Replaying a game you enjoy

>replaying a game you enjoy
>remember you have to play through THAT level

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farren keep dark souls 3

Every single tutorial of every single game.

Skyrim main quest.

The opening part of like every game ever.
>FF12 really untill after you have the full party which is like 5 hours in.

Elwynn Forest and Teldrassil

Does a game with a good sewer level exist?

>Friend puts in smash
>Decide to leave before we spend a few hours playing a party game in 'serious mode'

RE4 sewers were pretty cool, if not one of the more terrifying moments of the game

It took me like a solid 5mins to think what you were talking about. The boss fight against the scorpion thing after being thrown down the hole right? That hardly counts as a sewer level.

Jak hoverboard segments

in the ten years I've had skyrim I've only cleared the main quest once. and it was back in 2011.

Fuck you blighttown

There are no less fun level in a Sonic game.

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lol so relatable

literally never done the main quest

Chapter 2 of MGSV.

On the pirate ship
In LoS: The Eternal Night
It's literally the singular reason I'm apprehensive of replaying any of that trilogy, because I want to play through it all again in order, but I know eventually I HAVE to get to that fucking part of that fucking stage. If there was some mod that could remove that section entirely, or make it piss easy, I'd be absolutely ecstatic.

Thankfully you can just go in the back door, and there's nothing really important in blighttown unless you care about the ninja suit

I'm 100 hours in and I just got past the part where you see alduin for the first time

It's literally castle sewers bro.

But that's one of the best areas in the game, the ASSAURIUS are way worse

playing ocarina of time and majoras mask is a chore for the first hour. kills the replay value

MMBN4 is lined with "that" parts

Nosferatu sewers in VTMB.

At least the unofficial patch plus has a shortcut.

>skip through back door blighttown in like 20 minutes so far
>"hah i beat my previous time! Now to get to quela-"
>forgot to get moss for the stupid swamp
>have to wait for it to go down
>too lazy to go back up and get moss

That level in kotor 1. You know the one I mean

Spiderman psx venom levels

Will there ever be a good modern game set in the Toy Story universe?

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Could never get past the sewer levels in xenogears.

Star Ocean 3: first disc
it was fine to go through once but I don't want to do all that shit, the mine turtles, the mine in darkness, going to get the sphere under the female ninja holy place
I just want disc 2 and to start in the 4th dimension at the theme park, super comfy hub world and leveling up in the arena as well as playing through the trials and maze, good end game dungeons they are

Crash Bandicoot is the yardstick used to measure the quality of sewer levels in other games

Was there a sewer? I remember the mines under the castle, but not a sewer.
It has been a decade since I played.

The entirety of TTYD

This always keeps me from returning to Sonic 1. Every fucking time.

Every GameCube game.
The Wii was unironically a better system.

how the fuck did you play over 100 hours without doing helgen?


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Blighttown itself was fine, it was the bloody frame drops that got me

Cloaked in silence extreme is the best sniper battle of the series


>Want to play Twilight Princess
>Remember 45 minutes worth of nothing happening
>Remember an extra hour of wolf link after that

It used to be the circle of magi in Dragon's Age Origins. Now when I think about it, it's almost everything in that game.

>all the goddamn grinding I have to do in order to get as OP as I was before my friend borrowed the game and deleted my save
My fault for forgetting it doesn't have multiple save slots, I guess

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>pick up literally any 6th generation console RPG
>takes like 4 fucking hours for the game to start

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extended tutorial sections of games really do take away the replayability

At least make an option to skip that shit

I never did. I don't think I've finished the college, either. I mostly just play for a week, stop, then start the game over next time.

No, that part where you lose ashley the first time and find those invisible assholes the first time

I'm currently playing Bloodborne for the first time and holy shit there is way more poison in this game than any Dark Souls game wtf?

Well, maybe Dark Souls 2 may have more poison but there is still a ridicolous amount of poison in BB

TMNT arcade

>not land of the dragon asses and the worst boss in the entire series

Good level, but I don't know if all the worlds were that great in KH3. Pixar levels were the only ones that tried to be original while the Nu-Disney movies were all garbage and left Sora and Co standing around when the plot was progressing.

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Skyrim at all.

I really romantacise it in my head, I love Elder Scrolls I must love Skyrim right? nah the game is trash. A massive downgrade from the rest of the series in every way except combat and who plays Elder Scrolls for the combat?

You take that back

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halo ce - the library
any mario game - any water level
sonic 1 - marble zone
sonic 2 - metropolis zone
ninja gaiden nes - the final level and bosses


if only you could choose to skip that crap

Farron keep is 10x better than cathedral of the deep.

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>Toy Story 2
>Lord Zedd at the top of the tree

nah senpai

The first 100 hours of a Monster Hunter game.

First few hours of Twilight Princess

Smash used to be so fun until one of my friends kept getting butthurt over losing. Now I can't even be bothered anymore.

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Fucking M&L man

After beating Ornstein and Smough

Overload Ocean
Fuck water levels

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sounds like a shit series

>Oil Ocean
I love Mania but god damn that inclusion was a mistake. Its not bad, its just that literally anything else would have been better.

