CTR: Nitro Fueled

Whys this Grand Prix feel so underwhelming? Is it just me?

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People still play this game?

its always the same shit... they need to add shit like new modes

I don't really like any of the Spyro stuff, it's just not visually appealing. Hope the next one is better

Mirror tracks for online, it's such a fun feature but barely ever played

I was playing Assembly Lane yesterday in Time Trial to see if I could smash a Papu run I did with Crash instead. I knew I probably could but I got bored and started driving around the track.

It occurred to me just how much other shit I should be doing and the game just kinda doesn't have anything else.

Hide N Seek would be a fun mode, but it would need a larger track than what you see in Battle Mode

At least we're getting close to the end of it. Last week will probably feel the longest

Because you're tiring of the pointless grind.

People were already dissapointed about not getting Ripto, it pretty much went downhill from there.

Especially because the track was so fucking short and simply made no justice to the franchise as a whole and also you don't have a chance to SEE the details and landscapes before you're already in a different place and so on. If the track was longer, this wouldn't be a problem..

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Might just be me but there's a ton of stuff I missed noticing just because it's subtle and in all likely hood you're paying more attention to whether or not you're gonna get a missile in your ass.

And if the portal weren't fucked, and if the grass and rock were not dead zone, and if the second and third section were more interesting. I really wanted to like it...this gp...

Attached: Sad Spyro.gif (234x151, 2.43M)

I actually dont grind. Pretty much just race exclusively.
This pretty much sums up my sentiments regarding the track and characters we got. Couldve been so much more.

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I think we all did user, I was excited first couple days anyway.

>I don't grind
I'm going start doing this after October I want Nina

>if the grass and rock were not dead zone
This is the fucking worst, you just try to jump a small corner and you get stopped by a damned mask. This all takes a lot of seconds in the race, which is a real pain online.

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Past the nitro for getting Spyro, I stopped the grind. And I just got the last decal of gold. Don't care about the rest. Just missing the green wheels and a decal who refuse to appears in the pit stop. Now I just stockpile wumpa coins for the next GP.

>all characters get
>all karts get
>all paints get
>all wheels get
>just a few more overpriced sticker packs
>and decals
>and one last win skin

I'm so close bros. This weekend just might let me #clearthepitstop

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Spyro's track is fucking garbage. You can trap the portals from the opposite side and people can't do shit.

Beenox just like to put no go zone in every tracks it seems.

Attached: The teeth I guess.webm (746x480, 2.61M)

Slow down upon entering the portal and you'll land into the next area at such a low angle that you'll miss any trap items

>Nina's Night Ride will be narrow as fuck rooftops with trappable shortcuts

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The biggest problem with some of these tracks is that you can use items to make it impossible to actually race. Gives the feeling of you can't play bullshit.

It's hilarious how the mid and back pack of the race are basically all just ass fucking each other with Missiles so no one actually gains on the leading top three.

I only grinded a bit during the first 2 weeks of the first GP but even then just did normal racing shit. The BIT GP was too mediocre for me to care and for Spyro i didnt do any challenges either and missed a whole weekend bonus but got him last week. It just feels more relaxing to race than do tedious challenges and use specific cars and characters.

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>Spyro GP was whatever
>got the Reignited Trilogy due to nostalgia and had a blast, already fully completed it
It was a net positive I guess.

>got the Reignited Trilogy
too bad it's soulless

That's every race

f2p when

I think they just don't bother learning how to play and just go online for the wumpa.

Meaningless buzzword, it was great.

Not again. Why not just accepting that we got lucky than a remake was even made, even if not a perfect one ?

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How would anybody feel if she was one of the friends in Spyro n Friends haha

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Only goatfucking subhumans from middle eastern shitholes play this game.

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Gnasty was a nice addition

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>a whole generations impression of the game tainted
yeah, lucky.

You still got the original. They were not destroyed for making the remake, were they ?

>the spyrofag telling everybody not to criticize reignited is autistic enough to come to CTR threads too
Buzz off already.

They effectively were. Kinda like Star Wars, sure you can go to great lengths to enjoy the original version with the silver screen edition or the despecialized edits. But 99% of people will just watch it on netflix with all the CGI and think that's the movie.

Reignited IS spyro now.

Spyro track fucking sucks

Attached: I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE.webm (980x720, 2.43M)

This would be excusable if they included future Spyro GPs corresponding to Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon. That way we'd have a wider selection of Spyro characters and better designed tracks

I got some funny webms comin’ soon.

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But those people would probably never have give a damn about the original trilogy to begin with. Just like Star Wars. But that doesn't change, that for you, if you still got them, that Spyro is the original trilogy. It doesn't destroy that for you. And it still revive the original Spyro design to the public.

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Can't wait

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Attached: great timing.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

>But those people would probably never have give a damn about the original trilogy to begin with
They would if it had been available at all without jumping through a million hoops. A remake would have been fine if they had respected the original. The ONLY character that has a faithful design is Spyro himself, and ONLY because of the backlash against their shit design for skylanders. They shouldn't have completely changed how every character looks. They should have respected the watercolour artstyle, and not changed levels around or censored content. Even an HD re-release would have been much preferred, but I'mk almost 100% certain they would have fucked that up too.

But now whenever I talk about Spyro people will think about the remake and not understand what made the original special.

Is there actually any logic to how the orb works, sometimes it just goes past you but hits everybody else

Attached: can't see shit.webm (1280x720, 1.99M)

I think it goes through certain portions of the track and plows through whatever it can. Some areas you can dodge it if it goes past you. Feels like a gamble to me than anything else.

Attached: Fuck off orb.webm (532x300, 2.94M)

Yeah peters out at the worst possible moment

kek, clearly the goggles saved her

I don't know what to tell you. Spyro was dead, just like Crash. Without those remake, we wouldn't be discusing about them, the younger generation wouldn't even know that they existed. It's not like any Spyro and Crash game that were made that past decade were like the original anyway. And when you have a game that try to be, you said that is not enough. You just want some HD ? Mod it. You don't like the dircetion that the license might follow ? Drop the series like you have already did in the past.
Can you really tell me that nothing in this remake actually made you happy ? Even a litlle ?

why are those crash gurls so appealing

I actually had one missile do it's job and track the person in front of me but they were at the finish line on the third lap.

They have just the right amount of assets.

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Goddamnit it needs a remake

Is it on PC yet?

She looks like she only fucks human men

I'd rather it be dead than butchered. At least when it's dead anyone who has genuine interest can emulate it or buy an old PS2 or whatever and get an authentic experience of what the game really is like.

