Have you ever cried from videogames?
I was 10 years old and playing Kingdom Hearts 1, Sora was about to fight Riku alone but Goofy and Donald decided friendship>keyblade and defended him. I teared up from the power of friendship
Have you ever cried from videogames?
I was 10 years old and playing Kingdom Hearts 1, Sora was about to fight Riku alone but Goofy and Donald decided friendship>keyblade and defended him. I teared up from the power of friendship
No. Also KH3 was good
>unironcially posting steven trannyverse
fucking kill yourself you degenrate manchild, what has to go wrong in your life to still watch a tranny tumblr sjw cartoon as an adult?
I love my wife Spinel.
shit the fuck up retarded wojaknigger
>fucking kill yourself you degenrate manchild, what has to go wrong in your life to still watch a tranny tumblr sjw cartoon as an adult?
No because I am neither a woman nor a faggot
I cried after Katawa Shoujo. Also fuck off back to tumblr nigger.
This is that cartoon that is made for trannies by trannies right? Even the art style looks mentally ill kek. Jesus.
you will never be a woman
you will always be a sad lonely deviant manchild sitting in his mothers basement and posting tumblr children cartoons on a video game forum, sad!
>tumblr trannyverse
and stay there
You do know that Spinel is becoming our new Pepe/Wojak icon, right?
>crying over a generic VN made by westerners
>b-but dey handicap it's really deep especially when the MC cums on the burn scars
Is that what you Yea Forums trannies think? Thankfully any thread you make outside your containment board gets derailed immediately. Nice try though you mentally ill freak.
I used to cry a lot as a child, but i've never cried with any media, videogames, music, movies, books, nothing.
is Yea Forums unironically the most mentally ill board on 4channel?(not counting /pol/ and /trash/)
shut the fuck up retarded wojaknigger
nah fag, I enjoy watching it with my girlfriend who blows me right after every episode. Sorry virgin, not everyone can be a chad
i dont want to be a woman i just want to bang spinel
Two times: Undertale's ending where you hug the gote and Danganronpa when Nanami died. Yes, I am a pussy
/r9k/ maybe? I don't lurk there and I refuse to.
/int/ is pretty retarded too
Have sex, incel.
Someone will draw it getting raped & shit on and Yea Forums will cry about it because they arent actually Yea Forums
No that's /x/
and you will never have sex. :)
>Yea Forums mod bans the Steven Universe general
>allows the board to fill up with 40 separate threads about the show
she was already dead you dumb retard
literallky the least impactful execution in the entire series
and yes, that includes the other AI
>final boss of Thousand Year Door
>the people of Rogueport cheer you on as the thousand year demon looms above you
>see a text bubble way in the background in green
>You go, bro!
Makes me tear up every time, Luigi's just so nice and I love him. I miss my brother.
Kill yourself tranny
I remember Okamiden got me when i was 10. Slicing your friend in half and then having a depressing as fuck ending was brutal.
Also Spinel is only reason to watch SU
kill yourself incel.
>kill yourself incel.
ok retard
>everything i dont like is posted by a tranny
>posting that shit out of your containment board
there’s a reason why it’s called Yea Forumsmblr
they created bronies
so yeah
thanks to steven universe i now know how to pronounce the name of the super common jewels you find in resident evil 4
>dilate tranny! Fourty percent!
Wow this got derailed fast
Do I report OP for spamming or being off topic?
Is this that tranny show?
A death in the first Nier did, but I equate it mostly to the music
I dont know but what does "flagrant fanboyism" even mean
Trannys hate Steven Universe though.
Mother 3's Ending.
sony, nintendo, or xbox shill threads
I'm not watching that tranny talk about a show he watched for trannies.
neither, it's an on topic thread with a relevant but admittedly poorly chosen image that was derailed by triggered autists who can't help but split their ass cheeks every time they see something they don't like
Consolewar threads
>2 hour video of why a children's cartoon is bad
why do people dot this?
I wish SU was as good as it could be. Even the movie was muddled with stupid shit.
Why is Hamtaro carrying a box of hearts?
