Are you guys excited for the new expansion?

Are you guys excited for the new expansion?

[spoiiler] me neither [/spoiler]

mtg arena thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ofcourse anything too get rid of the bullshit that is vamps and scapeshift. Problem with MTGA is the amount of spikes on the platform instantly netdecking the top meta decks instead of brewing something fun.

Like you can arrive at the same conclusions but it's painfully obvious when someone just netdecked something and is unable to pilot it correctly.

Too much meta makes everyone bored of the game quickly. It's why both draft and commander are the better ways to play. Altough fucking bows indraft are driving me insane.

the only thing worse than playing netdecks online is playing them in person

arena saves me the trouble

I bounce this thread back to your hand and draw a card

Your go.

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*blocks your path*

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this card rotating out would have made me pretty cynical about the set even if it didn't have such a bland setting

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Why is this allowed?

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>Generic art direction (digital shit painted over 3d models, uninspired framework)
>Expected some Arthurian shit, got Shrek/Monty Python Memes
>Many weak/toned down cards
>Mechanics that will stay in the set and never leave (food is just a weakened treasure/investigation)

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>still cant use instants

Oh that's fucking rich, a yugioh player complaining about text length on magic cards. Every yuigoh card I've seen has a entire book on it in mircrotext.

Imainge how many words it would take a yugioh card to express and ability like "vigilance, deathtouch, haste" when magic can do it in three.

that's an elaborate bait post

I'm excited about the new formats, Brawl and Historic.

Technically Historic will be just what we have right now in Standard + ELD but the fact that they're removing the daily wins from the Historic Play Queue makes me believe it will be A LOT more jank friendly.

Brawl being 1v1 is kinda lame but since it's a casual format by definition, I don't expect it to be dominated by the best netdecks possible like Standard currently is.

Also looking foward to Draft ELD since I'm done with M20 and the other Standard legal sets.

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Planeswalkers were a mistake and War of the Spark is one of the worst sets released.

The card design in the new set looks fine but I hate the aesthetic. Not because I dislike the idea of a fairytale style set, but because almost every single card is an on the nose reference to some extremely mainstream disney fairytale. I much prefer Wizards original planes compared to when they make ones that are parallels to real world locations or stories, but they've been really into making them recently.

>Technically Historic will be just what we have right now in Standard + ELD but the fact that they're removing the daily wins from the Historic Play Queue makes me believe it will be A LOT more jank friendly.
Is that you nox?
Yeah, same here. Gonna try and play some storm in historic que with the new red ramp card. Like have five mana. Play Ral, next turn -1 and play the 7 mana ramper. 14 Mana turn 5.


Take the monogreen tron pill

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I can't think of the last time I versed a deck that wasn't Risen Reef.

brawl looks fun

why they always manage to make red op as fuck?

theres have to be a good reason wizards keep giving shit to this color every rotation

The problem with modern MtG is the same problem with most modern Vidya: an autistic approach to balance. Clearly broken, unbalanced shit is what makes games fun. Black Lotus letting you start off a game by buttfucking an opponent is fun. Red Alert 2's snipers slaying infantry units is fun. Instead we have a rock, papers, scissors mentality that completely destroys the entire fucking point of playing.

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Fuck constructed magic, fuck the meta, fuck net decking

I only play a deck with a bunch of 1-mana instants so I can grind out my quests to buy my way into a format that isn't pure autism.

this is OP

Vamps are kino though

Didn't WOTC say Arena was supposed to eventually replace MTGO? When are they gonna branch out from Standard and make it actually worth playing?

Current standard has broken shit like Nexus/scapeshift. Once you understand what they are playing you have like 3 turns to kill them

Because it's only kind of good.

The absolute, undeniable truth.

until they shit out some "unplayable" 7/8 cmc red card that practically instantly wins the game

Problem with that kind of broken shit is that games would literally become coin flips pre side-board.

Guaranteed this is as close as we'll get to that. Which is to say, not at all.

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Sad to see big Teferi going, but at least we have baby Teferi.

Right Esper chads?

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I'm not talking about this set.

