Is it really THAT bad?
Is it really THAT bad?
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Why yes
I don’t know
it is worse than youd think.
Just play those recreation mods for OG Doom, like D4D or DOOM4 VANILLA.
Can you repeat the question?
Are people finally starting to agree that this game was shit? thank god yeah it fucking sucked
Only people on this faggoty, contrarian echo-chamber think it was even remotely "bad."
No, it was great
its a fucking walking simulator
Yeah, it's fucking terrible.
it's pretty good
It's the best shooter of the generation that I've played.
Heard good things about titanfall 2 but haven't had the chance to play it.
It's a good game, it's just not good in the same ways the OG doom games are, and probably a full step below them regardless.
It's still a great game
can you recommend some walking simulators. i dont think you know what they are.
It's mediocre. It has its moments but most of its arenas are pretty fucking bland and boring. Some of them are pretty good though.
I’m starting to think people who shout “walking simulator” at video games they don’t like in the year of our lord 2019
Aren’t capable of having normal mental faculties.
It's lacking something
Hopefully Eternal fixes it
One of the best online multiplayer games of this generation.
Dunno about the single player though as I never touched it.
The online multiplayer of Doom Eternal is looking amazing as well.
Can't wait.
It was a bit boring and those forced CQC Kills were annoying as fuck
the majority of the game is walking around trying to figure out where to go with a finger up your ass
>forced CQC
Here we go again. No matter how many times these retards get proven wrong they still have to show up in every single modern Doom thread.
maybe if you play it on easy
How fucking stupid are you? It's always obvious where you need to go, especially since you have a compass and a map. The game is constant fighting almost the entire time.
okay fag, me vs. you the fps of your choice now ;;)
Unreal Tournament
>ITT Look guys how special I am for hating something so I'm an interesting contrarian.
Just enjoy something you like and ignore what you dont like normal people and go all psuedo intelectual about games.
if you have the URGE to be a contrarian, then yes
i played the first 4 levels on normal
cope, The Last of Us had more well made interesting game play and didn't make a Reddit tier story.
It was good. Looking forward to the sequel.
lol, normal in Doom 2016 is also giant babby mode.
>Likes The Last of Us.
Okay, you're either baiting or just someone without taste. Either way we're done here.
Contrarianism is a sign of high IQ.
More like it's a sign you're an obnoxious cunt that nobody likes being around.
Contrarianism is a sign of herd mentality but in a 180 degree. You dont form your own opinion or taste, just say the opposite what people say. Its a sureway sign to find people who regard themselves highly and think they are above others, when they are usually bottom of the barrel idiots
>The Last of Us is shi-
i mean the last of us is pretty good its not one of my favorites but this game is supposed to be the exact opposite gameplay wise compared to it and all i got was the same type of game but with everything else less interesting.
also if a game is too easy on normal thats the games fault.
Looks boring. Rather play Max Payne 3 if I'm going to play third-person shooter.
The music is horrid. The mix of dubstep and metal made me mute it entirely about half-way through the game. The worst part is they have a modern rendition of the classic music every time you pick up those little doom guy figures and the first time I heard it I thought there might be hope, but they dropped the ball.
The game really falls apart as soon as you get to the hell levels. Really repetitive in terms of overall design, I almost fell asleep playing one of them. Game is kinda easy. The kill animations are irritating. Game arbitrarily forces you to do the same lengthy melee animations over and over because that's the best way to get ammo. The melee kills just slows down the entire pace of the game. Some interview said something about they wanted the player to keep moving around and shooting and they tried to minimize cover to an extent, but they you put in these glorified cutscenes that get old after you've done a handful.
Game is really just average at best. Like painfully average.
>Bitching and moaning about optional melee kills.
Opinion discarded. You're a dumbfuck.
Sorry I pointed out a fatal flaw in your favorite game.
I don't think you know what dubstep is.
Feel free to teach me zoomer. Whatever that trash computerized shit was still sucked ass regardless.
Sorry you're such a complete shitter that you have to blame an optional mechanic for your game journalist level skills. Beaten the game on nightmare like 5 times now and I barely use glory kills.
No, it's not. The arena design makes it feel incredibly repetitive in my opinion but it's not bad by any reasonable standard.
great ost though
???? Did you read anything I typed out?
The melee glory kills are the best way to get ammo. They shouldn't have locked ammo in such quantities in such a long animation. It is bad game design. They wanted players to keep moving around and shooting at enemies. You going in for melee kills for extra ammo literally stopped the pace of the game so you can watch some stupid shit you've already seen. Did I say it was mandatory? Did I say it's the only way to play? What am I blaming? What are you vilifying here?
>Doesn't know what dubstep is
>Calling others zoomers
Sorry lil zoom zoom. You seem to know the exact name of this mix of metal and wub-shit. Like I said, feel free to tell me so I can still not give a fuck about it. Whatever the genre of the music is, it won't change the fact that I had to turn it off to listen to something better.
>The melee glory kills are the best way to get ammo.
Regular glory kills don't even give you ammo, you fucking idiot. Way to prove you never even played the game. Figures.
Also there's PLENTY of fucking ammo scattered around levels. Honestly there was too much ammo if you ask me, but not like you'd know faggot.
Why are you acting like I beat your mother?
Feel free to add me so I can call you a fag on steam.
>The soundtrack is shi-
>I have very little understanding of music and can't even comprehend a synthesizer ran over a guitar when I hear it
>I don't know what industrial or garage metal is
>"You're a zoomer for pointing out my ignorance"
I just love putting whiny little shitters who don't know what they're talking about in their place. Literally everything you've complained about is a result of you not knowing shit and sucking at the game.
