Why do games give robots boobs and ass? they're robots for goodness sake they don't need them.
Why do games give robots boobs and ass? they're robots for goodness sake they don't need them
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Androids are supposed to look like humans
Why does a robot need a face?
Why does a robot need any humanoid build?
So you view it as a person, both in reality and fiction the entire point of modelling robots and AI after people is so that humans project humanity onto them.
That's literally the definition
Pic related is a good example of what robots should look like.
Anyone have the robot scale image?
fuck robots
post haydee
>normal human wearing plastic over their upper body
robots are a spectrum that includes everything from tin cans to tiddy androids, and it's a beautiful thing to behold. can you truly say that you appreciate robots if you only like one and not the other? i hope that you can make a better and more informed thread next time, thanks
also you're wrong and "draw human, call it robot" are the worst kind of robot designs.
most robots in any media and especially in real life don't have t&a. you're only pointing out the ones that have distinctly human features. since the ones you're talking about already have human features, why is t&a a surprise?
>"draw human, call it robot"
so everyting left of 7 is "bad" robot design?
Why do games treat robots or rather androids with AI as real people?
Its called artificial for a fucking reason
Because robots are designed to appeal to humans and that's what humans want
play fallout
>Why does a robot need a face
because the general public is too fucking stupid to be able to like or relate to something that doesn't look like a normal human, so we must place a human face onto it even if it looks fucking stupid and worse than any of the concept art
fucking seething I live and will die in the current era tbqh lads
So you can fuck them
If it's clearly robotic or has some mechanical parts it's fine, but if it's just staright up a human, which we're told is a robot, it's shit.
I'd say you'd have to be at the very least a 3 to be a good design but 4 or higher is preferable.
More like everything left of 3, arguably 4 depending upon what the design entails
5>7>4>3>6>2>>>>> Like fuck just don't call it a robot if you can't even tell the difference.
The boobs and ass is not for the robot. Is for the creator.
You're missing a level
If you fags want just some faceless box shaped machine as a character there's plenty.
If you're upset over androids looking like humans like they're supposed to you might need to get that 'tism under control by way of the nearest hugbox.
My wife
Robots are cute
>they don't need them
If a robot has a humanoid anatomy, then yes they do need asses. Butts aren't just for looking good, they are necessary for ambulation.
androids are male
10/10 movie, how come they didn't make a game?
You forgot to label GLADOS under the picture, also EDI is arguable post-ME3
You might be better off. Or do you think all those dataselling, extremely scummy and exploitative corporations are going to let you upload your mind to the internet without 7 layers of corporate Anti-Wrongthink DRM© and CorporateFidelization™ Digindentured Servitude?
>both in reality and fiction the entire point of modelling robots and AI after people is so that humans project humanity onto them.
that is a possible reason but in asimov robot series it was to get more utility from them, like there's a better form than human to cook and one better for vacuum cleaner and other for do woodwork, but if you want a single robot to do all they need human form to interact with a human world.
exactly,why does a mouse pad needs boobs
For buyer's comfort.
That's fine just use another service
It's like saying iTunes exists so all music is that cancerous
Saying the future will suck is generally a mortality coping mechanism, it has only gotten better at an increasing rate
The quality of a robot's design is ultimately determined by whatever purpose it was made for.
>The quality of a building's design is ultimately determined by whatever purpose it was made for.
>The quality of a car's design is ultimately determined by whatever purpose it was made for.
>The quality of a chair's design is ultimately determined by whatever purpose it was made for.
There will be room for beauty and expression like we value in any craft once we have achieved proficiency
Only these baby steps must place function before form
Can a nigger ?
>greater wealth gap in recorded history
>less quality of life, greater personal debt, greater national debt, less job security, less home ownership, more rampant idiocy than in the last 50 years
>but iphones, y'all!
Since you are an utter retard (and I can not stress this fact enough) nothing I say will get though your thick skull an into your almond-sized brain so suit yourself. I bet you think microsoft gave all those free windows 10 out of the goodness of their hearts lol
robots are for love
Eh, it's included in 7.
They just used mostly examples that have some slight anthropomorphic stuff.
That being said giant humanoid should be included in 5.
Why would you want one? It would just be some awful and generic TPS cover shooter most likely.
