kys noob

Every single dungeon instance expects me to play like a zoomer and spam blizzard.
I haven't finished an instance since gnomeregan because I refuse to join another fucking spellcleave.

Yea Forumsros I'm 38 and only have 54 gold. What's a good grindspot, ideally one where I can also skin the enemies?

Horde has Desolace, Swamp of Sorrows, Badlands, Shimmering Flats, and a little bit of Dustwallow and Alterac. Combine that with some dungeon runs and you can actually circumvent STV entirely.


25 hunter
i told myself i wouldn't buy the game
but then i did anyways

after doing some research i guess you can get a godly wand in ZF when you hit level 45, but everything after RFD is a weak increment

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if youre horde, middle of Desolace, or Dustwallow crocodiles should work

Only now have I noticed how fucking garbage the STV map is. Only the left side is even playable.

I see alliance bitch like this all the time in general chat, wondered if horde did it too. There used to be a zerg pvp guild on my realm, people were always seething about it. They weren't geared, particularly skilled, or even at the level cap sometimes. But they had big numbers so they'd win. What obligation does someone have in a world pvp scenario to give you a fair fight? It's not a duel against two allies. The ends justifies the means, if having large numbers of players beats out gear, skill, etc. then maybe you should try doing the same.


Raids get cleared before max level in greens. Most classes are underpowered, some are completely undesirable (paladins, druids).

"NO CHANGES" autists ruined what could've been a great experience. Imagine Ret Paladins with Crusader Strike and Holy Strike (Ret Paladins functioned completely differently just a few weeks prior to retail wow vanilla release), mana changes for druids to allow them to be viable as balance. Buffs to Protection Paladin, Feral Druids (so they can tank), reasons for shadow priests to exist, buffs to fire and arcane so 99% of mages don't go frost.

uninstall the game if you don't like it dumb nigger i'm tired of waiting in que during weekends

There's only 2 guilds on my server with people doing dungeons past ZF and they don't want anymore warlocks

I'm a feral druid and you can fuck right off.
There are completely bad specs that should be addressed like Boomkin but Feral is just fine.
When your raids require 40 people it's not hard to get in as a feral DPS unless your guild is turbo-sperg

He's baiting. Notice how he talking about "others" clearing content. Red flag

>ret paladin fag has opinions

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Do you think I'm a literal cuckold like yourself giving my money to Blizzard? A joke of a company listening to jokesters like youreself relaunching and continues to run joke-games.

>I'm a feral druid and you can fuck right off.
Just because you're never going to do anything but lowest tier of DPS in entry level raids, run and wipe in Scholomance and half-heartedly attempt to get some "cool sounding" title from WSG/AB farming for a while, doesn't mean that Blizzard shouldn't address class balance issues which will affect a wider variety of people other than you.

your post is literally: "MY spec is fine for the activies that I AM going to do, so FUCK YOU for having a wider perspective on balance in vanilla"

literal fucking clinical retard

You are smoking some giant penises

Will say while Horde racials are great, Paladins are way better than shamans for any form of group PVP. You can't be bothered to focus him due to the bubble and you can't focus the people with him due to his healing and BoP.
A lot of times I'll pass on ganking simply because a Paladin is in the area

Shamans can't support as good as paladin, but they can have fun speccing into elemental to nuke people.

Paladins can't really have that kinda fun. Which kinda sucks.

I fucking hate the no change retards and the fact that blizzard will cater to them and the fact that the streamers only enable them further makes me even madder. We can have a great game right now, no one's calling for a full revamp, just the very basic rebalance needed to make it viable and fun long-term, especially things like introducing some new meme mount that you can buy for 5k gold to prevent the economy-destroying inflation in advance which is something that we can obviously anticipate and prevent with ease, but sadly that's literally never happening. Gold will inflate, everything will become unfun and most people will have most things by the middle of the phase, with everyone forced to be the spec they *have* to play and the rest of them sitting idly in their corner of obscurity and zero invites, but doing even one thing about any of these issues will cause a huge outrage so you can pretty much forget about it. I can even tell you the reason for this and why the no change faction even exists in the first place - they're all private server retards who never actually played vanilla and do not have the experience needed to anticipate the issues of a "no change" vanilla, and would just like their private servers legitimized. These same people will suddenly 180 and whine for blizzard to take care of the issues finally after naxx is on farm by every guild, but by then classic will be long dead and neither classic+ nor TBC will save it, all thanks to these fucking retards.

> Helping an alliance player to kill a mob, before he dies
> He tries to kill me after it
> I manage to kill him
> He calls 3 people from his guild
Fucking Retailer, man!

i grinded raptors in stv. 10g/h but that depends on your class. Even more if you are a skinner

Reminder to level your alts to at least level 40 now while people are still doing low level dungeons.

Once the majority hits 60 every

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I killed a frost mage 4 levels higher than me before he could take out my talented power word shield lmao. RIP melee cucks though

>with everyone forced to be the spec they *have* to play and the rest of them sitting idly in their corner of obscurity and zero invites
The absolute shitter retards in this thread do not seem to realise this.

Here's a quick lesson for you guys:

Everything exists within the context of a market.

The market dictates that everything moves towards maximum efficiency in all imaginable and possible manners. Every single group and arid is going to -> demand m-muh no c-changes
Clinically retarded

Do you have the minimal intelligence required to realize that this is the exact thing we're saying and that we're claiming that this needs to be dealt with?

Nobody in this thread except the dude I just replied to seems to realise this

in a perfect world this could happen, but this is not a perfect world. They will fuck it up if they try to "balance it", retail is a clear example of what has happened when they tried.

You probably have in your mind some perfect dream where everything just WERKS, but that dream will never happen. If you pursue this dream you are just going to end up getting monkey pawed.

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Besides its too late anyways, you don't have a clue how humans function if you think this can be changed by this point. There's too much prestige and gloating to be had by denying these changes post-launch. Even if a MAJORITY of classic players voted in polls for this to happen, by this point it's not going to happen.

Turtles on shore of tanaris.

Sell the turtle meat and fish to cooks, leather to leatherworkers, vendor the grey items they always drop.

I spent all day farming turtles and made something like 40g after counting the greens that dropped.

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me and my friends took turns smashing a shadow priest who was 10 levels higher then us infront of gurabashi, that doesn't mean shadow priests are trash. The fact that you beat some guy aoe farming all day like his favorite streamer after he freezes up upon seeing you strafe left doesn't mean a thing

Go play retail you cretin, blizzard can't even copy paste a client properly and literally everything they touched turned to shit, all they have to do to have a successful classic is TO DO NOTHING.

