Is there a game that lets you genetically engineer creatures?

Is there a game that lets you genetically engineer creatures?

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I remember a game on PC called "Impossible Creatures" that allowed you to do a whole "Island Of Dr Moreau" deal.

Tell me more about what's happening here

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its a cloned sheep in an artificial womb.

This goes against god.

sure but its the future. your life expectancy went from 28 to 70 due to telling your god to go take a vacation for 40 years.


Soon gaybros

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Came here to post this. This game is so fucking fun

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>tfw straight and married
>can just make a baby whenever I feel like it
Feels good man.

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Rub it in why don't you

aren't we already suffering from overpopulation?

You can't impregnate a drawing user

if you count third-worlders, yes.

no, the world population is actually deceasing incredibly fast because people are comfortable. who is having children? super poor countries whose life expectancy is 50 years.

god isn't real

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You can't prove a negative. The burden of proof lies on you

What if god created us to make new life because he was feeling bored/lazy/uninspired. They say he works in mysterious ways or some shit

I just picked a relevant image, my wife is a real flesh and blood human, and we were wedded legally.

No, since I'm not a nigger.

post a picture

You'll be exterminated long before this is possible, freak.

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Of what, my wedding? Fuck no.

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God created Man in his image. It was only a matter of time for Man to create life as God did before him.

Why not?

That Jurassic World game.


Do you want my driver's license and social security number too? I post anonymously for a reason, user.

Ugh, I feel cheated, it doesn't look cliche enough.

I demand a fetus suspended in amniotic fluid, floating in a cylindrical glass tank damn it.

I'd like to see you try, pussy.

and that's a good thing

Attached: oh my god.png (703x720, 496K)

>Do you want my driver's license and social security number too?
Sure, why not. Send it over.

If you want people to believe your gay little story then it would be a good start.

>Do you want my driver's license and social security number too
Yeah sure why not

lmao you'll kill yourself long before that
or "suicide by police"

God is dead
Flesh is now Man's domain

>You can't prove a negative.
Sure you can.
>Point at window
>That isn't a door.
>Prove it
>Show dictionary entries for both Window and Door, as well as images
>Wow, you proved that the window isn't a door.

No, if you claim something, it's on you. He said this, it's up to him to prove his point.
(I believe that He exists and he's wrong, but if asked, I would indeed try to explain my reasoning & provide good points)


>If you want people to believe
What good would that do me?

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