It's fun, but the early game is the same in every entry. 100 is an exaggeration, of course.

The entirety of Act 2 on Diablo 2. I could only force myself past it once and it was the only time I finished the whole game. I always create characters, level them up to Act2 and lose interest every single time.

sandopolis. every single time.

Asura's Wrath; the entire fucking game besides the cutscenes.

The whole first chapter of mafia 2. I love that game so much but everything until after Henry's first mission kinda shit after your first time playing.

RE2 remake

>the library
Pleb filtered

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...i-it hurts...
especially since i'm on hero mode

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>Gunstar Heroes
>The war level before the space level on hard/expert
>R-Type 3
>The first fucking level
God why

Alternative Start mod and I assume he just avoided going to Helgen at all costs

>This fucking casual
That's not Metallic Madness or Titanic Monarch

duke nukem

.Friend group has that one friend
>Takes Rocket League "seriously"
>Takes Dota 2 "seriously"
>Plays smash for a month, is now playing "competitively"
>Type of guy to call everyone "kid"

Its so fucking tiresome. The thing is, hes actually a really interesting and fun guy when we arent playing vidya, hes fine when he plays poker or blackjack too. Its literally just vidya that brings out this antifun cunt in him, its not like unaware of it either, his brother tells to shut the fuck up whenever he enters the mode.

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Metallic Madness is the best returning level in the game

Toy Story 2 was fun

City of Heroes.

i accually did the main quest after doing most of the side quests and the dlcs too

>The start of fucking Twilight Princess and it's 3 hours of bullshit
>Anything about Skyward Sword
>Air's Rock in Golden Sun
>Really any RPG, they all have such bullshit tutorial sections.

shrine of amana is way worse


Shrine of Amana at least has a cool aesthetic to it. Dragon Ass Land has nothing going for it. It's literally just a flat pool of lava with some buildings here and there and one of the worst bosses in the history of videogames at the end of it.

>pokestar studios

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>posting on board you enjoy
>remember you have to see THAT thread

It's not that bad, kind of short. Really the only bad part is the horn and going to the embassy. After that it's crazy shit with Blackreach, finding Skyhaven and then capturing Ohdaving. As long as you are just doing the quests every so often, they don't even feel like a problem. I mean, it's what you're kind of suppose to do, since the Embassy quest wants you to have made at least some kind of connection to make a distraction really easily and I usually have at least a few thane titles under my belt before doing it.

On almost any board
>tfw no gf
On Yea Forums
>twitter screencap
>e-celeb trash
>censorship threads
On Yea Forums
>messi vs ronaldo threads

Where the hell are you getting poisoned? I literally don't remember a single instance of poison apart from the tiny pit in the woods.

>Chrono Trigger
>first hour and a half
Honestly, once you go into the future is when I think the game gets really good. I hate the castle escape sequence.

Nuclear Throne

>Refueling Base from Doom 2

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MM is one of the most fun zones in the game, and it has jamming music too. Oil Ocean's "remix" mechanic with the smog doesn't really add anything new to the stage itself or fun gameplay, it's just the same kind of chore that just forces you to halt in your tracks every 15 seconds.

>could have brought back Starlight or Casino Night instead
Still annoyed. Metallic Madness makes up for it, though.

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>any TMNT
>Gungeon's Oubliette
>Various Castlevania

Definitely more bad then good ones, but most are just not that memorable

on /vg/
>katawa shoujo general level billion

I'm convinced that this mission is impossible on hero mode, the krimson guard just take too much abuse and there's way too many of them. I actually spent more time using giant dark Jak's weird jump physics to try and glitch my way to the end of the stage, I must've spent two hours jumping around behind the level geometry, never got it.

fuck fighting +10 combat forms in tight corridors
and infinite respawns


the fucking underwater city or whatever?

Literally any game with a sewer section. Who in the ungodly fuck thought this dark, dank, boring, insect/rat infested, labyrinthian soulless maze of a setting was ever a good fucking idea? And why do ALL of the good Silent Hills have to have one?

Fuck sewers

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>The opening to Valkyrie Profile
Legitimately you need to make a separate save after it so you can skip it every time thereafter. It's only good one time.


Maybe it's just me, but I like Clunkers Cavern


That one starwars fps

I’m literally through MHGU HR1 quest for my best friend who I’m trying to get into Monster Hunter so he doesn’t see it as
“Retarded Mushroom picking the game”

Crash Team Racing on the PS1, Sewer Speedway is the best course in the game, actually.

Dylan that you?

I just hate when my friends are so fucking anti fun
The fuck happened to games just being dumb fun instead of all this hyper competitive shit?

no Alex but this is Dylan

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So much This. I have a save file ready for Beyond Skyrim and I want to go though all that shit as the Dragonborn post Alduin. Like I am going on a long vacation from SKyrim.

>Replaying any gen vi game ever
You only got yourself to blame.

DKC, Gorilla Glacier
Mega Man 3, the Doc Robot Levels

The beginning of Phantasy Star 1

Not having my keyblade is fucking gay and also donald and goofy just up and leaving me was wack

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>Play Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
>Mad Space

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>Escape from Water Slums

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>shrine of amana pre-patch

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