>Can you really tell me that nothing in this remake actually made you happy ? Even a little?
Whatever they didn't change is just the same as it was. Whatever they did change is for the worse. What on earth is the value in that? It's just a soulless cash grab on a well known brand name. Banking on nostalgia with no genuine appreciation for what it was.

N. Gin is growing on me, especially pic related.

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Sup fellow finnbro

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>not "gnice"

Burnout. The GPs are very formulaic, and with only a few days to breathe and the fear of missing out on unlockable content drives people to play the game much more than originally intended.

So what they didn't change doens't count, even though there is more effort put into this than a simple hd remaster. Yet you would prefer the same hd remaster, wich once again as you say, wouldn't change anything and therefore wouldn't count as positiv. Wouldn't that be a cash-grab too then ? And anyone who has a genuine interest about the game, still can look after the original. Just like anyone who had a genuine interest for The Lord of the Ring, can read the books.

Yeah I fucked up

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>wouldn't change anything and therefore wouldn't count as positiv
it would be a nice game made available on modern systems. but there's so many ways even just upressed games can be messed up. visual glitches, missing features, additional bugs, wrong sounds etc.

reddit pun

That's not a pun.

reddit post

I know. I did get the Ratchet and Clank hd remaster. I had the whole collection of problems you listed.

I wouldn't know I don't go there. Gnigger

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So what you're saying is no matter what 1st gets a bigger lead if he traps the portals.

Wait did they actually turn the trophy girls into racers?

Fuck this sjw crap.

This fine little morsel is definitely the work of SJWs. Without a doubt.

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You need to work on your bait.

Best thing they added really

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Bump for Brio

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Fuck you.

It is. She can't "just" be pretty. She has to have a trade off for no reason, so they made her a racer.

the first GP really spoiled everyone by giving us 5 different characters, and a more of a variety of vehicles. Doing a themed GP with 2 less characters feels very underwhelming.

the Spyro GP in particular feels even more off due to the fact that we got Gnasty before Ripto, and the level is mediocre compared to the last two.

I'm hoping the next batch with Nina, Brio and Moe will perk it back up, but I can feel a slew of angry people if the star character, Nina, is a turning.

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So making them the embodiment of sex and racers was bad?

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I really don't see her being turn especially with how Spyro was Speed, we got two speed gp characters in a row, and no accel characters this GP. Nina will be accel but I think there's a higher chance now that Brio will be balance.

I never would have thought that a torrent of content would drive me away from a game.
Maybe it's all the work I'd need to do to get that content. I dunno. Either way I haven't started the game in like a month.

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We're due Accel main and considering the whole rivalry thing with Coco I'd be suprised if she isn't Accel. My major worry is Brio.

Why is it always the Cocos and OOT.

Attached: tryhard cocos at it again.webm (1280x720, 972K)

Just fucking put them on the god damn pedestal cheering the winner on instead of jumping through all these hoops to appear progressive.

Honestly the whole lootbox thing killed any will I had left to keep tryharding the game

But now they ARE the pedestal.

Attached: Elizabeth's Winter Wonder win.webm (354x438, 1.11M)

Primo falseflag, user. You really showed us.

What lootbox?

sorry, microtransactions

People have literally cleared out the shop and have enough coins for the foreseeable future just by playing. Update your sources before you make yourself look like a retard user.

>lap a dude on OOT
>double missiles
Thanks Spyrobro.

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idk man that track has me weary with all the webms you post about it.

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>hate furries
>see all those furry girls in thread
>become a furry

god damn

It's always a god damn Spyro

This i'm sitting on 110k with an empty pitstop.

kek its one of my faves and i seem to get it alot in rotation. also seems to be the one i get fucked on the most.

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Rimba DLC when??

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>Fire a missile at someone as they over-take
>Flies immediately into a chasm, off the stage, or into a wall because fuck-you.
>Opponent fires missile as you overtake
>Stays on your ass the entire fucking time, cutting several sharp corners just to fuck you over right before a big jump.
Fuck this shit, so much.

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>without jumping through a million hoops.
>boot up PS3
>buy it for peanuts and play
>download ROM and emulate

How's that a million hoops?

The time investment required every month to get everything from the GP is fucking outrageous. Maybe you could subject yourself to that for one month, maybe even two, but no one is going to put up with that for three months in a row. And that's nothing to say of making all the coins required for the GP exclusive shop items, but at least with those you could theoretically spend real money and avoid grinding it. Except buying something like JUST Scientist Crash and his car/paintjob/decal cost 10 fucking dollars, so really that's out of the question too.

And none of the bounciness

Setting up an emulator is complicated compared to just pressing play.

>he doesn't know how to get the missile to orbit you and use it as a shield

We did get robbed of that one.

Attached: Ami Milkies.webm (1150x647, 2.69M)

What content is the R&C collection missing?

>download and install pcsx and ds4windows
>download rom
>point emulator at rom
>play game
Holy shit so hard

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>download and install pcsx
yeah because that's a one-click process. not to mention you have to actually know what pcsx even is to even start.

If running an exe is too complex for you then I dont know what to tell you.
Good luck and god speed.

I mean, if you're interested enough to hunt down the originals you can just Google for PS1 emulators, PCSX is not even an obscure one.

It's not complex for me, but it's complex for the average player retard.

>I mean, if you're interested enough to hunt down the originals
That's exactly my fucking point read the fucking reply chain. If you're especially interested you can put special effort in sure. But for the average player it's either the butchered remake or nothing. Effectively only the remake exists anymore.

I miss wonky models

Three Missiles One Liz.

Attached: liz taking punishment.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

If you're being like that if there was no remake the situation would be the exact same, they won't be playing the originals

Thats actually from this GP. Theyre rarer but still around.

>they won't be playing the originals
But they wouldn't be getting the wrong idea about them either.

>Playing Out of Time online
>In the lead for the entirety of the first two and a half laps
>Lose at the very end because some guy that I lapped shot me with a missile THREE times, allowing the guy in second place to overtake me

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The worst part for me that time was they had a 2nd one primed and if i hadnt dropped that beaker wouldve easily lost. The coco behind me came in about 20miliseconds behind me too. That Spyro was truly looking to fuck me over.

What harm is actually there, then if the only people that would be affected are the ones that wouldn't have played Spyro at all otherwise?

Instead of being a fondly remembered retro game that some people might play again, it's now a bad remake. The remake displaces the original which already had a weak presence due to being unavailable.

