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He was right
Cool, he's still right
MGR2 when
i'm okay even with a fox engine remaster
Why you want Rising 2 if Armstrong and all of his group are all dead?, i don't think they can currently make new villains as funny as them.
I have no idea why someone would advocate for an ideology that would kill them.
Might as well just kill yourself now and save everyone else the trouble.
Platinum came up with all of these characters, correct? They tend to be pretty decent at making fun villains.
i agree that desperado was god tier, the best team after mgs1 foxhound
but i trust platinum, like the other user said, they managed to come up with these characters, they can do it again
>I have no idea why someone would advocate for an ideology that would kill them
That's because you have no convictions
hows the steam version?
could /ourguy/ Solid Snake take on any of the enemies in MGR?
Not upfront.
great, all the PC versions of the Platinum games like Vanquish, Bayo, and MGR are well optimized and work as they should.
I've been itching to reinstall and do a 5th playthrough recently.
the best one, obviously
in a direct fight, probably only the normal cyborg mooks
Gotta pump that number up pal
Fuck this war, I just want you dead.
I really liked how when Raiden pretends like he understands Armstrong and is gonna join him, Armstrong instantly becomes really nice, helping Raiden get up, dusting him off, and giving him a hug. Such great characterization for a character only really introduced at the very last hour of the game,
>Character is revealed at the end of the game
>Out shines everyone else
I can't name another time a developer pulled that off
Some people feel that way about "The Master" in Fallout 1, and Frank Horrigan in FO2. You might also say something similar happened with Persona 4 and Arcanum.
Dragon's Dogma
Liquid Snake, the GW AI, and aftercredits one cutscene Big Boss debateably count.
I love how strong Armstrong's banter game was. When he gives the fake motive rant about using the war economy to create jobs and win the presidency, Raiden asks "How did you ever get elected?" Armstrong quips "Well, I don't write my own speeches."
Same thing with the need to retaliate against the Ivy League accusation with the "Try the University of Texas".
how do you get good at banter IRL? Is it just something your born with?
liquid shows up some times and you fight fight, like when he's using the Hind D
and big boss is big boss, everyone know who is, you fought him in a previous him, you even played as him in a previous game, and you don't even fight him in mgs4
armstrong barely shows up in mgr until the very end
all wrong except for the Master
Frank Horrigan had a decent amount of setup.
Hello me, Meet the real me, Adachi seems to have endeared himself to the public pretty well. If you've actually played Arcanum, you're cool, you've got to at least remember the last minute villain.
Ironically based
I just want another game with the blade mode cutting mechanic
>Persona 4
The gas station attendant? The eyeball? It's all shit.
You feel it too, don't you?
More than you think
user, Social Darwinism is retarded, period.
What if a society of perfect war just gets us back to where we are now because once someone strong gets the best of the others they start forcing hierachies once again leading history down the same path?
Besides, it's "survival of the fittest", not "the strongest". What if the fittest society is a bunch of all-controlling sociopathic jews who rule over a population of literal bugmen?
And besides, if people fight for their ideals, where's the line drawn? If a communist fights for his ideals in this hypotetical world, wins and makes the world a dictatorship for the masses, wouldn't he have lived by Armstrong's wishes? Ideals tend to be about what other people should do, not just yourself.
And if the problem is war making people fight for ideals that aren't their own, how long do you think this darwinist state would last without someone realizing you can't win in a free-for-all and starts forming armies, instantly making the problem resurface?
Armstrong's ideals only appeal to vague power fantasies and literal psychopaths who already achieve their goals without the need for anyone to enable them. You'd be dying to make the day of cartel lords and conmen. Brainlet.
i don't like this image
Is the smug aura mocking you?
Real Adachi
I've been taught from birth that i don't have value. It's bullshit but I really dont care if I die anymore
It is extremely well optimized. I was able to play the game without issues back then in 2014, using a laptop with integrated graphics.
How about legate lanious? Then agian part of his charm was haveing his build up be semi-subverted
I'll always remember him as the guy that gets beat with a barter check, but I'm not sure if that's a point for or against him.
everyone can write shit on the internet
if all your political activism is writing shit on the intetnet your convictions are worth nothing
>how do you get good at banter IRL? Is it just something your born with?
You need a paid scriptwriter to write your dialogue, and then try to act it out IRL.
Would I be okay to play this even if I've only played mgs 1?
You would be okay to play it even if you hadn't played any metal gear game
I'd tell you to play MGS2/3/4 first, but fuck it. Just jump in, it's doing its own thing.
You've gotten a lot farther than you should have. But then, you haven't met Frank Horrigan either. Your ride's over mutie. Time to die.
Everything about the final battle was great. I still remember the first threads going insane when he got out of the Metal Gear and started gathering energy and screaming incoherently before rushing Raiden himself.
>Let's talk this over.
how'd they make meme gold and a good game simultaneously?
good writing with cheesy characters
Practice with freinds and you'll get better.
>surely this is the dialogue path that talks the boss down
>dialogue box closes
It's a stand alone plot.
I don't know, first playthrough I went full speach and ignored barter. So when I got to him and talk no jutzu didn't work it stuck with me. He's a big lumbering titan that the rest of the world doesn't even see as human, but he's also one of the most reasonable people in the game.
The memes...
Sam can be brought back. He wasn't sliced in 100000 pieces like the others
Sam is fucking dead tho
Why is Mistral such a fucking bitch in the Wolf DLC? It made me retroactively think that I didn't slice her in enough pieces
She came here from nowhere, across the unforgiving sea.
Raiden's come back from way worse than Sam got.
Enjoy the good old days, you guys.
Drifting further and further
Its all becoming clear to me
Neither does Armstrong since he didn't kill himself
this maybe the most based thing i've read
Armstrong was right, not because his vision of an america would be good, but rather because it would still be a lot better than the actual metal gear america.
Anarchy is preferable to the society the Patriots created.
Do any 3D action games even come close to this? MGR is such a fucking rollercoaster, it never lets up.
I always recommend Vanquish to fans of MGR. DMC5 is also a good recent title.
im still mad
that not how you spell monsoon
Go back, brony.
The only reason they did that was because I’m the Japanese version everyone but Sam bled blue cyborg juice. Sam actually bleeding was supposed to be a dramatic reveal and it’s why immediately after Raiden said he was mostly human