So fucking glad I transferred off faerlina

>Roll Hunter
>Dead as soon as any player enters my personal space


It was dealt with, when TBC came out blizzard made the hybrid trees viable to raid with.


i just hit level 49
say gratz

Intimidation in BM
Scatter shot in MM
Imp. Wing Clip and Counter attack in survival


>not with layering no

>early morning
>be searching shellfish traps at lvl 40
>just me for hours
>horde start showing up
>Some 35 Hunter trying to gank me while I have mobs
>kill him the first time
>second time he got me
>kill his ass one more time before I head out to a SM run
>takes me pretty much all day to gain 1 lvl
>back to shellfish traps
>see the same Hunter still 35

>go to badlands a level 35 zone to grind for gold
>as soon as i enter get chased by 50 level 50 horde players on mounts and camped for no reason.
the horde are no different and are sometimes worse

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You have no idea what you're talking about and this attitude is what ruined the game. Every class and spec serves a purpose. Not everything needs to be about raids. That already exists in retail.

He opened on me, twice. Just because you can 2v1 a PvE carebear doesn't mean anything.

durrrr, they should make every class and spec have a spell that does the most DPS but only works in dungeons and raids so dat way everything would be eqal. All you would hav ta do is click the button and it shoots a channeling beam for 5 sec for 1000 dmg a sec and everyon in the raid would have it so all the dps class dod dah same damage. god bless #bring the gamer not the class.

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>tfw you realize you're the only member of your faction in your area and you get surrounded by at least 10 of the other faction

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How are they going to remove layering on full servers? Some servers have 60k player on them. Even if half stop playing that's 30k people playing. How are they going to fit that many people into one game word and not have chaos?

I think layering is going to stay for high and full pop servers.

nah it was a duel, we gave the guy tips and everything. guy was literally a key board turner you could walk through him to cancel his spells.

>Doing the Earth Elementals in Badlands
>Alliance and Horde keeping to themselves, working on the quest
>Some dude in general chat screaming that they need to drive the Alliance out
>10 minutes later it's a warzone and nobody can get anything done

This pretty much

People have been cool just working on quests n shit until one fucktard starts a war and then nothing gets done.

>You have no idea what you're talking about
I've been playing since vanilla, I know precisely what I'm talking about

>and this attitude is what ruined the game
Hahahaha what? What the fuck are you talking about you stupid imbecille?

>Every class and spec serves a purpose.


>Join server thats supposed to be around 50:50 split
>All i see is the opposing faction fucking my shit up
So much for 50:50

Hybrid tax

sounds like a skill issue

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>Blink into their dead zone and nova
>Hunters literally only can wing clip rank 1 me as they cry because they never got melee skills up

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Yea nobody does that whole respond to individual lines of text thing here except autists and TRANNIES. I've delt with multiple people who claim they played classic yet are LYING on mmo champion. You are a shill or a redditor or some other kind of foreigner and you can go ahead and fuck off.

I hope to be long gone before raid or quit becomes a thing again. Jesus christ. Enjoy this year boys, everything after phase 3 will basically be retail all over again.

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>Casual trash is going to clear Kel'Thuzad in Naxx 1.0

These people would fail at the dance, they're morons

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How long until paid transfers are out?

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I don't play wow anymore, obviously, because it's shit. And so is vanilla because of your "m-muh n-n-no changes" retards

It's never going away, they will offer free realm transfers OFF the server to lower populated ones but will never remove layering.

Even if a server had 10k players, that's 3x the amount vanilla wow servers could have online at once. It would be a huge clusterfuck

looool didnt see that guy till you mentioned him

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Phase 2 will be the highlight, Phase 3 will immediately ruin it with Battlegrounds.
My goal is to have the time of my life in World War Azeroth before everybody hides in Battlegrounds all day

is sheep, pyroblast, PoM, pyroblast still a thing?

God where do you people come from with this ideal future bullshit. Are you a communist too? I have seen every class and spec in raids and PVP. There are tons of shadow priests, enhancement shamans, ret paladins, feral druids, etc in PVP and dungeons. Not everything revolves around raiding as one of these class/specs.

Lmao then why the fuck are you in these threads?

Bring back WoTLK pre resilience paladins and arcane mage with destro!

Every class is viable, you playing whole class and not a spec. If you want to dps as paladin, neglecting godlike healing, neglecting godlike utility, neglecting being unkillable healer in pvp, neglecting reckholy pawnage and all other juicy advantages of a class than you are simply a retail cuck and should fuck off to retail.

Yeah but no one's leveling as fire or really being PvP specced yet

>your opponent never being able to act is skill.
>having the highest baseline damage in the game is skill
>being able to kill people is GM/HW gear while naked because again, they cant do anything, is skill


Yeah, but being capable of killing someone once every three minutes in exchange of being a squishy target is not very fun.

Mages have the lowest hp pool in the game, they're cloth. If they're not frost, they don't have ice block, and the only barrier they have is one that only shields melee and that burns mana like a motherfucker.

It's just a gimmick.

>Streamer who was going to prove RET CAN DO DAMAGE in raid
>Ended up below the priest who wanded for mana in meters

Ret is a cancer

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Dude I am hype as FUCK for world PVP ranking. Bgs are cool but they are what makes the rank grind so incredibly difficult.

More than half of the raid content is completely immune to fire damage.

Considering all your damage comes from autos, you're going to do jack shit until you're geared out in BWL epics it better

Are you retarded? Feral tanks are legitimately good. For the biggest turbo autists they're even meta for speed clearing raids.

All mages have iceblock buddy

which makes you a worthless class because you will literally not pull more than warriors in blues with bwl pve gear. Its fucking stupid to give anything to a retardation over any other melee or caster

Just reset the fight and run you actual fucking retard. Rogue is the safest class that isnt mage in the entire game.

pyro has a CD so no

In classic it's a frost talent.

They gave it for free later because of what I've said.

Lmao seething tranny. Feral tanks are better than warriors until BWL. Even after ferals are amazing tanks all the way through naxx.

In a raid environment, yes.
But also bare in mind 40 people gives you some flexibility for meme specs if you're not some kind of perfectionist guild

Halfway to 45 as a Shaman

>go to STV as a full party
>don't get ganked because 90% of world pvp is 1-2 niglet duos running around looking for easy kills
Theres safety in numbers.

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28 Shammy
Going slow and maxing out professions + playing the AH

Just hit 40
Farmed sm and have all the mail gear and ravager
Shaman bros rise up

>in a raid environment
thats why you are being given gear in raid you stupid nigger. There is literally no time ret paladin ever beats warrior. You will never even beat a warrior with ravager in dungeon aoe dps because your spec and class are both shit and only valuable because it provides sanc.