A good remake would be best, but a bad remake is worse than nothing.

>Overtake first
>About to lap someone
>They Drop a Beaker
>I'm 2nd now
Fuck people in the back

this is a special kind of autism
it's really not that big a deal
if the only special thing about your game is the color of the skybox and characters looking slightly different your game was never anything special to begin with

I think the worst part about missiles is that the little indicator on how close they are supposed to be is never accurate.
>See triangles beginning to get close but not actually in the rectangle yet, still have some time.
>Get blown up suddenly, guess it was closer than the indicator showed.
>Next time, decide to drop TNT earlier
>Too soon, missile closes in and triangles actually close in properly before impact.
It's impossible to know how much time you have before you need to drop your defensive item properly. How is it that the Blue Orb doesn't usually have this issue?

I'm at the point now where I've been fucked by guys in 8th and 7th place so many times, that I don't show mercy anymore. I used to try and avoid hitting them since they were already doing so poorly but now, I don't take any chances. Better I bomb them as I pass, rather then they hit me with another mask from miles away.

I have this problem all the time. I can circumvent an item properly if the indicators weren't shit.

Those are my exact thoughts and its why missiles infuriate me out of any post clock and ball torture item. And even before that. The timing of the reticules and laying down items is never in my favor. Bad enough they hardly hit anything even when in behind people and juiced.

N Gin's always been one of my favorite Crash characters. He was the best boss fight in both Crash 2 and 3.



Do you think presentation, feel and polish is not important to a game? It can be a huge part of the charm. But hey also do butcher the gameplay sometimes. They never nail the perfect controls the originals had in these remakes either.

This GP is somehow making me view the little purple buddy with disdain.

Attached: damn the spyros.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

I do feel that way, yes. Played the remake at a friend's house a few months ago and it felt about right. It's still a fun collectathon. It really just doesn't matter.

Spyro isn't a collectathon though. That term almost exclusively describes banjo.

Because there's nothing new. Just a bunch of cosmetic shit you have to grind for, and will not end up using 99% of it.

You see him every race
He's over half the lobby

spyroniggers are just slightly better than pentaniggers

I'm definitely underwhelmed because the track only seems to references the first game. With a multiple sections-style track, I expected each section to represent each game but I guess not.

What would you call it then? There's barely any platforming, enemies are incredibly basic and there's not much in the way of combat so it's hardly an action game. The main gameplay consists of running around open areas collecting hundreds of gems, dragons/orbs/eggs are your big collectables with the occasional minigame thrown in to pad things out, then on to the next area. It's a collectathon.

>There's barely any platforming, enemies are incredibly basic and there's not much in the way of combat
user, it's a game for kids. you've played maybe 50000 tough as nails indie platformers so of course that seems like nothing to you.

>try and avoid hitting them because they were already doing so poorly
That was my thought process too until they started fucking up my run against other people.

I always liked N. Gin too, might be my new accel main.

>New tracks have shit design with okay-ish environments
>AI item distribution still fucked up
>10+ minutes to find a lobby with a host that doesn't flip his shit if he doesn't get to play on coco park
>Challenges are still the same garbage like "Collect 6 million crystals on this battle mode with that character" then "do 69420 matches on capture the fag on this arena"
>Netcode still fucked up
>If you find some semi-decent at the game, it just becomes a game of "who gets fucked in the ass first by the shit netcode"
After 3 months in, it doesn't help bringing you back in the game

I really do mean that there's not many platforming sections. The only part that comes close is Tree Tops. The core gameplay loop has some platforming, but not much. They're few and far between, and mostly just exist to break up running around and hitting enemies/chests. Banjo has platforming too, but again, that doesn't make its genre a platformer.

>might be my new accel main.

I almost exclusively play accel characters, because the other classes feel weird to me at this point. I do play N Gin more than the others, though. I like N Trance and Nash as well.

ami is the best coot

Let me rephrase. Collectathon is something made up to describe ONLY banjo, it's not a real genre. Spyro is a platformer.

Egglad fucking vanished this gp, I've seen no N. Trance. Switch characters people after challenges are done the nitro gain isn't worth it.

I know the feeling but I guess it makes winning with other characters much more fun.

Shes my 2nd fav personally.

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>Switch characters people after challenges are done the nitro gain isn't worth it.

I'm guilty of this as well, because I used Coco until I got all the GP stuff.

Let me put it this way. Spyro is just as much of a platformer as Banjo is. That is to say, only kind of. They're very similar gameplay-wise. Banjo is not the only collectathon in existence.


I understand wanting to use the new shit especially if you get it before most other people. But after a while everyone starts to look the god damn same. If I never see another black Spyro it'll be too soon.

It is, because collectathon is a term made up to describe ONLY banjo. It's not a genre. Some faggots have taken to using it to using it as a derogatory term for platformers that aren't arbitrarily difficult enough.

I get the feeling that there's going to be a lot of Twinsanity stuff in the next GP, because that game has a lot of "spooky" themed stuff that would fit in with Halloween (Academy of Evil, 10th dimension, etc)

I've noticed a shitload of black Spyros as well. Maybe things will go back to normal once more people finish the nitro fuel grind.

probably because they only included 3 characters and no fucking spyro themed skins, nu hunter is forgettable trash and balanced to boot, and the track is exceptionally short and dull
honestly these gps are pretty gay, i would like people to just use the characters they wanted to, not feel obliged to pick the mandatory speed nitro boost character 24/7 because its fucking boring

And Metroidvania was made up to specifically describe Castlevania games that had a similar structure to Metroid. Words change meaning over time, especially dumbass video game genre names. Would you prefer the term "Banjo-like"? Or "platformer without much platforming"?

twinsanity was also released at late september, and it will be twinsanity's 15 year anniversary, so it makes sense.

How about just the word that already exists and perfectly well describes what it is?


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Collectathon it is then. Honestly I'm not sure why you're so caught up on the word I use to describe it and not the fact that the primary gameplay loop is running around and grabbing lots of little collectables.


I need to make Liz webms. They're too adorable not to have.

I try to capture every bit of her in racing webms, idles and screens. Best girl deserves it.

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A lot of what I have is on accident

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I accept your concession, and invite you to cope, and, if you're feeling up to it, seethe

Same here. Sometimes I strike gold too.

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Long hair when? Angel options WHEN?

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Nina! Nina! NINA!!!

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I agree.

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Is this game worth 30 bucks? I haven't played a kart game since Sonic all star.

