>A game with a female protagonist can't be go-
A game with a female protagonist can't be go-
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Said no one.
asians can't be females.
The story was by far the shittiest thing about Mirrors Edge though.
I remember how people always used to joke about the cutscenes looking like Esurance commericals.
Kat is Kwite Kute
First day on Yea Forums, newfag?
>Doesn't like Asian girls
Beyond garbage taste
Because they did? Esurance commercials and Mirror's Edge cutscenes had literally the same artstyle.
>game is first person
>only get glimpses of your character in reflections every now and then
>voice is clearly feminine, but character doesn't speak every 3 seconds about some menial bullshit that's irrelevant
>short animated stories show her as a good person with respectable skills
It was a good game with a female protagonist that didn't ride on the fact that LOL FEMALE PROTAGONIST SO PROGRESSIVE.
Meanwhile every game with a stronk indepindant womyn, whose sole purpose is to make the game as much about womyn as possible, is a shitshow and sucks colossal ass.
That's a different between a good character no matter who/what they are and a shit character whose entire identity is who/what they are (coincidentally ruining the game).
said no one
Where are you "Mirror's Edge 2 should be open world fags" hiding?
How does it feel to be so btfo and wrong?
Imagine being this much of a post elections retard.
For me it's Estelle's games
We always had female leads. Who the fuck says metroid sucks because of Samus or something?
Pls don't, I'm feeling happy today.
>Everything I disagree with is for a political reason
Go back to /pol/ and stop letting politics dictate your life.
>9 years ago
>user makes some kino screenshot collection for ME
>gave it to people here
193 wallpapers, man. I still remember you, bro.
How can you function in a day to day life with such poor reading comprehension?
s-share kudasai.
It's the implementation that is wrong. The open-world section in the game held your hand way too much and the level design suffered for it unlike in the first title where you can just look at the scenery and intuitively figure out what to do.
I still play through ME every year. Just goes to show what good baked lighting can do for the longevity of a game
Mirror's Edge wasn't even that good, though. Gameplay was nice, but it was far too short, and the level design was in part absolute shit, especially in the second half.
How can you function in a day to day life being so ugly and spirit-broken?
lara croft was jumping around 3d environments long before this almost forgotten game.
Weak reply, you haven't even seen my face boyo snless you live in my closet that is
Sorry for the late reply, my dropbox is old as fuck and wanted me to update but I was already synching. Here you go, user.
>tfw sometimes just booting up Catalyst to run around Glass with the game time frozen at night
It's some of the best sights I've seen in a game. Too bad the game flopped.
Remember when they decided to make her a hideous jungle gook in the sequel instead of just being consistent with the character design on the cover art? It's the really pointless petty things like that which reveal it's really a demoralization campaign against anything attractive or uplifting in media. Trying to gaslight an entire population into thinking ugly things are beautiful.
>this is a "hideous jungle gook" by Yea Forums's standards
Incels be like:
*meanwhile 19 years ago*
thanks user. do you collect in-game wallpapers?
i would just like to ask if by chance you have wallpapers saved from Remember Me?
I've seen it here.
Nah but that's a good idea. I loved Remember Me's world design.
Then learn to separate bait from actual, genuine beliefs. The truth is, people like are either new or retards, because gaming has had female leads for more than 30 years and it's never been a problem.
This board can't agree with anything without falsflagging someone with a Wojack. What are you talking about?
thanks nigga
I hated missing out on shit like this. I still hate that I never downloaded that gigantic Iron Giant Reaction Image batch that user painstakingly compiled frame-by-frame and then posted here. I remember the influx of Dean reactions after that becoming it's own meme, good times.
>thinks that mindlessly shitting on female protagonists for being female is Yea Forums
No, we shit on female protagonists that are only female for brownie points and terribly written/used in story because the people who make them are a bunch of virtue-signaling faggots