>claim I never played the game
>I prove you wrong
>ahaha I put you in ur place >:]]]]
Sure, kid.
Piss off you soggy tampon
Unironically made me laugh out loud.
I don't need to know the name of trash to know I don't like it. Sorry to break it to you. I know how I felt when I played, I know how relieved I felt when I played different music in the background. Thanks for trying.
Alright you proved you played the game, congratulations. Doesn't change the fact you completely fucking suck at it and are a complete dumbass about how the game's mechanics work. Bravo for that, kiddo. It's actually more embarrassing that you proved you played it but you still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>someone stole my idea
based yet also cringe
so what did you listen to instead?
lets see your exquisite taste in music
Here's my source
The Chainsaw
The Chainsaw allows you to perform a special Glory Kill that allows you to recover your Ammo if you are running low. This kill is the only way (aside from Berserk) to Glory Kill a demon without staggering it first, and requires fuel for each kill, with larger monsters requiring more fuel to kill.
Don't even @ me anymore.
Motorhead, Iron Maiden, and shamefully desu Breakin Benjamin
You forgot your boomer wojak.
entry level metal.... how lame
I never saved a single wojack on any device I've owned that has connected to the internet or could connect to the internet.
Thanks. I'm glad not to be a part of your extreme club.
it was bad? I thought it was pretty refreshing after years of monotonous fps releases.
It's been one of Yea Forums's most hated games for a while.
no, it was pretty good.
it's been one of a couple of boomers on Yea Forums's most hated games for awhile*
Check out Agent Orange by Sodom.
Thing about the Doom soundtrack is that it feels like im in some goth club. And I don't like that feeling.
Youre still a boring faggot whos stuck in the fucking 80s, blow your brains out already grandpa
Even goth music is more tame than the doom soundtrack
A glory kill that you only need to use certain times and not something you use over and over.
Keep digging that hole faggot, you still know jack shit about the game
80s metal is unironically where it peaked.
The 70s weren't that metal DESU, it was still trying to figure out what it wanted to be.
The 90s are just fucking shit in general, only shit worth listening to from that time are bands who stuck around from the 80s.
And the 2000s can go fuck itself.
>The 90s are just fucking shit in general
*blocks your path*
It's good you zoomy little shit
My nigga.
Im not gonna deny the 80s were great but dont act like an elitist fucktard and say metal onward from the 80s or even 2000s are just all bad since you clearly havent gone away from the 80s expand your horizons it gets boring listening to old riffs and solos that dont have much experimentation on it
They're different enough for me to say they're equal. Doom is a perfect return of classic arena-style FPS that says fuck-off to a number of modern FPS mechanics and has a decent story. Titanfall 2 has a better story in my opinion and uses the best of modern FPS gameplay plus the mech stuff. Doom has better music, setpieces and enemies, but Titanfall 2 has the variety of ground combat and mechs. It's up to one's personal taste, they're both the best FPSs of the decade as far as I'm concerned.
Even multiplayer is tied. I'd say Titanfall 2 has better multiplayer variety but Doom has that Quake/Halo CE feel to its combat that I miss. Just replace vehicles with demon forms.
>but dont act like an elitist fucktard
I just did, what are you gonna do about it?
Holy based.
Go to area, get penned in, shoot doods, do again.
having to constantly kill everything (esp the times where something was hiding or the pathing failed) became tedious.
Could have done with more open worlds where locked doors and keycards with enemies stopping you from getting to one or the other rather than locked into arena combat after every other step.
needing to do gore takedowns got boring too, for a boss fine, for every other enemy ok if it's not linked to getting shit.
Nothing because elitists are known for being brainless faggots
Unsurprisingly all of this as well as the dumbed down graphics that doesn't even have reflections or proper shadows are due to consoles needing to run it at 60fps.
>Walking simulator
>When the major criticism of the game is that it is linear to the point where it is arena-short hallway-arena.
Either well crafted bait or actually retarded.
I don't actually care about your taste in music, you can listen to whatever you wish. Yet you, who claims to not be an elitist, seem to give way too many shits about what I listen to.
One may even say that you are, in fact, also a bit of an elitist. You look down upon me for not "expanding my horizons" and for listening to what I like.
It's the lords of shadow of the series but it's not ass on its own, you can grow to like it.
TF2 does a good job of throwing in some neat gimmicks like mechs or levels where you have to continously parkour. And that time travel level is kino as fuck
I would totally play an entire game based around Titanfall 2's time travel level. It would offer some very neat gameplay opportunities.
I look down upon you for thinking new metal isnt as good as the 80s. go ahead like your music but dont say other music is trash just because you dont listen to it which in turns make you a fucking elitist
So you look down upon me for not liking everything equally? Why must i think that something is just as good as everything else?
Everyone has their prefrences, and I know what mine are. The same way im going to choose a real nice and big burger over a limp dick, mcdonalds burger.
>repeating the same yes/no/maybe answers for the one millionth time is le epic and funny
this is how we know you have the tism
Yeah? Well if you are going to use food analogys then this one will make sense for you.
>eat this nice quality burger ive always gotten for the past 5 years
>my friend shows me another good place i have never tried before but he says its good
>try the burger out and its just as quality but different ingredients and such
>admit its a good burger and something i would go for if im not feeling like the old burger place but they are both quality
Say that I tried the burger but found that they ruined it by adding stupid shit unto it. Say that I have a very specific taste that im always after in my burgers. Then im always going to find the burger that appeals to me. Sure, there may be a few others that I will admit to liking, but they are few and far between.
I will still go for the old faithful.
So it's a Doom game?
Because plagiarized MIDIs of popular metal songs is much better
imagine eating the shit that was nudoom and then asking for seconds.
>Eternal looks like shi-
wow a cutscene!!