Remember when making fun of weebs on Yea Forums was the norm?
Remember when making fun of weebs on Yea Forums was the norm?
>newfags pretends to understand fatlus
I feel old as fuck
>newfags don't understand self-deprecating humor
You stupid fucktard.
Weebs from 10 years ago were not the same as what today is considered weaboo.
Anime culture became mainstream you millennial.
No, I don't know what kind of normalfag shit people are telling you but maybe you should fuck off back to r/dankmemes with you"waaah everyone and everything is weeb XD but jojo is ok" bullshit
This is a fake image
Yea Forums used to be the western gaming board, you fags had /jp/. Now it's weeb central and you're pretending it's always been that way.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are SA shitting grounds now and they're full of emotional faggots like that.
>newfag trying to rewrite history
Yeah and this was always an anime website so what’s your point newfag
I remember when Yea Forums talked about video games.
Jeez, this seems to be the appropriate thread to post this in.
Member when /vee/ was shitmon central? Now it's party game central!
>filthy dumb bugman scum
>tiny dick makes no one cum
>suck up opium like a whore
>get nuked before you breathe some more
>seething so hard
Weebs don't hang out at Yea Forums.
Atlus games became even MORE popular
>knowyourmeme filename
You're right.
Define weebs right now, newfag.
What was considered to be a weeaboo back then was different to what is considered to be a weeb now.
Yes that was when the west made games. Paradox is pretty much the only western publisher I still care about now.
/jp/ never existed until 2008
people who even know where japan is on a map. all tucked away between Germany and France
according to the newfags it literally means anything even slightly related to anime or anyone who has even watched a single episode of anime, not including jojo cause that's cool in their book. Most of the time is doesn't have to have anything to do with anime, they throw it around like candy.
but Yea Forums used to make fun of weebs purple monkey dishwasher
Old /jp/ was literally 80% Touhou and 20% everything else. The only other games the user base discussed were doujin games and VNs (unless they were playing some FotM game).
Nothing is stopping you from making fun of people, but don't expect a circlejerk.
Yeah, back when they weren't the only people left making games.
Yea Forums hated weebs since 1983 at its creation purple monkey dishwasher
Sengoku Rance was very popular in Yea Forums
>Bloodborne above DMC3
Atlus games are normie tier.
HEY Yea Forums!
>sell you incomplete game and then pretty much force you to buy them
yeah you sure are a retard
We don't make fun of weebs now, just transgender people.
habeeb it
>Yea Forums's tastes slowly merged with reddit's
You just described every publisher. I'm just following the one who's incomplete games I at least still enjoy.
Get triggered more, Tumblrfag.
literal zoomer
But this was always a weeb sitehole.
This is a thing.
>post election cancer
>trying to damage control by calling other user tumblr
It's pure comedy
>newfag tries to deflect
I do but most of the faggots here are uncreative zoomers that spout the same memes 2 years later rather than create any OC. Should purge them all and start fresh with a new generation
Why did Atlus get the fat guy stereotype anyway? Most weebs i know are basically skeletons, not heavy fatasses
That was quick.
Go back.
Fatties are easier to draw gross
Not sure anglos are the right people to call out others on Opium, seeing how you actually went to war to push that shit on others and yourselves
Find a nerd to buy all of the DLC for you, if you play MP you get all of the features for free.
That don't really mean shit. People, especially younger ones, always prefer shorthands rather than having to write the whole word.
What happened mid-2015 that made normie take off that hard anyway?
>Remember when making fun of weebs on Yea Forums was the norm?
No, not really. It was a small minority amidst a sea of weeb reaction images.
sup /pol/
redditards who grew up watching family guy flooded into Yea Forums for the election.
>moralfags war didn't exist in Yea Forums
Can't remember. Probably e-celeb video or something with /pol/
>literal zoomer posting shit from kym pretending to understand
Go back to Fortnite. Fatlus shit was just a joke because Atlus games were more niche and only popular with 'hardcore' weebs back then. They're more mainstream now.
We shit on modern Western games you faggot zoomers like now because they are bad.