Elddaine is fucking awful jesus.
I was legitimately excited for a new plane but this one just keeps underwhelming me

Ikoria, then?

Any single one future standard set with this set in the standard will do.

any change we ever see sets like modern horizons in mtga???

>"REEEE! i hate the old coinflip meta"
>broken shit revealed from new set

I honestly cant fathom why anyone subjects themselves to MTGA's cancer or Standard on paper, its literally a shitshow now, the cards shown for the new set does not change matters at all.

Fuck no, that'd be too smart of an idea for WOTC to implement.

what are you eating

didn't start playing until this year - were the conspiracy sets considered good? as far as I understand the deal was they were one dude's pet project and he pushed both out extremely close to one another but that dude left - is there any demand to bring them back now that he's gone?

So people are shitting on mtga and modern magic, but is it still the best product (online card game) on the market?

It's blatant satire you idiot

Are they doin fairy tales again?

when is brawl coming to arena?

same day the new set drops, September 26th

they will probably never add modern because they're fucking dumb. I'm already bored of the game and haven't touched it in months when I could just play an eternal format with friends and actually have fun.

Standard fucking sucks and is basically just a gateway format for edh/legacy/modern. I can't believe they think people will just play standard for years and not get tired of it when they see how much fun they could have with edh or legacy

how long do you think Golos Warps the brawl meta?

art seems on a bit of an uptick in Eldraine, but it's still quite a bit until we reach peak performance of old

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The returned king is also gonna allow for some jank though. I mean golos will probably be some broken shit when you can get him out and untap with him. But you can bet your ass people are gonna be running destroy artifact instants just for him.

>turning magic into coinflip, the game


Is new set going to be any good?
Started paper magic in 2015 and dropped after rix. Been trying new sets in mtga, but they all seem shit, everyone now has a planeswalker, absurd mythics, no synergy between cards.
I wish there was a better ccg, I’m addicted to gambling, but mtg is such a shit

What's even the point of computer card games except convincing idiots to pay for overpriced DLCs every couple of months?

Take the janky commander pill. Best MtG can get.

Annoyed that the storybook art is so much better than the original
Hyped for brawl for arena and paper
Hyped for Gadwick and Emry for my Inalla EDH deck

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I would love for MTGA to add pauper, but I don't think wizards prints engine cards at common anymore.

MTG's art direction has suffered with each passing set I feel. All the artists have the same generic style with the exception of some of Seb McKinnon's stuff. You know it's bad when no one who works for Wizards can even depict a cute loli.

Janky fun commander adventures ends when the sore loser starts rising the powerlevel of his deck by copying cedh lists

You have 2 options. Tell the bluefag with counter.dek to counter literally everything remotely threatening from him, or everyone has to rise their powerlevels

I'll miss you forever, janky GW Equipment deck

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a decent scapeshift deck has naturally ramped to 7 mana by turn 4/5 anyway. its not like a single ritual will break anything.

When are they going to remaster Shandalar

>playing arena
Beyond saving

>just let blue win
Fuck your 3 hour long cold wars.

>everyone has to rise their powerlevels
This happens naturally in every playgroup. No one wants to durdle forever.

How old is this picture?


Chicken and dumplings.
A few months old.

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Take the Commanderpill

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do you heat your fucking food with a blow drier?

>Mechanics that will stay in the set and never leave
Explain. I had a break from mtga for the past months.

I hate that there's no mechanical cohesion in this set. Seriously, what even is this set supposed to be from a mechanical standpoint? Tribal? Artifacts? Legends matter?

Artifacts, adventures, food, adamant.

Because historically blue and black have dominated. Red has only started to get good in the last 9 years or so

I'm saying none of these things have anything to do with each other. Mirrodin = Artifacts, Zendikar = Lands, Innistrad = Graveyard stuff with a tribal subtheme, Eldraine = ????

EDH is the cancer that killed my local scene, nobody plays real formats now for like 5 years. Will never hate a format more than this kitchen table singleton

You take food, which is an artifact, on an adventure you are adamant that you will complete.

Have you considered that the other formats are the problem if people don't want to play them?