>ashesg is a tropyfag
Oh no.

Based AG reestablishing the pecking order. Now draw more of best girl.

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She is though

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No missing content, but tons of bugs.

>Now draw more of best girl.
But he never drew Liz before.

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some third world country?

>that pic
Winning with non-spyro character rotations feels so refreshing.

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It's because of the spyro track. We could have had hub sections branching off into portals but I guess the budget's getting tight

>say nina 3 times and a nina drawfag shows up in the same minute

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look at all those waifus, just for that it's worth it

>did both of the first two GPs just fine
>stopped immediately after getting Fake Baby T as to not get burnt out
>can't even bother to get Mutant Crunch this GP

Why does the Spyro stage suck

stop yourself zoomer

>played for a month obsessively, got platinum paint, N. Tropy, dealt with the save deletion bullshit
>go online, after a while I can consistently DNF about 7/10 races
>items are so fucked it kills any enjoyment I could ever have, sell the game

is it worth jumping back in? major things that pissed me off were spending more time loading/in the lobby, items and general lack of online care

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Loading times are still shit, people still quit if they don't like the track. Items are still kinda a problem.

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Alright tier
>the costumes for all the racers
>spyros car
>the car you unlock through GP
Meh tier
>the colors
>the tires
>horc car
Shit tier
>Nasty Gnorc
>Spyros track
Stickers tier

The costumes are seriously the best thing about this prix

fuck ironic weeb niggers

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How many times do I have to say it to get them to draw Nina?

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Fuck Nina and fuck Liz.

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>gnome velo

>Alright tier
Maybe in a couple months that'll be true but fuck Spyro.

>The costumes are seriously the best thing about this prix
That was the same case last prix too

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Fuck you

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I've stopped playing except on the weekends, done right you can milk 4 days of wumpa time and weekend bonus

You did remember to eat your Isabella Cakes this morning right anons? Shes part of a balanced breakfast after all with nutrition packed in every taste.

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>fuck Liz.
With upmost pleasure.

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For me? It's Summer Dingodile

please don't compare coco to that skank

I hope shes still cocos rival.

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At the same time?!

Mutant Crunch just isnt a big draw for alotta people, seeing alotta people stop at mutant Coco or the vehicle/wheel in gold tier.

And to be fair if they do like last time if you've got the wumpas you'll be able to just buy em

No idea who she's being compared to just saved it cuz Coco

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Seriously hope to see some Halloween themed costumes for october

Attached: Coco wave.jpg (508x772, 74K)

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What's the better remake, CTR or Spyro Reignited?

Evil Coco was datamined apparently

>CTR has turned into a fortnite skinner box with waifufaggotry

should have stayed dead

>>ashesg is a tropyfag
Not really. I have a schedule where I play only a certain class each day Tuesday through Friday, and then on weekends I use every class. On Fridays I use speed characters.

Attached: SAI - CUsersAshesGDesktopCTR Sketches.psd () NinaLiz.png (535x685, 150K)

anons which one do you like more?
twinsanity/cttr nina or titans/mutant nina?

Here's your evil coco bro

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It's almost coin time!

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Crash has had way better remakes for me.

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That's not a bad idea, I thought about dedicating days to characters. Only one I could think up was Tiny Tuesday's.

Twinsanity/CTTR Nina. No questions about it.

I love this so much.

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Hey user look into my eyes!

your dick will now get hard on rule 63 versions of me

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I like the skin honestly, just surprised to see MoM stuff so soon.

>nina-liz fusion

Attached: ultimate life form.jpg (460x270, 35K)


Attached: Waifu Liz 6.jpg (164x206, 6K)

>I have a schedule where I play only a certain class each day Tuesday through Friday, and then on weekends I use every class.
I've heard of people doing this. Doesn't that throw you off?

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>Doesn't that throw you off?
Not at all. It's a method that feels like an incentive for different playstyles and finding a new efficient comfort zone for certain tracks that would give a player a hard time in the past. Forcing myself to use Tropy helped me get the hang of u-turning and air breaking on on Hot Air Skyway, and forcing myself to use Liz helped me get the hang of maintaining USF throughout a whole race of N. Gin labs. Plus, learning new techniques with certain classes can be help you apply that to other classes. It's a net gain of improvement.

Just make sure to do several tracks in single player before going online with this schedule.

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Kiss it.

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God dammit

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If I don't do a couple of practice runs before going online I do significantly worse.

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>actually having a training schedule for a video game
jesus christ get a life

I just dive right in. If you catch my drift.

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The game really is like a racing sim in that regard. If you don't practice problem tracks before going online you can lose to some scrubs pretty easily.

When's the PC port? I just want a good new racing game on PC.

items are more balanced (they got rid of clocks and warp orbs are rare)
classes are still unbalanced and netcode still doesn't have host migration.
I'd wait for the october GP to see if they add engine swap or any quality of life improvement.

She likes it better that way

Yeah I get saved by item fucking just by running the track properly where others don't. As player numbers keep dwindling I doubt I'll be able to make comebacks like that.

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>I'd wait for the october GP

every month I wait and hope they fix the game without just adding more cosmetic shit, and they never do

People have been very vocal about the engine swap. Even the canadian shill fag made a video about it and he's close to beenox.
It's such a trivial thing to add too.
But we will see.

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FInally beat all the oxide trials. Wew that sure was a ride

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>engine swap
Just increase balance and turn's top speed the engine swap is a bandaid on a tumor.

>a bandaid on a tumor.
It's the best you're gonna get out of beenox.
Just look at the state of thunderstruck

Glad for you Tinybro.

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What's wrong with it now?

New skip was found. Can do it in 1:30 secs now. I swear that track is cursed.

Attached: B686715D-D442-4884-AF4B-7213B0AFF38E.png (663x528, 298K)

So that's 3 exploits the track has had now?

No, it doesn't even solve balancing issues it just makes everyone speed/accel. Stop suggesting this it doesn't fix anything.

And they still just refuse to implement a simple "checkpoint" system.

Yep. Also a Tiger Temple skip was found too.


Attached: god no.png (613x594, 536K)

Fuck you, I don't want to play Accel and Speed for the rest of my life. I want the characters to play differently and it's better design for them to be viable in their own niche

>I don't want to play Accel and Speed for the rest of my life.
Engine swap won't force you to play speed or accel you retard.

Does this creature look like it values your consent?

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Oh we have another tiger temple skip?
How do you do that one?

That's a good fucking joke.