>sell 1 invis potion for 1 gold for mara farmers
>tomorrow they are all going for 5 silver

i hate auction house addons. Fuck off jesus christ

who is your character and on what server? I'll protect you while you play

Shadow priests are viable to raid with, the shadow debuff increasing dps of warlocks outweighed the shadow priest's shit dps

Parsing isn't very important in a Vanilla Raid setting.

I invested in a savory deviate delight recipe to get in on that market early, but the prices went to shit.

>being such a beta pussy bitch that you absolutely need a group of people for protection

lmaoing at you desu

>giant ass pvp battle on benediction in hillsbrad

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someone's gonna get their ass whipped!

you can keep moving the goal post all you want retard, your spec and class is worthless for the whole expansion besides a single buff. Stop trying to shill that its not you fucking retarded zoomer. You can't even fucking pvp, the best move paladins can do in pvp without reckoning bombs is bubble and hearth because your just a shit priest and a shit warrior

34 mage, 31 rogue

Man Feral Druid is great I love having a use for every stat

>being a friendless fag on an MMO
lmao go play mass effect or something you lonely dork we're not playing a single player RPG here.

you didn't have to ruin his whole life like that.....

>when the night elf / UD rogue waves at you because they're grey and know you could annihilate them in a moment, and hope you don't

>thinking /wave is going to spare such a piece of shit from existing near me

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>horde outnumber alliance on almost every server including mine
>despite having quite the numbers advantage horde players are the ones that are either always running around in a 5 man group or have a level 50+ friend handholding them as if they are fighting for survival at all times
This shit is so weird to me. How the fuck can you have the numbers advantage in every zone yet still need some some nigger to carry and protect you?

How fucked are you?

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There are plenty of options. lol

33 mage, slow and steady

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Grobbulus once again proving it's the best server in the game

>not being able to act
What is free action potion.
Or stone skin.

nah, fuck paladins in every expansion, worthless faggot class that cried until it was almost as broken as deathnigger

>Pretty much even split

where can you see this?

>mage being a bitch in Badlands and trying to farm all my mobs
>watch him die because he doesnt know how to AoE correctly
Who are all these shit mages?

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32 paladin

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How to fix PVP server imbalance without game destroying bandaids like sharding?

I completely agree

>be in STV
>peacefully killing gorillas to get fangs for a quest
>horde and alliance killing gorillas in harmony
>wave to some undead rogue
>he waves back
>see him again later on
>he has a friend accompanying him
>they gank me while fighting two mobs and then laugh at my corpse

never relax.

In Vanilla WoW the number of debuffs that may be applied to a creature at one time was originally 8, but was later increased to 16

thats because everyone has AH addons telling them what to buy into and what to sell just by mouseing over shit. Impossible to find a niche, even niche shit like wildvine is at vender price at this point.

A lot of people are playing certain classes because they've been told that they have certain advantages, the class ratios are super fucked up.

>people playing mages because of AOE grinding but don't know how to play mage
>people playing warrior because of tanking but can't tank
>warlocks out the fucking asshole because free mount

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Just a bunch of scrubs who know that mages are OP in classic so they want to play one. They see that some mages know how to speed aoe farm so the scrubs all try to replicate it but can't because they suck.

No wonder Old Blanchy feels dead on horde side

38 warlock.
Can't wait for shadow gear and free mount.

Well, no. Horde people r the dicks... Eho kill flight masters? Horde.. who camp Stv? Horde... Who kills u when fishing?? Horde my friend...

Everyone is a mage on Faerlina, there are no warriors or healers lol

Is there an EU version of this?

very satisfied, good amount of alliance but not too much
>t.horde whitemane

Hord only know how to 6 v 1

God bless you chestnutz


Nelf hunter here, bursted a UD rogue in Snonetalon peak and killed him in an instant. Fuck rogues, gave me so much pushback leveling in Flats

An enemy that isn't killing you is prioritizing farming over you but still wants you dead

Awesome, t.hordekromcrush

and pvp...

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>made lvl 60 and got prebis in week 1 as rogue
>have epic mount
>been just ganking zoomercleave groups at ZF entrance and BRD hallway for a week
>borderlands 3 crack still not out
So when's the next big game coming out? Cyberpunk maybe? Doom?

Yes. As a healer.

Everyone is a mage on Faerlina, there are no warriors or healers lol

Everyone is a mage on Faerlina, there are no warriors or healers lol

Maybe you should get some sunlight, if you are over level 40, you play too much

Deviate Dilate horde-side is based as fuck. I've run into so many random players that ended up being bro-tier. I don't even care if we are underdog, I like it that way.

Easy to play? It's one of the hardest...You dont have pets and shit fighting for you.

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As a Grobb druid I make a point never to attack people unless they're a Warlock.
If anybody attacks me I will go to the ends of the Earth to hunt them down

>bragging about being an autist that spends his time ganking lowbies

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Gotta tone the lie down a little to believe it son

Horde or alliance for druid? I hear druid works better with alliance classes, but I kinda think all elfs are giant faggots.


Are you joking? There's 2 classes in the game that have pets fight for them does that mean every other class is hard to play?
Rogue is a joke to level and solo with it's easy as fuck. You have good damage to easily kill with an infinite resource and you can cheese a fuckton of quests with stealth.

This but with horde instead

>MFW Shazzar

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Rets were pretty good in pvp actually. Good burst damage even without reck-memeing, survivability and cleansing. Absolutely shat on warriors and rogues, and other melee classes and builds. Fighting against bears was pretty pointless. Biggest flaw was having no way to close gaps effectively.

Oldschool runescape is better than wow!

How does that even happen?

>and you can cheese a fuckton of quests with stealth.
Enjoy being underleveled for everything

>You have good damage
You also take damage very easily, you can't heal and you can't range out enemies. Rogues are only above warriors when it comes to leveling ease. I bet you think that priests have a hard time leveling.

because they actually made constant changes to keep the game fresh

classic would be perfect if they unfucked certain specs. Its so obvious they didnt know what the fuck they were doing and just streamlined the more underperforming specs with the expansions

No priests have an easy time with shield and wanding.

Buddy i've literally leveled a rogue myself in vanilla multiple times as well as warrior. Rogue is easy as fuck i had zero issues.

>wanting instanced pvp

Classic + BC talents

only lied about full prebis but it's like 7 pieces away

do you realize that most people aren't even lvl40 yet? fuck off with this classic+ shit it hasn't even been a month

I think people prefer to play a real mmo instead

shit won't last two years

>playing horde like the majority
>shaming alliance players
>later crying about long bg queue times

They make some shit fucking updates. I really only care about things that effect PVP and staking. The customer support is horrible on the game too. Wow just looks like a goofy cartoon

Damn nigga you ugly
Also, what kind of scrub 60 rogue dies in Gadgetzan/Tanaris?