Red always gets the short end of the stick historically. They attack the resource that matters the least AND the most at the same time, so they are either great or totally shit.

>comic sans and papyrus
I like this picture

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>5 mana legendary artifact
>contains all 5 colors in his ability
>his ability allows you to cast spells for free
>ETB allows you to search up lands u need to make it happen

I see his point


Getting sick of this being in every single deck.
Feels like there's no variation anymore. It's almost as bad as when every deck was just Teferi.

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>legacy attendance way down because they all switched to fucking commander
>some of the others switched to vintage and now my store runs vintage once a month

Is it worth getting into the game right now or has Wizards fucked up the economy for good?

>his ability allows you to cast spells for free
Now wait just a second...

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Trying to get into MTG was a waste of 300 $ for me. The meta was removal bullshit and Planeswalkers were too important. Then the jews keep pumping out new expansions too often making my cards irrelevant. The one good part of the game was deckbuilding and that's it.

Cool, now do ones for BFZ block, Amonkhet block, and Dominaria.

Depends on what format you want to play.

>that art wasted on a piece of shit like that

nice spoiler tags, retard

Sorry user, it's too fun to yell
in my head

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all you had to do was asking and you would have been told exactly that.

Standard is a waste generally, yeah. Unless you do events to get your money back the format is garbage. $300 would have done you much better in modern

>just destroy her then activate ability

nothing personal

What's the matter, son, can't keep up with the VALUE?

>playing standard

Who gives a shit about any kind of balance in Brawl if it's a rotating format?

300 dollars in modern also doesn't get him a good deck. Even burn costs 500 now.

People used to argue for modern saying it was more affordable than legacy but honestly at least legacy is more stable for only a bit more. Modern is a shitshow

>mfw my f2p rdw deck kicks the shit out of esperfags in plat

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I just play 8rack in modern at my lgs, shit is fun


You're assuming they want to make a fun game and not a game that makes money from nerds sticking around for years and years

i like seb too, and some good art comes through now and then
but they basically just make card art just like all of their 5e art now
it's really bland

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>Wizards not reprinting fetch lands

I hate them so much

i agree, I also hate fetch lands

Are there any other cards that have new art by the same artist who did the older version?

UW is about $100, same with infect and Soul Sisters.
Affinity is pretty cheap nowadays I believe.
WotC need to do away with the reserved list as its gonna reach a critical mass which will only hurt the entire game.

>expecting them to
You should know better by now, user. The only way we're ever seeing fetches again is in something like a masters set that has 10 dollar MSRP and is still filled with draft chaff. Tarns are back at 100 a pop.

there's a chance they'll slam them down after ravnica3 rotates out - zendikar1 had fetches and it's being revisted, and it's about time for tarkir to be returned to

hoping zendikar3 has enemy tangolands honestly

Noble Hierarchs and Inkmoths disagree as well as needing fetches.
>Affinity is pretty cheap nowadays I believe.
You believe wrong, a playset of mox opals by themselves will run you over 450 dollars.
>Soul Sisters

We're never getting fetches reprinted in a standard set because it makes mana fixing too easy and makes games too long with shuffling.

it's clearly a top-down set where they said "we want to make a fairy tale set" rather than a bottom-up set where they said "we want to make an artifact set"

when are we getting another graveyard set

the next set is called Theros: Beyond Death so probably then

Maybe if every other format wasn't a 800$ autism fest, maybe people would play them over commander.

the color identity rule in commander is really dumb desu

Just build legacy elves singleton or an "spirit of the format" ruining cEDH deck and ruin their nights until they're interested in standard again.



Too bad Maro considers it a success so we'll probably be seeing another "oops, all planeswalkers" set in the future

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just play Zur and don't let anyone have fun until they go back to Modern or whatever

The notion of directly colored artifacts still fucks with my head.

I think that not being able to run dual costed cards like Dryad Militant can't be ran in mono-G is stupid but what'd be even more stupid is giving every single deck greens ramp and blues card advantage.