Remember when being "lulrandom xD" was the norm, desu?
>don't forget to alt qq
>What happened mid-2015 that made normie take off that hard anyway?
/r9k/ reclaimed Pepe from the normalfags, and then /pol/ seized it from /r9k/ spreading it out into Reddit. It ended up backfiring because Pepe and Wojak turned from a relatively obscure joke on Arcanine that morphed into an OC-killing weapon of mass destruction that has crippled the site for almost half a decade.
Never really got why Kenshiro became the antithesis to Akag in these trolling shitposts, when they're both the result oriented types.
It was still heavily frowned upon, user.
Weeaboos turned into ironic weebs ("I'm a weeaboo, but see I know it's stupid lol, I'm self-aware, baka desu notice me senpai best girl") and became "cooler" and more accepted.
>because Pepe and Wojak turned from a relatively obscure joke
Are you being dumb on purpose?Wojak especially was never an obscure meme by 2015.
Hell, coolface, or wojak as he's now known as was "hated" by 2010 because he evolved into those rage comic at the time
Self aware weebs are still better than idiotic unaware weebs though. The unaware actually THINKS they're better people
When do you think murica will make a Big Bang Theory, but with IRONIC WEEBS 4THELULZ?
because Kenshiro is THE archetype of generic battle shounen protagonist who punches the bad guy and everything is ok
Akagi introduces that moral relativity where Akagi is absolute asshole and his behaviour is only justified with him targeting only bigger assholes than him
>or wojak as he's now known
Thought that was feels guy
>Weeaboos turned into ironic weebs
No. Your ironic weebs buzzword makes no seance.
He have a long meme history and many, many evolutions from his original creation.
>getting troll face confused with Wojak
Jesus fuck, are you retarded? I'm talking specifically about Pepe and Wojak. For years Pepe was just the feels good man and feels bad man frog, and Wojak was a rarely posted forced meme from Krautchan and /int/. It was /r9k/ that absorbed them, stewed them in their juices in the middle of the decade and then shat them out where /pol/ and Reddit got a hol dof them. Wojak has absolutely nothing to do with rage comics, which were themselves a forced meme used to damage OC on the site for years when Reddit became prominent in about 2012.
did you know?
>one of the original fulfillments of this site was finally getting into idolm@ster after you've passed some entry-level stuff like k-on, DOA, and senran etc
I dunno, i think Goku or hell, even pokemon's Ash fits that description better, and is far more known
/jp/ その 感じ
you are what's wrong with this board
Goku and Ash are far from being the "first" ones, that's the point
Wojak is older than /int/ though, so your take is wrong by default
oh fuck, that would be the single funniest thing to happen to this site, imagine the seethe when they get fate references wrong and have male characters dressing up as astolfo
it's still is
you tell me
>Wojak is older than /int/ though, so your take is wrong by default
I'm saying it was forced by them. It didn't exist on this site until they started pushing it.
Let's be honest, it's the year when Yea Forums became big and relevant. Pretty much nobody browsed this place before that time, except maybe some genuine autists looking for a secret club to hang out at
Yea Forums was once nothing but ragnarok online, dmc and gunbound threads.
that was 2007 though
coolface isnt wojak you faggot
>Let's be honest, it's the year when Yea Forums became big and relevant. Pretty much nobody browsed this place before that time,
Mass Effect is shit
yeah but stopped as soon as they realized nobody said that shit
Why is this board so shit?
isn't hokuto no ken almost a blatant comedy at times? as in, actually written as one? it didn't seem to take itself very seriously
I dunno man, i basically remember how feels guy became wojak and started to make the rounds. And i'm pretty sure it was a natural multi board thing, rather than a single board forcing it.
But then again, i don't even remember what i did last night, so..
Pretty much this. I swear Yea Forums wasn’t always this blatantly contrarian, there was always an edge of it but it’s gotten out of hand.
>Let's be honest, Yea Forums became big conveniently the year after I came here, which was 2014 during the fappening or gamergate.