Friendly reminder that there is a way to reach 800-1000 DPS as Ret but it involves farming exalted AV and ironfoe from BRD so no one has the patience to do it.

Anybody? PVP servers normally get completely overrun by one faction, how do we fix this?

I died to guards while ganking in gadgetz because they see through vanish for some reason. Meanwhile BB guards don't.

I mean if it takes 2 years for people to grow bored of a game they had already played 15 years ago i'd say that's pretty good.
Especially considering in that 2 year window classic has over double the popularity runescape has ever had.

Depends on how/when you vanish, timing is extremely important.
Besides, why gank next to a graveyard when you can harass from Stealth via Distract and Sap spam? Or did you not choose Master Subtlety race for Imp Sap and maximum trolling?

Dont roll meme classes for muh pvp ganking then you utter faggot. Rolling easy mode leveling was your mistake. Well dont mind me, as a warrior I get constant invites so see ya later

Not a great move though. If he had improved sprint you would've been screwed probably.

except it's braindead easy and the people failing are literal human garbage that's safely stored in the classic containment zone

Yeah you have no gear i can see that. So instead of actually getting gear you're spending your time dying to guards in towns as you try to one shot lowbies?
Do you realize how sad that is.

This, so much this, i hate the Addon metafuckery. you need AH addon to not get fleeced by the merchants and their bank alts sitting all day by the auctioneer cutting coins and all night farming the shit they can see are the msot expensice in real time by mousing over an item while tracking every single enemy faction player loading into their view range with a convenient "pling" telling them their class, level and if they just stealthed or not and where they are are through terrian thanks to nameplate addon bullshit showing their large name across your screen at max range while their weak aura custom UI tracks everything in a split second with their hp and mana bar on the lower part of the screen compared to their target so they can easily see whos winning alongside cooldown tracker letting them easily know when their spells are back up AND their enemies because an addon tracks that too.

Addons is the true cancer of wow and how it has irreversibly forced the game to adapt AROUND addons and their designers.. fuck remember when Decursive was allowed? im even suprised they put the stop to that but nowadays was decursive did is childs play to what is allowed nowadays. both Retail and classic. kinda how Engineering will be for pvp now. everyone knows the game, it is solved, if you dont have the addons or the proffesions you are playing subomtimally because everyone else will. zoom zoom

instead of creating a niche for hybrids they just made them into viable dps comparable to purists and called it a day. This goes against vanilla philosophy

Nah they see through vanish trust me, I ganked a lot in BB and vanish worked every time. Blizz must have added them stealth detection and forgot to add bootybay guards it.

>shit fucking updates
in your opinion
the only shit updates have been sliwly rising the price of the subscription
be realistic, the average normie will burn out in a month or two
only the most hardcore autists from here will be able to grind this snorefest for longer than 6 months

If Hybrid tax was real Warriors wouldn't be the best DPS in the game

>Nearly 100% alliance server
Fucking gross. The only good race on that side is Dwarves

You could say the same thing about anything. WoW whether it be classic or retail is a braindead easy game this shit was never hard. Just have an average IQ and know what buttons to press and you are now one of the """1% elite players""".

I play on Shazz as a horde and I can guarantee you that the 45/55 split isn't as big as you think it is. In fact it's barely noticeable and sometimes the zone fills up with more allies than horde. For an example, while leveling on the third day after release, there were like 10-12 different allies ganking in 1k and camping the elevators. Booty Bay was basically 50-50 A:H, if not tilted more towards alliance. Hillsbrad and every other zone above it (even on Kalimdor) was always 50-50 with no exclusions

the whole "muh unbalanced horde bias" is total bullshit and doesn't actually exist. In fact allies thinking that they're being outnumbered seems to have forced them to be more hostile and group up in anticipation, and it's basically full of hostile 3 man groups who'll just break the NAP and directly kill you on sight while the horde, from my experience, doesn't do this nearly as much


See my server is the opposite. Horde has more numbers yet run around in full groups 24/7.

>Druids: Carry Flags, only good at running away.
>Warriors: Hug healers. Normally Mage Fodder, but with heals, easily outlasts all CC and can then tear any casters into pieces.
>Rogues: OP before people have gear because of fixed damage abilities, then becomes nearly useless. When they have all cooldowns, unbeatable in 1v1. Stunlock is real and there is NOTHING you can do. Useless when out of cooldowns.
>Mage: Amazing in 1v1, but you never have those.
>Priest: Shit
>Shaman: Ele is OP, Enhancer is a fucking Casino
>Warlock: Eats Mages, eaten by Melee
>Hunter: Deadzone'd , But when the stars align, Aimed Shot + Autoshot + Multishot + Scattershot annihilate anything
>Paladin: You're never going to kill him, but that's fine since we won't ever kill you and you can just leave if you don't want to deal with his 400 damage white hits.

Have I missed anything obvious? That's how I remember classic PVP.

What was the worst place to get ganked in as horde? I heard stonetalon is pretty good. But I just love ganking at instance portals because those people morally deserve it.

PVM is sleeper content in my opinion. Not trying to quest either

its not about hybrid tax which is a meme anyway. Hybrids suck because blizzard did not bother finishing them and just left the balancing for the expansion. I think there should be more important things in the game than just topping the meters and the early class design show this as well

>based Grobbulus 50/50
As it should be.

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Got the EU for this? My server feels heavily weighed down by Horde

Dot and run, think of a proper rotation for every class and how to counter it, its tons of fun killing priests and warriors which are your nemesis solely cause they use their CDs like retards.

Read the image again retard

Can't enjoy pvp anymore personally so any new pve content is nice. Skill floor for pvp keeps going up and i really don't have the time to put in nowadays.

If the current raid results show anything, then that having the top DD classes is way more helpful than having meme abilities like battlerezz every 4 attempts.

I've played Horde since BC and rolled Alliance for Classic because muh paladin. I gotta say, I always though Alliance was trash at PvP (and they absolutely are), but the Horde are far fucking worse. I'm about 42 and not once has a Horde ever attacked me 1v1 but boy do they jump on that shit when the deck is stacked and half the time I kill them anyway and I fucking suck too, so that says a lot. With the Alliance, they fucking RUN AWAY when I save their ass from a gank. It's actually kind of hilarious. Apparently it's just the general populace that is fucking garbage at pvp. Doesn't help that Incendius has to be at least like 3:1 Horde to Alliance.