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having additional colors listed on a card should be a drawback, not a benefit
the way it plays with hybrid cards and the various kinds of split cards is dumb

Alara was fucking 11 years ago

it's never really a drawback in any constructed format


>tfw you know your opponent is about to wipe you off the face of the earth next turn with his combo so you forfeit before he gets to play it
>And you do it with a smile on your face
>So he gets no satisfaction from watching you lose on his terms

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No. Guay is pretty much done with Magic. A few cards are reprinted with her art (Auramancer is the one that sticks out to me) but she isn't going to do any new illustrations. Terese Nielsen is probably the closest you'll get right now. Seb Mckinnen is also quite popular and has a pretty distinct style.

Sorry, I mean cards where the same artist did the art between two different editions of the same card.

God I hope not.

I suspect Nielsen isn't long for the world of magic anymore because of the controversy of her having an opinion.

Hold me UBWbros

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Oh I see.
Terese Nielsen did the original and Eternal Maters version of Force of Will. Richard Kane Ferguson did Dakkon Blackblade and then illustrated Korlash, Heir to Blackblade and Blackblade Reforged. I don't pay a whole lot of attention to artists though so if there are other instances, I cannot think of any.

*blocks all of your paths*

That's what you get for letting me get to 7 mana.

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Yeah, and for the 14 years I played it before that it wasn't a thing.

I need to find a local scene with a no-walkers house rule.

>dies to removal

I cast Doom Blade

>Clearly broken, unbalanced shit is what makes games fun
Go back to Yugioh scrub. The men are talking.

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While I wouldn't put it past Wizards to bench Nielsen, it won't be for her opinions. Literally no one gives a shit about that any more. But she's a pretty prolific artist and likely wouldn't take the shit that WotC art department nazis force on their artists.

>llanowar elfs are gone soon

yeah the 25 im deleting this game
fuck you blizzard why you have to destroy my green deck

How many years of nerd life has gone wasted due to this one card?

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>le dies to removal meme

Llanowar Elves come and go, like the seasons

get good and learn to play

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I hope you're not implying that card is as good as llanowar elves

But you can't do that, because then I would lose, which the card explicitly disallows.

it is, if you are good

you can do a lot better for 7 mana. It doesn't even have Flash to save you at the last minute

You guys still play this shit? Did they ever fix the laggy as hell client?

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No it isn't, shut the fuck retard

Get out of here Hans

it's beta :)

That doesn't let me play Trostani Discordant turn 3.

I play a jank brew naya token deck.
T1: Llanowar Elves
T2: Domri, Anarch of Bolas, tick up for Mana, don't really need to play anything else if you don't have other 1 drops
T3: Domri and Elves helps play out Trostani.
When I untap I can start going in with tokens.

I also play Hero of Precinct One, Emmara, Soul of the Accord, Skyknight Vanguard, Heroic Reinforcements, etc.

I hate going up against the fucking simic flash deck, the scapeshit deck, and esper boardwipes.deck. RDW is almost always a loss if they go first. If I go first I can sometimes resolve and start churning out a token enabler if they run out of gas.

It won't be at the end of this month.

>lose 4 set
>gain 1 set
>same 2 deck meta again
>have to wait a year for maximum set and maximum meta again
>only get it for 3 months before they cycle all those sets for just 1 again

this shit has got to end. Just cycle the last set and bring in a new set 1:1 REE.

i agree but the playerbase threw a temper tantrum the last time they tried this

I don't really know anything about Magic's illustration regulations or what have you. How are they Nazis?

how could anyone be against this and be for that meme shit rotation we currently have. Just learn to side deck REE. They can't keep getting away with this.

No because I don't play this game.


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This ramps any ramp to +3

My brother played Magic 20 years ago. I remember him having a red 'orcs & goblin' deck. Only thing I remember was a goblin card who could destroy lands or some shit. Was red orcs & goblins a viable deck or was it a meme?

I just made a goblin deck and turn them all sideways and win.

Ah, so you you're a begginer. Shoud've led with that.

>spend a mana to get an extra mana. Two turns from then, spend 3 mana to get an extra mana every turn
>anywhere near as good as spend a mana to get an extra mana every turn it's alive
user, you cannot be this stupid.