>laggy fisher price internet spyrognigger just hops and teleports ahead of everyone and wins

Great game great experience

Finally, the perfect girl.

Just like the current state of this game.
If you truly believe that every class has a "niche" and that there's any reason to pick anything but a speed character then you either suck at the game or you're just retarded.

>If you truly believe that every class has a "niche" and that there's any reason to pick anything but a speed character then you either suck at the game or you're just retarded.
Notice how this is entirely a presumption on your part.

oh it's an actual glitch. lmao, zoomers are fucking pathethic cheaters.

I hate when people act like every character is "unique" or something. Newsflash, Tiny plays exactly like Dingo and Ami, Crash plays exactly like Cortex and Isabella, Tawna plays exactly like N.Gin, Liz plays exactly like Polar. Every character is just a "skin" for a class.

>I hate when people act like every character is "unique" or something
I hate when people act like it's good design that they aren't.

Stop defending shit sandbox design.

How do they find this stuff?
I'm impressed every time

How does engine swap fix the problem?

>t. Shitter
Penta is a good boy.

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It doesn't, it just lets people use whichever character they prefer without being tied to shit stats.
The ideal solution is obviously a rebalance of classes and game mechanics but that's asking for too much in the case of beenox.
So engine swap is the best quick fix for this problem of 3/4ths of the cast never getting used.

>a host that doesn't flip his shit if he doesn't get to play on coco park
Why is Coco Park so popular in the first place? It's bland as all hell, one of the worst tracks.

>It doesn't
Then no, don't even say anymore at that point.

What's your solution? I'm sure you have something better

What about the people that don't like how Speed plays? What then?
Your engine swap solution is short-sighted at best.

Is there a exploit on Hyper Speedway, or is making that shortcut and maintaining USF that fast? I swear I end up missing it once, and half way into the 2nd lap it's already DNF

Sorry I will never disagree with a system that will let me play whatever character I want without fundamentally handicapping myself against people who aren't fucking garbage at the game. Maybe if the class balance wasn't so amateur hour dogshit embarrassing no one would want engine swap.

>Maybe if the class balance wasn't so amateur hour dogshit embarrassing no one would want engine swap.
Maybe if you actually advocated for class balance changes they would be fucking fixing it instead. Precisely the problem.

>What about the people that don't like how Speed plays?

Then they don't pick Speed? What the fuck are you implying? Engine Swap is for the people who want to play Turn characters and not be handicapped out the gate. If you want to play Turn Polar go ahead and play Turn Polar, that's your choice. If someone wants to play Acceleration Polor that's their choice. What is the drawback here?

People have been screaming at Beenox for 3 months to balance the classes, it's abundantly clear they don't give a fuck.

Increase balance and turn's top speed

Never gonna happen, it's "unfaithful" according to beenox

This. They don't have to be better than Accel and Speed, or even switch to them.

The balancing needs to be fucking better out of the box. The Speed difference shouldn't be so fucking massive.

Who are you quoting?

why not both
if the classes are balanced then everyone picks what control type they like the most with the character they like the most


I'd be okay with this but they have to balance the classes before they do the engine swap.

>removing character differences

Because we're not fucking getting both if all you people ask for is stat swapping.

as opposed to removing characters from anything that above average competitive level?

How about posting a source shithead because Beenox doesn't say a god damn thing.


there are only four characters

You think they're gonna rebalance the remake 3 months after release? you're fucking delusional, they're never gonna touch main game stuff.
The item balance they've been doing is online only and classes are an entire different thing that you can't touch without messing up the core of the game.
Engine swap is the closest thing we can get since it will keep the original state of the remake the way it was but it will offer you the chance to swap stats around, even they're all still shit except for speed.

>CTR before engine swaps


>CTR after engine swaps

Attached: Accel_vs_All around.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Have they not fucked with items for three GP's straight you halfwit?

>there are only four characters
Ask for more.

Attached: customclasses(2).png (426x866, 316K)

Read my post you retard. Item balance is tied to online.
If you play an offline match you'll notice you can spam clocks and warp orbs like day 1.

>The item balance they've been doing is online only and classes are an entire different thing that you can't touch without messing up the core of the game.
>u-turns with reserves
>every character increases turning circle when jumping

>Not altering the core of the game

Attached: CC1563468036986.png (254x261, 9K)

So Beenox clearly won't balance the classes, but Beenox will also not clearly put in engine swap. Guess we're just stuck with the shit character balance forever.

>Item balance is tied to online
>Yet somehow adjusting stats isn't
Why are you like this?

>you can't touch without messing up the core of the game.
>engine swap doesn't completely mess up the core of the game
nice double think

Turning has never been touched. I've proven this when Back N. Time came out with webms and everything.

Once I realize her eyelid clipped through her left eye on this costume when racing I stopped using it, it bugs me too much.

Play the original CTR using a Speed character and you will see immediately what I mean.

They've already altered MULTIPLE core aspects of the game.

If they could do that, they've done it by now.
It's clear that things like class stats are not server side.

How does it mess up the core of the game?
That's like saying changing karts messes up the core of the game.
You're not implementing new stuff, you're just giving the player more choices.

like your argument.

They have, my point here is that in their eyes, they've done a perfect 1:1 remake and won't touch core gameplay stuff 3 months after release.
It's the reason why we still have ramp mid-air bonks.

are you
actually implying
that ramp bonks are intentional

Your 'point' is fucking conjecture.

>it's another enginefag episode

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Children, stop this fighting at once.

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So you admit it solves nothing and you're just in it because you want to play Balanced and Speed without their playstyle and whoever disagrees gets fucked?

No, I'm just saying they're not willing to touch core gameplay stuff, especially if it requires some coding.
Why do you think we still don't have a basic checkpoint system but they keep "fixing" thunderstruck every few days.

What's your solution then?

> (You)
>How does it mess up the core of the game?
It's a character based game.
>you're just giving the player more choices.
meaningless retard phrase jesus christ why do you always fall back on this retard line

>whoever disagrees gets fucked?
if you disagree you can just play the defaults

>Flashbacks intensify

Attached: save_7026.webm (720x480, 1.43M)

>It's a character based game.
Where there's only 1 viable character for high level?
Even OG was more balanced because u-turning wasn't free so accel characters actually had a chance in tracks with tight turns.

And they still happen. They "patched it" the same way they did with thunderstruck.
They're never gonna fix the main problem.

But that doesn't help the people that want to play these disadvantaged classes because they find them more enjoyable but just can't remain competitive.

