Finally playing this to get in the spirit of the Halloween season. Any tips, hunters?
Finally playing this to get in the spirit of the Halloween season. Any tips, hunters?
You can talk to NPCs through doors and windows.
Fear the old blood
you're 4 years late
Kill the dogs first
i would say it aged pretty well ,even now
Use souls left over after leveling up to buy vials.
Learn to parry as soon as possible. Giant monsters can't be parried, though. If it's twice your size or more, don't bother.
Break enemy limbs by attacking the same spot twice. This works for giant foes, and lowers the defense on that limb. You'll see a bleeding animation when they break.
You better fucking go for Skill and not Strength if you want to have fun
no pc, no thanks
Go for a quality build until you've beaten the game once and know what you're doing, then experiment with shit like Arcane and Bloodtinge.
i bought a used ps4 just for this game
>tfw 100%ed every soulskiroborne game
>tfw bloodborne still destroys me
>Use souls left over after leveling up to buy vials.
I’ve been doing this actually. Figure I’ll probably die anyway and sick of farming those two fat guys.
Unless there's other nearby enemies, dodge towards attacks.
Puts you at a much better position to retaliate and you're exposed to the attack for less time during your i-frames.
Right now I’m basically
So, quality build I guess.
It's Kosm
>Learn to parry as soon as possible. Giant monsters can't be parried, though. If it's twice your size or more, don't bother.
This isnt completely wrong but, there are monsters and bosses that are technically twice the hunters size that can be Parried.
Stack END
Learn to dodge into attacks early on.
Learn to parry early on.
Learn to use your whole arsenal, fire paper and the like, the damage boost over time is a huge deal
Do bosses test runs without healing to learn patterns, otherwise you may need to farm blood vials and that is annoying.
When it comes to weapons, moveset>damage.
There are NPCs that lie.
The funny thing it seems like there’s still a bunch of people playing. I’m always seeing other people’s shadows (whatever you call the clear other players you see)
BSB is maybe 2.5x your size. The Failures are pretty tall too. What other big guys can be parried?
Remember to partake in communion
Ascend to Odeon Chapel.
Ignore the Romlets
The huge guys early on that charge at you. The fedora trenchcoat guys are a parry joke as well.
Death to all vilebloods.
Eh, they're not too tall. I really meant twice your height, not mass.
Forgot the most important, stamina regen is REALLY fast, dont be conservative on it. Be aggresive, dont be afraid to deplete it if theres a window for it.
the weapon on the cover, which you can pick at the start is the best weapon in the game.
they give you those soothing mist whatever bottles before the Amelia fight for a reason.
no one will think less of you if you find some way to cheese the hunter vs npc hunter fights.
Minus Rom
>Machine Gun Kelly on top of the tower the first time
Accidentally cheesed him but really, fuck that guy. And fuck Ludwig(?) too
>no one will think less of you if you find some way to cheese the hunter vs npc hunter fights.
I would advice against this, they teach you to git gud. Think of them as open world bosses, clean the area until only you and them are left, begin the duel with max blood vials, learn the dance.
Dancing doesn't mean shit when they have infinite bullets and stamina.
Hence the "think of them as open world bosses" bit, bosses have limitless supplies as well. And if you are new and somehow manage against random hunters, your ass wont get fucked beyond reason later on.
explore autistically
make sure you like your toon before you commit too much time
try and do that Henrik bs sooner than later in case you botch it
level and have fun because multiplayer is dead and dumb anyway
fear the old blood
Holy cvck.
seething poorfag cope
Born by blood.
Made men, by blood.
Undone, by blood.
>He summons
Mindless beast spotted.
>paying twice for your internet connection
>summoning in a Souls game at all
>implying i summon
hard cope
>paying to use your internet (that you've paid for) in a game (that you've paid for)
the absolute state of basedcucks
you don't deserve masterpieces like bloodborne
>its almost Halloween
I hate how fast time moves
logarious, church giants
>try to play this again a few days ago
>2 summons in an hour
Goddamnit there are more summons on the fucking DaS1 remaster. How am I supposed to farm vermin?
