Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?

Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I 100% expect this thread to hit bump and image limit in the span of 12 hours so I'm just here to remind you all that there are other boards for this nonsense.

If mods are smart they will delete this thread and if Anonymous is smart they will let this be the last post.

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Too busy masturbating

How much do they pay you to keep making these threads?
Probably not enough.
Other shills at least put some effort into their skit.

Thread flopped, sadly
Welp, moving on... Ser you in the next fapbait thread

Attached: coomer smile.png (308x190, 69K)

Sounds nice, wanna play together?


I'd much rather play a game exclusively about China girls with fat asses

Its shit and there's no nudity in the game itself


That are no new skins of the girl heroes showing off their bare feet. Dva was the only reason why I would have played the game. If they came out with more then I might reinstall the game.

Attached: dva.jpg (854x1100, 597K)

Solo queue is hell

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There are no overwatch threads there though.
Only a minecraft porn thread.

>Boot up game.
>STILL no String-Bikini skin for Mei.

This is the biggest crime in all of vidya history.

Attached: 266523 - 3D Mei-Ling_Zhou Overwatch Reaper_(Overwatch) Source_Filmmaker URBANATOR Zarya(1)(1).jpg (533x594, 53K)

It's a shit game with a shit community, and its sole good point is porn.
It's the definitive jizzbrain game.


The seething has already begun.

Who cares about this? Why do you guys go on about other boards as if anyone but you cares?

Because my computer is shit and I don''t have PS+.

Mei is such a hog, she's gross. I can't look at her without imagining her eating three times as much as me and being gross. All fat people stink.

Where's the best place to find cute and funny pics like this one

>hitscan tf2
Literally into the trash it was, is, and will forever be

Enjoying some 1v1 right now

Am not a nigger

>If mods are smart they will delete this thread
Deal with it fag.

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TF2 has hitscan too retard

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user really wants that janny job, he's already doing it for free

>If mods are smart

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I just made a fucker quit a 1v1 match
He wasn't doing half bad he was just a pussy

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Overwatch doesn't run on my 750ti anymore

I actually did play it yesterday and I'm so glad that they brought in role queue because it's finally so shit I can actually quit because everyone who I used to play with has finally quit and I have no reason to even jump back on unless I want to give no limits a try but even that is a fucking meme.

Role lock.
Everyone wanted to play ADHD heroes like Widow, Tracer, and the ninja faggots so instead of nerfing them, Blizzard just decided to nuke the game

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I prefer watching the pros play.

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Did you cook the waffles with the hair drier?

Too busy playing Classic WoW, the only good Blizzard game atm.

overwatch has superior porn yes but

tf2 is still better

prove me wrong

Attached: monkey tongue.gif (540x304, 1.26M)

Role queue is actually the best thing ever for competitive.
It acknowledges that people will rarely, if ever, change the type of character they're playing (DPS, Tank, Healer) during any given match and since you are made to pick what role you want to play BEFORE even searching for a game it helps to keep from a situation where a person who doesn't want to play a certain role now doesn't have to.
Of course, you can choose to find games with any opening in all roles but wait, there is one last clever trick!
Since you get SR in the individual roles instead of your overall playing, it won't matter if you're a shitty healer because you will be put with other equally shitty people.

More games need systems like this.

Everyone that tried to turn TF2 into an e-sport was a fag

Got tired of it after Gigga Nigga joined, now it's one of those games that I open up once to give it a second chance and close immediately because I can't be bothered to give a fuck.

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Not like either are a good game.

I literally only get on to play Mystery Heroes every couple of months

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Exactly what I thought before it was released, but for some reason I didn't expect that I would NEVER be able to run my main again solely because of the category they were in
What's the point of playing tank when the entire tug of war of the match relies on having dps players that don't fuck up? Even the best tank in the world can't follow a retarded genji around the map

hang all meifags


Attached: dva6.jpg (900x1273, 268K)

Because I haven't been into TF2 for years, and if I'm not into the superior product why would I ever go for the lamer version of it?

good luck stringing us up with your scrawny little arms, you low test faggot


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overwatch threads don't hit image limits because retards are too busy discussing about the exact same thing they were talking about in other threads


To be fair the same thing can be said about Overwatch.


No one posts overwatch lewds anymore, at least the game's still fun

True, you must be hung to satisfy a thick goddess like Mei.
I'm sorry you don't qualify.

Can I healslut in overwatch?

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yes very much so. play mercy, wm1 the whole round, and achieve grandmaster in less than a week.

Do you do the other things a healslut should be doing?

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Probably. Who do you like playing as?

Attached: sample_4253336bb828f83247d44ff9aa0c320e.jpg (850x1511, 232K)

Why does her skin have so much texture?