Hey sort your own shit out US everyone else is doing great
Start voting for socialist healthcare
Want to guess what the war graph looks like? Because we live in some peaceful times
>more rampant idiocy than in the last 50 years
Fuck no, you can just access it now
You're the modern equivalent of the guy worrying about books stopping people needing to remember, or radio decreasing literacy, the eternal "old thing good" faggot that will haunt us for who knows how many more centuries
>tfw ARs I want have shit stats/buffs
>tfw AR girls I want have guns I give zero fucks about
>tfw no WA2000 drop so I can Hitman
Cars don't need paint either. There's nothing wrong with aesthetics unless you're a tranny or butthurt roastie.
Waifu > meta/effectiveness, user, I though you already knew that.
spacemom doesn't love us
It helps if your waifu is the meta.
no no, i said tiddy androids, user
>Cars don't need paint either
is this bait
you know the paint on cars is primarily there to protect it from corrosion
have you never owned a car
If someone has the option to make a creation aesthetically pleasing, they'll just do that. People like cute things; why does this need to be explained to you?
But I want my waifu to have my raifu. There is also difference between not caring about meta and absolute dogshit stats.
Horny 15 year old boys are the main target group of most games.
>Start voting for socialist healthcare
>deluded corporate bootlicker is a lefty retard
Like pottery.
Just so you know, I won't waste more time replying to you.
lol aware of wealth gap and still a class cuck
>(and I can not stress this fact enough)
Go back to facebook for typing this btw
because the robot on robot combat in this scene would be awesome in a game
8 is my wife. Why do you have a picture of her?
The biggest insult about this redesign are the wings. Not saying the face is good either, but the tacked on wings are just pure faggotry clearly not intended by the original concept artist, and the person who overtook the original concept didn't understand it. Allow me to explain.
Echo's arms and legs are attached via gravitational anchor points at the shoulders and thighs. You can clearly see the interconnecting dark gray and blue circle "wells" that keep her limbs attached to her body. At the rear of Echo's body, only the wings have these gravity wells. The other half that would keep them gravitating around her body don't exist. Her own design has been contradicted by some pleb who was probably told "make a robot angel or something, I don't care."
damn it's wild how memories of old movies/video games are that the graphics would hold up today and then you go back and it just looks like modern passion projects at best
Asimov's point for robots from a writing stand point was to project humanity onto them so we could empathize with the issues of their sapience. And even in the scenario you gave, it's important they have the humanoid form for interaction purposes.
That's the issue with cg, we become more discerning as the technology progresses.
>Those muzzle flash effects
Damn that's some Incredible Bulk shit right there.
waifu > meta, if your waifu doesn't judge you for being a useless NEET, then you should not judge her for being useless either.
Fuck that look at the glass break
Also damn that SMG does not want to run out
i like robutts
Quick reminder that if your gun Android waifu is on this list, please re-evaluate yourself
What the fuck am i looking at
>leddit list
please re-evaluate your life.
user, this was made in house here
Holy shit imagine making this
Makes me want to pick them specifically if anything, if I played shitty phone games that is
I don't play girls frontline so I can't tell for sure but it looks like an autist with some sort of grudge or insecurity about what other people like. I mean, he plays gachas, he obviously has some sort of mental disability.
then it only shows how shit nu/v/ and /gbg/ became, sad isnt it?
>that filename
lmao, get out
What’s “404 radio” ?
because str*ightoids will buy it if it has booby
A fan series that the /gfg/ general loathes. youtube.com
What the fuck is this shit?
They're designed by humans for humans, you dope.
Galil girl looks cute
one of the VA's is a guy, guess which one he voices
Andro-, Andr-, from Greek "Andros" meaning male, manly, masculine, mankind
-oid, -id, Latin suffix indicating resemblance or affinity to or a type or aspect of
Andr- + -oid = "man-like" or "object in the image of a man"
Andro- + -id = "a type of man"
You know a design is bad when even the most depraved fetishists are too busy making fun of how stupid it looks to jerk off to it.
Thank god I clicked around for like 30 seconds didn't catch that.
Why would you build a robot you can't fuck?
You keep using that word, there are very few things we absolutely need and anything apart from that is somehow too much I guess.
this is the future
Holy fuck my life might suck but at least I didn't make this image
Get that hag away from me
>Draw a human
>Call it a robot
That's kinda gay 2bqh.
>that face
What a shit future we have to look forward to.