You're a newfag and you'll always be one.
That's completely wrong, I know it's hard but please try to think beyond the timeframe of when YOU arrived.
k-on is shit
>Yea Forums is considered a joke even in fucking africa
>implying that's what I was saying at all
the image date isn't relevant you retarded phoneposter
but not as much as senran
Only blacks would be stupid enough to think that Reddit is 'growth'.
i'm actually surprised niggers want something like reddit when they act as a violent Yea Forums to begin with. they seem to get their feeling hurt quicker and more easily
Now that's fucking based. Why couldn't these oldfags use Yea Forums as well? No wonder this board always is second fiddle to based /pol/
>now that's fucking based
>old granny boomers
off yourself
You seem to equate afroburgers with africans, when these two people are entirely different from each other
Based Yea Forums, exposing OP for the faggot election tourist that he is.
It is but I still regret not finishing the second season when it aired.
imagine trying to explain le epic pepe kekistan cringe shit to a fucking grandma
What the fuck?
no wonder people here are so upset with le degeneracy
they're actual boomers
It's 60% Touhou, 30% Idolshit, 10% everything else now.
Election /pol/tards such as yourself ruined this site.
Guess we figured out where the dumbrain spam came from as well.
Bring back dubs.
Also does anybody have the Yea Forumsingo screencap of the fat neckbeard with the bib?
If you want to feel old even if you're zoomer start collecting "memes" and screencaps. It's like photos. Archives will die. You will be called newfag, but you will know you're not.
>all 2008 material is gone now
/pol/ seems to have this way of thinking that people tell them to fuck off back to pol because they say nigger etc, but in reality it's because anything bad on this site can be tracked down back to /pol/, it's a bunch of old people and underages who saw some epic hacker greentext on leddit.
fatlus memes are great
this was already posted
read the thread
What's the year you can point to and say that is when all future content posted online is fully archived?
People have been referring to each other as nigger on this board for a decade and a half.
I'm a really pretty traditional Asian girl and I would fuck him with my pussy. Love the game btw. I make curry once in awhile.
KOG is still here posting his shit. Despite attention whoring he's probably one of oldest posters on boards. 2003 anons exist but at this point it's hard to prove that you was here.
classic ugly bastard fetish
Okay, he wasn't disputing that.
Most of the bad things on this site started on Yea Forums eventually the cancer king torch passed to Yea Forums, moved around Yea Forums and Yea Forums around 2010 and right now it's passed between Yea Forums and /pol/.
2008 Yea Forums is what doomed the rest of the site as shitposters went unfiltered for months and didn't get shut down early
Did Yea Forums ever find out who the cutest tripfag was?
No but seriously even at its worst back then it still managed to be better than it is now. That board is a zombie.
Bib is that apron thing?
If so, guess i learned a new word for something i'll never see again
Yea Forums is one of the top 3 boards and has the fastest production of OC. They will forever be a superior board to Yea Forums.
I've been on Yea Forums for years. It is dogshit and has spent years obsessed with two memes.
Reddit the post
Go on, show us your latest "FRESH" OC that is some BANE variety or perhaps the epic SNEED meme you faggots have been beating to death for the last couple of years
There's such thing as good and bad OC. I like some of the stuff Yea Forums does but other stuff is awful.
>a bunch of meme games
>games people actually play
Looks like basically it just became less reddit.
>games people actually play
Meleefags aren't people
you better watch out user. when i get home i’m gonna fuckin own you by having editable filenames.
>"I was there guys!"
People who post smug anime girl reaction images and use "waifus" in the plural sense are not "weebs". The fact that you use the zoomer slang for weaboo shows how much of an underage faggot you are.
Sneedposting is one of the worst memes in years.
kenshiro isn't just that you tard
Ah, yes, "video games".
If you haven't seen at least 500 anime why are you even on this site?
Time to rummage through my pic folder to find 11-year-old weeaboo comics.
Yea Forums peaked with Bane crash. After that they should've let Bane go like everybody else did. Sneed should've been shot at sight.
Someone post that kamen rider kick