Why didn't he just use a Phoenix Down?

Why didn't he just use a Phoenix Down?

Attached: AerithDeath2.jpg (640x448, 159K)

Phoenix Downs revive ko'd people.
She super dead.

So then why does the game end when you get knocked out? Can you just wake up later and continue? Pokémon rushes you to a Pokémon center so why didn’t cloud just revive aris?

Are you retarded? If everyone is knocked out and youre fighting an enemy what makes you think that enemy is going to let you wake up later? Phoenix Down is for someone who is still conscious to use to bring someone back from the brink of death. Not already dead. Brink.

Why did Cloud drown her?

why wasnt there a scene of him forcing a pheonix down into her butt to make sure?

Because Tifa is the superior girl and he knew it.

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She died of her own volition. It's the same reason you can't unpetrify Palom and Porom in FF4

They tried on Galuf in 5 but he was so spent it didn't work

There's a Final Fantasy game that actually has the party doing that when someone dies for real. They start throwing phoenix downs and elixirs at them but it doesn't work

which one?


>pubes showing out of outfit
gets me every time damn

when aeris died in the classic rpg video game final fantasy vii, why didn't cloud just use a phoenix down?

Ooohh shit, we are going to see Honeybee Bees soon.

hehe, reminds me of that time i met the cast of the acclaimed japanese role playing game series Final Fantasy VII™

Why doesn’t he just use an eye drop?

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The enemy eats them in the most violent way when there is no one to defend the unconscious team members

>Cloud doesn't use Phoenix Down on Aeris
>Red 12 doesn't use Tissue on his petrified dad
>Vincent doesn't use Heal on his experiment disease
>Sephiroth used Meteor instead of Comet for the same thing
For a world with all these magical items they sure don't like using them

I like how Bartz uses cure, I like it when the MC canonically uses magic

Why does he need sunglasses if he's blind?

wtf V is hardcore

It also has an anime, and Butz suspiciously has his arm around the underage party member in it

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Most blind people wear sunglasses user. They can't tell if something is too bright and would damage their corneas or eyes which could lead to an infection or further problems.

Why does she need glasses if she's deaf?

Why don't they just close their eyes at all times?

because it takes concentrated effort to keep your eyes closed, user. unless you are sleeping it is a muscle you have to actively keep flexed.

Huh never considered that

I only really know this because I'm blind in one eye. It's pretty easy to not think about until youre in that kind of situation.

There's a difference between being blinded from having sand thrown in your eyes and being blinded from having acid thrown in your eyes

Actually I am retarded got a problem bitch?

Didn't the FFV cast actually try using Phoenix Downs when Galuf died?

Jenova attacked right after and by the time they fought it off it was too late.

Been asking the same question for almost two decades.