Has a game made Yea Forums seethe harder than Borderlands 3?
Has a game made Yea Forums seethe harder than Borderlands 3?
this game has had zero impact compared to mgsv
People actually buy 2k games at launch instead of waiting for the complete edition?
considering the framerate issues im glad i dint get it.
it's not even the most seethe-inducing game right now, that would be Smash
>Anyone caring about Boredomlands
Not even close how new are you? Were you here when RDR2, Persona 5, BOTW, Bloodborne, literally any good and exclusive game to release this generation? There is so much shitposting that the entire board is filled with people losing their minds, meanwhile BL3 just has like 2-3 threads of people shittalking randy
Its a shame really. I was really excited for this game until all the randy drama and drm bullshit. Now Id rather just play something else
>Not even close
>His entire post is passive agressive cope
Nobody cares about your reddit game OP, it doesn't have smash or trannies to seeth about
did anyone find the big chungus reference? I saw it but my comp BSOD'd so I couldn't get a screenshot
The only thing that's making me seethe is that there's like 5 fucking threads about this dumb fucking game at any one time and not a single fucking one is talking about the game. Instead they're all talking about ebin gayms vs steam or about randybobandy or literally anything except the actual fucking game. Just makes me think the game is fucking trash. If you had shit to talk about regarding the actual game maybe I'd give a shit about it but as is I'm going to wait till 2k decides to stop being jews about what is most likely a 10 dollar value.
Well. What do you want to know? Played a fair bit now.
did u see the big chungus easter egg they added? lol
No I only shoot and loot. I don't pay attention to cringy references or the retarded dialogue.
Its bl2 but bigger and better. Thats it
The only things that fucking matter; character mechanics and weapon mechanics.
Is there anything as ridiculous as the grog nozzle dpuh? Is there anything as consistently powerful as 1S1K Infinity? Analogs to the breakneck banshee? The bee sandhawk siren? The pheonix kreig?
Is the maggie shotgun revovler still a unique or is it a class?
I don't even know what a borderlands is.
Is the gameplay better than BL2?
The majority of you fags shut down any actual discussion of the game because you are a hivemind dead set on shutting on gearbox and epic. None of the people shitting on the game have actually played it.
Much better
The gunplay has definitely improved, some guns are fun as fuck. I tend to fuck about with the shotguns and snipers. I'll say though that a lot of guns are useless too. Haven't found anything really special yet.
Classes. I play the siren. It's lackluster in my opinion. I am like level 20 now. Mostly it seems to be skills that make you shoot harder and straighter. But need to play around more with it.
Yes. It plays much smoother and is more fun.
its literally just a better version of borderlands 2. it really just comes down to if you liked borderlands, you will most likely like this one.
How's Moze? I played Roland in 1 and Axton in 2. Always been drawn to the soldier archetype.
Borderlands was always trash. My friend kept hyping it to me and we finally played a session together. The fucking HUD is a disaster of game design and the art style looks like absolute fucking shit. Gameplay is boring as fuck too.
Death Stranding
getting to ram your dong in between her titties haha wouldnt that be funny if that happened
Never heard about it
well I played 2 all the way up to level 16-ish and gave up and went back to Warframe. also the dialogue made me cringe most of the time
Yeah. I love that they gave legendary effects to lesser weapons, so you get wacky fun shit from the get go. Stuff like tediore weapons that fly and shot at shit or riffles that have grenade or shotgun attachment. The skill trees feel less broken than on 2, which is a shame. The robot for example has the same skill on two different trees. Gunplay is amazing, every gun feels and sounds great.
Maya dies lmao
Astral Chain just recently.
fucked a moxxi cosplayer at a con in full costume, best fuck of my life next to power girl
Question is Astral chain coming to PC?
Fat con girls with daddy issues. Nice.
What happened to the other bl2 characters?
cons are great, easy pickings
The only ones i've seen so far are her and Zero. Zero is effectively the main character from Tales from the Borderland's onahole.
You’ve gotta weed out the lesbians though. Although a lot of times they’re only lesbians because they can’t get dick.
relevant as any other generic npc.
Are people even wanting to wait for the complete edition after all the nonsense with Pre-sequel's season pass?
bad b8
> framerate issues
Console owning subhuman detected
I do not know anyone who is playing this game. It will not impact my life at all.
This, people still tear each other's throats out about RDR2, BOTW, and Bloodborne to this day. No one gives a fuck about P5 other than massive weebs though, and it was never really exclusive because you could emulate it in rpcs3 since day one.