>be level 14 hunter
>yelling in barrens chat about the goblin owned media controlling both horde and alliance governments and using auction taxes to fund voodo projects to turn the freakin raptors gay
>get dotted by 20 warlock
>can't get his fear off between autoshot and pet damage
>dies like a bitch

Warlocks aren't that overpopulated from the charts I've seen, it's on the lower half popularity wize.

im 20

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>riding through STV
>see a red level hunter and a spriest ganking a dude
>keep riding and pretend I didn't see anything
It's like highschool all over again when I just saw bullies hitting a dude and I didn't do anything

i'm so fucking sorry mate

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Well user i am proud that you now understand reality for what it is. Both sides are trash through and through and no better than each other.
These horde players who think alliance is the babby faction are retards who have never looked at how horde players act or just want to pretend they don't suck as much. And alliance players who think all horde are mean assholes for no reason while ignoring the two high levels that just ran through the zone and ganked every horde lowbie along the way for no reason.

Alliance is full of retards, kids, scrubs, and autists. Horde is also full of retards, kids, scrubs, and autists.

>What was the worst place to get ganked in as horde? I heard stonetalon is pretty good.
Yes there was a high level mage who outleveled most of the people there and went out of his way to stop leveling and farm hordes instead, that's the only thing I remember because I dipped for a few hours to do the easy quests and fucked off

>But I just love ganking at instance portals because those people morally deserve it.
Do you mean as an alliance against horde? If you want to inflict the most seethe in the horde, go to the Bulwark camp as a 60 rogue and farm the Barov guy even if u die in the process. He has a long respawn time and is needed for a few quests and you'll make a queue of at least 15 hordes by doing this, all sitting there wasting their time
If you want to gank leveling hordes, then Ashenvale on the beach, Hillsbrad near the elite dwarves bottom right or the AOE grind spots at the farms (you can basically solo entire groups if you pull this off and use the NPCs), and perhaps Northern STV.

oh god what the fuck, it took me total 2 weeks last time

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can confirm, ive no lifed it since launch with 5d 21h played and im only 49. I cant imagine how sweaty those people with 60s are

Yeah I understand. Most of the people that are good have been playing for years. Nh deep wildy is a bit hard to learn, you'll get out dps'd by someone in real risk easily, or get called by a team.
It is fun though, especially in a clan.

classic is a mess and is in no way accurate vanilla experience. The game was designed to be played at 20 fps, 200 ping and almost no information on raid encounters. The difference is colossal

>Feign Death Trap still busted
>no blue post
>been 2 months+ since it was reported

Feels good man.

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Well there was nothing you could do. It's less like a school bully situation and more like a you see guy getting mugged on the street at knife point and you keep going because if you try to help you'll probably just get stabbed.
At least in a school bully situation you'd probably be around the same level and could step in and show them they're as tough as they think.

42 dorf priest
Im running out of steam due to classes
Not sure if I wanna stay shadow for pvp or just go into raid content as a healbot

>Horde heavy server
>Go to shimmering flats, get ganked by horde more than ten levels above me
>They all join in whenever I try to defend myself
>Go to Hillsbrad
>Same shit
>Go to STV
>Same shit

Maaaan I just want to level, what's the point in killing someone so vastly beneath you again and again? Do people grind the easiest shit just to do this? It must be fucking boring.

34 druid
and a few lvl 10 alts for baking shit

The calculator is retarded and not accurate

You literally went to all the PvP spots and complain about PvP?

>no classes other than warriors, rogues, mages, hunters, warlocks and priests are viable?
this is almost every class in the game you mongoloid

How do you have 41 talent points at level 40?

I should have joined in and died together like him as brothers.

Yeah I would have had to spirit walk but at least I could stand proud.

Now I just feel like a bitch.

At my level I have to go to these zones, they're designed for this.

It's just kind of boring that there's nobody around to lend a hand or do anything. I think every server is horde heavy.

It's so fucking annoying. You would think getting jumped by a dude 10+ levels higher than you would be bad enough, but the fact any time you try to defend yourself 3 other horde just suddenly appear out of nowhere to join in is fucking ridiculous. How does this happen every time.

Im on a 30% alliance 70% horde server as alliance. The game is basically unplayable because everywhere I go there is just 10 horde existing in every spot in the world. Shit sucks.

Yeah I want to gank quest givers/escort quest npcs since that is fucking annoying. I even had the idea while I was doing the fordging chain in WPL to gank people on that quest since it would be like 30min time waste if you did it at the end and I was thinking I'd just quit the game for the day if somebody ganked me there. So something similar.

I'll try the bulwark camp. I've also ganked hillsbrad farm groups, people visiting BB (you can gank around guards if you stay out of their aggro range and even make lowbies aggro them if they try to fight back) and mages AoE grinding in WPL (the fields 90% of the time have 1 or 2 mages there doing AoE pulls)

Feral druid or rogue for PvP

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because you get your first point at level 10 do the math dumbass

I killed coyotes and ridge huntresses in the middle of badlands, made like 45g in 5 hours. It's pretty alright

My server is like this too.

STV is pushed right up to Duskwood because as soon as one person goes to the Hemingway camp, Nam breaks out and about 20+ horde descend upon the area.

Every single zone at this level is this way, and it fluctuates between barely tolerable and a fucking nightmare.

Feral. Comfy leveling and fun PVP

i walk down road and red guys fight me

>going to badlands
>not grinding earth elementals
nigger you what

I'm leveling a priest, what class should I level, I wanna have fun leveling so I was thinking rogue.

I feel if I want to hate myself I could go warrior but I don't hate myself to level both priest and warrior

I can't even just escape into Dungeons because Im not a mage and people only take mages for anything and everything now. This game has degenerated into stupid fuck.


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Come to Grobb.

You're still 35 now? Oh boy just wait until you hit 50 with that pace and the next rank-farming phase comes, then you can basically imagine the same thing but multiplied by 5 and a roaming rank-farming party existing within every 200 yards of the high level contested zones desperately spamming tab and killing everything on sight

they're camped really hard

You're going to hate yourself leveling a rogue too lmao.

Hunter, warlock and mage in that order have comfy level experiences.

Opposite on my server, horde heavy but Hillsbrad was overrun with Skull-level Alliance roving gank squads taking everyone out that tried to leave TM yesterday, and today it was Stonetalon Mtns, Charred Vale, a lone 38mage and a 40+ Warr(Mount + Plate) was literally just running circles around the vale ganking every horde they saw nonstop for -hours-.

Faction has nothing to do with it, people are just faggots. But then again, you chose a PVP server, so either shut the fuck up and run back to your corpse and call in high lvl friends, or go roll on PVE where you're nice and safe, that's what they're there for.

well obviously 40 - 9 = 41, duh


At least at level 50 I'll feel like I can actually do something. I'll be much closer to everyone else in terms of overall ability whereas my mind blast does fuck all.