Meanwhile if someone posted a videogame-related OP but used something you don't like, such as Vivian James or the president, you would be crying about getting deleted and it would happen because the mods are as gay as you
MGS 3 hit me pretty hard.
stay in Yea Forums faggotron
>This is good. Isn't it?
except that I wouldn't and I would be making fun of the retards in those threads just like I am here, but whatever makes you feel better, champ
Who's the demographic for this show? Trannies, libs, soifaggots or just emotionally stunted manchildren? Or is it all of them.
I found your prom photo, user
Your mom is a tranny.
why do /pol/trannies hate spinel so much?
I'm glad that SU movie came out because anyone who has that stupid red bitch as an avatar, or talks about her, demonstrates how susceptible they are to waifu brain-washing faggotry. I now have a list of online "friends" who I suspect can be turned into trannies or Weimar allies with very little coercion.
The death of otacon's sister in MGS2 really hit me
Also klonoa's ending
+150 buzzword points
they are soulless bastards
If that was true Yea Forums would be the demo.
People should really watch just a few scenes with this character not the whole movie because its terrible and realize how many people will fall in love with the absolute bare minimum of writing
Klonoa had a sad as fuck ending, what the hell Namco?
/pol/ at its peak was better than Yea Forums ever was
>waifu brain-washing faggotry.
literal shizo
Because she's cute, and they're reminded they'll never have a gf.
lmao he made you seethe so hard you had to literally imitate him?
absolutely seething election tourist
landwhales and children that don’t know any better
yeah im so mad i had to quote him he trolled me so hard XD
what peak?
This is painfully right and replies like
show just how right is is. Always make a psychological profile of your friends; if you don't you can't be surprised when they betray you.
I miss poland-ball era /pol/.
Everything after went to shit.
you mean /mlpol/? Cause that was unironically the peak.
>psychological profile
you had it until there
trying way too hard
but you still get some retards
Imagine being this much of a miserable human being, even ironically.
Ending of every Mother Game. Ending of E-102 Campaign in Sonic Adventure. FF7 (You know the scene). FF6-9 in fact.
I almost teared up fighting Wally in Omega Ruby.
Neir Automata a few times.
Dark souls fighting Sif after helping him in the abyss.
Probably a few more but I can't think of it.
>Have you ever cried from videogames?
Red Dead Redemption 1. Not when John died, but after Jack killed Ross, the credits began to roll and the music began to play. THEN it hit me. Fuck, man. John deserved better.
Year One /pol/ was peak /pol/, when people were just coming together to laugh about the absurdity of the world with no filter and a bit of edge.
Then the world got too crazy and now /pol/ just obsesses over Jews and blacks.
>Ending of E-102 Campaign in Sonic Adventure
this caught me off guard, because I saw the robot in comics and other games posted here but it turned out to be another robot
it's honestly genius, using the cartoony idea of putting animals in robots like that
Never, because I'm not a gigantic faggot.
>unironically posting steven buzzword
fucking kill yourself you buzzword buzzword, what has to go wrong in your life to still watch a buzzword buzzword buzzword cartoon as an adult?
Gas yourself Yea Forums pedo
You're saying that while posting on Yea Forums?
user, hear me out:
seethe, cope, dialate, have sex, tumblr, tranny, 40%, etc
The cloesest of crying was seeing the Mass Effect Thread right now.
>The good times of playing Mass Effect and Dead space...gone
>Both franchises endend in the most cruel way possible
Take a long walk off a short pier.
And now you remember
I feel for the fate of Dead Space. 1 and 2 were great, 3 was at least passable, and then... poof. Visceral gone. Damn shame.
i cried a little bit when i first played persona 4 and didn't get the true ending.
Someone uploaded the whole movie to xvideos, so I skimmed it. Honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. I guess you have to be a fan. That Spinel chick is just an embodiment of abandonment issues and I guess that makes her attractive to lonely nerds? They sang every ten minutes and sometimes back to back which I personally hated, but maybe that's a thing the show does too. Sometimes the animation was alright if you pretended the rest of the movie didn't exist.
Overall, I can probably see why SU fans liked it, but why come barging into other boards hyping it up like it's the hottest shit? Some people liked it for the """waifus""" but even those are garbage.