Don't level End any more, its the Resistance of BB. Go 25/25 Str/Skill and then stop and think about what weapons you like the most. Get Vitality up to 30 if you like multiplayer, that will let you avoid getting oneshot by most NG stuff through the DLC.
>leveling VIT
>getting hit
>being a tryhard
Vit is better than End, yes. If you wan to be a vitlet you go Arc or Blt. Vitlet meleefags are retarded and never as good as they claim.
Thanks for the ironic (You)
No problem.
not when it runs at 20 fps
-dont go arcane your first run
-every weapon is viable, use what you want
-many heavy attacks knock down papa G
have fun
Who is this?
A friend
middle school teir art
what triggers the snatchers to show up
Killing BSB or Amelia
I think its just BSB.
Level strength and get the pizza cutter
Why does my character have a giraffe neck?
If you buy your way into Cathedral Ward then you're a cuck that needs to be castrated. Old Yharnam isn't even that long.
You can earn the necessary 5 vermin on the dlc killing those old hunters
That's just BB's character models for you.
No you don't get it, I'm almost at 1k vermin squished and I want to end on an even number.
Who are 1 and 4?
Gascan and skeptical man most likely
>killing amelia before BSB
This - you miss out on comfy sunset Charnel Lane.
>I'm almost at 1k vermin squished and I want to end on an even number
Are you an autist?
You mean Arcane
i killed amelia then witches.still havent reached bsb, did i fuck up somewhere
not OP, what level should one be for the chalices? Keep in mind I'm the definition of casual
what's up with all this weird alien shit? Isn't this a game about killing werewolves and stuff in london? Everything so far is furry and dog/deer like.
Seriously though, fuck these dogs
Shoot them, they fall on their asses when hit by gunshots
Parrying is the key to beating many bosses like gascoigne. dashing toward bosses can often be the key because you get plenty of iframes and you will be behind them rather than remaining in the line of their attacks.
the ayys show up gradually about halfway through the game
They start off pretty low level and scale up gradually. Just go in and reach the first boss, you'll be able to tell if you need more damage by whether or not you can kill it.
Depth 1 +3 weapon
Depth 2 +6 weapon
Depth 3 +8/9 weapon
Then 4 and 5 once you've beaten the game
>will never get a bloodborne anime in the vein of Angels Egg
>Bloodborne anime
>Childhood's Beginning ending is obviously the chosen route
>Final scene of anime is the Doll holding a dreaming squid-hunter in her arms as it naps
>"oh good hunter, what do you dream of?"
>zoom into the squid-hunter's thoughts
>he's dreaming of clearing chalices and NG+
>it's just endless nightmares all the way down, forever
rate my idea
Go in blind.
angel's egg is fine on its own
threaded cane>all other skl weapons
you'll see why people praise this game so much when you do
I honestly fucking love this game but at this point I feel like I've played it more than enough. If I just keep playing over and over I'll end up ruining it. It's a decent game for halloween though. It's not scary but it certainly has the halloween mood. Hope you enjoy.
And one other thing. The hardest enemy in this game is the fucking terrain.
How the fuck do I get the ritual blood needed to do Chalice Dungeons? I want to do them before the final boss.
you find it in Old Yharnam in the room with the burning crucified BSB
nice meme
GeT iN tHe fucking SaCk
/Arcane/ where we at?
Makes me very mad I can't melt Logarius like I can every other boss.
The only other boss that annoys me is Laurence - no matter what build...
Every game has THAT boss who exists to fuck over magic users and nobody else
>playing Dark Souls 3 as a sorcerer
>get to Aldritch
Get the old hunters.
Pyros basically had no problems Black Flaming everything in 3 until Two Bats...still doable that way though...