>spend a mana to get an extra mana
Holy shit, it's not even that. It's spend G to get one mana of any color. There's no ramp going on here at all until turn 3 when you re-cast him for a 3 mana dork. Jesus Christ.

Even if you play "fun" formats like commander there is still a meta and net decks. No matter what you ban, no matter what format you play there will be a short list of best decks. The internet has connect millions of autists grinding MTG mathmatically solving every format the minute it rotates. You want to play "fun" magic you are going to need a DMC DeLorean and a flux capacitor.

I'm still waiting on a bunch of seb mckinnon's playmats from his kickstarter. I really hope I get mine in time for the pre-release.

The next standard will also have broken shit that can goldfish opponents in 3 or 4 turns. Its like this never ending cycle of hope you people cling to and no one ever learns.

>play standard, hope that things get better, never do
>play modern, game ending by T4 is an inevitability. Also has even more busted shit happen in it like Eldrazi Winter or Hogaak that ruined the format for months. Also 5-8x more expensive
>implying anyone plays legacy
>play EDH
>things are alright for a while but then the arms race begins.

>watching boohoogland the manchild ever

>remember junior year of high school kamigawa came out
>Every kid, myself included, thought this card was garbage and no one ever used it despite everyone having a bunch of them

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Gilded goose looks like the replacement for elves, though it's not as good.

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>mfw I tried playing Hearthstone after MTGA

Jesus Christ how does anyone put up with Hearthstone? I'm certain that if people weren't being bribed to shill that game by Blizzard on Twitch then that game would be forgotten by now. It's absolute bullshit the amount of things that game gets away with because of Redditors and Twitch kiddies.

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why the conair hair dryer

To dry hair.

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nigga why are you drying your hair at your desk instead of in the bathroom

A meta with no control deck is no good. I don't even play control but I understand the necessity of it

Good thing Esper Control is one of the best decks in the format still.

Esper Control is .52% of the metagame.
Are you referring to Esper Tempo? That is not a Control Deck

it's dumb to speculate on what the meta will be after rotation before rotation even happens

What should I spend my wildcards on?
The only deck I managed to complete was blue tempo after a few months, because I tend to impulsively spend wildcards.
I am looking for something most budget friendly, maybe complete mono red?

I'm not speculating I'm commenting on the current, trashy meta

Wait till the next set gets released before spending wildcards.

what are you smoking, does Teferi not exist in your world?

What are you talking about? Teferi doesn't automatically make a deck Control.
Do you know what a Control deck is?

Not really. I like the idea behind it, but the new gimmick (adventures) isn't really jazzing me.

Arena being shit is also not jazzing me.

Magic isn't inherently unbalanced and depending on the format cards are heavily restricted or banned.

Black lotus isn't legal except as a single copy in one format

My bant creature toolbox deck has 4 of these and can go toe to toe with anything besides shivan reef/scapeshift. (need some decent G land destruction ffs). Dropping deputies of detention/frilled mystic from the top of your deck is pretty consistent with just 5-6 mana.

theres some serious cEDH cards in this set

>Brawl being 1v1 is kinda lame but since it's a casual format by definition, I don't expect it to be dominated by the best netdecks possible like Standard currently is.
Then you haven't played Commander. That shit sucks when you aren't playing with friends that make it a gentlemen rule to not Netdeck Commander/Brawl decks.

I agree with you on Planeswalkers sucking shit. But I don't think War of the Spark was THAT bad.

Do you? Teferi exists to stall until you can play a wincon, that's the definition of control.

I remember people thinking this would be an SFM reprint.

*invalidates an entire card type*

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>tfw don't have the combo
>opponent concedes anyways

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You're thinking of Tempo again. In Esper Control Teferi IS the wincon

Or Liliana depending on how the game progresses.

>play this
>laboratory maniac

No one uses Teferi as a wincon, he's way too fucking slow.

You should be winning from pure card advantage.

just one?