>OP talking about crying to games and posting Steven Universe
I was about to call OP a huge faggot, but Jesus Christ, you're an even bigger faggot. Go fuck yourself, faggot.
>Ending of E-102 Campaign in Sonic Adventure.
For me, it's Sonic Battle
>not being a pedophile
Sorry sweetie but maybe reddit is more your speed.
The intention behind posting the image implies ill intent despite what's written in the OP.
I raised you, and loved you, I've given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There's nothing more for me to give you. All that's left for you to take is my life.
12 and playing Tales of Symponia
>unironically posting Wojack basedboy memes
Fucking kill yourself you degenerate manchild. What has go go wrong in your life to still use that meme for something someone likes that you dont, even as an adult? You are literally the cancer killing this website.
>he's AN ADULT that ***unironically*** watches lefty propaganda disguised as a children's cartoon
end your life soon please, remember, NOBODY cares about you tranny
Grey Fox dying in MGS1 when I was 10
I had really liked him because I loved Ninjas, and after hearing the story with Dr. Naomi
/news/ was always obsessed with Jews and blacks
>Kingdom Hearts fans
Says the tranny who unironically enjoys and defends SU on the internet lol.
To those who never watched Steven Universe, don't listen to this propaganda.
Just watch this scene youtu.be
And that is why Spinel is going to be Smash level popular in a few years
>Several dogshit threads of the same generic spam are fine
>An actual Vidya thread is plagued by newfags shitting themselves because of some tumblr cartoon in the OP
>and Danganronpa when Nanami died. Yes, I am a pussy
did you mean to type Suikoden 2?
yea, im thinking hes based
Rebecca Sugar is a loathsome kike
Never watched a single episode of SU. I'm just sick of Wojack posters.
Homeworld, Return to Kharak.
Thankfully people who support this shit are a minority
Imagine thinking this is cool
lmao this looks like total fucking garbage.
I want to say it's calarts garbage, but this looks even worse than the average calarts garbage. Disgusting noodle arms and legs because "muh good art is too difficult"
0/10, go fuck yourself
my god...I've seen shitty animation before but this....even cheap 90's garbo looks better
Imagine being a studio and spending millions to produce this
Imagine being a braindead fanboy and using this as "evidence" your cartoon isnt terrible
user you have no idea how any of this works. I appreciate you trying to spread the word of steven universe, but simply saying "look how cool this is" isn't gonna cut it when people can just as easily say it looks like shit.
To be fair, the creator's favorite anime is One Piece so she wanted to make a Luffy character
Too bad faggot, they post it because it pisses faggots like you off. I actually think it's fucking hilarious, let me guess they made fun of something that you personally enjoy so you got triggered?
I didn't like it.
Now what?
oh okay
Doing the evil route in Infamous 2 had me for a second when Cole has to fight Zeke
>Half as long
>Twice as bright
holy based
No, I'm just tired of seeing it fucking everywhere. They're like ragefaces for people who are "too good" for ragefaces.
You're in the minority. And you're probably a minority as well
This nigger bragging about an 8.3
>6 critics
>no audience score
they say hormone therapy destroys your brain but this is hilarious
>user posts a single Steven universe image
>Yea Forums goes into nuclear meltdown mode for the 10th time today
What led this board to this, bros?
>Literally bootleg bottom of the barrel anime tier drama
>Discount corny Disney songs
>Tumblr "Comedy"
Do people really like this shit? Is this the best cartoon the west can produce?
Spinel living rent free in Yea Forums's head
You cannot convince me that this isn't a falseflagger trying to sound retarded.
an 8.3 on imdb is within the top things of all time range
It's not like that at all, you genuinely don't understand the meme and are obviously a newfag pretending to understand board culture. Fuck off back to Yea Forums.
I will admit, the song sounds better than the usual SU trash.
Must be where all of the money went.
Influx of politically obessed outsiders who take the Internet hate machine meme seriously. My guess is most of them are from reddit based on how Wojack and Pepe are getting the Rage Comic treatment of constantly recycling old shit.