>late to a primarily single player game
did parasites eat your brain?
orphan was the only thing i couldnt beat on ng. on ng+ now, how much more fucked will i be when i reach kos again
beyond fucked
made me laugh/10
What pisses me off about this game is that 80% of gear,guns and weapons are Hidden behind cryptic bullshit and random events easy to miss
only the kos parasite is hard to find, maybe also the claws
>random events
lmao what
Where the frick am I supposed to go after taking the elevator down to the aliens guys and the pond though?
I just pushed him off the tower lmao
But user, Wheel is the deal.
Pls help
The Kirkhammer and Ludwig's Holy Blade have extra transformation attacks because they're the best weapons.
It's received after a boss fight though. I'll give you claws though.
it's unusable if you don't do the brainfluid sidequest
All the two-handers have an extra attack user.
It's what makes them superior.
It'll be fine if you mastered parrying by now
Having a gun perpetually active > 2handing the weapon
Oh wow. That I didn't know.
I mean if you hit the attack button just as you start transforming them. I couldn't find any other weapons that did it.
After you beat a boss with thirty tries, come back here and start a thread claiming that this is your first souls game and you don't know why people think it's so hard because you beat this really hard boss easily. Then when people say they don't care, tell them that they're actually just bad at the game.
Is Bloodtinge fun to run or is it Saw Spear until you get a weapon halfway in the run?
ayy lmaos are optional to begin with so its hard to tell
Go where Willem is pointing.
Remember, just because it's good, doesn't mean it's good.
If you want to cheese Chalice Dungeons, use Holy Moonlight Sword.
HMS isn’t as good DLC bosses or endgame, use Pizza Cutter for that instead.
Ah. Idk about that.
Guns are for scrubs. Then again I don't bother with pvp. But everyone a gun can do, items can do just as well.
Just beat it myself. Some thoughts -
-Blood vials are stupid and annoying when Estus Flask was invented. Definitely buy all you can after beating boss then level up, though you'll likely still find yourself farming more because some areas in the game have this masterful idea to drop none, forcing you to sometimes run back and farm some more
-The saw is the best weapon until you can get Ludwig's Holy Blade which just fucks up everything
-Pretty much every boss in this game outside of Father Whatever and [REDACTED] are "roll behind them when they attack, hit twice, then repeat". The other exceptions besides the previous two are 'those' kind of fights, and by 'those' I mean the "From attempt something other than a 1v1 against a boss that does sweeping attacks against you and reveals themselves as hacks". There's one fight near the end of the game I'm almost certain From were just shitting on themselves for fun.
-Any time you see a lamp by a door or lit window, talk to the people there. You can get some good stuff sometimes
-Look up how to get one of the two missable umbilical cords, or you'll miss out on the true final boss.
-The game may seem difficult early on, but it becomes the easiest Souls-like in the second half
It's the middle of fucking September
oooh we got some hot takes over here
??? What about that was 'hot'?
I never had a problem with blood vials. I always had enough save for maybe two or three times in the whole game when I had to do a single run through the first area to get more. And I never actually bought any.
You must be a god. I went into Old Yarnham and got fucked up hard by Machine Gun Sniper Man, and blood vials are fucking almost impossible to drop there so I had to go farm Central Yarnham for some, then again when I had to fight BSB.
none of it
dont worry
just pullin yet tit m8
level arcane
get the HMS
Oh also another tip -- the game will make it VERY obvious when you should be upgrading your weapons. Like I said I got fucked up in Old Yarnham because nothing drops Blood Vials there, instead everything that should drop vials dropped Blood Shards instead. They dropped like fucking candy, basically the game telling you "Upgrade your weapon asshole".
>Machine Gun Sniper Man
not that user you replied to but that faggot can shoot his mouted gatling gun from all the way up there and hit you but i cant shoot parl from the ledge on the way in to its boss arena. shit game
Nah, I'm not very good at the game really, just super cautious, I'm the kind of guy who goes running back to the lantern every time I got enough blood to level up and takes time baiting out one enemy at a time unless I'm super confident in fighting that specific enemy.
You should add this to the pasta.
>light a few bowls
>turn on ps4 and bb
>spend 2 hours changing gear in hunters dream
>turn off ps4