*laughing lattices*

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Regardless that deck is an incredibly small % of the metagame. Essentially Control as an archetype is dead thanks to big mana

>card advantage
>in a meme deck
user you nigger, quit ruining my Johnny fun

I love when people go for that in Legacy, and just casually floating 2 mana.

I am, for my commander decks.

>Oops we made Green too good for the 5th year in a row
Get me off this fucking train

Just play a better colour.

>Esper Control is .52% of the metagame.
No, it isn't retard. Almost no one plays esper tempo now

And I remember when people complained bainslayer was too much for the mana. At least it has coherent flavor.

Isn’t this just Coiling Oracle?

No, it's better. It triggers every time another elemental enters the battlefield

Oh dayum I need some for my Oathkeeper Hydras


MTG could probably do with 1 less color desu
just merge white and red together

>singlehandedly makes a tribe viable in a single set
>took years for Ixalan's tribes (not named Pirate) to become somewhat viable
Did anything good come from Ixalan outside the explore package and Curious Obsession?

An unbalanced mess of a game is fun to fuck around with for a little while. A properly balanced game might have fewer "wow what the fuck" moments but more staying power.

And of course if you're in the business of selling the things, the staying power is what you would prefer.

Core 20 was a gem because Maro had nothing to do with the design process.

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Treasure map is good

Or just get rid of blue

MtG still exists?

I looked it up and it seems there's be a set inspired by Arthurian legends and European fairy tales. I take it the art is full of blacks and browns?

mtg arena died when they introduced pets

Green is my favorite color but it has so much overlap with other colors that it would be my pick to remove and spread out among other colors.

not really

rent free

Oko seems legit.

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Niche, but powerful in that niche.
Exactly how Planeswalkers should be and rarely are.


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someone will probably do some weird shit with this

My first thought is its fake because it's the weekend
My second thought is its a less oppressive Experimental Frenzy

>Just tell us how many you want
Just two, apparently. Kinda cool if real though.

Rent free

As far as we can tell there's less pandering than in Ixalan (where every named Pirate with a card was a woman or a minotaur) if that's what you're asking.

Gruul using a lot of land ramp might make good use of it.

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Ixalan was the worst fucking plane ever made. The only good thing to come out of it were Conquistador Vampires

Why do I find Kamigawa and Lorowyn so great but Eldraine feels like utter shit?

Homelands exists.

Nostalgia goggles

I think they've done Pauper a few times. Along with Singleton, they're generally popular but Wizards is too worried about many formats splitting the matchmaking timer.

Wizards doest want pauper because it keeps people from spending money

Same with Historic, funny enough. They're too worried about killing Standard when other formats just help Standard.

They should focus on making Standard good and then they won't have to focus on sabotaging their other formats.
Start by not allocating half your rare and mythic slots to EDH cards.

>Start by not allocating half your rare and mythic slots to EDH cards.
start by driving up the cost of standard constructed by a hundred+ bucks, more like

>More cards in a set are viable in standard decks
>Thus, more cards per pack opened can be played in stndard
>Thus, higher supply of standard playables

>Drives up the cost

You got a screw lose there user?

If you like competitive Magic then all the more power to you, but Arena is proof to me that competitive Magic just sucks all the fun out for me.
It's baffling how a product that on paper was built on the back of nerds getting together, socialising and learning to be a good sportsman has a digital version that has barely any community support.
I'd say that Brawl can't come soon enough but it's just going to end up the same way as the format gets solved.
For as much shit as Artifact did poorly, it at least had a good foundation for actual community based play.

Lol, shut the fuck up retard.

any mythic that's good enough to be playable is a staple because mythics are very strong if they're playable. Every mythic being playable means every mythic is a staple, and they'll all run $20+ and you'll want a playset of the mythics that work in your deck and wham you're looking at $160 just for 8 cards.

More usable rares is fine.

heres a better game than arena

No single player, no playee.

Attached: yaranaika.png (1493x1800, 2.52M)

>wanting single player

>Wanting to play play creature, remove creature

>somehow single player will magically make it better for you

I disagree, lots of mythic cards are playable in specific decks or archetypes but not a staple of the meta due to it only being good enough due to synergy. 6 mana Lilliana isn't a staple, but it's playable as a top end in black based decks.