It's bad but putting makeup onto a form that shouldn't fucking need it is even worse
Well, original design looked a bit like a turret from portal slapped onto a robot
Only a westernfag would complain about robots looking like humans
3D artist build human models, just minimum changes for robots (skin for metal texture and shaders,remove hair ...)
Same for humanoid demons,ghost or other humanoids
>the haggening
kek, hadn't heard that one before
I just wanted Athena to be playable bros, not this thing
t. white male
Yeah, I'm a huge robofucker and I wouldn't touch Echo with a ten foot stick. Orisa is vastly superior.
If it just looks like a human what's the point of it being a robot from a design standpoint?
It just sucks.
Not even a robot.
Get that cyborg shit out of here.
This. If I want to fuck a human, I'll just rent a hooker for the night. It'll be more realistic and cost less.
Robots should look robotic.
How does Glados not have humanoid features? She's got a head, and a face with an eye
There is more to robots than just their appearance. How they act and think is just as important.
Android 18 and 17 are androids, not cyborgs.
P1 GLaDOS didn't
P2 GLaDOS is turbohumanized
All DBZ androids are Cyborgs.
Except 21 because she's not canon and an asspull for female Buu.
Go look up what a Cyborg is and shut the fuck up.
So my pee pee can feel funny
I'm glad Boston Dynamics is just trying to stabilize their robots instead of going for the completely useless facial animations or humanoid features.
Androids are a fucking waste, go robutt or go home.
>All DBZ androids are Cyborgs.
You're wrong.
>Android 18 and 17 are androids, not cyborgs.
wrong, only 16 and 19 are androids, androids 17, 18 and 20 are cyborgs.
All relevant androids are cyborgs.
kill yourself.
You're right, user. I'm sorry.
C18 and C17 are Cyborgs.
If people make a sexbot that looks above 20 years old that which just made just several months or years old and people buy it, is it consider pedophile or not?
Never played this game, but my gunfu isn't on this list so she must be good.
They're not sentient and fucking them won't cause any harm to their body.
No, you stupid retard.
I know hat androids are a thing, but that doesn't make them good robot designs.
Because the absolute legend that built them is a pervert just like me.
Stop being such a flaming faggot, holy shit
They're actions and thought don't matter in terms of design though, so robots that are just humans are still terrible robot designs.
>RL humans get attached to their army robots or their roombas
>In a game, humans just mistreat and attack all their completely human looking robots
>Tfw no 9 foot tall robo gf strong enough to bench a tank
also huge t&a and muscles
Maybe to you. Luckily, literal who user #478000024 isn’t the official end all be all for what makes a good robot design.
In other words, nobody on earth gives a shit about what you think.
delet this
t. vanilla fag
correction, androids are supposed to look like men
I miss her she was a great character
doesn't love you
loves my dick tho
>Why do games give robots boobs and ass? they're robots for goodness sake they don't need them.
Because the creator is human.
Assessment: That really is a shame, master.
Only gynoids should have boobs and ass though.
haha like soi face haha still going don't need new memes haha
They might not, but I sure do.
Nah, it's an objective fact.
If you're designing a robot and just make them look like a human, you might aswell not be designing a robot at all.
Androids are only good for edgy existential, "what makes a human" shit.
Fuck you, Ballas
pick your partner for tonight
Portal 1 glados is a human women hanging from the ceiling. It's not roboty at all.
I'll tell Boston Dynamics to stop
Tell them to build Medabots instead.
unghhh thiccer
second or third
Simulated love is perfectly adequate
Most marriages are based on this concept
>bread not included
>bread not included
Dropped. Toaster chan worst girl.
If your robot waifu has an anime face, it's automatically shit.
always go ember, has the best butt
>may not love you
>still get to ride her
>still get to fuck her
What's the difference?
robots do what they are made to do, if they are made to have tits and ass, they do need to have them.
robots see humans as nothing but resource
yes, "men" as a synecdoche for "mankind".
Actual robots> nasty Uncanny Valley shit.
the qt kitty of course
Im sickedned, but curious
>Start voting for socialist healthcare
First off, fuck off with your political talk, /pol/ is that way.
Secondly, no. Unless you ant 55% of income tax plus VAT, no.
>they don't need tits and ass
What kind of faggot would even make this statement?!
The faggot kind of faggot.
robot NEEDS realistic feet. discuss
The worst kind of faggot.