Evens: Grobbulus
Odds: Devious Delight

Also, did any of you faggots ever consider abusing the Layer system while it exists? It's not guaranteed to be safer, but get a guildie to invite you and hope they're in a different layer. If shit despawns/respawns around you, success! You're not longer in Gank City USA. Or maybe you just get a new set of Gankers. Keep trying.

>Get asked by some friends in guild to help one of them get a stv trinket
>Go to the arena with 35, 36, 39 38, 39
>Teamwork to get the trinket
>This one buttmad pally says we're noobs for using teamwork

that's classic baby

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I abused it whenever it was easy to do so, but it wasn't enough as the ratio was so fucked that I'd just hop around 4-5 90% horde ratio layers because they're all fucked.

thanks for the (You)s

God getting that trinket is a bitch 24/7/365 let alone now while everyone's brand new and eager for it. Let alone needing 12 for the follow-up quest.

Druid or warrior for pvp? Kinda leaning warrior for big numbers with ms

Alliance on BB

F for the Horde, didn't realize how bad the imbalance was, but makes sense if you filter all the rp servers into one

Warrior leveling is one of the worst experiences you could ever have in this game, and in pvp if you dont have a healer glued to you you stop existing.

Druid? In pvp? are you retarded? All you do is spam shapeshift to run away if your cat ambush doesn't oneshot them, or spam entangling roots and hope for the best, or moonfire spam kite. Go Warr and Whirlwind the shit out of everyone. Rogues can't touch you.

Alliance on Herod, I can't even play the game anymore.

There are tons of great quests in STV. You'd be a fool to pass up that much xp and rep.

Well I'm 30 on both of them right now. I cant decide.

does ms make everything better when I hit 40?

>killing rogues
Shitters maybe.

Welcome home

>I even had the idea while I was doing the fordging chain in WPL to gank people on that quest since it would be like 30min time waste if you did it at the end and I was thinking I'd just quit the game for the day if somebody ganked me there. So something similar.
Yes, gank the scarlet chain in EPL, especially the part where they have to eat the apple and enter the scarlet camp at Tyr's Hand. If you manage to kill the same guy 5 times and you most likely will because he'll keep trying to get it, he is forced to abandon and retake because apple has 5 charges. Or just farm the quest giver for this chain, you'll annoy so many people by doing this (I forgot his exact name but he's the undead dude with the dogs next to him).

I like being a class that everyone wants

Is there a way to meme through leveling a warrior or rogue that makes it fun?

MS helps, but yeah. Based on my 15-years-ago Vanilla experiences and some experiences now in Classic, even though Druids are a little more viable now than they used to be, you'll get more in the long run out of being a Warrior.

Who wants a rogue? They're just a DPS class with barely no utility.

Thanks dude this is the kinda thing I was looking for.

>my rogue has an easier time getting groups than my warrior because of all the zoomers picking warrior because they think they can tank

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With Nu-Blizz, keeping the Quest Giver down will just end up getting you sent to pic related by a GM. Stick to fucking with the players since it's world pvp and excusable.

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Fordring quest chain is probably better since it's far away from spirit healer unlike tyr's hand and the reward neck is preBiS for melee dps classes, I don't remember what the other quest gives.

Yeah leveling up right now is very important. This shit is a nightmare as is and it's only a nightmare purely because of spergs just not being able to contain their autism.
Imagine trying to level like this but in phase 2 where people now actually have a real reason to kill you and not just because they're autistic.

e: but to add to this Tyr's is probably more populated since it's where mages/hunters/locks go to grind for endgame patterns and money

problem is that other classes will probably be grouped up

They do really good dps and later on they get lockpicking so they're useful in leveling that way but other than that, yeah, they stab things really good

how does an spriest deal with a fuckin shaman?

also how can i tell what spec a shaman is?

i have always only played alliance they are a mystery to me

>mind blast
Wait you're leveling as shadow?
Fill up holy first then disc. With this spec I was critting 700 smite at 50, plus the bonus of being an actual healer if I wanted to do dungeons. You can directly unbind mind blast while you're at it.
Holy is seriously underrated for solo leveling and I'm so glad I didn't fall for the shadow meme and actually tried it out, people have no idea how overpowered this shit actually is. For an example, I could solo the 56 level scarlet elites at Hearthglen on full HP at the cost of just half of my mana by using only shield, smite and MC to put their heal on CD so they don't heal to full, and that's as soon as I hit 55. Another bonus is that you simply need on every spirit-maxed gear that no one else will need on which then proceeds to give you spellpower as well.

>also how can i tell what spec a shaman is

Are they wielding a weapon bigger than you? Then they are enhancement.

if they hit you they're enhancement
if they don't hit they're resto
if they zap you they're elemental

And here I thought shadow was apparently amazing at blasting people one on one.

Thanks for the advice user.

I don't even think there's a way to make Warrior memey and fun to level as a side project

>he doesn't level as the Master Race, Night Orcs

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It is PVP wise but good luck otherwise

They have lockpicking but that's it. Problem with rogue is they offer no utility just damage and pretty much single target damage. Not only does a warrior do more damage than rogue but they also can do decent aoe and have battle shout.
Mages are a pure dps class and is weaker than warrior but they have lots of utility and can do heavy aoe damage.

Rogue just doesn't have anything special.

>No spirit tap

Why do you do that to yourself?

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>fight another warrior like 6 levels below me
>die because i keep dodging his attacks andhe keeps spamming overpower
i c

>pvp thread
>posts a spec with no blackout, silence, martyrdom or mind flay
>says you can actually heal, when you can literally heal any content up to scholo with shadow spec and a +heal set
>soloing elites as holy and thinking it's something shadow can't do 10x better with vamp embrace

fuck I forgot the last 5 points
yes, spirit tap is the main part of this spec as it will double your spirit, i.e your spellpower, and you can dump your mana on 3 mobs doing massive damage and basically killing them the fastest from any class before having to drink
obviously spirit tap first then holy then disc

Warrior mains, how hard is playing a warrior? I know the leveling is slow and can be tedious but how is the actual play style? Stance dancing always seemed kinda difficult but i've never tried it.

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I only have fun when questing with comfy randoms and not stupid selfish people.
my warrior is almost 11 but I just cant seem to find people these last few days. I dont play much but I was enjoying it, shame.