>Even OG was more balanced because u-turning wasn't free so accel characters actually had a chance in tracks with tight turns.
then maybe they should make the game handle more like the OG instead of destroying the entire concept of the game.

>No, I'm just saying they're not willing to touch core gameplay stuff, especially if it requires some coding.
Dude, you're acting like you know shit you actually don't

>Megumi player quit when I overtake them in Hot Air Skyway
>they just fell to 2nd and it was only the early part of the second lap

I will never understand people who think that a race is hopeless or no longer fun just because they fell behind a little.

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Then goodbye to sustainable USF, you're okay with that?

They reworked a glitch (USF) into a new mechanic without consideration for balance.
They didn't even make it so all the classes reached the same max speed like in OG.
U-turning being free also made every 'disadvatange' that the speed class had completely irrelevant.

4channel should deny access to any posters with a Reddit account


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>What's your solution then?
Fixing the stats

I've been playing CTR way before you were even born.

Maybe their connection went down or something. Happens to me every now and then. Once even when I was first with quite a lead, I wonder what they thought then.

>jannies got me
Fucking jannies I swear. Liz dindu nuffin

Attached: IMG_20190909_145759_036.jpg (265x509, 41K)

Beenox refuses to rebalance anything about the game outside of online items.
Now what? what's your solution?

And playing the game for that long allows you to know what new people handling the game think. Good to know.

Not buying shitty soulless remakes.

Attached: sakura smile.jpg (706x480, 47K)

When people say '1st place has to make a mistake or you can't catch up in this game' do they think 'mistake' means falling off the map or losing reserves?

Like, ANY wrong line can cost a ton of time and grant you the lead. Even with only 3 laps you still will catch up pretty close to 1st has a shitty line.

Just playing the game and not being a giant turbosperg about it

So why even argue on those grounds? Engine Swap won't be getting in either.

It's a shame we can't see Liz's green panties like in the original game. Also the very visibly bouncing breasts.

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I'm 24 so that's pretty unlikely faggot.

the characters are the designs and animations, I genuinely do not understand your autistic mindset of thinking these characters are inseparable from their classes when "classes" are just the numbers assigned to top speed, turning, and acceleration

Engine swap is really easy to implement and doesn't require them to rebalance anything.
That's why it's the best solution.

A bandaid solution is never the best one.

It's either that or nothing.
Beenox ain't gonna touch the core game's balance.

>daily gp
>finish coco park online
>assholes have to fight it out instead of finishing letting 1st get a retard distance ahead
>1st place finishes before anyone else makes it to the 3rd lap

Attached: 1560308164841.gif (640x352, 2.91M)

You have the mentality of a 12 y/o

My RB is fucking up guys

Attached: 1567455179481.png (526x526, 1.06M)

No, the characters have handling characteristics that are tied to their design and personality.

Bet you can see a lot from that glass house

Go back to /r/eddit

The Super Engine is the worst placebo in the game, the visual effect of USF but the speed of normal fire. People going off turbo pads zoom by me even juiced up

you are an incel

I've been missing hops on R1

Attached: Suffering.webm (900x506, 2.87M)

Blame the people wanting engine swapping
They're the reason why it's been added

It has nothing to do with engine swapping.
Why are you even against the idea? there's no cons to it.
Is it because you can't weave your dick with your turning waifu online anymore?

Yet despite how easy it is to implement the fact that Beenox hasn't done anything with it clearly means they're not interested.

and there it is
what is so balanced about Cortex
what about Pinstripe's personality is like yeah, there's no way he could be anything BUT acceleration
when I think of characters that share design and personality I immediately think of N. Tropy and Tiny fucking Tiger

I feel you bro, it's almost sad when I feel my relatively untouched L1

nice job responding to 4 hour old bait

They have a chance to do it for the next GP.
If they don't then a lot of players are just gonna drop the game. Spyro GP was already a huge disappointment and if they refuse to acknowledge the glaring issues of this game much longer, then there' not reason to keep supporting it.

Yeah not having a responsive R1 really fucks up everything onward. How's playstation controllers built? Xbone controllers are the cheapest pieces of shit I've ever laid hands on.

I might get sniped again but eh. Found this weeks ago.

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>what is so balanced about Cortex
He's the most collected and well-adjusted of all the doctors and he's Crash's arch nemesis.

>what about Pinstripe's personality is like yeah, there's no way he could be anything BUT acceleration
Pinstripe has a quick temper and a quick trigger. He always shoots first.

>best solution.
> --- Solves nothing
> + Is easy to implement
> + Makes it so you can play Roo as a Speed character

>Solves nothing
>You can now play as any character you like and not be handicapped

Bucket o' crabs, son. No one is willingly ending last.

But the problem is the balancing.

And you have to accept it will never be addressed.
Engine swap is the best you're gonna get out of beenox

>there's no cons to it.
How about the fact that this bandaid is applied they won't even consider doing anything else for class balance?

>relatively untouched L!
I've tried swtching which bumper I hold to drift but it fucked me up every which way. I tried using the d-pad and my whole body moved while I was trying to turn. Xbox is suffering

Attached: 1564540672525.gif (300x300, 2.46M)

Then by that logic you should accept engine swaps will never be addressed.

a bandaid is still better than nothing.

>Engine swap is the best you're gonna get out of beenox
But engine swap is worse than nothing.

But you don't know that despite throwing it as if it was an absolute, whine enough and something may happen.

Imagine banning someone over something so tame.

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'Better than nothing' is a compromise for the sake of compromise. Ask more from Beenox. It's your money.

>replaying time trials
>doing every track first go
It's hard to imagine I was yelling at my TV over this

It might not be, but it's the closest call we got so far because the community is very vocal about it. Even the canadian fag made a video about it and he's close to beenox.

How so? Have you seen the state of online and time trials? it's just speed characters. When was the last time you saw a Geary or Ripper Roo player? Engine swapping would at the very least give us a more diverse cast. Right now, 3/4 of the characters are never played.

They can't even implement a basic checkpoint system. If all they can do is 'bandaid' solutions, then asking for a bandaid solution to the stats balance is our best shot.

Who even came up with the whole Engine Swap thing? Is it one person pushing it endlessly?

>He's the most collected and well-adjusted of all the doctors
is N. Tropy a joke to you
Cortex is the most childish, petty, and and short-tempered of the doctors

I would have accepted "Crash is balanced and they wanted Cortex to mirror him"
ND did not think, "hmm because of Pinstripe's short temper and propensity to violence he must be acceleration" they were like
>dude we only have two accel characters
>then move, like, Papu or Pinstripe or Joe or one of the literal whos over, whatever works

Reddit shit that belongs there instead of here

That's completely made up.