Always worked for Duels. But then, Duels had actually good cards instead of just the most recent dogshit.

Just play the Microprose game.

Duels had the most recent dogshit at the time too.

It's too annoying to get to work. I have to change all my shit every time I open it. Nope.

is it right to feel remorse after you nut draw and win on turn 5?

xth for The Wanderer being underplayed.

No. I meant ALL the Duels of the Planeswalkers games. Not Magic Duels. That was the prototype for Arena's Hearthstone ass.

>Why do I find Kamigawa and Lorowyn so great but Eldraine feels like utter shit?
Probably because those were settings while Eldraine is wearing it's theme like a set of clothes.

I've never had an issue installing from disc, and the easy pirate package is all pre configured and modded.

You literally have to change your screen configuration to get it to run properly. Unless there's a simpler version I'm not aware of.

Sorry user, it just works for me. Windows 7, literally installing from the Duels of the Planeswalkers expansion disc and it runs shandalar and sealed just fine. It had issues with the deck editor, but manalink 2.0 fixed that, and 3.0 includes the additional card and art mods

>Duels of the Planeswalkers expansion disc
The what?

Of what I've seen this set isn't looking to Rakdos friendly, but then I'm only taking out sovereigns bite from my deck and all the busted dominara shit is leaving so maybe its my time regardless.

Attached: priest.png (265x370, 175K)

The mechanics will probably never be reused.They will never leave their original set.Food justlooks too weak.
It's probably not even the artist's fault. Check the creature cards, theyr'e all either full body shots or a bust. No alternate angles, side shots, profiles.The art team are supposed to pick the best pieces for the cards.
Personally I just want to see something that's not digital or some 3d background painted over in PS

I don't really get how food is supposed to be helpful outside of abusing the fact its an artifact and a permanent, on top of the cost of doing whatever makes it you also have to spend mana for the healthgain. Plenty of cards this set seem to involve making artifacts 4/4s but then you just get the visual of a ham sandwich gaining sentience and punching dudes and I find it hard to take seriously

Attached: consquider the following.png (527x219, 80K)

The Microprose game had 2 expansions, both of which included the full original game.

OH! I thought you were saying the Stainless games had bonus discs that included Shandalar. You're talking about owning an original copy of the game.

WotC needs token gimmicks in rotation ever since return to Innistrad. Next year they'll either redo treasure tokens for Zendikar or we'll get shock tokens

How long after this Ravnica set rotates will it be before we get our next?

>not digital or some 3d background painted over in PS
There is literally no reason to not go digital, Seb McKinnon and other "distinct" artists are digital, it's just a tool, the problem is with Wizards and their art direction.

well it means return to Theros is all the closer.

Theros might of been a weaker set but god damn was it a fun set to play.

Yea, it's why I was always annoyed they used the exact same name. Most people just call it Shandalar, but that's specifically the single player campaign.

Theros and maybe Tarkir were the last sets that I really enjoyed.

>not enjoying Dominaria
What, do you hate draft? Literally one of, if not the, best limited sets ever.

>I hope you weren't planning to win with those fancy new cards you bought

Attached: download.jpg (190x265, 13K)

Seems like a noob trap.
Didn't really accelerate you any, and the payoff is kinda mediocre.

Never drafted it.

im just going to play mono black good stuff

I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. If you like draft at all, you would likely have enjoyed it immensely.

>everyone complaining that every other player online is using the decks most statistically likely to win
If you want to play with people interested in having fun and no specifically winning, play with FRIENDS. Don't expect a stranger to do anything besides try to beat you in a competitive game. You might as well bitch most people who play fighting games online use the same top tier characters. If you want to play a competitive game for fun, play with friends. Random strangers online are not your friends, and have no investment in making sure you have a fun time.

Murderous Rider would be good in Rakdos

>he doesn't know

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This is one of the biggest reasons I quit playing MTGA.
Everyone is a tryhard even in "casual" play.
I wish there were a mode for fucking around with jank decks and actually talking to players, but the game takes itself way too seriously for me to enjoy.