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>spit on the back of a dwarfs head while crossing the bridge to the wetlands
>he shrugs and I laugh at him
>once we reach the end of the bridge we see a group of 3 alliance
>suddenly the dwarf has the balls to start attacking me
>the group of 3 just stands and watches us fight
>kill him and spit on his corpse
>the group leaves on their merry way after watching the fight

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>how hard is to play class XYZ in WoW

Once you hit level 40, is it worth it to keep Wand damage talent as a priest? I have shadowform now, and i'm wondering if I really need the points there as I continue leveling, or if I can put the points elsewhere?

New to Warlock, played Druid, Mage, and occasionally rogue throughout the game's life cycle. Any tips for a somewhat experienced PVP'er?

I really don't know what is and isn't worth casting. I usually just DoT up, kite, and fear when people approach. I definitely underuse life drain, and I don't think I should be casting incinerate but I do it regardless.
Also, I have a hard time dealing with warriors, particularly because I prefer Succubus for WPVP. Is sacrificing and facetanking while they're fear immune really my best bet? How long is the CD on their fear immunity?

>walking through searing
>party of 3 taurens walks up to me
>Turn into a furbolg
>They start emoting on me
>Mind control me, start buffing me
>Spend 15 minutes riding around searing with tauren honor guard around me in a diamond shape
It was an interesting night

Hit 60 today
How do you epic mount

anyone wanna level with me on mankirk server

i just started yesterday

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Stance dancing is largely not an issue since you're probably gonna have tons of buttons for macros of things that put you in said stance and use the ability you want in the stance. The actual play style is dog shit boring since you basically use auto to 40, then mortal strike auto to 60, then you can go fury once you have enough hit and crit gear and you can actually press lots of buttons but takes forever to get to that point. In dungeons you're mostly just gonna sunder and scream as a tank which is fine but dont expect much.

How the fuck do you beat Marks hunters as a Warrior? Fucking scattertrap then they just run the fuck away from outside the range of intercept.

are u new

Was one of them an engineer?

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>taunting pet doesnt work anymore
You dont

new to wow?

ive played retail since late wrath and on classic private servers

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This. Alliance NEVER do any of these things. Ever. Yep.

So its mostly just auto attacking?

>Questing in Desolace yesterday
>See a Night Elf priest looting a naga
>keyboard turn in her direction
>target her
>keyboard turn away while
>she targets me
>don't make me do it
>she takes a step forward
>she shields
>1m later she's drowning while inflicted with fear
>when she resurrects she swims out into the fatigue zone and I drown her again

and then I got camped by a warrior and rogue because I went into KoS mode

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wait what? how can blizzard fuck up so bad

Warriors don't get their first instant ability until 36. You get overpower earlier but it requires your target to dodge.
Auto attacking is all you have until then.

scatter shot and freezing trap share diminishing returns in classic. So the freezing trap duration isn't really that long. If there are mobs in the area it wouldn't hurt to aggro one of them so you can break out of the trap faster

>accidentally pull two mobs
>see a horde coming in
>if it's undead and/or mage I'm 100% dead
>if it's a tauren of any sort he 100% runs in to help
it's crazy how consistent people are with their races

dont even listen to these noname scrubs from retail
if you want warlock or mage advice ask me

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For a large chunk yeah, its how you get your rage too, and you dont get an attack thats not an auto modifier till 30, and a decent one till 40. Since Berserker stance doesn't have a lot going for it since you take extra damage while solo. Its a rough painful leveling experience that doesn't get good till 60 where you get crit rage generation and near 100% accuracy with 2 weapons to blast ass through everything.

lvl 40. Where should I quest now? All the quests picked up from STV and Tanaris are either orange or red

They didn't shit on my warrior. At least after level 30.

ah ok but play by urself cat fag

>mfw whenever I see a group of 3+ undead questing
They never invite, I don't know why

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Only turbo chads play Tauren

ret vs warrior is just a gamble as to whether or not the ret has some fucking 2 hour cooldown sitting around
I legit don't fuck with them because it's completely random if you win or not, it's not like they can be good or bad at auto attacking

>play mage
>even though mages are over-represented to hell and back
>still get paid to portal people and/or give them food

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Oh wow it's that trash warlock that got dumpstered by every alliance on /vg/. Been a while.

Badlands has some quests for you. Early 40's is a bit of a deadzone for Horde. Once you're 43 you can hit up Feralas and Dustwallow until you can go to Tanaris

50g deathroll?

>he doesn't /wave and help them kill mobs

works every time for me

I've tried that once before, they just end up calling their friends and attacking me after the mob dies. Even though Im horribly out numbered now I just attack all horde on sight, its the only way now.

I'm noticing the same shit on Horde
>Humans run by, give no shit
>Nelves are a toss up, usually gank even if they're outmatched/outnumbered and don't even heal after rez before they start fighting again
>Gnomes are little cunts and will gank the shit out of you on sight, almost always Rogues or Mages
>Dwarves tend to avoid messing with you unless they're part of a group but they will fuck you up if you mess with their buds

alliance. Should I go Feralas or Desolace?

>Literal 50:50 Horde Alliance ratio


>trying to get my shammy water totem
>just need water from stv
>fucking lvl60 alliance ganking me practically every two minutes.
I just want my healing totem!

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What is your favorite zone/zones in terms of quests/aesthetic?
Personally really enjoy both Plaguelands. Feels like the definitive "end-game" zone, like your entire journey was leading up to this moment, battling for the ruins of the greatest human kingdom to ever stand.

>See some mage AoE grinding mobs
>Do my civic duty and hamstring him
>All of a sudden theres 5 more Alliance going at me from the same guild
>More keep coming
>They're retarded though, so they camp me where the mage is AoE grinding
>Wait as a spirit until he does a big pull, res, charge, kill him
>More keep coming
>End up with a 8+ level 30-40's nad a few level 55+ camping me
>Mfw I would have literally left an hour ago but they are FORCING me to grief the shit out of the mage

Fucking chinks man. They get super buttblasted if you ever kill one of their friends, but they're also full retard.

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51 just cleared full BRD sub 3 hours pretty hyped about it. Got both mace + offhand Pre-raid BIS but unable to use them cause too low lvl.

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Gnome casters are powergamers and want to flex


I'm a druid, do I have any preferred matchups or am I just destined to be really good at running away? Also how do I run away from Rogues they seem to get me to below half instantly and then do some weird ADADADADAD dance to kill me.

>quest with a group
>low level ally walks by
>everyone instantly charges and they basically oneshot that poor fucker

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you from guild we were in together rght? not many other ppl would say that...
LMAO okkkkk i got r12 horde lock r13 ally mage on the server you speak off

Fuck with anyone and everyone, you can win against warrior by just running away from him and shifting out of hamstrings. If you're a cat you can probably bleed up and kill most people before they get unstunned.