Ive gotten banned for similar fairly often. Im used to it. Fuck jannies.

Attached: 5B207A35-FD81-43AF-A949-8D4C2235D65B.jpg (1035x743, 192K)

>was a world-renowned scientist with a high paying industry job
>got fucked by suits with budget cuts
>rebuilt the missile that nearly killed him into a pacemaker so he could live a normal life
>taken in by his childhood friend, offered unlimited piles of money to build rockets, mechs and space stations
>puts up with constant headaches, mental instability and abuse from Cortex because it's his job
>lives with the fact that his greatest failure is the only thing keeping him alive
Gin had a hard life

Attached: ngin_concept_hidden.png (540x600, 216K)

N Gin reminds me of Doc Ock alot

Attached: 0E8D0871-D170-455B-A64F-B0F232A052C7.jpg (200x315, 18K)

correct, but the point of my joke is that you are severely overestimating how much thought was put into what characters were given different stats, even more so in NF where stats seem to be picked at random out of a hat

god I fucking miss classic N. Gin, NST Gin was a mistake

That doesn't mean you should give up and ask for the minimum. Ask for a real solution, demand it with pride instead of this half-assed nothing.

You know that if Beenox wanted to add Engine Swap they would have done it by now, and you ask for it all the same. Why not ask for the real deal?

Every time they pick spyro circuit it's a prank at my expense, right? They don't actually mean it?

NST Gin has the better coat. Classic Gin has better facial structure, hair and voice.

Because it's more likely to happen if it's something that's easy to implement and doesn't require them to touch the game's balance.

Why not just ask for more classes

The game will have over 40 characters soon and there's only 4 clases

Stop. Anyone can tell immediately they didn't fucking test what u-turns did to the game's balance, and they didn't test what 8-player item balance should look like.

>4 clases
There's only 1 class and 3 different ways to handicap yourself.

honestly I don't give a fuck what we get, anything's better than what we have now, no matter what happens (if anything at all) it'll be fine
I just don't have anything to discuss so I just bitch about nothing


It's too late to make substantial changes to the game.
The main dev team moved on and the skeleton diversity hires crew can't code for shit.

Not that user but if engine swap somehow gets added to the game nothing will stop me from still playing as turn and Liz. Call me crazy all day.

Attached: 4578B667-354E-427C-A667-ABC7E7975043.jpg (1149x978, 257K)

Too much shitty grind, especially since you can Wumpa the rewards now, and the rewards this time suck shit, as do the characters.

there's more of this guy?

Attached: 1562445677158.png (342x378, 37K)

>the one tiny blending in

This pretty much, I wouldn't swap anyone's playstyle.

Attached: IMG_20190914_001541_246.jpg (724x577, 103K)

Haven't noticed is the payout at least good on his track?

Know the other 2 gp tracks have a great payout

>he can't u-turn
Imagine being so bad at the game.

Not at all
It's crash cove tier

>There's only 1 class and 3 different ways to handicap yourself
Say that shit to me while I kick your ass with a 6/7/2 character. Your 1 extra point to Speed won't match the precision that max acceleration gives.

Attached: 1S66943239330.jpg (753x649, 122K)

Guess it kinda makes sense since it's so short but least I know to skip it when weekend wampa time is on

>playing turn means you're bad at the game
you literally have to be more skilled to do well as turn
also wow holding down and brake at the SAME TIME very fucking difficult even a speedrunner would have nightmares

>still can't find regular sour patch kids with the code
>but here's the watermelon one
damn it

Give me some Isabella screenshots for reference. I'm drawing her and I want it to be on-model.

But think about it. I'm sure you want the game to be fixed as much as anyone else.
Isn't rallying everyone behind a real solution much more important than settling for a compromise? If it's that much harder to achieve you should try to band everyone under a common goal, not split them.

This one really shows her skull shape

Attached: 1S197392110032.png (584x702, 448K)

Enjoy being forever at 4th place when you play against decent speed players.

Accel is the only class that can come even a bit close to speed. But you'll never ever gonna win on tracks like Crash Cove or Mystery Caves with them.

not one store in my area sells any of the promo stuff, I found some of the sour patch when I was down in the city but still no trident

Attached: IsabellaWins.webm (286x532, 2.93M)

>the precision
You imply that a proficient Speed user can't more than make up for the class' apparent shortcomings. All your extra acceleration does is cover your mistakes.

Attached: 8739A282-0BAC-4EE3-9999-BADAC276F949.jpg (400x468, 38K)

Of course I can you faggot
>Playing on ez mode
I bet you would

Attached: IMG_20190902_182735.jpg (1920x1080, 661K)

>Of course
>posts an over 2 minutes Hyper Spaceway
Are you just trying to prove me right? because you just did

Attached: 1S0725105300.jpg (303x615, 55K)

I'm a speed main you retard, but I'm not deluded enough to think that speed requires more skill

>The advanced class doesn't need skill
>The beginner class is the most difficult
Look at this retard and laugh

Bought 1 watermelon, apparently a known scalper hit all the stores in my area and is trying to resell codes

I can u-turn just fine on any track that requires it. Even posted webms of it past few days

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Attached: 1S134985945.png (880x628, 723K)

>online races are time trials
And that pic was from the back in time gp. Since you don't play this game online I'll tell you that during that time frame was when 8 orbs and 5 clocks went off every race.

>engine swap fag thinks anyone who doesn't use speed is bad at the game

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Nigga I can get a sub 2 minutes hyper spaceway online no problem.
You need to git gud or shut the fuck up you little bitch.

>reading comprehension the post

>turncuck shitter: the cope

>The advanced class doesn't need skill
>The beginner class is the most difficult
yes, that is correct
Naughty Dog's poorly thought out class names from 20 years ago do not reflect on the current state of the game

excellent reading comprehension, retard
how are you still in these threads, you've been shitting them up for months with your hazardous levels of faggotry

GIT GUD or FUCK OFF you brainlet retard.

Turning characters literally need to u-turn just to build reserves without hitting the wall, lmao Speedcunts never relax

Attached: CCliz.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

Spyro track is SHIT, this is a fact, the other two are way better.

What are your UNPOPULAR Crash opinions?

