do you agree
Do you agree
okay, now I know this is bait
not even in the top 3 RPGs of 2015
>not silent hill 2
> Fixed camera RE
Go back to bed Grandpa. No good RE games released before 4. Also, Prime 1 came out in 2002 so that should be the game for that year anyway. Also, BOTW completely invalidates the whole list. Anyone who thinks that steaming trash pile deserved above a 5/10 has irredeemable taste.
Normies mad about bloodborne huh
>no xbox games
>my favorite logo isn't on any of these covers reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Played every game there except Mother 3. Still gotta get around to Earthbound at some point.
i agree because v has garbage normie taste
> Dead Space
> Portal 2
> Dark Souls
> Doom
> RE2 Remake
All of these are on Xbox.
Doom 2016 is boring as fuck why do people like it so much? Not even dissing modern shooters I love a lot but that is just boring.
It's simply inferior to the older dooms and it's only doom in name not quality.
Not even a rpg, brainlet.
>any metal gear
Sorry but they are shit games. Sure, one hell of a ride, but in terms of gameplay they really suck. I was really disappointed in them.
Still I love the crazy story.
>dark souls
Stop this meme, it is a bad game for wannabe tryhards.
>MH World
Come on now, MH was never goty material, especially World which is casualized shit.
OH NO NO NO I don't think so. Fuck off with that garbage game that is simply "galaxy 1 leftovers"
>RE 2 remake
No, 2019 is Astral KINO. I'm really impressed in it, didn't expect Platinum to pull off something like this. I'm unironically more interested in news about Astral Chain2 than Bayo3 right now.
replace colossus with dmc3:se and RE2 with dmc5
>All this nintendo shit
>Monster Hunter
>REmake 2
Fuck off
dead space is kino you cum guzzling fag
Soul Silver? Not Heart Gold?
Do I have a choice? Says right there it's according to me.
Lugia is objectively cooler than Ho-oh
unironically based
I'll take it
>No Etrian Odyssey
I'm disappointed in you user
Honestly it might be, that's a good list
>all these Ninties
Fuck off.
Nintendo has made a lot of great games and I feel bad for you if you can't enjoy them
Soul vs Souless
>Nintendo has made a lot of great games
I'm not even gonna bother since you're just gonna reply 'shit dude, total shit' to literally anything anyone tells you.
If you can look through Nintendo's hundreds of games and not see any that you think are good or great, then you better not enjoy any games ever made because they've made a good game in almost every genre besides things like RTS and online FPS
>Dead Space
>Mario Galaxy 1
Metroid Prime was released in 2002 though
This is so much worst than the ops
GoW should be 2018 otherwise good list
Shit dude, I'd say FE3H is my 2019 GOTY.
Haven't played anything else except some RoR2 since it released. Maddening difficulty has me addicted again.
>Fucking Mario Galaxy instead of Halo 3
>all of it is nip shit or the most mainstream of games
I fucking hate nu Yea Forums
Decent list but biased towards Nintendo games.
I guess it does represent the average Yea Forumsirgin since this is Nintendogaf.
Only games Iwould call you a faggot for are Pokemon Soul Silver and Portal 2.
>2 Mario galaxies
>a fucking gba game
Grow some balls dipshit
Here are the official game of the years, how does that make you feel?
> 2000 - Majora’s Mask (62 Best Game Lists)
> 2001 - Super Smash Bros Melee (61 Best Game lists)
> 2002 - Metroid Prime (75 Best game lists)
> 2003 - The Wind Waker (62 Best game lists)
> 2004 - Half-Life 2 (70 Best game lists)
> 2005 - Resident Evil 4 (85 Best game lists)
> 2006 - Okami (35-40 Best game lists)
> 2007 - Bioshock (60 best game lists)
> 2008 - Fallout 3 (20-25 best game lists)
> 2009 - Uncharted 2 (30 best game lists)
> 2010 - Red Dead Redemption (54 Best game lists)
> 2011 - Dark Souls (53 Best game lists)
> 2012 - Journey (26 Best game lists)
> 2013 - The Last of Us (54 best game lists)
> 2014 - Bayonetta 2 (6-7 best game lists)
> 2015 - The Witcher 3 (29 best game lists)
> 2016 - Overwatch (10 best game lists)
> 2017 - Breath of the Wild (28 best game lists)
> 2018 - God of War 4 (10 best game lists)
> 2019 - Resident Evil 2 (2 best game lists)
>not ace combat zero
Shit list
>bitching about fixed cameras
Days since Yea Forums SEETHED about classic RE: 0
Surely the "best game" should be the ones which were most popular and lasted longest. Like it or not various cods, league, dota, gta v, pubg, fortnite, various halos and without doubt minecraft should be on there
Is Doom bad? I haven't played it.
>all that weeb shit
Most of them are games that I might not personally think should be there but are decent enough picks, the only ones I would vehemently disagree with are Fallout 3 and Overwatch.
Strangely, I always though Okami was never received all that well and was more of a cult classic.
2008 should be TWEWY or Persona 4
2016 should be INSIDE
>dead space instead of tf2
i dont agree with this list except for
mgs3 and re2
wow classic is goty
you're a faggot, but props for including Ristar
Japan does it better
2019 is gonna be luigis mansion 100%, it looks fantastic. Really above and beyond what people expected.
I've only played 3 games to completion from that list so I wouldn't know
94 TIE Fighter
95 C&C
96 Quake
97 Fallout
98 Ocarina of Time
99 Planescape
00 Deus Ex
i could continue but I guess that is your list of personal favorites that nobody except you agrees on
Replace Majora's Mask with Shenmue and I would agree.
>not TW101
If we are gonna consider remasters as game of the years then Mario kart 8 deluxe and donkey Kong Tropical freeze funky edition should be in the list. We shouldn't though because that's fucking retarded.
>Digimon world 1 not 1999 best game
You're not a true digimon fan
>2012 Dark Souls
>2009 NOT Demon's Souls but the REMAKE of another game
What a retarded list.
Evil Within was developed in Japan, retard
>Monster Hunter world
>This year when we haven't played death stranding yet
Dark Souls came out in 2011 and Sekiro is better than REmake 2. Likewise Demon's Souls is better than whatever the fuck you got there in 2009.
>Dead Space
who the fuck made this list
not sure why people keep lying to themselves that dead space was any good
>Metroid Prime
>MGS3 is the only game above 6/10
Is it possible to have taste this bad?
I still have to update my personal GOTY.
Did you make this yourself, or is there a site for it? It's really well-done if you did it in paint or whatever.