The bulk of STV quests are 40+

>world pvp is finally alive again
>"oh no, please leave me alone with my single player experience"

This is a pattern i have always noticed and it's really fucking bizarre to me. I just find it weird how certain races and classes really do just attract certain kinds of people and these people all really do act and talk the same way it's so strange.

Like 99% of people who play undead are an asshole who will act like a piece of shit. Gnomes are the alliance equivalent and do the same shit.
Orcs and humans are the mixed types because it's 50/50 the player is an asshole sperg type or a chill dude type.
Trolls and night elves are almost always retards, the type of retards that attack someone higher level than them and keyboard turn.
Dwarves and tauren are usually the type to keep to themself unless provoked.

Aye Bloodsail Buccaneers, that’s about right. Way more Alliance than horde fuck them starting zones.

frost is for memers who cant think for themselves. the true spec is arcane

Im horde on Incendius. Yeah you guys are outnumbered it seems. But ive been killed by duos and trios of alliance multiple times. The best is when the shittiest of you try to 1v1 me and I run away then to just turn around after give up the chase and I turn the ganker into the ganked. I recommend playing really late or really early. At the very least our server is flooded with zoomzooms who go to bed early and are in some kind of middle/high school. Server is a ghost town from 9pm to 2pm

Yeah taurens are chill. But most tauren warriors I encountered don't fit that stereotype

From my experience you're very good against clothies in general unless a Warlock can start chain-fearing you
Rogues and other druids it's really just about who gets the opening from stealth. With abolish poison you'll be able to screw them out of being able to slow you and separate from them to either get away or reset the fight.
Hunters you can put their pet to sleep but I find the fight can be a 50/50
Warriors seem pretty trivial honestly you open up in catform, apply bleeds then shift to bear form to outlast them

Fucking knew I should have chosen Grobb but the RP tag scared my friends away.
I could care less for RP I just wanted to avoid the low tier players that have names like jizzrag and stupid class/race pun names.

Stereotypes, but not guaranteed yeah. I'm a Troll Rogue on a pvp server, and chose Troll for the condescending /laugh but also am chill as fuck. I'm not gonna gank someone without provocation most of the time, I know they're just niggas trying to level or do shit like I am. But my ultimate goal is to hit 60 and go to Ironforge and start Stealthing/Sapping random flagged players to make them freak out and start spamming aoes, shit's hilarious to watch them go nuts while I'm safely stealthed out of range.


perfect blammo boy here :)

>STV is quiet,
>horde doing their own quests same for alliance
>gather a group of like minded individuals
>go on a killing spree
>we are slightly above in terms of lvls
>gank and kill everyone green greys, everyone
>leave the zone
>come back an hour later, its full blown vietnam

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Absolutely awful leveling zone. Pretty, but good lord everything is so far away

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Class stereotype will override race stereotype to an extent. Warriors are usually either realists who know most classes will fuck them up even if they have a level advantage or unga bunga retards who think that having a whirlwind axe makes them unkillable.

Nelf druids likewise are either retards or the slipperiest bastards you will ever meet, same with aggression. Most of the time they'll stealth and avoid you until they find someone they just don't like and will suicide bomb that person even when they have 4 allies protecting them and still escape if there is a body of water nearby. Tauren Druids however are a lot more chill and would probably heal you if they could.

How come undead players seem really autistic about pvp?
Even if theyre about to lose horribly they start shit

The living must be purged.

nigger faction behaving like niggers

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>I as a 54 warrior would have just won a 1v2 against a 60 spriest and 60 warrior if intercept stun didn't resist
god they were so fucking bad but I'm more mad than they are bad

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more like
>Alliance Player: Waaah the horde keep killing me! No shoe niggers!

pic related is me when I pvp

I always cannibalize corpses after a kill

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>Like half the Alliance on my server are Shadow Priests for the "leet face melting"
>Mfw MS critting almost 1k if they haven't got that Armor buff up

Fuck Shadow Priests.

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more like six feet under like other trash ud rogues I killed.

I wonder this all the time. I'm not autistic so i can't really get into that mindset or understand it at all. I've lost count the number of times i'm just strolling through an area on my way somewhere and some low level just starts hitting me. I have no fucking idea what could possibly compel someone to attack someone they have 0% chance of killing.
Like i wasn't going to kill you i'm not a sperg i don't gank lowbies but if you start attacking me then you're gonna have to die.

Why do these threads have so many open liars? Unless you're talking about actual classic and not the current vanilla

If the mage had that many friends, one would have just phased him, you gotta come up with a better story

As an undead lock I've attacked ??? humans and have had them run away from me after bringing their health down half way.

I thought this class and spec would be way more niche but I guess it isn't.

I should've rolled warlock or some shit.

why do you save annoying cunts making stupid faces

Because it was a chink gold farmer you idiot. They have people camping the same spot in all the layers.

>see a tauren on 50% fighting a mob several lvls above him
>another one spawns and attacks him
>he falls to 10% and starts running desperate
>taunt the mob, kill it and /wave him goodbye

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Clothies being made out of paper again is great. Being a feral I'm immune to half the bullshit mages try to pull

this plus fear immunity, I actually haven't given a shit about spriests, they all just die
when they start casting flash heal they've basically committed to throwing mana away because they can't heal through MS + autos with it

this too, it's nice doing noticeably more damage to clothies unlike retail where everyone has plate levels of armor or some damage resistance passive

people are fucking autistic when it comes to providing people ports, food and intel buff

i really wish i can give buffs because every druid and priest i walk to gives me buffs

Druid tanks and healers are both raid viable. Druids are also pvp viable too. They are the best WSG class by a mile, their burst damage is great and their roots are Mage-tier. Paladins are less well off (Their tanking spec really should have been made more viable, IMO.), but still raid viable as healers. They're the most mana efficient healers in the game, with BUSTED raid buffs and are nearly unkillable in pvp.
15 years later and people are still complaining and acting like these classes aren't viable just because their sustained dps is low. Classes have weaknesses, it's fine. Every class doesn't have exactly the same dps in every situation, get over it. Go play retail and you'll see exactly what class homogenization does to the game and why designing classes with weaknesses in mind is better than trying to make every class flawless and failing. Or maybe you won't and you'll love it. Either way shut up and leave.

It's nice where healers can actually die and your armor type actually matters again.
Retail is so retarded where armor means nothing because cloth and plate is the exact same, everyone has the same health pool, everyone has self heals and shields and 20 different movement abilities and nobody dies.

>druid players in vanilla

Do you like playing on hard difficulty or something?

Definitely the weakest class in the game in classic

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They're playing the long game, when TBC comes.