Attached: 1564528337024.jpg (1403x992, 171K)

>Talks shit
>Posts the easiest track for turn characters
>Thinks that keeping a blue fire with a fucking turning character is impressive
The absolute state of turningcucks

I hate enginefags, but I hate you more. Please fuck off with your autism.

i like all crash games


I like Von Clutch

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You got dnf’d by a turn character didnt you user? The salt still hasnt left those month old wounds

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Why are you saying "git gud" to people claiming they can do fine with any class?

>Backpedaling this hard
You said people who use Turning can't u-turn. One retarded statement at a time, sonny.

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fucking based

I want him in CTR

Speaking of, does a special version of the kart unlock under that tab if you have all four items? Since the one shown in the promo material has stickers on the side which the one in game lacks.

You have no ground to say this when you're the one who's too afraid to use the characters he wants regardless of their class.

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I DNF Liz cucks everyday.
Your tears are delicious.

Because they can't, why else would they handicap themselves? The sad reality is that they're bad at the game and hide behind "muh turning class" in order to "stand out".

Case in point, look at this retard who truly believes shit baby shit is impressive.

Nina is my waifu.

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I've never hated Crunch

And I think the series really needs to get more use out of its female characters, because Coco porn is just staggering and it yet for some reason none of the other female characters show up most of the time.

>why else would they handicap themselves?
because they like the characters?

So they are cucks

>Because they can't, why else would they handicap themselves?
Because they want to, why else?
>they're bad at the game and hide behind "muh turning class" in order to "stand out".
If they're bad then how come they're winning races?

I always hated Crunch
but his Nitro Fueled redesign has sold me on him

i dislike crazy lisa

You're a spectacle. If you were actually funny I'd at least not be laughing out of pity.

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Any retard can win a race against a braindead lobby and screencap it.
Post real shit, like a time trial.

I love every nitro kart track and I'll gladly vote for any of them over the orignal ones

Lying is a sin.

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Post yours first cuck

>I DNF Liz cucks everday
>Spyro central
>Only Gnasty, Zam and Velo in lobbies if you manage to find anyone playing turn

>Liznigger is out of arguments already
I'm the one laughing my ass off at you sweaty.

>The sad reality is that they're bad at the game and hide behind "muh turning class" in order to "stand out".

Holy kek. This post reeks of a speedfag mad he got beat by accel/balanced/turn players.

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>Everyone who posts Liz is the same person
You really need that to be true don't you.

Cope harder turncuck.
If anything, I pity these players and wish they just got gud instead of hiding behind their handicaps.


>"You're just bad!"
>"You just want to stand out!"

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The speed user just wants (you)s. He does this shit on every thread, talks tough for free publicity, ask people to post time trials, and then deflects whenever people bring up logic. Nothing to see here but someone using poor bait the past few months

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>people who play a more challenging class are the ones who need to get gud

>Posts the only win he got in 2 weeks after trying to find a lobby full of shitters
Very "impressive" retard

Sorry user but she is my wife.

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Fuck off shitskin avatarfaggot

Am I a bad person for using the candy kart online in a region where it is not even sold? I really like the sugar-like dust trail the wheels have.

>misquoting to avoid leaving a reply
That's childish, even for you.

Your bait could use improvement but its always worth a laugh.
Speedboys getting angery.

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How would that make you a bad person in any way?


When are you gonna stop posting your furfaggot waifu and git gud?

Are they any good character, skins, and paint jobs that go well with the Candy Kart? I'd like to get it because I like racing compact cars but I don't have any idea what/who to use it with.

Makes things pretty lively, almost at the bump limit.

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he was just bragging about having the full set in a region where it's not sold

Last one

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saw it look good when someone put on a red/white paintjob on it while using Chef N Gin .


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fucking based and PCKDGKT7J76Jpilled

No idea dont think I've seen anyone with the entire set yet

When are you gonna post your PSN anons have been asking for, challenge them to a race and prove your bravado? You gonna grow a pair finally? Thats true. This guys always at it. Seething cause he lost to turn or just fishing for (you)’s. His bait needs some serious improvement.

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PSN is Dustiel
Post yours now you fucking shitskin monkey bitch.

wtf why are you do rude?

Theres like 8-9 of these. Hmmm I wonder which one it could be...

I actually like Dragon Mines.

I dont really think Twinsanity deserves a remake. Also I dont care that much for all the post naughty dog content outside of a few things here and there.

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because my mom beats me, sorry user

It's not so much about wanting to brag but that I might unintentionally come off that way during races. I simply like how the items look, and it would be a shame to not use them after all the trouble to get them.

Could come off as rubbing it in to people that can't get it easily, pretty much.

I find the only thing that is troublesome is the wheels themselves, as they're quite distinctly candy themed, but the paint job and kart body themselves are pretty versatile and match up well with many other items.

Only issue you might have is that the kart body comes only with that one decal, which might make it look too simple without and somewhat strange with it on, but I personally quite like how it looks with the Cabrio paint.

How many days left in the grand prix? I literally never played spyro GP yet.

>liznigger with more shit opinions
more news at 11


I have everything but the stickers myself, I'm actually curious if having the four things unlocks it as a special kart or whatever since in game it doesn't quite match up to the promo material.

I do too, people flee though...

I still haven't gotten the hang of the wooden spiral. Despite my mastery of u-turning something always seems to fail.

ok its fine user i understand

>2 weeks
Welp, guess imma start now and reach 5%.

So which one is it kiddo?

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Can you not use a free trial on a new PSN account anymore?

Dragon mines I've got no real issue with, fucking Tiny Arena though..I dont hate it but godamnit online.

Post more brap memes xD

I think they ask for your credit card information now.

What don't you like about it? It's one of my favourite tracks.

Honestly, Tiny Arena is no bullshit, git gud or go home. I wish there were FIVE more tracks in the game of its caliber.

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I'd be completely on board with that, the GP tracks have been awfully simple and I'd really like more demanding tracks like Tiny Arena to be added instead.

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You keep hitting Goods instead of Perfects and probably aren't realizing because you're using the shitty turbo hud.


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>finally ready to relax and play while shitposting with my fellow CTR bros
>thread is already at bump limit

Here's a possible combo I don't think looks bad.

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I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the next one, user. Have a good one.

Cya round
Ill make another in a bit if someone else doesnt. Made 3 today but they got archived earlier

Attached: 96C577BB-3B33-4917-BF6B-74251CA272BB.jpg (897x724, 147K)

>us 5 different characters
*1 character with a palette and voice swap

>they got archived
That means they weren't deleted, at least.