And an 8.8 on Yea Forums is the worst game ever, so go back to whatever blog about fat acceptance you waddled in from.
>why is our shitty show getting shat on bros?
Crying about it like Steven won't fix the problems with SU.
I liked the subtle detail of the filename very funny I rate this post 8/10
>user posts a single My little Pony image
>Yea Forums goes into nuclear meltdown mode for the 10th time today
Bro, the absolute state of western cartoons
>nickelodeon literally only has spongebob, nobody can name anything else that airs there
>cartoon network's golden age is long gone, they canned adventure time and now only have steven trannyverse to attract anyone at all to watch it
>disney channel killed gravity falls and denied their proposition to air MLP, literally have nothing but live-action garbage now
gee I wonder why everything is dying-
>this massive fucking tantrum
keep seething Yea Forumsermin
What are you talking about? Everything is animated in Korea.
Lesbianism isn't even progressive anymore. Homo man gay sex with men is the new progressive.
>subtle detail of the filename
what do you mean, thats just 1 of my soiboy wojaks
Tourists trying to fit in
>Implying that Yea Forums cares about horse show anymore besides the inevitable barneyfag posts
>What led this board to this, bros?
Sonyfags and /pol/ mostly.
>its not like that at all
It's literally ragefaces 2.0 for the people that post them kill yourself unironically you nigger.
oh and disney channel also sabotage Wonder over Yonder, one of their best performing shows, because they're retarded
Wow look at this piss. I would put a bullet in his head if I ever found him. Let's improve this thread until the mods do their jobs.
At least post the one with the crackhead singing
All memes aside this show is gay as fuck, what the fuck are you doing watching it when kino cartoons are still being made?
It's funny, I bet the people that chimped out are the same that complain about "muh off topic threads" yet the thread could have gone perfectly on-topic if it wasn't for them. There would have been 0 difference if the OP had used a gif of some faggot actor crying from some movie, if these niggers were not infesting the site.
Think I'm gonna start collecting these images out of spite now until they learn their place.
kind of based
Not cry, but Balderich's sacrifice in the Reinhardt short make me choke up a bit. I've always been a sucker for noble sacrifices and heroic last stands though.
>Kino cartoons.
Give two examples from this year, not including Invader Zim.
Yea Forums's tolerance for subpar work just because it invokes Disney-esque musical numbers is deplorable.
What video game is that?
You misunderstood my post. Read again.
>intentional starvation doesn't constitute murder/genocide
Go away, Stalin and/or Mao.
Bastion,Carrying Zulf
Also, end of Pyre, choosing to send back Oralech cried a lot
I watched it to laugh at it. Show started half decent and became garbage shortly after it got popular. Once I was invested I needed to see the train wreck til the end. You shouldve seen the scene where he fusion fucks his dad, oh man the show has sank lmao
gentlemen i cannot help but notice the distinct lack of video games in here
This is coming from the same board that sucks Gatcha and Blizzard Cock
you should start spamming blacked porn, that'll sure own the libs.
I cried at the end of Telltale's Walking Dead Season 1.
you're right, this thread belongs in >>/trash/
Ace Attorney 3-5, near the end. Before the final testimony I think, the part where Godot starts talking about Mia.
Nobody on Yea Forums likes Blizzard or phone shit, newfag
Inb4 you think that Classic spam was real posters
You're right, you should report all the posts talking about politics and start posting about videogames to get the thread back on track.
>Nobody on Yea Forums likes Blizzard or phone shit, newfag
All of those FGO, FEH, and Dokkan threads sure fooled me.
It was cheesy but when Through the Sea of Time started playing in PMD2 it did get to me.
PMD Sky brought me close
Tell me, my life, did it shine?
god I love watching /pol/tards seethe
I'm glad Special Episode 5 was a thing. The Wigglytuff episode too, that one also got me at the end.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
>Nobody on Yea Forums likes Blizzard or phone shit, newfag
>deletes only posts he disagrees with
>leaves the thread up
Hey mod: if you ever get doxxed, you'd better be prepared to leave the country. Some people are petty enough to throw away their lives to end yours. That's a quote.
obsessed af
This thread is a dumpster fire please end it mods