Bastion because its funny to murder anyone who over extends their welcome
Mercy too.

Sounds like you need to be a better player and get out of bronze or silver.

I'd fuck Sym if her chin were less prominent. Nice legs though.

This is well known

Overwatch is only good for the porn.

oh yeah totally.

I've never done it before, so its all new to me.

If you like healslutting play keep playing Mercy
If you like murdering people and making them panic in lower ranks like bastion then try out Moira

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>standing on her tiptoes


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Cause I don't support Blizzard trash

They forced faggotry on my main and I sold my copy.

buffing anti fun shit characters like mei ruined it

Gotta keep the coomer thread up. You know, because blowing coom is video games, right? bump

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Yikes, triggered much?

>You know, because blowing coom is video games, right?
considering how many porn games there are it actually is, yes

for once, a coomposter is based

why are you suck a garbage fucking modeler?

I love my wife Mei.


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Widow has a big purple dick

I'm bored of it after a couple years. It was a fun ride for awhile.


my favorite type of thread



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i just did, i ejaculated though, so no need to play it for a few hours

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I'm looking to get into healslutting, that's why I've been playing her more.
Any tips so I can get better?

Stop making threads you ugly as fuck kike

Why the fuck are you so invested in tits and ass being posted on a site you hate filled with people you hate? Fuck off back to the hole you crawled out of resetranny.

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>has to resort to deleting the posts

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Reminder that with sage you can post without bumping the thread

It's shit
Stop shilling

How do I stop masturbating? I can only go 5 days before relapse. I'm not a nofap person but I would like to stop doing it 5+ times a day. It makes me feel horrible afterwards.

I want a brown wife


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Thanks for the free Bump

How unslightly...

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Thanks for the free coom

I salute you for this top notch bait

the feet model is shit


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Kill all meifags

Ah please. Yea Forums doesn't talk about Vidya, they just bitch and whine

I would unironically give up an arm to have the chance to cum on those feet just once.

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Have sex

Thiccer or be gone fag



>tfw I thought this entire time that was just a meme to make fun of things people didn’t like
>Clicked on it and it’s an actual board

It’s like opening the wardrobe and discovering fucking Narnia. Except instead of a fantasy world it’s degeneracy

dead game

After you user.

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their places should be swapped, this is shite

i just want to spread that butt and scream as loud as i can into her anus

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It has the same problem League has. You start new, get put in with the biggest losers of all time who can't hack it at top tier and decide to dominate low tiers ('smurfs'), and when you make mistakes in your learning curve they sperg out on you and scare you away from playing lest you end up like them.

>One chance at life
>Not a petite girl dommed by a tall lesbian

Fuck off


Man this one v one sure is salty

i'm not going to become your patreon

How do I become good at blender?

God damn I fucking love dem feet.

just b urself

Someone post best girl before the thread gets deleted

Not sure how I’m supposed to cope with the fact that I’ll never have my dick sandwiched between those feet, or those toes in my mouth.

who are the best porn animators? is overwatch porn still popular?

learn to draw instead

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I am playing an overwatch porn video

Porn still gets made but usually the big animators will only make stuff for new skins or characters.

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Why the hell is ntr so popular on those boards?

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>tfw your face will never be this pillow

same small white penis

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but clothed women are a lot more sensual than seeing them naked. Thems the facts

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I see no value in it besides sfm porn, which I am an avid collector of it myself.

its the reason I avoid them. Same problem with /hgg/.
Can't even browse /gif/ without race and cuck shit everywhere


Reddit is good for something

fuck bros...

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>redditfrog thinks he has a right to greentext
fucking blow yourself faggot


worst girl next to moira

>he has vocaroos of random MEN masturbating saved
>thinks he's being ironic
Sorry, kiddo but /lgbt/ is your next stop.

That's gyazo

Shit taste

Attached: Best girls.jpg (931x620, 153K)

The cooming wojak faces makes me laugh everytime and I hate myself for that.

I love my wife Olivia!

thread that is a porn dump or comic that has almost nothing to do with video games
>Yea Forums: *Crickets* what it's video games see the picture *crickets*
Thread this is about video games, developers of video games, or something controversial about video games

Attached: 1565139875536.png (8570x9999, 985K)

>make a thread about video games
>get redirected to /vg/ or straight up deleted

Ffxiv has a general, stay there you cuck

Why not Pharah?

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Hold on is she sitting on me or what?

>everything about that pic

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mentally ill fag

>ffxiv boogeyman
>meanwhile there are daily wow "home" reddit threads
laughing @ you

Isn't there a nude version of this?

That new Pharah sfm tho

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